A 76-year-old woman has been arrested on suspicion of abandoning a body after her husband was found dead at their home in Tokyo’s Arakawa Ward.
According to police, they received a call at around 10:30 a.m. Thursday from the woman's neighbor, reporting that the body of a man was in the house. Police went to the house and found the decomposing body of the man, who was in his 80s, Fuji TV reported. The man’s wife, Katsue Suzuki, who has limited mobility in her legs, was quoted by police as saying her husband died about a week earlier and she just left the body in the first-floor living room because she didn’t know what to do.
Police said there were no external signs of injury on the body and will conduct an autopsy to determine the cause of death.
The neighbor had gone to visit the Suzukis because she hadn’t seen them for more than a week and was worried something might have happened to them.
© Japan Today
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Was it really necessary to arrest her ???
It's not like her story is hard to believe...
Very sad that they arrested her if she didn’t do anything really wrong.
Poor old lady just lost her husband.
The arrest permits governmental sanctions to proceed. Katsue Suzuki's confusion strongly suggests the appointment and intervention of a caretaker, compelling responsible agencies to sort things out. Jailing a person who is mildly demented interests nobody when culpability is questionable. Summary dismissal of the incident diverts Ms Suzuki from the justice system and also from social care.
Michael Jackson
Granted she's an old woman with limited Mobility, but she couldn't pick up a phone?
I'm not sure if people actually understand that such loss can actually impair judgement and what we would consider "sound" decision making.
I feel that this arrest will cause a lot more problems than it will actually solve.