Police in Nakaimachi, Kanagawa Prefecture, said Tuesday they have arrested a 79-year-old woman for beating to death her 79-year-old husband at their home.
Police said Yoshiko Suzuzki has admitted killing her husband Masaharu after they got into an argument over his girlfriends of several decades ago, TV Asahi reported.
According to police, Yoshiko beat her husband to death with a rod in their livingroom at around 8:30 p.m. on Sunday night. The couple lived together with their second oldest daughter, 43, who was not home at the time.
TV Asahi reported that last September the couple got into a fight about Masaharu's former girlfriends and police had to be called to break up the fight.
© Japan Today
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another site says:
Happy wife happy life..i guess some guys never learn.
Let it go...let it go!
Again. A lot of assumptions here being made about an elderly gentleman. If he was cheating, you think his murder was a just punishment? Just wondering.
Most of the guys commenting think it's funny that an old woman is still mad about old girlfriends. But you don't know what the fight was about. Maybe he lied for years and spent money on girlfriends that could have been spent on her, kids, their lives. Who knows - maybe what happened years ago still has impact on their lives today. Or maybe he had girlfriends decades ago that only came about later.
Put it the other way. I don't know how many men would take finding out that their wife had cheated on them. Men would probably be madder. Especially if they didn't get sex for years only to find out there were other men.
Anyway, cheating is pathetic. Unless you're not in love and don't care, nobody is happy finding out their partner has been cheating on them - men or women.
Rule #1 when having a Japanese wife - don't bring up your ex's... ever
women can be scary, fighting over gfs , at 79 is a bit late i reckon unless he was still dating 20 year olds
Yes, because men are never scary...
The late Suzuki must have forgotten the lesson learned by all men in long time marriages. Husbands should never, under any circumstances, allow themselves to be drawn into a discussion about old girlfriends. Although women will ask about them they do not really want to know. They actually want you to tell them why you chose them instead of any of the others. Avoid the trap and keep your home life peaceful.
@ wontond "That's a fact jack" 15 years ago I made a comment to my wife about one of her friends at our daughter's wedding. I still hear about it.
Women never forget and can't let anything go.
Based on what? You know as little about her motivation to kill him as we do.
That's funny Cliffy, cuz I would say almost the opposite. Men are much more likely to get whiny, sentimental and feel sorry for themselves when they break up, and remember it forever (and stalk), whereas women may have a good cry, but then, boom, they've moved on, and it's like, oh yeah, I used to know that guy.
I thought only young chicks here had the jealousy streak. He should have left her jealous azz a long long time ago.
Another prove that men's memories are like RAM in computer, it is gone once power is off. And, women's are like hard drive, they will recall it for as long as it needs.
Alex Einz
women can be scary, fighting over gfs , at 79 is a bit late i reckon unless he was still dating 20 year olds
Baba bing, baba Boom.
Yuya Koike
Women remember your past betrayal forever, terrible.
....and this on the heels of the story about the 95 year old stalker yesterday. Good grief! I mean it is great that there are so many healthy old people here, but some of them seem to have trouble growing up!
Family killing each other is always very sad.
Good point Fishy. Sounds like a devil wife.
Aaron Loki Brummett
If your current girl ask to talk about your old girlfriends... you say "what girl friends?".
girlfriends from decades ago... old girlfriends.
I'm not denying your whole comment, though.
Were the former girlfriends hot?
taj, smack to the face?
Quote from above article: "Yoshiko beat her husband to death with a rod."
It said girlfriends "of decades ago"' not that he continually had girlfriends.
The geriatric crime wave continues!
Strangerland, I wonder if it was a fluke. Perhaps as a young man, he took the occasional smack to the face or head without issue, bu now that he's 79, this smack to the face snapped something in his feeble old neck? or knocked him over into the corner of a table. Old people (and babies) are a lot more fragile than young adults. For that reason I really with the common acceptance of "smacking people" for comedy, sports coaching, teaching would be quashed.
anyone in their right mind would have left such an a**hole. ~sorry. but, what if she couldn't leave, and was forced to live this life of shame? more than what meets the eye.
Seems to be happening more, the oldies killing each other .. good theme for a movie series ? Baba Kira .. 1 .. 2.. 3...
The old woman living in the past
Women often cannot not let things go, and sometimes they want to fight about what happened years ago, I guess this is one of those times. RIP old man.
This country prides itself on it's low divorce rate but I can't help think there are many, many unhappy couples that suffer deacdes of being in a marriage they greatly want out of. Decades of girlfriends? Granny, why didn't you leave?
LOL. Guess she asked the question every man fears being asked "Do you think she is/was prettier than me?", and he gave the wrong answer.
I just saw this lady on the news - she didn't look like she'd have the strength to be able to beat a guy to death. She looks a lot older than 79, and definitely does not look like a killer. Not to say she didn't do it, just that you'd never peg her as being a threat if you walked past her on the road.
Ricky Kaminski
Hell hath no fury, like a granny scorned.
Mirai Hayashi
Why? You're 79yo! Let it go already!