Police in Miyoshi City, Aichi Prefecture, have arrested a 77-year-old man on suspicion of murder after he strangled and beat an 88-year-old woman at her house and stole cash and other items.
Police said the suspect, Kozo Kase, has denied the charges, and quoted him as saying, “I don’t know,” NHK reported.
Police said a relative of the victim found her lying on the floor at around 11:10 a.m. on Tuesday. An autopsy revealed she had been strangled and also suffered a broken skull and ribs. About 30,000 yen and and other items were stolen.
According to police, the victim was the landlord of the house where Kase lives, and police are investigating the possibility that there may have been financial trouble between the two.
© Japan Today
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Criminals are getting older and older. Guilty until proven innocent.
Violent, evil man. Imagine the terror that flashed before this poor, old woman as she was attacked.
If found guilty, he needs to be hung.
Rest in Peace to the poor old woman.
The humanity. Rip. Condolences to the family, friends, and relatives.