The bodies of an elderly couple in their late 70s or early 80s have been found in their home and adjacent storehouse in Takamatsu, Kagawa Prefecture, in what police believe may have been a murder-suicide.
According to police, a woman’s body was found on the second floor of the residence on Sept 10. Police said an autopsy showed she had been strangled to death. The body of the woman’s husband was found hanging by his neck in the storehouse next door.
In both cases, there were no signs of a struggle nor was the clothing of the deceased couple disheveled. Moreover, the home and storehouse were locked at the time.
The bodies were found after a newspaper company employee visited the home on the afternoon of Sept 10 to collect their newspaper subscription money. The employee noticed newspapers piled up at the entrance to the home and called 110.
© Japan Today
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So sad
This is not uncommon here in Florida.
I had an uncle that knew a neighbor that did this because of no one to care for either of them.
Unfortunately, it is quite common, the world over
That sound you hear is a center that’s no longer holding, trees crashing in a wilderness of pain. More terrifying still, the downright complacency, moral cowardice, and utter lack of any sense of crisis shown by those who are in a position to do something about it.
Not only Japan, most of the world is being affected one way or another.
As do I, for the terminally ill.
But, barring any additional evidence, this was a murder/suicide.
Too poor to carry on. Wont be the kqst story you hear like this as the true level of poverty in Japan comes to light over the coming months.
we don't know the small details and whether the wife was suffering from dementia or they had just run out of money. To kill your spouse after many years of marriage is not without pain. We don't know what the police found other than their bodies.
I support assisted suicides.
To murder your wife, then kill yourself??? No. Courage would be to face and attempt to overcome whatever perceived hardship the husband felt he/they were facing.
And, since there doesn't seem to be any evidence of that, "murder" is the correct term.
But, they didn't. So, the initial assumption should logically be "murder/suicide", barring any additional evidence to the contrary.
I think it must take a lot of courage to do something like that. Murder might not be the right term if both people agreed to it. They should leave a note of their true intentions.