Police in Kawasaki, Kanagawa Prefecture, have arrested an 81-year-old man who lives in a nursing home on suspicion of stabbing to death a 92-year-old woman who also lived at the facility.
According to police, Takao Abe stabbed Etsuko Kawabe multiple times in the upper body with a knife at around 2:35 a.m. Saturday in her room on the second floor of the home, NHK reported. Several knives were found on the floor of the victim’s room.
A male resident who heard Kawabe's screams checked the room and found her lying on her back on the floor, and Abe standing over her. A staff member called 110.
Police said Abe, who has been suffering from dementia told them "I thought I could get out of this place if I killed a weak woman.”
© Japan Today
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How can anyone murder anyone and be so detached of it?
Well I guess prison for the rest of his life is better than the nice cozy warm place he was until then.
From the article: "Abe, who has been suffering from dementia"
Abe will soon get his wish to get out of the place , first he will go to jail, later to hell!!