Police in Miki, Kagawa Kagawa Prefecture, are investigating the deaths of an 85-year-old man and his 5-year-old grandson whose bodies were found at their home on Sunday.
Police said a woman called 110 at around 10:05 a.m., saying that her father and her grandson were unconscious, Sankei Shimbun reported. The two were taken to hospital where they were declared dead on arrival.
Police said there were no signs of external injury on either body.
The great-grandfather's wife was bleeding from the face and was taken to the hospital. Police said they will question her as soon as she recovers.
Police said five people from four generations lived in the home, including the woman who called and the two who died. The home has three stories. The man was found dead on the first floor, and the boy on the third floor.
The grandfather, his wife and their great grandson were the only ones home at the time. The other members of the household had gone out earlier in the morning.
© Japan Today
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"Police said there were signs of external injury on either body."
Mods: Is the article saying there were no signs of external injury on either body, or there were signs of external injuries on both bodies?
Moderator: That was a typo. It should read no signs.
One had 83 years, one had 5 years. I hope they solve this case soon.
Ah. That makes much more sense.
Quite a mystery. I hope there is a follow-up, once cause of death is determined.
@Japan Glimpsed
According to NHK News Web Kagawa, the 83-year-old man was found on the first floor ,while his great-grandson was discovered on the third. Police, have said there are no signs of forced entry. Furthermore, police are considering the death of the great- grandfather to be suicide, based on the available evidence.
Oh no not again!
This is completely mental and sad at the same time isn’t it.
@Japan Glimpsed
Yes, FFS.
The only reason to comment is to express sorrow, disbelief, or provide clarification. Up-votes and down are not appropriate.
Gene Hennigh
Why was the great-grandmother's face bleeding? Doesn't that indicate that some violence was involved? The investigation could take a while. I sure hope we get a follow-up.
The facts in the article read like the first page of a whodunnit mystery novel. Deceased found on different floors, wife injured but alive.
Very tragic about the five year old, that is a nightmare for the other family members to return home to.