Japan Today

Man arrested for punching passerby who asked him to wear mask


Police in Fukuoka have arrested a 27-year-old man on suspicion of assaulting another man who asked him to wear a face mask.

According to police, the incident occurred in the Tenjin district at around 10:55 p.m. on Saturday, Sankei Shimbun reported. Police said the suspect, Kazuhiro Arita, is a company employee from Osaka Prefecture, who was visiting Fukuoka with his friend for the Golden Week vacation. While walking maskless along a street, he was chided by a 55-year-old man for not wearing a mask.

This sparked a confrontation between the two and victim was punched in the face and sustained injuries to his head, police said.

A police officer on patrol noticed the incident and after questioning both men, detained Arita.

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There is no need to wear a mask whilst walking outside but there is certainly no need to punch anyone...

-7 ( +47 / -54 )

Until the vast majority of the population is vaccinated, wear a damn mask even when outside.

And if decide to take a swing at me you’d better make it count.

14 ( +52 / -38 )

The "science" doesn't support the wearing of masks whilst outdoors.

Punching someone is considered assault, but verbally assaulting another is rather unwise.

-15 ( +33 / -48 )

I move mine up and down depending on how crowded it is in the vicinity I am walking in.

Spouse 100% on.

11 ( +20 / -9 )

I told an idiot to wear a mask last week while on the Marunouchi sen.

Luckily for him he didn't make any attempt to hit me. I would just grab him or her and call the police.

I would do it again.

8 ( +36 / -28 )

The guy is like an American who thinks individual freedom is very important. Do not do that if you are in America. It is very dangerous. It might result in your death.

-12 ( +18 / -30 )

I remember an article some years ago detailing the Japanese love affair with masks almost as if it's a panacea for illness. Wearing any cloth or paper face covering for more than 20-30 minutes saturates the fibers and renders it less than effective in filtering particles. But of course feel free to wear one outdoors if it makes you feel like you're doing your part. I prefer to keep my face bacteria free when in the open air. But by all means, come up to me on the street and tell me your opinion!

-3 ( +25 / -28 )

Dishing out a healthy dose of 'wa' that Japan is so famous for.

22 ( +26 / -4 )

The guy is like an American who thinks individual freedom is very important.

Individual freedom is very important. The fact that I have state that shows just how far we've fallen as a society...

-13 ( +15 / -28 )

There is a need to wear masks outside until the majority of the people are vaccinated

The science says completely otherwise. Just check the scientific publications instead of believing nonsense.

Although the reaction of the young man is unacceptable, the other man had no business to ask him to wear a mask outside. Avoiding such cavalier behavior and the need to impose personal mistaken opinions on others would certainly avoid a lot of conflicts like that.

10 ( +28 / -18 )

Im not entirely displeased with this.

Men, no matter how old, sometimes need a reminder that there are consequences to running your mouth to strangers.

Im guessing he won't be doing that again.

-10 ( +22 / -32 )


Individual freedom is very important. The fact that I have state that shows just how far we've fallen as a society...

The fact that people still think that individual freedom is more important than society as a whole shows how little we've grown as a society. (No need for an ellipsis. Not sure why there's one in the comment above.)

5 ( +21 / -16 )

Hey righteous wannabes, don’t assume everyone need to wear masks. Some people have issues and can’t.

-11 ( +21 / -32 )

Dude is free to not wear a mask.

Jiji is free to ask him to wear one.

Dude is free to ignore that request and keep on walking.

Punching somebody in the face only proves you have no self control.

Freedom is often used as an excuse by those seeking to justify violence

32 ( +35 / -3 )

It’s just good manner to wear one indoors and out doors should it be crowded, functional or not. I’m sure somebody would say something if I had no pants on, claimed it as individual freedom? and everyone else was wearing pants! Maybe not! My super almost banned me last time I tried it.

-1 ( +13 / -14 )

Should have just ignored him and kept walking.

16 ( +18 / -2 )

Should have just given him the middle finger and walked on...

8 ( +15 / -7 )

Considering the extremely high recovery rate there's not much to worry about.

-4 ( +12 / -16 )

People should mind their own business

1 ( +16 / -15 )

What about just ignoring the dude. On the other hand, the middle aged guy should've minded his own business, I bet he will never bother an unmasked person again.

0 ( +15 / -15 )

There is no need to wear a mask whilst walking outside but there is certainly no need to punch anyone...

I completely agree. I think everyone should mind their own business when you're outside, but when you are in some establishment and they ask you to, different story

-1 ( +15 / -16 )

I move mine up and down depending on how crowded it is in the vicinity I am walking in.

This isn't wise as you needlessly risk contaminating your mask. Just leave it on.

-1 ( +8 / -9 )

If the middle-aged man had nicely and politely asked the young man to wear a mask, nothing would have happened. Maybe both men were a bit drunk at 10:55 pm.

-8 ( +5 / -13 )

Who are the people telling you to wear masks ?

Government people, So called health experts, the world elite who want to institute the " World Reset "

Doctor Fauci initially stated masks do not work, then you have to wear a mask, then you need to wear 2 masks, then, you need a vaccine and then you don't need a mask, then you do need to wear a mask after the vaccine, then, we should be wearing masks to the end of the year.

Wake up people. Can't you see what is happening ? It won't be long that before you will find it is all a con as many real experts in virus research say that masks don't do anything. Surgeons wear masks not to catch any virus but not to spread any contamination to a patient under operation and they then discard the mask after.

Absolute stupidity to wear masks while driving the car, moving around outside, sports and running. It is possible to get bacterial pneumonia from inhaling again your spent breath with it's exhaled germs. People are so paranoid and living in fear. A good movie to see is " They Live "

-7 ( +14 / -21 )

Stupid on both counts, getting close to somebody without a mask puts you in a state of deep contact.

Keep your distance and avoid the person who has no mask.

Shouldn't hit any body just call the police profanity in public is a crime in Japan and that is why my phone is equipped with a voice recorder.

1 ( +9 / -8 )

Just wear a mask until this is all over.

And don't be afraid to request those anti-mask folks to stop being so selfish.

2 ( +15 / -13 )


Individual freedom is very important. The fact that I have state that shows just how far we've fallen as a society...

Individual freedom is of no use if you're dead. We wear masks so that, soon, we will be able to enjoy our total freedoms again. Until then, we're still allowed to breath, shop and walk.

7 ( +17 / -10 )


Bit extreme. More serious things with higher death rates.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

Absolutely disgraceful. Please stay away from anywhere there are people, Kazuhiro Arita.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Considering the extremely high recovery rate there's not much to worry about.

10,000 plus Japanese people are not worrying about the virus now, they are dead. 35 died yesterday. Nearly 600,000 Americans are not much worried anymore either.

It would be so much more fair if only the idiots who say things like the above got infected, like Trump for example who nearly died and would have if he were not the President. But the virus attacks everyone without regard to intelligence.

-1 ( +13 / -14 )

Just wear a mask until this is all over. 

And don't be afraid to request those anti-mask folks to stop being so selfish.

And if the person doesn't, then what? Me personally, I know how I get, so I don't want people coming to me outside and question me about mask-wearing, they might get their feelings hurt. What I do is just mind my own business and that has always kept me out of trouble my entire life, now if beating up some defenseless person that's different, but if you don't wear a mask, I just move somewhere else. Again, I get it if you're in a crowded environment, but when I am outside at the beach or hiking, jogging, or riding my bike, absolutely not.

-5 ( +8 / -13 )

the suspect, Kazuhiro Arita, is a company employee from Osaka Prefecture,

He will soon be an unemployed man from Osaka.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

People should mind their own business, yes.

don’t speak to me in public like you know me or something. I’m just going where I’m going to do what I’m doing. Same for you.

0 ( +11 / -11 )

So, what does the actual science (not politicised wokism) say regarding the wearing of masks OUTDOORS? What actual unbiased research has been conducted? I venture that few if any studies that may have been properly conducted would ever become "peer-reviewed" due to the societal pressures.

To actually find such data would require limiting the search to prior to 2019. And what did both the US CDC and WHO say about the ubiquitous wearing of masks back then before the propagandising of the issue? Rather than pithy down votes, how about some actual credible data to possibly sway my opinion?

-4 ( +7 / -11 )

Maybe both of the individuals involved in the situation should have read this attached article :


-7 ( +4 / -11 )

So this appeared to have turned into a personal freedom debate.

why not drink and drive?

why wear clothes?

why not smoke in the restaurant?

over time we all agreed that we should be considerable to others. Hence norms were created to do so.

we have a temporary norm now to wear masks - why are people opposed to this?

11 ( +22 / -11 )

Which science, there are so many opinions around the world concerning this virus, if we go by that advice there are a lot of scientists that disagree with a lot of what Fauci and the CDC say so....

-10 ( +8 / -18 )


I move mine up and down depending on how crowded it is in the vicinity I am walking in.

This isn't wise as you needlessly risk contaminating your mask. Just leave it on.

Or leave it off if you prefer. Do whichever you feel most comfortable with.

There is no danger outside, so don't feel obliged to wear a mask if you'd rather not. The viral load you are exposed to is too small to cause an infection. Follow the science, not the herd - you are a man, not a sheep.

-5 ( +10 / -15 )

Which science, there are so many opinions around the world concerning this virus

Go with the consensus which tells us masks are effective in helping spread the virus to some extent. The last time you were asked to share your reading on this scientific issue you referenced a right wing tabloid.

Don’t inject disinfectants.

6 ( +12 / -6 )

There are opposing opinions of the effectiveness of masks outdoors. Ok.

but there are no 100% conclusive studies either way.

so even if one day it is proven that outdoor mask wearing has no effect, what is the issue in using one now until the epidemic is over?

being safe and perhaps even overtly

cautious is a better approach than being careless about other people.

8 ( +12 / -4 )

"Go with consensus..." which dates back to the flat-Earth consensus. Not very convincing argument.

-6 ( +5 / -11 )

Agreed @Jimizo 9:15pm.

- “Go with the consensus which tells us masks are effective in helping [slow the] spread [of] the virus to some extent. Don’t inject disinfectants.” -

Also, a daily dose of sunlight ‘outside’ the body is also beneficial in many ways.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Jimizo, the problem with your argument is that the research you've based your position on is primarily centered on indoor-dispersion of aerosol virus. However, indoor propogation is indeed the main avenue for transmission of viruses, whereas outdoor propogation is a very different case.

Remember the "3 C's"?

-5 ( +5 / -10 )

Oh, and Jimizo, I wouldn't recommend injecting ANYTHING.

-2 ( +8 / -10 )

Agree with @7:11pm:

- “Just wear a mask until this is all over.” - (+5)

Disagree with @7:11pm:

- “And don't be afraid to request those anti-mask folks to stop being so selfish.” ( -5 )

For reasons as stated in the article:

- “This sparked a confrontation, the victim was punched in the face and sustained injuries to his head. A police officer noticed the incident and after questioning both men, detained ...”

... “the outsider.”

In this case, the arrest of the assailant was justified. Yet, ‘foreign’ residents and visitors could be at a greater chance of arrest themselves, even if they were just the “request-or”, as recommended by @7:11.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

I am a runner and a boxer and don't wear a mask for either. If someone told me to wear a mask I would just laugh.

-2 ( +8 / -10 )

Wearing a mask outside is stupid, berating maskless people is stupid, and punching people in response is double stupid. I don´t really feel sympathy for any party here.

4 ( +11 / -7 )


I am a runner and a boxer and don't wear a mask for either. If someone told me to wear a mask I would just laugh.

Agree, but I hope you run instead of punching them if they continue to harrass you.

0 ( +8 / -8 )

don’t speak to me in public like you know me or something. I’m just going where I’m going to do what I’m doing. Same for you.

City folk eh. Selfish, unfriendly, unapproachable, unhappy, hostile.

It is possible to get bacterial pneumonia from inhaling again your spent breath with it's exhaled germs.

Fake News. As you said, 'Wake up!'

A good movie to see is " They Live "

It is a good movie. But it is a movie, it's not a documentary fella.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Go with the consensus which tells us masks are effective in helping spread the virus to some extent.


I tend to agree.

The last time you were asked to share your reading on this scientific issue you referenced a right wing tabloid. 

And you to left-wing backed by the left-wing media and?

Don’t inject disinfectants.

Don't wear two or three masks.

-8 ( +4 / -12 )

Wearing a mask (for extended periods) increases the chance of bacterial lung infection. That's called science. So please, explain again why we should "wear the mask just in case". You wear your mask. Wear two, one for you and one for me.

-6 ( +6 / -12 )

A woman in a baseball uniform on the train to baseball this evening was complaining how crowded the train was.

I really wanted to tell her, no one forced you to go out.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Wearing a mask (for extended periods) increases the chance of bacterial lung infection.

Lots of questions. What kind of mask? For what 'extended period'? What kind of increase in chance? Got any evidence?

Because from the evidence that I have seen, your post is a classic example of Covid misinformation aimed at gullible weak-minded people whose wish for this to all be over is greater than their ability to actually deal with it.

I'm not saying that that is you of course, perish the thought.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

why not drink and drive?

Coz you'll most likely create a nasty traffic accident resulting in dead and you know. It's the law and all that.

why wear clothes?

Coz without 'em, my weiner would disappear in minus the temperatures during winter.

why not smoke in the restaurant?

Second hand smoke indoors actually creates health problems, not to mention that nasty smell. Outdoors on the other side, none. Same with masks.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Because from the evidence that I have seen, your post is a classic example of Covidmisinformation

I would be fascinated to read your other evidence of classic covid misinformation.


-9 ( +0 / -9 )

And still no empirical evidence is referenced.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

I would be fascinated to read your other evidence of classic covid misinformation.


I would be fascinated if you provided a link to something that had anything at all to do with what you were claiming. "A cluster randomised trial of cloth masks compared with medical masks in healthcare workers".

This does not support your claim that, "Wearing a mask (for extended periods) increases the chance of bacterial lung infection."

Filed under 'Covid Misinformation for those of low mental calibre'

8 ( +8 / -0 )

The evidence of masks usefulness have been done so many times.

Given that aerosol can transmit it is pretty obvious that masks work.

The masks non requirement initially was based on the assumptions that it can only be transmitted through droplets.

Selfish people is going to be selfish anyways, thankfully most Japan residents are socially responsible.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Just to add on, no one says the masks is 100% effective. But by doing so it can reduce the viral load which can affect how serious the infection can get.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

I may be wrong, but a likely dynamic here is.

Older guy asks younger guy to wear mask. Younger guy refuses. Older guy releases from accent or whatever that younger guy is from (state of emergency/shouldn't travel) Osaka and is walking around (relatively virus-free) Fukuoka maskless. Older guy asks younger guy more forcefully to reconsider behaviour. Younger guy smacks older guy.

I can guarantee you that this Golden Week, everyone in inaka is currently watching out for Tokyo and Osaka car number plates and will be commenting to their friends and neighbours about how many they see. I'm sure people will have differing views on the rights and wrongs of this and my intention is only to describe it.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

they were both wrong

if you are outside you can't wear a mask (I never do)

if someone says to you to wear it just say something and keep going on on your way, not punching him/her

just for information, it's almost a year I don't wear a mask outside (since summer 2020 when the virus ceased to be high dangerous) and anyone never said anything to me, and in any case if someone should do I just would ignore him and keep my walk

(but probably this happens because i'm not japanese, they are afraid or suppose I don't understand their language)

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Don’t you get it? If you are not wearing a mask at all times it means you are a DENIER and a citizen who needs re-education. It doesn’t matter that most folks have been wearing the same mask for the past two weeks and touch their soiled visages at least three times a minute.

Failure to wear a mask at all times means you are a Bad Citizen.

re-education ?

luckly we are not in China where who criticize the CCP is sent to re-education camps cause they are "bad comrades"...


-5 ( +0 / -5 )


Don’t you get it? If you are not wearing a mask at all times it means you are a DENIER and a citizen who needs re-education. It doesn’t matter that most folks have been wearing the same mask for the past two weeks and touch their soiled visages at least three times a minute.

LOL yeah. I have been carrying my mask rag in the back pocket for a over a year now, to put in on when required. Same for most of us mask-hype deniers I assume. This whole mask thing has devolved into political virtue signalling.... do you bow to Big Brother, or not.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )


Don’t you get it? If you are not wearing a mask at all times it means you are a DENIER and a citizen who needs re-education. It doesn’t matter that most folks have been wearing the same mask for the past two weeks and touch their soiled visages at least three times a minute.

LOL yeah. I have been carrying my mask rag in the back pocket for a over a year now, to put in on when required. Same for most of us mask-hype deniers I assume. This whole mask thing has devolved into political virtue signalling.... do you bow to Big Brother, or not.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

"Wearing a mask (for extended periods) increases the chance of bacterial lung infection."

Could you provide a source for that ? Thank you in advance...

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Interesting how so many here condone physical violence. If you would like to practice this just because somebody shot their mouth off to you, be prepared for anything that could happen next. It could be your head on a stick.

0 ( +2 / -2 )


Interesting how so many here condone physical violence. 

Who does? I did not see any. Can you point out the post?

-4 ( +2 / -6 )


In the US, a recent John Hopkins University study found that states with Republican governors and lax mask restrictions had a higher case and death rate than states with Democrat governors and strict mask rules.

A simple look at the death rates per state can tell you that that claim is false.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

All of a sudden people feel obligated to tell others to wear a mask, as if they actually know anything.

1 ( +6 / -5 )


A simple look at the death rates per state can tell you that that claim is false.

LOL! Evidence......please?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Well, two things likely came of this incident:

Mr. Arita will now have a criminal record

The other guy will probably mind his own damned business moving forward
4 ( +5 / -1 )

All of a sudden people feel obligated to tell others to wear a mask, as if they actually know anything.

Not all of a sudden. For over a year.

Wear. A. Mask.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

Wearing a mask (for extended periods) increases the chance of bacterial lung infection. That's called science.

No. It's called malicious, deliberate misinformation.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

I am a boxer and ....

Are we supposed to feel afraid, intimidated ?

I would still tell you and then wait for your laugh.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

It doesn’t matter that most folks have been wearing the same mask for the past two weeks

Is this anecdotal? Because, if so, most people I know change their masks daily or twice a day.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

The need to loudly announce that he's a boxer seems like a compensation for other shortcomings. It's amazing how violent some people are over a piece of fabric.

I wish these selfish people would return to their own countries and stop putting the rest of us in danger.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

"I wish these selfish people would return to their own countries and stop putting the rest of us in danger."


-4 ( +2 / -6 )

So many idiots saying that there is no need to wear a mask, mind your own business, etc.

The pandemic is not done with us yet - Wear the mask when outside and when others are around.

I’m not as worried about Artificial Intelligence as I am about Common Stupidity.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

Much like the phrases existential threat and systemic racism; "follow the science" has been thoroughly overused by the uniformed to the point of being rendered useless in meaning. Yawwwwnnnnn.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

There is a need to wear masks outside until the majority of the people are vaccinated. Very few people in our location don't wear a mask.

I see many Japanese wearing a mask even when driving alone in their car with the windows up. So just because other people are doing it doesn't make it necessary. I prefer to keep my mask off when walking or riding my bike, until I get close to a station or somewhere crowded.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

I am curious as to how people will or wont change their opinions once vaccinations begin. Should vaccinated people still wear masks? In what circumstances? Which is a greater public health threat- a masked unvaccinated person or an unmasked vaccinated one? How about those who have already had the Covid and now have natural immunity- where do they fit into the spectrum of risk?

-2 ( +1 / -3 )


A simple look at the death rates per state can tell you that that claim is false.

LOL! Evidence......please?

Look it up yourself on any of the several statistics sites. The states with the strictest mask rules actually tend to have the hightest death rates. No, I am not claiming there is a direct correlation, but it certainly blows the opposite claim out of the water.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )


I am curious as to how people will or wont change their opinions once vaccinations begin. Should vaccinated people still wear masks?

Nobody seems to know at this point. Unsurprising, these these gene modifications (misleadingly called vaccinations) are completely new and there is no experience with them.

In what circumstances?

Well, certainly not out in the open with nobody else nearby, or alone in your own car. The people who do that are simply virtue-signalling.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Not all of a sudden. For over a year.

Wear. A. Mask.

And if I don't? Man, I wish someone would get in my face and tell me that, they're just not going to like the response coming their way.

Capitalism deaths far outweigh any other ideology.

They're also the ones that get the best healthcare and help the poor that don't and provide them with the care they need since more die for lack of resources that financial security can buy which comes from....wait for it...Capitalism.

If you knew anything about history, this would not be a surprise.

Well, speaking of that......

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

There is no need to argue, the best thing is everyone should mind their own business and just use their brains responsibly, if you're around the elderly, wear a mask if you are outside strolling the beach or jogging, you shouldn't have to and no one should bully, ridicule people just because they didn't wear a mask. Live and let live.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

I am quite surprised someone punched back an elderly person at that for simply telling him to wear a mask. You are watching too much US news. Not good to copy that. I do not like all this punching. Lockdowns have made people become more and more weird and aggressive!

1 ( +2 / -1 )

No need for violence but

People need to mind their business.

Respect each other by minding your own business.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Respecting each other is not equal to minding your own business.

Social manners (not enshrined in law) exist for the least common multiple of all's comfort.

Either you do or you don't understand it.

This kind implicit rule is said to be how Chinese tourists got impressed when visited Japan for the 1st time. The same Asians.

Sure there could be many meaningless, non-scientific rules or manners, culture shocks (you feel) around here but trying not to let others worry, or feel frustrated should not be as heavy duty as you might feel.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Asking someone in your vicinity to wear a mask is like asking someone in your vicinity to not smoke.

By reminding them their rights have limits, you disrupt their fantasies about being the most important, special, supreme person, and they might react badly to that.

But if you don't, there is a cost to that, too.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Just a reminder for all the people who are saying people should wear a mask outside.

The WHO has never recommended mask usage outside, their recommendation is for indoors when social distancing isn't necessary.

Saying that people should wear mask outside isn't based on any real recommendation by experts or by any scientific data.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Concealed carry solves a lot of problems. Anyone stupid enough to confront a non masker in my area is likely to regret it.

Mind your own business.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Wearing is caring!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

That cretin doesn't care about anybody, let alone himself.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

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