Kanagawa prefectural police have sent papers to the public prosecutor’s office on nine men who have been arrested on suspicion of violating the Child Welfare Act in 2020 by participating in an orgy at which a minor was present.
According to the allegations, the men engaged in sexual acts with a female high school student during an orgy party in June 2020 at a Tokyo hotel, Kyodo News reported. Participants were charged an entrance fee.
Police ended their investigation on Tuesday. The men include the orgy’s organizer, photographer, and paying participants, among them a Ground Self-Defense Force (GSDF) member, a doctor, Buddhist priest and teacher.
Police said the then-17-year-old girl was invited to the hotel in Tokyo’s Minato Ward and that she reportedly was unable to leave the room and forced to engage in sexual acts. Police allege the men knew she was a minor. Other women were also present, police said.
Police said the organizer has held about 50 to 60 orgies in Tokyo and Osaka and recruited participants by posting information about the event on social networking sites (SNS).
© Japan Today
Pillar of the society types. Revolting.
Ricky Kaminski13
Had to stop and read that again. Talk about a dirty little cross section!
Pillars of society?! Name and shame them!! It was gang rape of a minor.
Kev James
This is sick. I hope these men all get proper sentences. I bet this is only the tip of the iceberg though in this country.
Police said the then-17-year-old girl was invited to the hotel in Tokyo’s Minato Ward and that she reportedly was unable to leave the room and forced to engage in sexual acts.
This was not an orgy. It was a gang rape of a minor groomed on the internet. All of these child rapists would be doing 15-20 years in the pen where I come from.
I’m with girl in Tokyo on this one. The headline could have been reworded JT, not the sort of headline I’d see even in Australia.
‘Men arrested for organised sexual acts with minor’ would be more appropriate.
Is as if the people that have a social responsibility of becoming good examples were doing exactly the opposite.
Why does the headline say "orgy with high school girl"? It should read "gang rape of a minor."
I can't wait for all the usual suspects here to seize on this one and make their usual excuses to defend rape.
I'm shocked there was no fireman or police officer involved, Japan being Japan. I agree with others - their names absolutely must be published.
I hope these rapists lose everything - jobs, money, families - and are jailed.
Christopher Pelham
Isn't sex with a minor automatically rape?
Disgusting story. A Japanese version of Epstein.
The country needs a sexual offense register.
Police said the then-17-year-old girl was invited to the hotel in Tokyo’s Minato Ward and that she reportedly was unable to leave the room and forced to engage in sexual acts. Police allege the men knew she was a minor. Other women were also present, police said.
Even without her age, that is still rape, "forced to engage in sexual acts".
Fighto, don't worry. I'm sure it was organised by a policeman.
Haaa Nemui
It seems like there should be more arrests than just these 9 men.
Wish there was a way to Wipe the SLIME off this headline.. Whoever nameless wrote this, they had a hellof a time dancing around the all the eggshells. "Alleged" "participants" "entrance fees"
Oh careful with that axe…
'Police said the organizer has held about 50 to 60 orgies in Tokyo and Osaka and recruited participants by posting information about the event on social networking sites (SNS).'
That pretty much tells the story (true or false who could ever know?) about the J police. They new about it for how long? I guess it goes all the way to the top, where the worst offender holds the highest job.
Sexual crimes against the youth in Japan is regulated by not just one but multiple bodies of laws:
(1) the Penal Code (刑法) which sets the age of consent at 13 and defines punishable forced sexual acts in separate categories of “indecent acts” and “sexual intercourse” (see notes for the fully translated Articles),
(2) the Child Welfare Act (児童福祉法) which prohibits “causing a child to commit obscene acts” (Article 34, no. 6) and finally,
(3) the Prefectural/Municipal Regulations for Nurturing and Protecting the Youth (青少年保護育成条例、淫行禁止規定), which includes article(s) prohibiting “sexual misconduct” involving minors.
If this wasn't a news article, I would've thought this was a punchline to a joke. Yeah, I'm sure this isn't the organizer's first rodeo and I seriously doubt these minors are in it on their own free will.
englisc aspyrgend
Money in all probability.
Joe Blow
This may come a surprise but there are HS girls who sell themselves for money. She was probably lied to about how many "customers" there would be though.
RodneyToday 10:28 am JST
I'm an atheist and a sex positive feminist, and have been to so many orgies in my life that I can't even count the number. I dated a porn start for a while, and he knew all the great parties. But you know what I never once saw at any orgy I ever went to? High school girls. And that's because I'm not a rapist nor would condone rape in any form, and duuuuude - it has nothing to do with being a prude or being religious since I am neither.
It's about the sexual ethics of not taking advantage of people who are too young to consent to such a varsity-level sexual practice. In fact, I doubt any of you here would say you would be comfortable at such an event, yet here you are, trying to claim that a high school student would have no issues. The mental gymnastics you go though to justify this line of "reasoning" must be incredibly exhausting.
Right, because girls who report to the police about having been forced into an orgy did so because they lied about their age. Sure, dude. Whatever you say.
9 men sent to prosecutors over alleged gang rape of high school girl.
There. I fixed it.
Don't bet on it! This isn't how the system works here, the organizer may get time the rest will get suspended sentences or at least that has been how it goes unless you are..............
Forced against her will to leave is rape. It’s hard for you to see because you think as long as money is involved anything goes. It’s not difficult to see, is it?
samuraivunylToday 07:54 am JST
Aaand here we are! The police arrest 9 men for having sex with a minor who said she was forced to participate, and some men will STILL say there is no proof that it is rape. Because of course, high school girls so very often go to orgies, and then call the police afterwards to report being raped just for the LOLs. Amirite?
How right you are! And not a moment too soon did they come out, judging by the 20 who disliked your comment! (I wonder if they realize how it looks, "disliking" a comment made in defense of an underage rape victim? That it would seem they are actually in support of the 9 adult rapists?)
Samuraivunyl, under 18's cannot meaningfully consent in most civilized societies, and considering the article itself says this "she reportedly was unable to leave the room and forced to engage in sexual acts", it was rape.
Mocheake, you were literally the first person in this entire comment thread to bring up "man-hating" in defense of 9 men raping a child. Other commenters commenting about how horrific these men's actions were does NOT equal "man-hating". It points out a disturbing action committed by 9 adults who should have known better, and your presumably inadvertent defense of them purely because they are men is highly disturbing.
Your previous comment also suggests that news stories of women "being awful" to men are as common as stories of men raping and/or murdering women, which they most definitely are not. I don't know what bubble you live in, but most women here do in fact comment when the rare story of a woman "being awful" to a man pops up, and rightfully criticize her for it. Perhaps you'd like to ask yourself why you think you speak for (all) female commenters, and why you feel it so necessary to defend men (as if men are also a monolith) in a post about 9 male pedophiles and gang-rapists.
a Ground Self-Defense Force (GSDF) member, a doctor, Buddhist priest and teacher
”For they are all - all honorable men.”
finally rich
Never mind, my image of beautiful Japan started falling apart when I was invited for a small nomikai with some 10 people, and when we started talking about professions here we got this bald guy, drinking, smoking, telling dirty jokes, he said he was Buddhist priest, smirking, laughing, with an expression on his face almost as if saying "crazy right? look at what those donations are meant for"
The Penal Code of Japan was established in 1907 and sets the age of consent at 13. Any sexual activity with a person under 13 is considered to be statutory rape and can result in a prison sentence of up to 20 years.
Very sad to see but no surprise if you've seen any Japanese pornography
Another Ghislaine Maxwell story.
There is no "proof" yet of an orgy, either. That will be the job of the court - to determine whether the evidence provided by the prosecutors constitutes proof.
See the difference?? Not difficult really, is it.
As for rape, the article says "police said....reportedly...." a gang rape took place. That is bad news writing. What reports? It would be natural to assume that the "report" came from the girl herself. Are the police investigating the rape reports? We don't know that and other key parts of this incident thanks to the poor quality of the news reporting.
Steven Shaw
@girl-in-tokyo I was also shocked by the word “alleged”.
Why does other women commenting make a difference in your feeling and how do you know that only men post? Maybe a lot of women don't post because like most of us, they understand that there are bad people in both genders and hope justice is served correctly. Just come out and say that you despise men and wouldn't care if they all dropped dead. You posted that men are truly awful and those are your words. You only come spouting off here when men are ACCUSED of a crime against a woman and the woman is always completely innocent, solely because of her gender. Do the men in your life - your uncles, grandfathers, nephews, male cousins and brothers - know how you feel about them being men? It must be terrible to have to carry around that hatred all day every day.
MocheakeToday 08:36 am JST
Because condemning rape and rapists is "man-hating" right?
Because I don't ever see any comments from women in the post trying to justify the awful things that women do to men. When women 1) start commenting here (there are hardly any, i wonder why) and 2) those women make disgusting comments that justfiy female violence on men or rape of men, THEN I'll comment.
Until then ... :)
Ken Holcomb
Disgusting and immoral to be sure.
Those commenting on how terrible Japan is because of these kind of reports, I strongly recommend you take a good hard look at your own countries. This is a global phenomenon and will continue to be as long as men are allowed to commit these crimes without very harsh punishment being the result when caught.
Case in point: Jeffery Epstein and the still to released list of his international "friends".
This is crazy! Why did she even go to the Hotel and what was she expecting??
Because this is Japan, the land of teachers putting cameras in girls toilets , police taking "up skirt" photos, etc.. do you really expect the headline to say that.
It is also the land of libel laws where even saying the truth still get you found guilty of libel because the truth hurt the person's reputation.
"There were other women present" What did they do to help her? Just as much their fault and should also be charged
Joe Blow
It's called virtue signaling as a career.
The way these things work is that the men pay the organizer and the organzer pays the women. Obviously the other women did not interview each other about their age, and even if they did, they paid to work there not to act as supervisors.
MocheakeToday 12:56 pm JST
It doesn't. I'm commenting that there are few female posters here, and that is easy to discern by the names as well as what I know from reading everyone's posts over the course of a couple of years. You get to know things about the posters, such as age, job, gender, sexuality, and so on.
Women don't post here because women's posts get jumped on by men, just like mine do, and because most women don't want to subject themselves to the kind of raging misogyny that is apparent here.
Right, because again, that I condemn rape and rapists, and call out men for sexist comments means that I must hate all men and wouldn't care if they all dropped dead. This, despite the fact that I have great relationships with my brothers, my male friends (gay and straight) and have a loving male partner of 12 years. Or perhaps you only say that because my posts make you angry, and instead of examining your attitude towards women, you attack me.
Very likely I said that in the context of a man being awful, or after I was piled on and attacked by the men in this forum, and was commenting specifically in that regard.
If you can find a comment, by a man or a woman, where that poster has a) called a man who accused someone of a crime as being a liar; b) tried to justify the crime against the man; c) tried to blame the man for the crime that happened to him;, then I will comment. But I have yet to see that happen, because in general, it's only these kinds of posts where a woman reports sexual assault that gets these kinds of comments.
Feel free to point me at any posts that you think I should have commented on but failed to do so - I'll wait.
I talk about my feminism openly with all my male family members as well as male friends and my partner. In fact, my partner has thanked me on a number of occaisions for opening his eyes on the kind of sexism that women edure on a daily basis. And yes, being subjected to sexism and comments such as these in this thread, including yours, is terrible and disheartening in many ways - so maybe you guys should stop intimating that women cry rape for no reason and that it is not a problem to force a 17 year old girl into an orgy with 9 men who are twice her age. Hmmm?
Absolutely 0 surprise to see that a teacher was one of the participants. Sicko
These guys are vile and deserve lengthy sentences if convicted. However, I really wonder if the prosecutors and judges are men? Maybe they shouldn't be allowed to try the case due to all men being 'truly awful' according to a certain man-hating poster, and thus probably not able to render proper justice. Funny how we never see a post from that person when women are being truly awful to men. Hmm.
William Bjornson
One presumes all participants of both genders were there willingly and not dragged in off the streets and the woman in question here "was invited to the hotel in Tokyo’s Minato Ward and that she reportedly was unable to leave the room and forced to engage in sexual acts. Did she receive payment as one might suppose the others did given the business model described here? Was anyone shot, stabbed, crippled, beat up, or otherwise physically incapacitated as occurs daily on the streets of my town, Anywhere, USA? Hmmm. As unsavory as this activity would seem to be, as a cultural expression one might see it as preferable to the acts reported in the 'news' everyday in America. And, had the woman not been '17' (going on...?), I doubt any 'news' of this pastime would have reached us. The charge, "suspicion of violating the Child Welfare Act in 2020 by participating in an orgy at which a minor was present." would suggest that 'participating in an orgy' itself is not an issue, just that a 'child' was present. Why did it take 2 YEARS for this to become a legal issue? All one can say is, as titillation of the righteously indignant, this story seems to have well served its only purpose...
Sad to see that
Today 07:35 am JST
Was correct that people would somehow defend these guys
So it seems these "things" (the are not men) knew what they were doing
Wow 17 and you and others here think she knows what she is really doing and the consequences!
Again 17 being taken advantage of!
There is a reason the Japanese government recently revised the Adult film industry laws, because young women are often lured, tricked and forced to do things they regret or didn't want to do.
The same happens every day with young HS girls and far to many here seem to with have no problem with it and or defend it.
No wonder I prefer to stay away from certain groups.
Christopher Pelham
Legally yes, which is why we have so many misleading headlines and hysterical comments.
girl_in_tokyoToday 10:55 am JST
Were people wearing name tags too with their ages listed?
As long as she was consenting, was paid and told that it is an orgy, and safe sex was practiced, I can’t see why prudes and religious types can interfere in other peoples lives.
only thing that concerns me is the age aspect. Did she lie? Did they know she was under 18/20?
I very doubt the part about "forced" and the customers knowing her age. If you plan a crime, you do not invite dozens of witnesses. The whole thing sounds very much like sour grapes.... someone was not paid enough and thus snitched on the organizer.
Not in Japan or many countries, the USA has statutory rape depending on age and State so does Japan, etc...
In Japan the age of consent was set in 1907 at 13 years old.
Since I have been in Japan over 30 years now the government has regularly said it plans on raising it to 16 but does nothing.
So sadly 13 to 18 years old is legal.
Police said the then-17-year-old girl was invited to the hotel in Tokyo’s Minato Ward and that she reportedly was unable to leave the room and forced to engage in sexual acts. Police allege the men knew she was a minor
At this stage, these are just allegations.