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© 2022 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Ex-PM Abe in critical condition after being shot while campaigning in Nara
By Mari Yamaguchi and Foster Klug TOKYO©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
Wow. Doesn't seem like Japan.
Doesn't look good. He's in a state of 'cardiopulmonary arrest'. We all know what that usually means.
He was shot on an open street, at a bus stop nearby!
O M G!! A dark day for politics in Japan and the world at large.
Ricky Kaminski13
Unbelievable! Tragic news.
Same exact thing happened to a Nagasaki mayor.
Awful news.
Nobody should attack another human being, even politicians.
Kobe White Bar Owner
2 shots in the back with a shot gun. Loan gun man or…. Time will tell, maybe.
You wouldn’t expect that in a country like Japan that has safe and stringent gun laws
Incredibly sad news. Sure, he represents much of what is wrong with Japan and it's political system. But, that does not justify being murdered in cold blood on a public street. Just horrible. Third-world BS.
Whether you agree or disagree with him politically is not relevant at this point. This is an attack on democracy and must be treated as domestic terrorism.
Ego Sum Lux Mundi
Japan has a long history of politically-motivated assassinations, let's not go all Pollyanna here. And yes, plenty of people here have guns, some registered, some not. Wake up.
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
Wish we had more details on this.
Like what the motive was and the gun type.
My guess a double barrel hunting rifle.
Patricia Yarrow
Latest news release says he is showing no vital signs.
Aly Rustom
He was shot with a shotgun not a handgun, so his chances of survival are not good
Algernon LaCroix
Shocking news. Not an Abe fan, but he didn't deserve this at all.
I guess the election will be postponed
Shocking and tragic event. RiP.
This happened less than an hour ago, details will come soon.
That poor man and his poor family and friends.
Shot from behind in a cowardly attack. I hope he recovers fully. Thoughts with him and his family.
Assassination of an former prime minister of Japan by a Japanese assassin. I never would have thought it could happen!!! I hope he recovers!!!
Hopefully, he’s OK, but it looks bad.
Wow... holy cow... I hope he is okay
That won't be necessary.
Ricky Kaminski13
Bodyguards? Shotgun?? maji kaaaa? Just watched the footage. Just how??
This should never have happened, I wonder how anyone could get close enough with a shotgun to do this.
My thoughts and prayers with him.
He got shot in the chest with a shotgun, western news agency ,say cardiac arrest and unresponsive
The news photos are showing the weapon appears to be a sawed off shotgun concealed in some sort of gym bag or duffel.
News agencies are reporting two bodyguards also shot.
As far as gun attacks go ,Japan has the deserved reputation as a "safe" country, but Japanese history has a long and bloody tradition of political assassinations. I detest Abe, but he doesn't deserve to die at the hands of a deranged individual. It's ironic to think that had "justice" taken its course, Abe would now have been safely housed in private quarters at taxpayers' expense instead of fighting for his life in a hospital. Let's all hope he can soon recover from his wounds (and retire from politicking).
At the extremely slow pace that they loaded him into the medical helicopter, it appears that he most likely is deceased.
One shot in chedt, the other one in the neck. From 3 meters, with a shotgun. Unfortunately, survival chances are minimal
It shouldn’t have happened, but it did. You have a lot of evil and sick people that will always find a way to harm others.
Shocking, especially coming out of Japan. I've been to Japan several times. There always seems to political speeches on the street. Most people don't seem to pay much attention. But I never thought something like this to happen. Very sad.
No matter what you think of his politics he didn't deserve that.
Allegedly shot twice in the back at close range with a shotgun, it seems unlikely he could survive. A sad day for Japan.
a key question is how can a guy with a shotgun get within close distance to the former prime minister while giving a speech??
Sad that people can't shed their own biases during time of tragedy.
I pray this was just a Japanese citizen disgruntled due to mental illness and nothin else.
i am a vietnamese, i am very sad when the prime minister was shot by a bad guy, we wish you a speedy recovery.
Whether we agree on him or not, shooting someone on broad daylight is not a Japanese thing to do. Maybe in the US it's normal, but not in japan.
A shotgun either shoot a slug or buckshot,both is probably fatal if up close
I think it's more telling that you seem to be implying that it's normal and somehow acceptable anywhere in the world. Basic humanity shouldn't pay any heed to nationality or international borders.
Not a fan of Abe... but what?! This is quite shocking.
Cardiorespiratory arrest that means he has gone!
Not a fan of Abe but I hope he makes it and recovers.
I cannot imagine what his wife is going through.
Virtual hug to his family.
Samit Basu
The moment Abe san was shot.
The photo provided by Redstorm suggests the weapon is a homemade job, which in turn suggests a lone lunatic to me. It’s not easy to plan for people such as that, especially in such a relatively peaceful country. My prayers go out to Abe, his family and his friends.
You may be surprised to know that there have been 22 political assassinations in modern Japanese history.
I heard about it for the first time. Can you please tell me the source?
Deeply saddened to hear something very American happening here in Japan.
Who knows why? Does it matter at this point? An innocent man has been shot and is fighting for his life. The what, how and why questions will come later.
In broad daylight with SP security, two shots off with a shotgun. Chances are slim, but I hope former PM Abe survives.
Shocking, devastating for his family. I hope he is able to pull through.
There's a new video of the first shot going off, that looked like a hell of a lot of smoke for a shotgun. Looked more like a muzzleloader/black powder ... which would unlikely rule out two shots in quick succession.
What video?
Which would *likely rule out 2 shots in quick succession
Correction: A hand made firearm that fires shotgun shells.
who is the idiot here downvoting news information?
Looks like a sawed off double barreled shotgun to me with the barrel wrapped in black tape to hide it. Tetsuya Yamagami, 41, of Nara City is the shooter. Didn’t resist at all.
For people who don’t live in Japan, it is usual for politicians to campaign in public with basically no security. I was within 2 feet of Abe several years ago in Tokyo. I imagine campaigning will be somewhat different in the future, especially for high profile politicians
I will be very interested to learn more about the weapon, if it was home manufactured, the shells and if they too were home manufactured.
As CaptDingleheimer noted, that was a hell of a lot of smoke and no visible reaction (and it seems no collateral casualties) from the first blast.
Did the shell somehow fail?
I never liked him as a politician and as a man,but saying that I feel very sorry for such kind of outcome.
There should be never gun-violence involved and I pray that if there is still some hope that Mr.Abe can make it through.
Prasheen Shiranga
A prime minister who treated foreigners living in Japan very well. Get well soon!!
Marcus Clarke
"unconscious" is often used in the news, before they confirm that someone has died. Like they poor people in that tour boat in Hokkaido. "12 people have been recovered, they are currently unconscious".
Tragic, He wwas not a great PM. But he took the job twice when no one else could keep going at it. RIP.
I want to cut them a break because they are not used to guns but the Special Police seem rather ordinary today.
Desert Tortoise
How do you know that first shot didn't hit him? Al Jazeera is saying he has no vital signs.
That BOOM, wow!
This was not subtle stuff.
Desert Tortoise
Two shots maybe 2 seconds apart at most are clearly audible in the video.
You do have access to Google, don't you?
Try Wikipedia for starters:
Thank you. Most of them are from the Meiji era. I see that the Edo period is also included. hahaha
Aly Rustom
Just out of curiosity does anyone know who the woman kneeling to the right of Abe with a shocked look on her face is?
You may be surprised. Those suited men around politicians in Japan that just blend in are the armed security, or SP. I'd guess that Abe had around 6 armed SP. They do have pretty strong security, which makes this incident even more shocking.
The suspect takedown video showed what appeared to be a homemade double barrel shotgun.
Given that the large amount of smoke was very inconsistent with what a shotgun blast would produce, I wonder of he jury-rigged a charge by taking apart fireworks, in order to fire some sort of projectile...
This is an example that there are other things in apart from corona to be worried of… hope it recovers soon!
I'm still shaken can't believe this happens in a safe Japan.
I would be seated for this......
The shooting plus arrest of the alleged shooter.
Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, 67, is gravely injured after being shot in the chest during speech: Man, 42, is arrested at the scene
He is a member of the Japanese Navy(JMSDF).
Japan do not have level 1,trauma doctor on standby,to treat gunshots,either for slugs or buckshot
Apparently shooter is former military...
The alleged attacker Yamagami Tetsuya WAS previously a member of the maritime self defence forces.
Those who really want guns to do bad things can get them, even in countries with the scrictes "gun laws" in the world. Proof/pudding.
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
Was the gun a homemade blunderbus ?
I'm not an Abe fan, but to suggest that anything he did to piss people off (something all politicians do at somepoint) justifies somebody shooting him in the back is pretty outrageous.
Marcus Clarke
@shogun36. just saw that twitter footage. Good lord the gun man was close, you can see the smoke. Where was security? looks like anyone could just walk by along the street from behind.
gotta say it but the security detail were really ..........dont know the word to use.
Mirai Hayashi
CNN is reporting that Abe was conscious when he was being taken away. I sincerely hope he's okay
Another classic case...the guy who shot him just want to get the death penalty, no other reasons !
Just checked that. CNN relied on NHK for that information, but NHK news now reports that he has no vital signs.
WOW! That is so heavy on many levels. My coworkers (Japanese) were and still are in total shock. He has my prayers for a good recovery.
B.l. Sharma
Having fired shotguns and knowing the sound and hearing the video; I am pretty sure that it wasn’t a pistol but something much more powerful.
So sad. Abe once gave a speech (in perfect English) at a conference I attended. More impressively, the MC (very old guy) dropped his papers all over the stage when introducing Abe, and Abe actually picked up all the papers up off the ground while he was walking to the podium. It was a classy move.
Aly Rustom
Thanks storm! I actually was wondering if the woman with her back to us is Akie Abe
Mirai Hayashi
I was just thinking this morning, I wonder who or what city is going to be the next victim of gun violence. Who could have predicted that this would hit so close to home
Newsweek,say local authorities say gravely ill, meaning not good
The picture of the gun looks most likely selfmade with two barrels. And the amount of smoke also indicates to me that these were no ordinary cartridges or shells. Black powder usually produces that amount of smoke. From a quick search, you can buy black powder for fireworks (since its used as a propellant in mortars). Although I don't know how hard or easy it is to buy.
But i guess we have to wait until more info gets released.
Mirai Hayashi
It would also mean that he is alive...which I would think is good news
Thoughts and prayers for abeson.
Jonathan Prin
If given cardiac massage after being shot, medical state is highly serious without immediate blood transfusion I believe.
Wish him recovery, and it is a sad day in all cases.
government spokesperson said "意識なく、かなり生命が危ない". "he is not conscious, and in a life-threatening state". Which also means that he is still alive, let's hope for the best
We do t know the gun or what caliber the distance proximity or exactly where he was shot, it all hangs on these factors
If that’s the case then it sounds like a slug shot.
Terrible news, but Japan will persevere.
Incorrect. Of the 22, 15 were committed in the 20th century and the rest during the Meiji and 2 in Edo
Thanks for the information. The exact dates are
AD645 - 1, Edo - 3, Meiji - 8, Taisho - 1, Showa - 7, Heisei - 2 (3 after WWII)
I was thinking more narrowly of the "modern" category.
I thought it was after World War II. Very sorry. Anyway, this is an unrelated topic, so I'll stop now.
Meiji - 1868 - 1912
Taisho - 1912 - 1926
Showa - 1926 - 1988
so sad! everyone should be able to walk the streets and say their piece in peace!
The Avenger
Here's hoping he can be saved, and that the best medical providers are available and guided to help him. This is so very sad to hear.
No matter what using violence is not the way.
In this case the attacker may actually bring opposite effect by consolidating LDP and improving their result.
Hope he pulls through. Honestly though, I'm surprised there aren't more incidents like this. I strolled around one of Abe's speeches when he was PM and I was shocked at how lax security is.
This video here shows the apparent weapon laying on the ground. It looks homemade and given the barrel size, I'm surprised that no one else was injured.
blue in green
Shocking news.
I just dropped in here and thought it was prank.
Whatever his views, he didn't deserve to be blasted at in the street like that.
I hope he survives.
This reminds me of the still unsolved shotgun attack and killing of an Asahi Shimbun reporter some years back.
Incidentally the Asahi confirms what some of the (marked down) posters above have been saying.
安倍氏の背後に向け、散弾銃のようなものが少なくとも2発発射された。銃のようなものは現場で押収されたという。At least two shots were fired from behind at Abé Shinzō’s from what looks like a shogun. The offending weapon was retrieved at the scene.
Someone posted about it in some thread I was on some time ago, I thought nothing of it.
I post a Daily Mail link.
Scroll down to the third and fourth photos.
This is the alleged shooter in the process of being apprehended.
What appears to be strapped across his chest, has fallen to the ground in the forth photo.
It could be the fire arm in question.
A homemade short barreled, possibly a shortened modified shot gun
Haaa Nemui
Despicable crime. Hope he comes through this. He’s certainly one of the more recognizable Japanese politicians of the 21st century at least.
This is the first news of Abe I've seen in a long time.
Just hoping now something positive would come out of this
I agree, and let's hope full truth comes out and is allowed to be released to the general public. iI's a sad day, but given how out of the ordinary this is in Japan. Japan to me remains one of the safest countries in the world, in large part because of its sensible gun laws Some posters are bound to speculate and use dodgy information sources or no sources whatsoever to make their positions, an unfortunate reality of social media and internet days
Mirai Hayashi
Shotgun? That thing sounded like a cannon!
Having never met the man, I have nothing against him personally. All I can hope is that he somehow survives and recovers from this terrible attack. He didn't deserve this. Japan doesn't deserve this.
Even with that in mind this tragedy happens, the reality is the world overall is a dangerous place. I hope we find out real soon as to all of the details dealing with this individual. Just a matter of time.
Looks like this was done by quickly looking on google.
if you look at it in detail, almost all of those 22 occurred a century ago. Modern political assassinations are rather few
Old Sausage
I wander what would be the possible repercusions of this crime on the behavior of politicians at large.
I just watched an MSNBC clip. Apparently a homemade device using some pipes and a your of ammunition not available in Japan, suggesting that the ammunition too may have been improvised.
Sounds like a double barrelled homemade blunderbuss.
I didn’t agree with his nationalistic politics but jeez… and in Japan? The BBC is reporting that a hunting rifle was used and that he had no vital signs
The firearm in question would have to be concealed, to give an example of the noise a saw off creates.
Sawed off 12 Gauge.... excuse the red neck
Mirai Hayashi
I would assume that it wouldn't be too difficult to make shotguns, so I hope there aren't going to be copycat shootings.
NHK website already devoting considerable coverage to how this news story is being reported overseas.
Now you know things aren't good in Japan when this happens.
It is because we live in a society where guns are so rare and strictly controlled here in Japan, that prominent politicians can always stand by the side of the road and give speeches without any vetting of the crowd around them.
Unfortunately there are always going to be angry disturbed individuals in any country, and in this case one of them seems to have made a homemade gun from the Internet I suppose.
Being that it’s Abe, it’s international news, but any shooting is big news in Japan.
Dave Fair
It appears from a picture that he used a homemade double barrel like shotgun as it has metal caps attached to each breach and the weapon is covered in black tape, probably to hold it all together. This would not need shotgun shells but could be used like a old style black powder musket where powder is loaded into the two barrels from the muzzle, a patch or wadding to hold the powder then projectiles are loaded. The smoke released is not typical of modern shotgun powder so could have been from something as common as fireworks or even homemade.
It was a home made device, Not a gun,
Mirai Hayashi
You are making too many assumptions about the shooter. We have no idea if this shooting was politically motivated. For all we know, he may be just some crazed AKB48 fan trying to get the attention of some teeny bopper member of the group.
I’m not gonna say I don’t like politics but I never really cared and I always hated how politics affect people’s judgment and their humanity. I was never a big fan of Abe but this?! I’m wishing him and his family the best!
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
Sounds like the shooters device was a old style hand cannon
Kazuaki Shimazaki
Even the Russians have found out. From:
Joe Blow
If you look at the photo when he's lying on his back, there appear to be exit wounds on his upper left chest though...
The bullet probably entered his chest cavity and ricocheted out of his chest, that seems plausible
The assassin is a former Maritime Self Defense Force officer, hey why he is so angry with Abe?
Shocking. I am curious as to what the motive was.
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
Odzutsu is a Japanese hand Canon
It is almost impossible to take a military weapon off base, or even out of the armory without authorization. Besides, this guy was FORMER Navy, and only served for 3 years. He could have been a cook for all we know.
However, you’ve already been proven wrong, as the weapon was a homemade double barrel shotgun.
Express sister
Awful news.
Very head in the sand, their reluctance to take notice of the signs that these lone wolves with their death wish antics are semaphoring their way. It’s the kind of epoch defining event that should, but probably won’t, put the fear of God into the business as usual elites presiding over the slow motion track wreck of growing inequality and hopelessness that’s inspiring more and more nutters into acting out deeds of devil may care perversity.
Express sister
”If people break laws, why have laws in the first place?” - a very smart person commenting on the probable death of a victim of assassination.
Alexandre T. Ishii
Abe long-term populism of being prime minister or Japan for being the safest country in the world? Well, I can see the whole world focusing on this news in a fraction of a few minutes and a few hours...
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
No Abe wasn't Japan's longest serving leader !
Good luck to Mr Abe and his family!
I wish him the best in recovery!
In a news story, the shooter apparently said that he was frustrated with Abe and had the intention of killing him. Kind of vague and weird two years after his resignation. I don't think the police will be disclosing much information any time soon, despite a large media circus around it.
I sincerely hope he survives. Now is not the time for my usual opinion about what he did to the working class. May the hospital give him the best possible treatment, and may he recover to full health.
Having just seen a grainy cellphone video, the thing that immediately strikes you is Abe freezes after the first shot. He doesn't move an inch. Sad to watch, he was a sitting duck for the second shot. The TV cameraperson filming instantly drops after the first shot, why didn't Abe? The security were so slow and incompetent to react.
Sad / shocking / scary news. It doesn’t look good but I’m still wishing him strength.
The assassin was obviously very motivated to construct the weapon and then carry out the act itself.
Added to this is the fact that he belonged to the Japanese military.
We may or may not ever hear about the true reasons why he felt compelled to do this...not holding my breath, everything related to this case will be carefully weighted and evaluated before being released.
B. Jay
Shocking in a country not known for gun violence. However, political assassinations have occurred many times in the past, may be not as high profile as this attempt but they do happen here. The article states that " he is not breathing and his heart has stopped". This doesn't sound good at all. It will take a miracle to bring him back. Sad day for Japanese politics.
Disgustingly China seems to be celebrating this sad news.
Yes, I agree he was very motivated and premeditated. But what is with the media obsession with his former (3 years) of service? He served in the Navy from 2002-2005. And for all we know, he was probably a cook or a mechanic, and never fired a rifle after basic training.
Lee Harvey Oswald, who killed JFK was a former Marine, but I don’t remember the media calling him “Former Marine” like the Japanese media is doing with Yamagami.
please remove that photo, everyone has a right to their dignity.
I'm shocked by this, and feel really upset. I think because this sort of thing is so rare in Japan. His family must be devastated. I didn't agree with his policies, but nobody deserves to be shot at for their political views in a democracy. His 100,000 yen was a good send at a difficult time. I hope he survived.
Kobe White Bar Owner
Unconfirmed, but close friend of Abe, Naoki Hyakuta, says former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has died after being shot.
Dead at 67.
Kobe White Bar Owner
@paul 14
not rate in japan
Death confirmed.
Ercan Arisoy
"A barbaric act like this is absolutely unforgivable, no matter what the reasons are, and we condemn it strongly,” Japan’s Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno said"
Violence for the sake of violence. Really, why?
pug boy!
My thoughts are with his family and friends. Australians are shocked too.
My thoughts are with all Japan and I hope this does not give other crazy maniacs ideas of making a gun.
All we can do is pray he survives.
Hiro S Nobumasa
So sad to hear the news.
Praying for Shinzo Abe’s full recovery.
Basically they waited for his wife to come from Tokyo to the hospital. Then they officially declared death
B. Jay
NHK is reporting that Abe has died. May he RIP
They waited for his wife to arrive, and then released the unfortunate news.
I gotta admit, I'm feeling a bit bad about all those Abenomasks jokes I've made over the past two years. Its really horrible what has happened.
pug boy!
Oh no, just on the tv news in Sydney, ex PM Abe has died.
God Bless his soul.
My heart goes out to his family and the Jjapanese people, and I know all Australians are sad of this terrible news.
Ex PM Abe was the first PM to address our Federal Parliament, and was highly regarded by politicians and the people of Australia.
Very sad day.
Another political assassination in safety Japan. They happen a lot more often than people would like to think. I hope he pulls through but it doesn’t look good for him.
He has passed away. My heart goes out to Akie, his wife. I cannot imagine the pain she is in.
Please remove the first photo in the article. Due dignity.
I was hoping he could be one of the lucky ones, even after being shot multiple times, there’s always hope, but… no. Rest In Peace.
Sincere condolences. Words fail at this time.
Terrible, but I didn’t want to jump ahead, but I knew he wasn’t going to make it. From that kind of attack at that close proximity the chances for survival was less than 5%
Just tragic! Rest in piece.
Randy Johnson
Severly lax security team. Beyond abysmal.
This was barbaric, callous, and premeditated.. Rest In Peace Abe san. Condolences to wife, children and relative. Sorry for your loss Japan.
You can bet that going forward this is all going to change how people engage politicians and celebrities and you will never be able to get close to these wolle again and expect more body searches, it’s going to get very ugly
Mr Kipling
They have now officially announced that he is dead.
What are the chances of a national holiday for the funeral? Probably not for an ex PM?
Anyway thoughts and prayers....
B. Jay
Any of the videos I've seen appear to show his security team members either looking at Shinzo or the crowd gathered in front. Literally, no one had his back......Fail
The suspect according to news report used what appeared to be a homemade double barrel gun. Such a weapon is difficult to conceal. So his security couldn't pick this? As the writer above rightly said they were all focused on the crowd and the man .......nobody had his back. The assassin picked his position carefully being a former military man. It's so sad.
The Dr. in the press conference is giving the impression that he was DOA.
The doctors don’t want to direct say. He died at the scene, but that’s pretty much what happened. Not a Pulmonary heart condition. He was never going to pull through from those kinds of injuries.
My condolences to the family.
Perhaps it is time for Japanese politicians to embrace the modern world and end the "campaign Van" and join the 20th century with TV adds and time and join the 21st century on social media.
We are no longer 1950s, 60s, 70s, 80s, etc... We are 2022 and anything and everything can be ordered online, 3D printed and a how to make just about anything is available online on YouTube, etc..
Apparently the assassin made his gun and I suspect we will see more of this type of thing and not just guns but all sorts of things and devices.
Yes for all we know he could have been a cook or mechanic...which would go a long way to explaining why he would plan and then carry out an assassination of the former Prime Minister, right?
Interesting that you should push for that line of reasoning, when in fact everything is still unknown outside of the fact that it appears premeditated, and that he was in the Japanese military.
Some people think that vigilant was done or divine justice, which i understand their views because before he dies, he had been pressuring media or people's opinions against his view to shut down. ironically, his mouth was shut down by violence. I am very concerned with the criminal's motivation. the reporters said that according to police, his incentive is not from political principle but from his bad manners and practices, which i doubt. Traditionally, in those cases, mafia members were involved, but this criminal, used to be marine self defense force, seems not to be related with mafia.
A very sad day indeed, There was total lack of security maybe based on the assumption
that Japan is safe. Unbelievable that there were no SPs watching Abe's back. Instead of doing their
job they were probably facing the crowd and listening to Abe's speech and clapping.
Hope this acts as an eye opener that Japan is not as safe as people have been made to believe.
Given the forum and the level of many commentators, I am not surprised to read “I was no fan of…, but…” in my family, we are sorrowing a death. The fact that we support and vote for Abe-san’s party is secondary.
I’m just pointing out the obsession the Japanese media has about a suspect’s former military service.
They play it out like it was a key element in their criminal activity.
Unlike what Hollywood tells you, not all ex-military are badass killers.
A lot of the Marines I worked with were accountants, nurses, logistics, HVAC maintenance, tractor mechanic and so on… and would probably struggle in a fight with your average salaryman.