Police in Kasama, Ibaraki Prefecture, said Friday that an 81-year-old woman was robbed of a safe containing cash and her car by two men who broke into her house.
According to police, the woman answered the doorbell at around 10:30 p.m. Thursday, Fuji TV reported. The woman was quoted by police as saying two men barged in and tied her up. They punched her in the stomach and then threatened her with a hammer if she didn't give them money.
Police said the intruders took a safe weighing about 100 kilograms, which contained several million yen, according to the woman. They also stole the woman's car.
Police said the woman was able to untie herself and call for help. She was not seriously injured, they said.
© Japan Today
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Glad she's okay. The money can be replaced.
Those two men are the scum of society. That said, am glad they didn't kill her.
Has there been an increase in news coverage of violent crime? Cuz it seems that random violent crime in the Big City is increasing.
"the woman answered the doorbell at around 10:30 p.m"
"two men barged in and tied her up. They punched her in the stomach and then threatened her with a hammer if she didn’t give them money."
If you dont recognize the doorbell ringer at 10:30 p.m, (late night) and you are an ederly lady alone, DONT ANSWER THE DOOR: call police.
Take a bite out of crime class 101
BTW PERHAPS someone she knew dropped a dime on her as to her loot stash...Times are falling hard NOW on Japanese economically...influencing sauch acts as noted in previous JP news stories...
Mirai Hayashi
Robbing an 81 year old woman...what a couple of cowardly aholes...I hope they find them
100 Kilos is not that easy to pick up and carry away. I hope these fools are caught pronto.
Japan is getting more dangerous as time passes and the police have no clue.