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© KYODOEx-lawmaker gets suspended sentence for raping junior high school girl
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A suspended sentence for the rape of a 12-year-old girl by a 58-year-old former Nippon Ishin no Kai lawmaker???
Absolutely disgraceful!
Aaron Wright
Can only imagine the public outrage if this absurd sentence was given to a 58-year-old foreigner for raping a 12-year-old Japanese girl.
Japan is becoming notorious for the double standards endemic to its justice system.
Proof in point right here.
Ridiculous sentence. The judge needs to be replaced.
Should be 20 years in the clink.
It will give message that anyone can do the same thing in the future, with less consequence?
Why, because this is Japan.
Watch how quickly this story drops out of the headlines, then compare with the weeks of outrage over the Nakai and (adult) newsreader scandal.
Who "facilitated this karaoke party"?
Nippon Ishin no Kai?
Rape/sexual assault proven, three years in prison, suspended for five years.
Justice was not served,
Presiding Judge Chikako Murata said Shiiki had committed a "vile" crime that had "exploited the victim's immaturity." The "impact on her mind and body cannot be taken lightly," the judge said.
However, the court deemed a suspended sentence appropriate, noting that Shiiki had already apologized and paid compensation.
Tamotsu Shiiki, 58, basically was allowed to offer a fauxpology/buy his freedom.
Politicians, celebrities/fading aging idols, playing the "personal" get out of jail cards.
Bobby Franks
The guy has good connections and thats the way the cookie crumbles in Japan, Shocking ,as a gram of mary jane will get you 2 years.
Was this statutory rape or rape?
If you read the article, it's pretty clear.
*"The Tokyo District Court found Tamotsu Shiiki, 58, guilty of nonconsensual sexual intercourse."*
Aly Rustom
Presiding Judge Chikako Murata said Shiiki had committed a "vile" crime that had "exploited the victim's immaturity." The "impact on her mind and body cannot be taken lightly," the judge said.
Cannot be taken lightly?? The man got a suspended sentence! If that isn't taken lightly, what is lightly??
I'll second that.
A three year sentence suspended for five years is obviously a slap in the face to all victims of rape and sexual assault. However, even the fact that:
seems lenient. I'm sure Shiiki's political connections had nothing to do with it, though.
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Wow. You can rape a 12 or 13 year old girl and not go to jail. (If you're a former lawmaker.)
Aaron Wright
Both. The same committed by a 25-year-old U.S. serviceman last summer, drawing outrage in Okinawa and resulting in a 5-year sentence handed down in December.
There should be a groundswell of protest from local citizens, but I suspect that won't happen.
Some dude
"Gee, I wonder why we rank 118th out of 146 countries on the gender equality index?"
Isn’t Japan now at the bottom of the index?
Japan is surely still a developing country…
Some dude
There should be a groundswell of protest from local citizens, but I suspect that won't happen.
"I would go out and protest, but there's this really good new drama on NHK tonight, and it stars my favourite idol. I once camped out by his front door for three weeks to meet him, and he got a restraining order against me. I was so proud!" gushed a local resident.
Aly Rustom
Wouldn't surprise me at all..
Not surprised but seriously what the hell is wrong with the Japanese legal system if this scumbag can getaway with raping A12 year old girl by simply apologising and paying a few pennys compensation??? Media is so corrupt not to treat this exactly like the Nakai case it is laughable!
Topically, if you have access to UK TV, Shiori Ito's 'investigation of her own sexual assault and attempt to prosecute her high-profile offender' in on BBC4 on Tuesday at 10pm.
Apology and compensation aside, how does he not get jail time? It's totally incredible that this predator is free to walk the streets. He raped a 12-year-old! Shameful "justice."
Does this case now not set a president for the next rapists lawyer to use to set him free? Not sure how the law works in Japan but in other countries this outcome could be used in other cases.
Stewart Gale
Once again, a Japanese court of law proving Japan does not take sex crime seriously.
So what this tells me is that I can commit a crime but as long as I apologize and pay some money, all will be right with the world? Or does it only only apply to Jpolice, corrupt officials and celebrities? This is justice system is the most disgusting I've seen or herd of. What about the young girl? What about her childhood innocence? "Here's some money! You'll be alright after I've done what I did to you!" No amount of apologizing or money will make things right with this young woman. My heart goes out to her!
Thank goodness I'm not her father!
Not far from Tokyo
Third-world level protection of women gets you a third-world ranking for gender equality (Japan is ranked 118th).
No wonder 98% of rape victims in Japan do not come forward—apart from the shame and embarrassment, rape is not taken seriously.
Who here believes Japan's so-called ' low' rape statistics?
More BBC documentaries are needed to further shame Japan into doing more to protect it's children and women from sexual assault.
He should be in prison for 15-20 years with hard labor.
He needs to be locked up, no doubt about that.
We also need to address how a 12 year old ended up in a karaoke box with a 58 year old man.
A-san from Fuji TV probably.
Jokes aside, the law needs serious revision. Just thinking if I was the father of this daughter, I wouldn't let this scum bag walk away without serious repercussion. I'd likely go into debt trying to find the best lawyer out there that can help fight the justice system.
And here we are, being overdosed by the ex-SMAP member's sex scandal with an adult who got paid to shut up her mouth, but now it has blown out of proportion, affecting jobs of people in Odaiba. Meanwhile, a dirty oyaji raped a pre-teen and only got that punishment.
Despicable sick man and he got away by paying money and apologizing.
How did a 12yr old girl end up alone in a karaoke room in Kabuki-cho, a well know red light district, with a 58 yr old ex-politician?
Of course for such a crime a suspended sentence is a joke. He should be sent to jail.
Legal loopholes which make this possible to escape prison for such crimes like in this case should be removed, change the laws. Such lenient suspended sentences should be impossible.
However in Japanese law to be willing to pay compensation (in general how much is not disclosed) to the victim before being sentenced plays a major role.
If the victim (and in this case the parents) accept compensation, it will result in a much more lenient sentence.
This is the dilemma for the victim like in this case to decide, either accept compensation and forgive the crime and to receive money in return at once - or to refuse and insist on long imprisonment for the criminal but face a long and often costly legal fight to receive compensation in a civil trial sometimes over years without any guarantee that the criminal who is serving jail time is even able or willing to pay after his release.
Likely lawyers for this man were able to convince the parents of this girl to accept compensation money and the parents agree to it, just my guess.
This is just speculation as I have no other information but it could be that she was in a different booth singing with friends, etc, as this is a pastime of many young people. Maybe she stepped outside to go to the bathroom, take a break or something, and was then sexually assaulted in another area possibly.
Bruce Pennyworth
Seems like he got a way with just paying off the family. I cant even fathom how you could come up with a number of "fair compensation" but I tend to not pass judgement on Japan for many things because it's not my country. In regards to things like this it's clear there is a problem. Speaking with girls ive met in my social life and with younger girls who are family friends these behaviors are by no means isolated incidents. Very concerning and needs to be addressed.
Mr Kipling
Justice is blind... or in this case blind drunk.
A suspended sentence? I'm guessing the "judge" doesn't have a daughter or conscience.
Not only in Japan, almost everywhere, worldwide.
USA for example has the rather controversial plea bargain.
If the criminal has a lot of money and is willing - usually with lawyers acting on his behalf - to negotiate an agreement out of court and the victim accepts compensation money in return before sentencing, claiming the matter is settled, forgiven and forgotten, the chance for a very lenient sentence is very high.
For sure, not all criminals get the same sentence for identical crimes.
According to the Japan Times …
Shiiki, who had never met the girl before the incident, paid her ¥10,000 for the act.
According to prosecutors, an employee at the karaoke parlor spotted a half-naked Shiiki and the girl through a window and reported them to the police.
Shiiki allegedly denied involvement at the time of the incident.
“I did not do that. You will know if you ask the girl,” he allegedly said.
Don't forget the important part "...compensation paid."
The parents also deserve some blame. It was the parents who accepted compensation in the first place.
Many times in these cases the judge gives a suspended sentence because the victim has agreed to accept money. People who can't pay a large sum will go to jail.
Fabulous. A few cheap words, that'll bring back the girl's dignity, virginity and innocence.
Didn't know there was a price chart for sexual assault of a minor. Learn something new everyday.
Yeah, 3 years in prison outta cover it.
Someone should look into getting rid of that judge as well.
I can’t imagine what on earth the parents must be thinking about this pathetic sentence. I think an appeal should be made against this sentence.
I know people sent to jail for punching a sandwich from a convenience store.
People with money and power always getting off lightly or totally.
Still plea bargain better than out of court settlement dropping the case outright.
He has a conviction can he still run for public ofc?
Suspended sentence, suspended! This is an absolute disgrace to Japan’s judicial system.
iron man
unbelievable! and if her big bro or father get 'annoyed' at him, a few bruises. They get a ticket to Disneyland. The Judge needs a judicial review
So it's totally fine to rape a minor in Japan so long you apologize after the incident. Holy... ! This is crazy.
I hope these news make it to the international stage and show the world what Japan is really like.
"dmhondz Today 12:06 pm JST
Despicable sick man and he got away by paying money and apologizing.
How did a 12yr old girl end up alone in a karaoke room in Kabuki-cho, a well know red light district, with a 58 yr old ex-politician?"
Yes, indeed. How??
I see that the usual J-bashers are out in force, so this most relevant question is particularly welcome.
David K Anderson
Proceeds to take it very lightly indeed.
What an absolute disgrace of a judge.
Kazuaki Shimazaki
Which doesn't answer the question at all because the Law requires us to pretend minors (like a 12 year old) cannot give consent.
Well, let's be honest - the girl probably gave her consent. 10000 yen for 20 minutes work is a bargain coming out to 30,000 yen per hour, so you can't even deny it is an intelligent decision. The law just insists it does not count.
That, alongside with civil law country's emphasis on Repentance and Reconciliation ... it isn't surprising.
Class justice by any other name. Human justice has always been buyable.
Deo Gratias
He should be in jail.
So child prostitution, solicitation of child prostitution and possible child trafficking.
So the first 10,000 was payment up to the moment they were spotted.
The 'compensation' was what then, a bribe not to take the case any further, to drop the case, which was allowed in advance of the court case in order to help him lighten his sentence?
In your country, like in mine, they probably don't apologize , just pay
Absolutely disgusting he should have done at least 15-20 behind bars .
Ricky Kaminski13
Suspended sentence, beyond belief. What an absolute joke this legal system is.
Mr Kipling
Sad but true, there are probably quite a few perverts out there who would happily take a suspended sentence to rape a teen. What message does this sentence send?
Pibosigfredo the Second
ianToday 05:03 pm JST
Name one developed country that has fines instead of prison sentences for rape.
Suspended sentence for rape of a child. Money and power awards one a get out of jail free card. Hopefully, her parents will appeal this disgraceful ruling and this predator will do some jail time.
It’s hard to tell. Every time something like this comes up, people scream, “minors can’t consent!” So pardon the confusion.
Haha you thought of that one so you do it
Coulda been
Surely the judicial system has the ability to appeal the sentence? (and hopefully, fire the incompetent judge).
In Australia, he would receive minimum 8 years (and would receive obligatory bashings in prison from other inmates), an ankle bracelet upon release and be on the sex offenders list for eternity'
big john
Just how much do you have to pay to have sex with a 12 year old???
Can you use your bank card??
Hiro S Nobumasa
Presiding Judge Chikako Murata himself have morally raped the child victim a second time.
So, the other take from this case is that the rich (if Japanese) can buy their way out of criminal acts by paying compensation?
The poor are, not matter how repentant, get banged up for lesser crimes.
Japan’s justice system needs a through overhaul!
So legalized underage sex slavery for a wage, that the government collected instead. Everyone hear that?
LOL, it's only a 3-year sentence - and it's still suspended! LOL
For a middle school girl!
And the prosecutors only wanted 5 years!
Apology and some money! Sean "Diddy" spent more on bottles of baby oil lubricants! LOL
Then, it would still be non-consensual, and therefore still rape. Where is the confusion?