Japan Today

9-year-old girl slashed in face and neck in Osaka


Police said Sunday that a 9-year-old girl was slashed in the face and neck outside her grandmother's apartment in Higashiyodogawa, Osaka, on Saturday afternoon.

According to police, emergency services were called to the apartment building at 2:10 p.m. after the girl was found lying near the third floor elevators. She was bleeding from her face and neck and taken to hospital where she was treated for multiple superficial knife wounds.

Police said Sunday the girl was conscious and her injuries were not life threatening. No weapon was found at the scene.

According to the girl's mother, she had left home on her bicycle to visit a friend's house, carrying a school bag. She was later found in the apartment block in which her grandmother lives, in a residential area close to her home. Her bicycle and schoolbag were missing. Police are treating it as a case of robbery and attempted murder.

A local man said, "There are lots of kids living around here and I've never heard about anyone suspicious-looking being seen here. I've got elementary and junior high school aged children myself, so this has really unsettled me."

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Who in the hell would want to "rob" a 9 year old girl in the first place? I hope that the police catch this perp as quickly as possible. Incidents like this affect entire neighborhood's and causes more mistrust and fear in an already declining society.

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Poor kid. I'm pretty sure that if the perp had just demanded her stuff she would've given it. Horrible.

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A horrible crime. My prayers do the girl for a speedy recovery and strength to live life. Based on the nature of the wounds and the stolen items, it is possible that the attackers were children.

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wtf? a 9 y.o.. Who is so sick in their mind to slash a 9 y.o. scared for life. :

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ops scared was suppose to be scarred* but it works either way.

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What a low-life POS. When found I hope they let him/her hang.

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Wasn't there just a little girl slashed in the face last week? These people are sick! And why on earth rob an 8-year-old?? Did he want the school bag?

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Yep! The second one in a fortnight! I can't wait for someone to pipe up and say, "It happens all over the world!" But! It doesn't happen every other week! Yet another loon running loose on the island asylum.

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Could be a copycat crime...

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My mouth just dropped... Another one??!!

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WTF is going on in Osaka. Seriously, what kind of sick bastard puts a knife to an elementary school girl.

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As there is nothing in the report to suggest this was an adult perp, I'm going to assume it was another kid! If not we have big problems! Oh yea we do have big problems, was it a seven year old last week?

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It makes you want to be a vigilante and act like Charles Bronson in "Death Wish".

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You know what I think? Its one of those deranged chutai(14-15 y.o. boys who left junior high to enjoy life). I've seen enough of them hanging around the game centers and waiting to rob somebody to play games, buy cheap cigarettes or beer or go to karaoke.This time it was 9 y.o. girl, but they would attack anyone who looks weaker than them-old person, sick, handicapped, drunk, pregnant, otaku-looking kids. I really think the police should do something about these painted-haired, pierced, skinny, lazy,trying-to-look-like-a-game-character arrogant kids in their early teens. They should be taken seriously!

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This kind of news makes me grind my teeth and clench my fists.

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AGAIN? Hope this isn't turning into a fad...

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I hope the father of the girl catches the stabber before the cops which isn't so fat fetched.

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That's one more reason my kids are not growing up in jp. I'm sure what doesn't kill you will make you stronger, but this......

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Yamaguchi isn't that far from Osaka by train, and a big city is a good place to hide out if you're on the run. Yes, it might be a copycat crime, but it also might just be the same guy from a week ago.

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Horrible... I don't understand why she was found at her grandmother's apartment though. Doesn't this suggest that the person who assaulted the girl knew her? I hope this poor child can recover and hope they find whoever did it.

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This kind of news makes me clench my teeth and grind my fists.

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What type of nutter does that...if he/she just wanted to rob but to cut a poor girls face....the person who did this needs a serious beating

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Famillies need to protect & Not let younger Girls go out on their own. Hey if i had a Daughter id do the same thing. i used to walk my younger sister to school each day 25 mins each way. also keep watch of this Guy, Hire people to watch, use cameras, offer a reward. Yes the guy should be Beat senseless for attacking young Girls. i see way too many crimes on JPtoday news. back in the 80's there was "no crime" or was that just jp keeping all bad news out of the papers & lying about stats.

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I don't understand why she was found at her grandmother's apartment though. Doesn't this suggest that the person who assaulted the girl knew her?

@Dolphingirl, the article doesn't say if that's where the atttack happened, or if she managed to get that far after the attack before collapsing. It's feasable that she would want to get to the closest family member for help after getting attacked.

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These random slashings are just plain weird...

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Cruelty, mean-spiritedness and predatory behavior are as much a part of Japans history and culture as they are of almost any country you care to mention. These 'memes' are deeply, probably permanently, embedded and reflect the inner nature of the species as much as the details of any given culture.

However, these little devils sitting on our shoulders CAN be ignored - if we really want to ignore them. 'Empathy education' in childhood can go a long way in keeping these demons under control.

Finding things for unhappy youths to do other than make trouble ALSO goes a long way towards reducing such incidents. Alas that approach is something large industrialized societies have a poor record of success in achieving and sustaining. Japan, given its penchant for organized activities and group-think, COULD have better success with this than many other countries - IF it tried. In your struggle to earn a living, don't forget what you're living FOR ... don't forget your children.

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I don't understand why she was found at her grandmother's apartment though

Her grandmother's apartment is pretty close to where the girl lives, and the girl went to visit the grandma (she was not home so the girl was about to leave the apartment when the incident happened). Grandma must have felt terrible that she wasn't home at that time and the family must be so angry at whoever did this to the girl. The girl will need an emotional therapy as well as surgical procedure to fix the wounds on the face..

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Another one? We have PTA patrols in my neighborhood but they go out once a month, 15 women and the vice principal or somebody, all with armbands on. Completely useless. There are several hundred parents, so I suggested passing around a calendar and getting one or two people at a time to sign up one morning or afternoon a month when kids are going or coming from school. That suggestion went nowhere. People always say that crime is so low in Japan because the yakuza keep it down. Well, get cracking guys. These crimes need to be treated more seriously. I remember watching the scene on TV of the cop apprehending that little twit who stabbed everybody in Akihabara because he couldn't find a girlfriend. The cop went after him with a baton. Pull out your gun and shoot him. Show that on TV. Then these incidents will decrease.

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Anyone that attacks a 9 year old girl is a bully and a coward, so therefore the PTA patrols are useful as they deter them, fact is there are weirdos everywhere, all you can do is hope they are scared off from your neighbourhood. Just like thieves and locking your doors and windows.

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Time to hunt em down!

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