An 8-year-old girl was stabbed in the abdomen by a man as she was walking home from school on Thursday afternoon in Matsudo, Chiba Prefecture, police said.
The attack happened shortly after 3 p.m., Fuji TV quoted police as saying. The girl had left school with a classmate and was attacked while she was walking along a narrow road beside a river shortly after her friend left her. Police said the girl suffered multiple wounds that required treatment at a hospital.
Police said the girl told her mother that she was attacked by a man dressed in black and wearing a black cap, Fuji TV reported.
The attack is identical to one that occurred two kilometers across the river in Misato, Saitama Prefecture, on Nov 18, when a man slashed a 14-year-old girl on the face while she was walking home.
In that case also, the victim and a girl friend had left school together. About 10 minutes after she and her friend parted, the man grabbed her from behind and cut her chin with a knife before fleeing.
© Japan Today
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Serious question time, JT editors: why is it that you continue to give such prominence to violent, sensationalistic (yet fairly rare) stories such as this one (child abuse, kids falling from verandas, rape, murders, ad nauseum)? Could it be that you try to encourage the inevitable bitter Japan vs. the West comments that are sure to follow, hopefully hitting the holy 100-comments mark. Are you more interested in producing a quality product or generating the most number of clicks? They are not, unfortunately, the same.
(Please don't remove this is off-topic. I think it is an important discussion to have.)
Another crazy person on the loose.
Ben its News!!! Matsudo isn't far from me so I'm interested. 2nd attack and if linked it's a more serious one. East vs West? This is an in English news site so comparisons to home countries are inevitable, and healthy. To censor or filter anything would be propaganda. Most stories are covered in mulitable and global news services anyway, so JT are just doing what all news services are doing. I'm happy to be able to read other people's opinions very informative.
It's very news worthy, unfortunately. Scary, and with the copycat culture here, it may get worse.
Mirai Hayashi
Are they even looking for this guy??
It has nothing to do with Japan vs West comparisons. It's news. Every TV network and major newspaper carried this story. And considering that it may be linked to another stabbing case nearby just two weeks ago, it is of great concern to local residents.
Cricky, if you knew me you'd know I'm the very last person in the world to be in favor of censorship or filtering. Yes of course a little girl getting stabbed by a stranger is news, but in this publication it is always at the very top of the news, which is what I object to. JT loves when any story generates over 100 reader comments, and the easiest way to achieve this is to foster divisions among readers. Just take a look at some of the recent stories. My question to the editors is why are these sensationalistic stories always given top billing? (And my suspicion is that they are trying to encourage this reader in-fighting we see so much of because it is "good for the ratings game.")
Ben we are now doing exactly what you are suspicious about, that's funny. Mods have said why it's top story.
Ben, this is very big (and sad) news. People should be informed, and a lot of foreign residents can't or don't read the Japanese news.
I hope this guy is caught very soon.
These events have always happened throughout history. The difference is that in the past they weren't printed.
I agree with Ben, the risk is minute, and society as a whole would be better off if these types of sensationalist and gruesome local stories weren't printed as national news or headline news.
We are not trying to foster divisions or reader in-fighting by publishing these stories. They are news events. It's that simple.
So do you mean that if you lived in this area, you wouldn't want to know if there is a slasher on the loose?
Nicky Washida
Every parents worst nightmare. I hope the little girl makes a full recovery. This seems more serious than the attack the other day.
There seems to be a spate of these attacks every year doesnt there? Not saying it doesnt happen overseas, but it seems to be easier to happen here because the kids all walk to school and back alone, making them easy targets.
Thankfully still rare, but even one is one too many.
Seems to occur more often outside the major cities - because there are fewer people around and more "isolated" streets I guess?
Stories like this always make me mentally trace my daughters route to school and think of any place where security can be enhanced, but aside from getting her in the car and driving her myself (not allowed to) I cant see where we can. If a nutjob is going to get through, he will get through, even if she is walking down the street with me.
Where's the "Sting" operation? There are plenty of Japanese policewoman that can pose as a teenage girl walking alone near the river, with her service revolver, handcuffs, whistle, etc. in her book bag! Why do the police always wait for some average citizens to nab criminals of this type?
an 8 year old and a 14 year old. weak pathetic person. Hope the police decides to stake out the place now and hope they catch this bastard
Elbuda Mexicano
This is so WRONG!! A poor little 8 year old girl?? This SOB criminal needs to be hunted down ASAP!!
Nicky, this time. This is definitely the fault of the National Police Agency. They sit and SLEEP in their little police boxes. They should be out there walking the beat and stretching their legs. Instead they are no where to be found.
You can bet this guy is going to strike again. It's getting cold though and the police won't go outside. They have these very handsome leather jackets but where them just to look cool (I guess)
We've got all the cameras in the world out there. You can't tell me that they haven't found someone or something suspect. The car, the bike, the man wearing all black???
Nicky, it's not rare. There are many cases that are not reported. Some guy just rammed my friends car off the road. You didn't hear about that, did you?
HA - where was meant to be "wear" I really want to be able to edit our posts.
ben4short - I agree with you completely about the sensationalism and the highlighting of stories recently on here so that people will comment, although it is a news-worthy story.
Am going to guess that when/if caught, the man will be unemployed and claim he was stressed or tired.
Good morning Japan.! Welcome to the news of the day. Sad, scary, anger .. all mixed
I wonder what causes a person to do this. What is going through his mind? Does he live in a fantasy world in which the children are somehow perceived as a threat to his existence?
Are there any psychiatrists out there among JT's readers who can explain this type of crime? I''d be interested to know.
Brainiac, though I am not a psychiatrist, I think a lot has to do with jealousy and general hatred of seeing other people have something you don't have. Children so young still have their future ahead of them. They have friends, are generally cheerful, in short, everything that these scum who commit these crimes don't have.
Why such individuals aren't happy, have no friends, and so on, that is hard to know. But I think this is why they target children. Happens in Japan, but also happens everywhere. Not sure if my theory holds true outside of Japan, though.
Lastly, as the father of two little boys, I think it is important for news agencies to keep us informed that such crimes are being perpetrated. Heck, in Nakano all parents are registered with the school board and we get e-mails from the school if there is some creep seen lurking around a school and so on. I think being informed is much better than not knowing.
Terrible news to start your day with... I don't have any data, but i get the feeling that these awful cases of people being stabbed for no apparent reason by strangers have been multiplied a lot recently. Of course, someone could argue that there are western cities with a much highest ratio of crimes, which is 100% true, but stabbing an 8 year old girl....what kind of person could do something like that???
Ben is right that there are many readers who tend to bash Japan severely in some of the articles. I guess they have their own reasons, as we all know that life in Japan is not always easy for foreigners. However, we all must agree that a case of stabbing a random and innocent 8 year old girl is not something that anyone can ignore so easily. I hope they will arrest the lunatic or that he will surrender after realizing what he has done.
Ben: It's NEWS for lord's sake! While it might be 'better' to read about who on this year's Pccky's "longest legs" award, that would not interest or be of concern to the majority of people in the nation, whereas hearing about yet ANOTHER stabbing of a young child IS. It is sad and horrible news, to be sure, though thank the gods it sounds like the young girl will be okay, but more importantly it serves as a warning and can double as a preventative measure in the future. What's more, through identifying what the man was wearing and the conditions of the attack, it might well lead to citizens pointing out a person that fits the description, and police catching the guy. Seriously, my friend -- if you don't like the bad news, don't read it, and by ALL means shut off your TV. There is plenty of vapid, light reading in the entertainment section to cheer you up, and occasionally in the sports and travel sections. It stinks that there's so much bad news out there, but covering it up by putting false priority on fluff when there's not a lot of good news out there doesn't accomplish anything.
As for this sicko... it really is disconcerting that this seems to be on the rise (and by that I mean happening frequently, since 'Toorima' incidents happen often enough here). I hope they catch the guy, and I hope both this young woman and the 14 year old recover fully in body and any help they need to do so in mind.
Dennis Bauer
i hope they find that nutter quick and yes again chiba
Not sure if there is a real increase.
Noticed something over the years, after something makes the headlines similar "news" are highlighted till something else makes bigger news.
If you read all the news you see that pattern, watch in 2-3 weeks a similar stabbing won't be reported on the front-page.
I hope they don't catch the guy. I hope they find his body after he met with the wrong person.
Maybe you are right and i hope that you are right, my friend.
There is no excuse behind any crime...but stabbing a small girl??? I can't even process this... I may be sound cruel, but i don't care what kind of psychological problems this lunatic had. I know few people who had difficult and unpleasant childhood but they didn't turn into serial killers or anything. Yes, i understand that some people are more sensitive and fragile than others, but hurting a small girl is something beyond imagination. The only fortunate thing in this story is that the girl was not hurt seriously and i hope that she will recover from the scar (both the physical and the psychological).
Samantha Zoe Aso
Just terrible for the little girl and her family. Sends shivers up my spine. I am actually quite impressed with how much safety procedures our shogakko implements. Depending on where you live, kids are assigned special routes to walk to school, staff are positioned along key points of the route and near main roads.I have often seen city office patrol cars cruising around. Unfortunately, it's rather difficult if not impossible to take measures against these kind of random attacks. All we can do is be more vigilant.
100% agree. In my City many school-routes are blocked to motorised traffic in the morning, etc.
We also got Dog-patrols, you can join if you own a big dog like a Golden Retriever. Sort of a neighbourhood watch patrol, take your dog for a stroll on an assigned route and time.
Our local police here runs patrols too, specially marked cars with blue lights.
You can't prepare for random craziness. That is the scary part.
I'm just hoping the poor little girl is OK. I think Japan - and most other countries for that matter - need to start building more mental hospitals, where folk who display violent tendencies early can be locked away forever.This is happening far too often.
Michael Craig
These are just disgruntled middle-aged guys fearing that the Japan they knew and grew up in is disappearing, so they vent their frustrations on defenceless kids!
Nicky Washida
Sam / ITS ME: ours is the same, and I have been consistently surprised and impressed by the way the system is organised (before we started school I was very much in the horrified my-child-will-never-walk-to-school camp).
I know a nutjob will get through if they are really determined to, but I hope that crowds of people and adults on every corner are something of a deterrent - they are less likely to get away with it (one would hope).
Nicky, LOL!
I hope they catch this creep! And I want to know his stupid reasoning on why he did what he did. I hope the girls recover mentally as well. No child should ever have to deal with something like this.
Nicky Washida
@netninja - I meant attacks on little kids are relatively rare (relative to the number of kids walking to school and the ample opportunity there seems to be to attack them) but I agree with you aggression in general in Japan is not rare, and I dont think the docile image of Japanese culture really holds much weight anymore. I hope your friend has recovered from his/her ordeal. Very scary.
Ben4Short. I agree with you. Do not doubt your observations. If you have noticed a pattern of behavior then what you see is what you get. While others may try to claim your radar is off, I would tell you that you are spot on. You have noticed something and I want you to know that others have noticed it too.
As a reader and a regular poster your comments should be heard uncensored.
These stabbings are becoming an epidemic with many not reported.
So now we need to arm our kids with pepper spray?
Having read this story and the post by ben4short, when Japan Today say this headline has nothing to do with Japan v West comparisons, then why put it on Japan Today? Forgive me if I'm wrong here, but doesn't Japan Today exist because it is debate in the English language highlighting those comparisons and garnering hits because of the comparison debate? And when Japan Today say their headline may assist the concern of local residents, how can an English-language site assist local Japanese citizens in Chiba and Saitama? When none of them will be reading Japan Today unless they are English speaking non-Japanese?
ben4short is right on the button. The only reason why Japan Today put headlines such as this on their site is to raise that 'look at how awful the Japanese are and look what they are doing to their children' conversation to increase the hits.
Japan Today, let the domestic news and the domestic police investigate this one. An English-language news site has no need to run it as a headline to 'assist the case and the locals concerns'.
What an a__ehole! People are getting more and more aggressive thesedays. I see it here in Osaka. Pushing on the subway, dangerous driving in big panel vans, and general shitty behaviour between strangers. Unemployment and social discontent. Many Japanese people aren't used to dealing with the type of society Japan has become.
In short, more police, more action by the police and more public intervention when shit like this happens!
Not at all.
Kids here need to carry a Bohan(sic) buzzer.
Basically a cheap device that attaches to the school-bag, pull the cord and it emits a 120Dezibel noise, many also double as emergency flash-lights. Sold everywhere.
Yeah, the buzzers are a good idea, better than nothing anyway.
I remember a few of my students carrying them (taught English between 1991 and 1997). They should be standard for all kids (sad but true)
They are now compulsory for primary school kids, school will recommend certain models.
Franchesca Miyara Yang
@Nicky Washida
I agree with you Nicky, which is why I walk my kids to and from school. I do and I don't care about what anybody says, and I have never been criticized because no one dares. I think I told you about the way my face looks angry all the time, it works wonders and people stay the hell away from me. haha! My children are my treasures and if I want to walk together with them to school I will because I can. There is NO law that tells you otherwise and I am living proof of it. No one should be force to do something they don't like. Parents should follow their instincts.
However, I wouldn't trust the keystones. This nutcase most probably child molester is one the loose and haven't been caught yet That can tell you lots about how they do their work. Harassing people on bicycle proves more important apparently.
The Munya Times
Street killing, serial or will be serial killer no surprise her, but an 8 years old kid? I basically have a curious nature being interested in everything but now I don't know if i want to have and insight of this case as well as the perpetrator inner world or better never look in it.
Another remark, I noticed that in Japan very young kids enjoy the liberty of walking in the street, traveling in the train alone without any parental supervision even in late hours of the day. I think it would be timely to change this for something better. Even if parents are unable to escort them they could hire an adult escort to be with them either when they are in group or individually. Would be safer and in the meantime a lot of jobless could earn some money.
@It"S ME
Carrying an alarm is a good idea, but it's not going to prevent a random psychopath from stabbing you.
Not disagreeing there, neither will walking in a group or with a parent.
Perhaps my third attempt will get thru to most readers. I am not denying that this tragedy is news and worthy of inclusion in this and other Japan-related media. No argument here. And I am less interested in fluffy feel-good news than anyone on this site. Replacing one with the other was not my point (which I think everyone except Smith understood).
What I strongly object to is the TOP NEWS placement of these types of stories; i.e. parent negligence resulting in pachiko car deaths, falling kids, violence in general . . . you get the picture. These stories invariably lead to posts comparing Jp police and US cops, Jp laws and US laws, Jp parents, etc, even to the ridiculous point of comparing the value of human life in Japan and the rest of the world.
But like all online media, advertising rates are determined by clicks, reader comments, visits in general, and my cynical suspicion is that despite the mod's constant "let's be nice to each other" refrain, management is quite pleased when things get hot and heavy on the comment boards, and even encourage it by placing these inherently controversial stories at the top of the heap. I have noticed this pattern for a long time but only decided to bring it up today.
omg! I think this sort of violence has increased since 3.11.
Messed up, Japan sure has its crazies!
Fabian Chinen
I think it's very important for those foreigners with children living in Japan who can't read or understand Japanese News,
If the parents can't understand J-news they will have a tough time reading and understanding the local school news and requirements. Never mind the PTA meetings, etc.
I would want to give my kids baseball bats to carry home with them.
All young children should be told by their parents to maintain awareness around them. The bloke is following two kids who are happily laughing and talking, oblivious to those around them.
He waits till they part and then goes for one, on a section of street that has no cameras and few people.
Ben4short, as a parent, Im glad stories like this are given much attention because it makes parents more aware and if I lived in that area I would especially want to know what dangers might be out there for my children. Moreover, a foreigner living in that area that cant read Japanese may not know this happened unless they read something about it in English or their native language. This kind of news is VERY important to know especially when the criminal is still on the loose. This isn`t sensationalism. This is information sharing to make people aware, and not just in that area. It reminds parents all over Japan that if this can happen to a small child in Chiba just walking home from school in the broad daylight, it can happen anywhere in Japan so parents must not get too comfortable thinking Japan is such a "safe" country. This reminds parents to remain vigilant. This news is very important news to report.
Good to hear.
Nicky Washida
Yes, we do. Its an absolute nightmare and I am working very hard on trying to improve my Japanese so I can deal with it all. And Im the best J speaker among the foreign parents at my kids schools, all bar one other guy. Most of the others have little to no Japanese at all.
I wasnt going to weigh in on this whole JT publishing sensationalist headlines argument because I think it is pretty pointless TBH, but I KNOW that many many foreigners here greatly appreciate the news that is shown on here, and find it far more useful than certain other websites that may be more detailed but dont show the variety of news we have on here. I DO want to know what is going on in Japan, warts and all, not for comparison purposes with other countries but because THIS is my home and I want to know what is going on here. I dont have a bad view of Japan generally, because I - and I think most of us here - understand that a few nutjobs does not a whole country of nutjobs make.
So keep up the good work JT, I appreciate the site, and anyone who doesnt - well, you know where the shutdown button is.
" Even if parents are unable to escort them they could hire an adult escort to be with them either when they are in group or individually. Would be safer and in the meantime a lot of jobless could earn some money. "
As a parent I would never hire an escort to take my child around especially a jobless person. You just don`t know what sort of people would be attracted to this job. I sure it would be a dream job for molestors. Molestors always go for jobs that put them in contact with children.
Actually walking home from school should be safe. Children in Japan have walking groups, and in my town we have paid traffic guards on every main street the children walk home on. These guards know each child by face and name. Once my son missed a day of school and the guard knew it and inquired about him. They are excellent. We also have volunteer community patrol who patrol the neighborhood and smaller streets while the children come home from school. But even with all of this if you have a mad man with a knife who is determined to hurt a child, even a paid escort or parent may not be enough to protect the child.
Ramires Bourguignon Ferreira
i'm with you Ben... the more sensationalist a news is, the more business chance for advertising JT has... it's the media market principle... anyway, just let it go...
Sorry, but if you need to rely on sites like JT, etc you aren't in tune with what is going on in your neighbourhood.
Heck, the last 4 combini robberies here never made it into the national news nor onto JT. We had a police heli chase a robber recently.
All the news is available but it takes japanese and reading sites that specialise in your area, etc.
OMG! so scary. i hope she recovers well. i want to stab that guy to death!
oh, and please leave JT editors alone -_-
My daughter is seven and we don't live too far from Matsudo. I'm so glad she doesn't walk to or from school. she is always on the back mum's bike.
Publicizing these attacks is both good and bad. It is good in the sense it does create some public awareness, but it also promotes copycat attacks. It seems that every year in Japan there is a spate of these attacks and they are usually all within a very short time of each other. I just hope the J-flops get this bugger before he hurts another kid. I also hope they get him in a cell and give him a good phone booking!
My son, 11 now, has been walking to and from school since 1st grade. He made many friends on those trips and sez walking to and fro with friends are some of the best times.
Heck, I had his friends ring my bell early to pick him up, etc. Same they often pile into my pad on the way home.
Why hobble him from those activities and interactions?
Elbuda Mexicano
Here in my part of Tokyo, I observed a Japanese dude, say about 30?? 35 years old with a huge telescope in his car and pointing it a a local high school, let the cops know about it about 5 times, I even cussed out the useless cops for asking me stupid questions, like what is the EXACT ADDRESS of this potential pervert. My wife is Japanese, she got really pissed off at the idiot Japanese police and also yelled at them over the phone, told them to go and investigate ASAP, then we called our local political leader, made him go out their and ask that guy in his DIRECTLY what he was doing, and wow, now I have not seen this pervert in his 2 cars, one blue and one grey but both with a HUGE TELESCOPE! So we must urge our local POLICE to do their jobs, sometimes with kind words and sometimes with strong words to let them know that we will not just sit around and wait for crimes to happen, right??
Um. Its a news site. They post news, thats the job they signed up for. 2, its a business. if they want to keep making money, they have to post news that will make people want to look. It doesnt matter if they get upset or happy or whatever. I applaud JT sometimes for posting things that some media outlets in japan won't post. And yes sometimes they do post some stuff in a way that i dont appreciate but i will not question why they posted it. If you wanna just read news about kittens, rainbows, and flowers go watch sesame street. But dont complain about why a news outlet posts something. Your opinion is not the general concensus. What you may feel is not news is always news to someone else.
Anyway, hope they catch this jerk that is hurting the kids. Also, i hope that it is one person.
Has he broken any laws? Did you try to approach him yourself? What do you want the police to do?
Not sure what you are trying to say here.
Forgot to add, Police = Law Enforcement not Crime prevention
Ivan Coughanoffalot
I live near Mabashi, where this incident took place. This is at least the fifth serious incident in the last 6 months in or around Matsudo City, but only 2 made the news in a big way. There was a kidnap attempt by 2 Japanese males near Nambu Shogakko (Matsudo) and 2 other attacks involving knives as well as these two recent cases.
Matsudo City allows parents to choose the school, so maybe this is everywhere now, but you no longer have to attend the nearest elementary school to your home. But the schools still try to tell parents that their children should walk to and from school alone. They told me that my six-year old son should stroll 15 minutes across Matsudo, cross busy roads by himself, and this in an area that the school knows has had several serious incidents. My wife and I told the school where to go and my son will always be taken and collected by me or my wife.
Yesterday afternoon, the school called the parents and told them that it might not be safe for their children to walk alone at dusk. You reckon? The route to the school is not lined with volunteers and teachers, even in the morning. In fact, I have only ever seen one person connected to the school along this 15-minute journey. Parents here should not listen to these idiot oyaji principals who on the one hand believe this is safe conduct, but on the other think all kids should carry alarms. The alarm is useless if some nutter sneaks up behind a child with a knife, or one of the jumpers flies across red traffic lights. This morning the local mothers were doing the "Do-shio" bit, so I told them to take their kids to school and pick them up again as none of them have jobs or anything else to do. This idea was greeted with hilarity and a couple of "demo, samui daiyos".
I feel terribly sorry for this girl and her family, but the schools are partly to blame for trying to ostricize parents who have a sense of reality and think that one of the main jobs of a parent is protecting their young. This could not have happened to my child and I would encourage others with young children to have a look at their local set up and make an intelligent decision on whether or not their local area is ensuring the safety of their children on the way to and from school. If not, the parent has a responsibility to go proactive and make sure their kids are safe.
Thx, the post I was waiting for. How will you prevent such an incident?
Or will you turn into a Jet Li clone and get medieval on the perp while your kid bleeds on the side-walk. What will your priority be?
Time to get realistic, if he can take your kid by surprise he will take you aswell at the same time.
Neither of use are super-dads/moms that can prevent/anticipate such an attack. Neither will our presence prevent anything from happening.
smithinjapan - It's Best Leggists, actually ;)
@ben4short I wish more people read Japan Today. It is the only place I can read crime stories that happen throughout Japan. I feel many stories go unreported. Perhaps the only people that care are the ones reading Japan Today. More people need to take a stance and change the laws so Japan is a better/safer place for kids/people. When I say better place, I mean less bullying, less suicide, less pornography, less racism, etc. Criminals need more than a slap on the wrist. Courts/judges need to get tougher on criminals. Police need to enforce rulings. Teachers need to crack down on bullying. The government needs to make changes so these things happen. Until change takes place I hope Japan Today continues to keep the readers informed about stories such as this one. I hope they catch this guy soon and he gets put behind bars for a long time.
Good job Ivan. Don't have to be jet le...this nutter is targeting children on their own. So far never when any adult present. These people a socially retarded and have low self esteem thus the surprise attacks on defenseless kids, my guess. Having an adult present would at least deter them, and if not..any parent would do anything it takes to protect their child.
Cricky, sure.
Sorry, but things in real life don't work the way you imagine them and that includes your responses. Deterrent is always good but a true nut-case will ignore you.
We are all heroes in our heads and than reality whacks us when we are faced with a real situation. Talking from experience. ;)
The Munya Times
I've got your point and I believe you are absolutely right in many aspects and there would be many differences we might want to reconcile with JT, yet I think even if you made a good point it was not the best thing to bring it up in context with this news.
Also, in my post I am very critical and sarcastic about everybody and everything, and such as I might venture to say that shaping the JT discussion board is quite well upon us posters too. Seeing our very own performance and attitude here on JT, being faithful to myself and remaining critical, I must say we posters could do it much more better, too.
Who is acting and who is reacting? We are leading JT too with our attitude and in many cases they just react to what we do.
I don't like taking risks. I will drop my kids at school and then pick them up. period. no questions asked.
Hope she recovers well and has good support system around her- family, freinds, teachers in school to help heal her emotionally too. Hope this does not scar her for life and she makes a full recovery- both physically and emotionally.
What is the reason that this kind of crime only happens in Japan? And why becoming more frequent?
BW. Fine but how will your kids interact with others when they don't have the school or you hovering/supervising them?
How can they be themselves and share/exchange true feelings with peers?
Well, it would be nice if these sorts of terrible stories were further down the page and not the first and featured story. I agree that is placing too much importance on them. I do agree with Cricky that they should be carried...
Lourdes Suheil Goya
My 7yo Ichinensei walks 45 minutes ultil the nearest school we have,that is in Yashio,border with matsudo and misato.Two moms and me we are always in middle of the route to check the kids,now we are collecting them from school,the other moms refer to us as the crazy overprotecting gumi,well our kids are safe and i dont matter what the school or the other moms say.
For kids to grow and mature you need to let go and let them to their thing including mistakes. Be there for when they need it.
We are only guardians to them.
it'S ME, honey... I would let them go and come back from school by themselves if I could...but unfortunately the school they go here is a little far from home. I rather give them the lift. They are really used to it and nobody complains to me at school. Now, when they go out to their classmate's house or to the convenience store, they go by themselves. The 7-11 is 2 blocks from here, most of their friends live close too, but school is pretty far. Also I'm very worried about those nutjobs going around targeting lonely walking kids. I will protect my children the best I can. I'm so sorry if I look overprotective. Better safe than sorry, no?
@Lourdes Suheil
I bet they wouldn't say such trash to you if one of their kids got stabbed by a nutcase. People should think before opening their mouth.
Samantha Zoe Aso
@ Nicki! Here, here!
@Ivan. Great post! Whilst I am impressed about the shogakko's safety route implementation, I feel it is actually my responsibility as a parent to ensure my kids are safe onroute. Once they hit those school gates, it's up to the school to ensure my little treasures are safe. School ground, the school should be looking after them. Outside world, parents responsibility.
How far is too far? We are on the very edge of the schools limit. 20 min walk.
Don't matter either way, my son prefers to walk it with his buddies chatting, etc. He would hate to have me drop/pick him up.
No matter how I feel this is all about him and his feelings and I WON'T impose my own over his.
Heck, he comes home drops his bag and is off to play with his buddies. No worries he knows the time he is supposed to be back. He is always on time as he knows the penalty for being late.
Exactly, Samantha. Well said. (^_^)
That is the reason why I always tell my friends that death sentence should be kept in place. Because idiots like this devil should not be kept in prison for long. He should to be put to death by hanging.
Go for it coddle your kids but when will it end? How will they grow if you won't expose them to the real world out there, which ain't pretty nor gentle.
Sooner or later they got to learn the harsh lessons and it is up to us prepare them for it.
If they aren't prepared .....
The Munya Times
But how could we know when they will need us if we are not there by them?
When I was four years old I kicked up a fuss for I wanted go for shopping to the big market place alone and wanted to take a walk alone in the big city.
My mum let me, but I noticed she followed me from a big distance. I didn't signal I noticed her but when we were at home I told her not to drop behind me so far next time 'cause I won't be able to help her if she needed. I think I was the main reason she lost her sense of humor:-DDD
The other summer she took me to the countryside from the city for the summer, I was 7 and our place was the last house in the village just one km from the forest. I was not allowed to go alone anywhere cause the forest was full of bears and foxes and wild animals. My mum accommodated me in her room but I waited until she fell asleep, she could sleep quite well, I silently dressed up and climbed out the window and window and went to the forest in the night to watch the bears, foxes in their natural place. I only met dears and stupid badgers.I was a bit sleepy next days yet I did it all the summer she never found out.
And I went back to school to the city and I was eight and I wished many times that someone was by me in the city when was coming home alone after darkness.
I was not coward, I had a sense of reality and realized that sometimes I might not be enough for some situation and my uncle came to pick me up to the school for 2 years.
So I an with BlueWitch and I am sure she will find a place and opportunity for his kids to learn real life gradually with her supervision and if she does that i am sure her kids will grow stronger, more indpendent and realistic than to lonely heroes.
The Munya Times
dears = deers sorry my spell checker corrects misspellings in its own way
The Munya Times
So I am with BlueWitch and I am sure she will find a place and opportunity for her kids ......sorry, tough day
We are individuals and there is no 100% method to guide us.
We learn from the mistakes of our parents but are more likely to repeat them.
In short there is NO guide and NO 100% correct way to raise kids.
All the books, etc out there don't have the real answer. We need to wing it as best as we can and our mistakes will haunt us and our kids.
Tom DeMicke
I support JT for this...this should be the number one story. We are talking about a little 8 year old girl having been stabbed. This is so sad yet so serious. I'm pretty sure they are advising students (at least in mainland Japan) to be vigilant and walk to and from school in pairs or more. I hope there are no more copy cats...enough is enough. May she fully recover and hit the playground again soon.
For kids to grow and mature you need to let go and let them to their thing including mistakes. Be there for when they need it.
Really? I've got a few friends in prison that took that route...
"Blue Witch: I don't like taking risks. I will drop my kids at school and then pick them up. period. no questions asked."
Amen, that is a good parent. I do the same, and will protect my kids until they are able to protect themselves. It's called being responsible...
Their parents failed them. Plain and simple.
At which age can they protect themselves? Elaborate.
Who taught them how to protect themselves?
@It's ME
Their school is about 25 minutes walk taking the shortcuts, but there is too many major traffic intersections. I want to avoid serious car accidents the most. It's a fact that some drivers would run off and leave my kid's corpse in the street like a piece of meat. I am sure my children want me to go together with them to school. They have told me. They feel no shame. and why would they? There are other kids doing the same. Fortunately. It's not like they are the only ones. At home they have been taught many things about the REAL world outside. My husband makes sure to keep them updated with what's happening nowadays. Nutters stabbing, trying to kidnap children, etc. They know that they are NOT allowed outside after 5pm. They know they can not talk to strangers and if they see something or someone strange, they must call me and come home or go inside the nearest convenience store immediately and wait for me. That's why they carry cellphones. Let people call me whatever they want. I am not gonna trade a dead child over anything else. I completely refuse to have the ashes of one of my children. It will never happen in this lifetime. That's why I'm their MOTHER. My only job is too keep them alive until they reach adulthood and can take care of themselves.
Wrong Charlie, it's called being paranoid, a totally irrational fear. I know, I know, better safe than sorry, blah blah blah, but seriously all you over-protective worrywarts, your kids are a thousand times more likely to die in a plane crash than at the hands of a random "nutjob" on the street, so why not keep them grounded? Sheesh . . .
You like others don't get my point.
Raising a child is more than taking them to adulthood and magically they can take care of themselves. It is about teaching right from wrong and being responsible, doing the right thing, etc and that don't start at age 18 or 20. If a human don't get it by age 6/10 they won't get it at age 20/30/50.
In short we need to prepare them for the challenges ahead and there are many as their bodies, minds, etc mature.
Like I said we are the guardians and guidance to male them into proper adults. We are the senpai and sensei.
keep them grounded? WTF are you talking about? They go to the konbini, Kasumi, the bakery shop and many other places by themselves, alone. But none of those places are more than a 10 minute walk. I know the distances and where exactly they go walking. Their school is a different story. It's more far and bad location. So now I'm a worrywart? Who cares. I'll take my chances. They are MY children after all. I will act as I see fit.
Readers, please stop sniping at each other. Focus your commentson the story, not at each other.
The Munya Times
it''S ME Dec. 02, 2011 - 04:30PM JST
That's true. I can't contest what you said.
At this time, for the sake of changes I tried to view this issue from the angle of little kids.
Well, getting more serious, I think, it's not just about how much time we spend together with the children, with our children, and about proximity, but we should help them realize their own limit of capabilities, what situations they might be get involved and how to handle it, teach them and prepare them for the unexpected as much as possible and also we should find out when wee need to be with them. Not easy.
I think it's better to find a safe place for this long years of learning process and the streets of the big cities like e.g. Tokyo, and some specific neighborhood might be risky and being overly caring might not cause as big harm as not being there when they need us or being late.
I also think that in order to grow mature, independent, fearless and realistic, caring and teaching is more effective than learning the hard way like a lonely hero. But as you said we are different, some might learn better the hard way some might get higher with help.
We are on the same page.
I hope they catch the perp quickly.
ben4short, the "chance of dying in a plane crash argument" has always been a fallacy used with no real meaning. It doesn't mean it's impossible to die or for something to happen in any other way, it doesn't mean you are powerless to do anything about anything else, and the odds are as they are precisely because flight safety has been revised again and again over the years such that it is one of the safest things to do, just like here where you do something which will logically prevent your child from being the victim of a madman. Go and tell the parents of this child, or the parents of Lindsey-Ann Hawker that they were more likely to die in a plane crash. It's going to really help them get through it.
@It"S ME
Hell, I agree with you in many things. Still, I want to enjoy their company as much as I can. Once the youngest one reaches 3 years, I'll be going back to work full time again. I won't be able to keep watch over them 24-7. But until then, let me enjoy them. Let me "prepare" them for when I'm not there. By the time I go back to the plant, they will be in J.H.S. already riding bicycles. But they still must follow my RULES. They know it. They live by MY RULES. It will never change while they live in this house. It's because of those rules that they have never been involved in any scary situation.
Back on topic please.
Lourdes Suheil Goya
Overprotecting ,paranoid well ive been called worst,but my kids are still safe and sound.Blue Witch you are a good mom IS OUR job to protect the kids and thats it.If your wife is too lazy to get up and check on your children well,thats you and your kids bad luck.And the funny thing is that all the "let the kids roam free" team are the same ones saying after every accident : And what the parents were doing! (while the kid fell off from the veranda,got hit by a car etc etc.)
This is now alarming. Almost everyday I read at JT this kind of incident. Japan police and under cover agents.... WAKE UP. WTF are you doing everyday. Read and watch the news on TV so you'll be updated instead of sitting around your station nursing your hang over due to drinking every night.
Elbuda Mexicano
I am with Lourdes Suheil Goya, better to be SAFE than SORRY!!
Those are the Sick Japanese, and should be executed...immediately. Before spread their sickness to others, in this peaceful society.
Samantha Zoe Aso
You know, I never realized when I became a parent that apart form all the joy and delight I was also letting myself in for a lifetime of worry! I am of a certain age....ahem.... & my Mum still rings me panicked whenever she hears about another aftershock, albeit a 100 miles away or more.I used to laugh at het a little until I became a parent myself. Now I totally understand!
This whole issue of when to start allowing your child the freedom to explore really depends upon each child and parents. It depends upon your own life experiences and where you happen to be living right now. I am no helicoptersaurus but I walked my kids at first grade up to the point where school staff were positioned at intervals along route and tons of other kids were also walking along. Second grade, they leave in the morning with a group of kids who I am very familiar with and on good terms with their parents. The school is about 15-45minutes away depending on who you walk with!!!! My kids have earnt trust from me that they will stay with the group. I work and pick them up from Gakudo as it's late and dark. For everyone it's a gradual thing and finding that comfort level. Also, some kids are more mature than others. However, I always err on the side of safety. Yes, it is true the chances of your child being attacked are so many in a million but you know, I rather just not be that fraction in a million if I can possibly help it. Before long, they'll be teenagers roaming loose. We are all, I am sure just trying to do the best we can.
Arthur Dumbolov
So, basically kids get stabbed when they are going home from schools. Why there are no school buses? Why schools can't hire special workers who will accompany children when they're come home? This is serious defect, in my opinion.
Samantha Zoe Aso
@Patrick Smash. Totally agree. Spot on!
Nicky Washida
Im with Paddy, Samanthe et al. My daughter is as safe as can reasonably be expected walking to school now, but in our old area with narrow streets and walkways and fewer people around i didnt feel she was and I walked with her. It is impossible to say when is the "right" age to let go. Every child, every parent and every situation is different. But given the choice I would always far rather err on the side of caution and pay for my childs therapy as an adult, than go the other way and face the consequences if the worst happens.
And it don't have to be a little nerd, some of those guys might be bigger than you? Sorry, you are projecting here from your own mind on how you want those guys to be. Let me tell you those guys can be anyone you meet on the road.
But nice ad homimem. Thumbs up on that one and also to the guys that thumbed your post.
Reality is that if he wants top stab someone he will do it and you can be build like Mike Tyson and it will happen.
Letting 8 year olds run loose is because the parents don't want to be bothered. It is irresponsible and negligent. An 8 year old can not reason what to do in difficult situations. Stalkers know these things, so should parents. Those that don't are pathetic.
@Patrick Smash, Well stated.
That's the way to go, Bluewitch! Most people can not understand the feeling of a parent who worries about their kids. I don't have any kids, but i realize that if i did, i wouldn't even risk 1% of something happening to them. As you said, better to be safe than sorry!
@It'S ME - I think most people would agree with your general sentiment, but not about the specifics, i.e you can't mollycoddle your child until they officially become an adult and then expect them to go off and survive on their own just like that, but the time to let them go is not when they are 8 and there is a potentially homicidal lunatic out and about. I would say that shows pretty poor judgement in knowing when to let go and when to protect. In this case, what would you do if you were in this situation, living nearby, with children, if not what other posters have been saying and take your children to school yourself?
I'd like to say that one of the things I like about Japan Today is that it publishes LOCAL news too. This story falls into that type of category. Many other J-news websites focus on news that are more relevant to people who may only be doing business in Japan and are only interested in ex-pat life. These are the type of stories that are covered on the local news, and that if you interact with normal Japanese, or teach them that is part of the local gossip. Japan Today offers a balance of stories that a lot of other sites don't.
I'd also like to say, that I am very glad that Japan Today has stories by its staff and writers. Not all readers of Japan Today are fluent in Japanese and some stories being covered (as I mentioned above) are not covered by English media.
If Japan Today will commit itself to covering the same stories that Japanese domestic media cover, but English media in Japan skip over, it will continue to broaden its appeal. -- While I am not particularly a fan of the AFP, thumbs up on this site's content!!!
Could I just take a moment to say that this story was originally reported by Fuji TV?
I think it mentions that twice in the article and for those who don't know that's a Japanese company.
Japan is a pretty safe place already for kids and people and I would much rather live here than some dangerous overseas country.
Please stop thinking you have access to some special "English-only" news when it is always being quoted from Japanese news sources.
Uhh...we Japanese do watch the news that your sources are being taken from...
Its me:
Golden Retreiver as guard dog? You got to be kidding. For a GR, there are no bad people... only friends he has not met yet. That said, I think it is a great idea to use the school route and time as an opportunity to walk dog. Good for all parties involved.
Mike Walker
Its a very sad story.I think parents should encourage kids to walk home in groups with the possibility of some older children being monitors.Im sure there are plenty of older people who would be willing to fulfill a valuable role as an escort for children who walk alone or who have busy parents.Its also a good idea to vary ones route home and times as often the ambush attack is made possible by observing a routine.Needless to say that if the attacker had been on a borrowed bicycle the police would now have him in custody.
Elbuda Mexicano
I saw this news here on JT, in English then heard it in Japanese on NHK etc..and one of my jobs is teaching and protecting small children here in Japan, before our lesson ended I asked the Japanese teacher if he had heard about this news, he had not, then I asked him to translate and let the kids know about it, and THEY HAD! Their Japanese parents had heard it and had warned their kids to be alert just in case I also told them to avoid any crazies out there because now here in Japan you just never know, and I am sure getting a knife to the back ain't much fun.
I am just glad the little girl survived.I hope she gets full support in dealing with the mental scars as well as the physical.This time of year should be about getting excited about "Christmas Season" and sharing some KFC.
And you do as you see fit BlueWitch,it's your right as a mother.I'd rather see an overprotective mother than some kids out late at night,with parents who don't care or know where they are.
"This is an in English news site so comparisons to home countries are inevitable, and healthy. " If I were to to post statistics comparing the rate of knifings in Japan and "home countries", my comment would be removed as off topic.
I don't know if anyone has mentioned this before, but I'm very impressed with how much information this 8 year old girl has recalled and told the police. It must have been a very traumatic event, but the fact that she cooperated with the police will hopefully speed up the process of finding this sick bastard. Apparently the guy was younger looking than her father (who's in his 30s). She also described the length of the knife, what he was wearing, how it happened, etc. Let's hope the cops catch this guy before he does anything else.
Elbuda Mexicano
Tadaima?? Great comments Patrick! The Japanese police must understand that they need to do their job and catch these scums ASAP!! Before say, we do??
Kamala Brown-Sparks
My husband is a therapist and works w/inmates....It's Me & others talking about the child needing to learn about the REAL WORLD: In the REAL WORLD, the child molesters said that when they were looking for a kid to abscond, they always looked to see which child/ren never had a parent around or come out frequently to check on in my REAL WORLD, I follow the advise of my husband who's had to work with all kind of nut jobs!
I work a LOT with groups like the Guardian Angels, Police Force, etc. And I agree those are the easy targets, yet a bit of training will protect them.
Your Real World is a fantasy and I am sure your hubby is protecting you from giving you the real data.
Don't train your kids and who failed them? The perp or you.
Training can be as easy as them greeting people on the road or saying Itadakimasu when they enter their home(regardless if someone is at home).
I have to agree a little bit about the news coverage. "The masses" are a strange animal. They should be able to look up news if they want to, of course, but I feel news needs to be given out in a different manner. On this particular story, giving some sort of local coverage would be good. Maybe even just sending a note home with students to alert them and their parents. But when you start giving national news, it's obvious that telling millions of people "the financial outlook is grim" will have a direct effect on the economy, especially when it's repeated night after night. They make the problem worse by using news as entertainment, "thrilling" people with how terrible things might become. Naturally, people hear this and start thinking "we'd better cut back on our spending." "Best to put off those big purchases for a few months." "Better have a small Christmas this year." Sales fall off, production is scaled back, jobs are lost, and that becomes part of the ongoing terrible news. The news industry needs to change, because the world itself has changed. In this age of information, what is reported can also cause changes. They need to rethink carefully how the news should be covered. Why do they need to tell EVERY PERSON IN THE COUNTRY that the economy is bad, and going to get worse? If people see prices going up, they'll know it's bad. Hearing it every day is only going to exacerbate the problem. Likewise, if people are told every day stories of how crazy society is getting, it is going to make people behave more and more erratically, and also cause paranoia and fear. Change the information people get, and you will change the world. And for you who will of course scream "censorship!", know that information is already changing the world. It just doesn't seem to be helping any the way it's being done.
Dennis Bauer
Seems to be happened again and in the same area? there was a report on "morning bird" news , what striked me strange was that the reporter was telling about the occurence in front of a school and kids were walking to school alone! i would drop my kids at the gate if a nutter like that was around.
Ben4Short.......perhaps if it was your 8 year old child we are are all reading about I'm sure your opinions would be somewhat different on whether or not JT tends to be over dramatic with what headlines lead the news.
Laissez-faire might work in leafy Setagaya, but in this area, Lourdes' approach is the way to go. Local cram schools and other places where children gather called parents and asked them to pick children up the evening after this attack...they didn't seem to think that fostering independence by sending kids out to walk home alone in the dark was a good plan either.
The school the girl attends is very close to where I live. The roads are busy, with poor visibility, and there are mostly no footpaths...after a few serious accidents, the busiest places are patrolled before and after school. We have also had our share of knife-wielding nutters in parks and on the streets since disability benefits have been cut (the mentally ill are the group least able to argue that they really do need assistance, and the more they need it, the less able they are to fight for it). Two or three kids have been dragged into cars within the closest three school districts and abducted in the past decade...and let's not start on the damage kids are able to do to each other on the way home from school!
I am not sure which river the girl was walking along, but some have limited car access and few houses nearby...but easy enough for somebody who lives not far from Misato or Matsudo to walk down the main local river from the nearest Musashino Line station.
ratpack, tired, illogical and irrelevant old argument that holds no water. That the best you can do?
It`s me:
Saying Itadakimasu??
Ben4Short.......i'll let the thumbs down figures speak for themselves on this one.