Japan Today

Man arrested over 9-year-old stepson's murder


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Tragic. I feel for the mother and the boy whose last moments were undoubtedly terrifying beyond belief.

What a specimen of repugnance the unemployed 32 year old male is. Convict him and then send him to the US for incarceration in general population. Let the other inmates hand out a bit of justice for the lad.

3 ( +12 / -9 )

What goes through the mind of a father that kills his own 9 year old son? Shock is not the right word to describe how I felt when I saw this on the news last night.

There are no answers, only excuses, and the father should face the death penalty!

-10 ( +4 / -14 )

Yubaru, literacy check - man arrested over 9 year old STEPSON's. There is a different mental attitude to someone of not your gene pool. Not that it was the main reason to sway the culprit towards this crime, I suspect.

4 ( +15 / -11 )

It was pretty clear from the outset he was the #1 suspect.

There has a quite quite a few recent cases of stepfathers abusing kids in their charge. It’s difficult being a single mother in Japan, but it seems even more difficult to find a worthy partner. This particular joker is ten years her junior and unemployed. It seems like she had two kids to support. Hopefully, we will see a double figures jail sentence for this coward who killed an innocent little boy with his bare hands.

11 ( +14 / -3 )

According to Police, the stepfather became angry when the boy said to him, "You are not my real father."

3 ( +5 / -2 )

I must say I get no satisfaction from this outcome, but when I first read the story, about a ten year unemployed step-father in the home, my first reaction was that he was the culprit, as did a lot of other posters. We were blamed for jumping to conclusions and wait until all the evidence came to light, but in the end, it was exactly as we thought.

I think in Japan, people really fear not having a partner, and they will marry or live with almost anybody who seems to fit the bill just so they are not a single parent. In almost all abuse cases we read on JT it involves a step-parent.

8 ( +13 / -5 )

. There is a different mental attitude to someone of not your gene pool

This may be the situation in your case, but not everyone's.

4 ( +13 / -9 )

Similar domestic crimes happen often in recent Japan. I think this is as a result they do not have other family members to stop it. When Japanese had big families - grand parents, brothers and sisters living together, such crimes did not happen. Abnormal actions were watched and stopped by other family members.

3 ( +9 / -6 )

Regardless of being son, stepson, or a stranger child, how in the hell do you even go through such an act? Like, how distorted is your mind for you to go through that and not going "what I'm doing is beyond comprehension"... May the little one rest in peace.

16 ( +17 / -1 )

Worthless cockroach. People like him are why I fully support Japan having the death penalty

7 ( +15 / -8 )

Yubaru, literacy check - man arrested over 9 year old STEPSON's. There is a different mental attitude to someone of not your gene pool. Not that it was the main reason to sway the culprit towards this crime, I suspect.

So, he isnt the father in your eyes? So what if he is the step-son? I read it, I heard it on the news, and it still does NOT change the fact that this guy was responsible for his son! I feel sorry for you, I really do, that you have to sit here and try to find a way to justify the mans actions by making the statement that you did here! You want to talk about literacy check? I suggest you do a "gut-check" !

With folks like you, it's no wonder that there are millions of kids around the world waiting for the chance to be adopted or be able to call someone "Dad"!

And even if the kid said "You arent my real father" , who is the "child" and who is the "adult" here? This man did something to create the situation that made the CHILD feel the need to react/respond in such a manner and a REAL father, "step-father" or otherwise, would take it down a notch and TALK with his SON, not kill him!

-9 ( +10 / -19 )

People here told me not to jump to conclusions here when I said it was the father. However, I was right.

8 ( +14 / -6 )

Oh and there is no "mental attitude" about any gene pool BS either! You drop that BS by the wayside when you make the decision to adopt!

-15 ( +6 / -21 )


M... My bad man...

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

People here told me not to jump to conclusions here when I said it was the father. However, I was right.

Right here. You were right. You want a cookie?

7 ( +14 / -7 )

Worthless cockroach.

Cockroaches go mad if they hear this.

People like him are why I fully support Japan having the death penalty

Me too.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

Pure evil! These pathetic people make my blood boil.

Show him no mercy! He gave no mercy and he should receive none.

Solitary till he breaks, then the chair!

3 ( +8 / -5 )

I'm just sick of reading stories of this nature. It's abhorrent in other countries, but due to the recurrence of this type of crime here in Japan, it makes me think society is sick here, despite all the outward pleasantries and customs.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Yubaru - Oh and there is no "mental attitude" about any gene pool BS either! You drop that BS by the wayside when you make the decision to adopt!

100% agreed! My mother remarried 40 odd years ago and my stepfather is the father, grandfather and great grandfather to the whole family, including his own kids as well. It has nothing to do with genes. It's about family! That is all! These jokers just partner up looking for somewhere to put their Willy without taking responsibility for the kids. This particular loser needs to spend the rest of his life in a cell!

3 ( +12 / -9 )

Obviously this is very tragic & sad & should NOT have happened.

However many dismiss the potential reason as to why this happened, in the animal world it MANY mammals  do NASTY things to offspring they have NO DIRECT GENETIC connections, simple fact.

That of course is NO EXCUSE for what happened only a POSSIBLE reason why, I in NO WAY condone this murder at all.

We all THINK we are in full control of our faculties BUT BIOLOGY & EVOLUTION can DO play a much bugger role in our day to day lives than many can see & would not admit to but happens all the same

May this bot RIP & the stepfather get his due time in jail!

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Oh and there is no "mental attitude" about any gene pool BS either! You drop that BS by the wayside when you make the decision to adopt!

People seem to be taking this in an oddly personal way. It is simply a fact that a step-father is less likely to bond than a genetic father. Especially when they are deadbeats like this one.

If you or someone you know is a wonderful step-father, that's great. But there is no reason to deny that basic human instincts exist. Nobody has tried to justify this murder that I have seen. They are simply stating sad facts.

This is horrible for everyone except the step-father, who should just be hung. Sometimes, single mothers feel they need a "father" for their family, and that clouds their ability to see when they have selected a slimeball.

8 ( +15 / -7 )

There is a different mental attitude to someone of not your gene pool.

False. There is a different mental attitude to people you have not imprinted upon or accepted, whether for lack of time together or something causing an aversion to the process, such as jealousy. Humans don't have gene detection systems.

Plenty of parents kill their own blood related children. Plenty of step parents treat their step kids better than average blood related kids are treated. So reaching for the step-child relationship as if its the automatic motive is madness. There are dozens of possible motives.

-4 ( +5 / -9 )


Agreed 100%.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

commanteer - It is simply a fact that a step-father is less likely to bond than a genetic father. 

A fact? It sounds more like an opinion. Do you have any evidence to confirm what you believe to be a fact?

7 ( +10 / -3 )

thepersoniamnow - His premeditation, and the strangulation,

It was not premeditated.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Humans don't have gene detection systems.

You and others are taking the gene comment way to literally. Gene detection system? Come on, where do you make this stuff up.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

I feel very painful as a parent. This news is so heartbreaking.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

But there is no reason to deny that basic human instincts exist.

The only known human instinct is to suckle.

It is simply a fact that a step-father is less likely to bond than a genetic father.

That is almost nonsense. Plenty of fathers who did not meet their children until the children were older failed to bond. And plenty of men who were led to believe they were the fathers bonded very strongly. Both men and women are more likely to give the children they believe to be their own a chance....that much is true. But its not the primary make or break of bonding. There are also mothers who took the wrong baby from the hospital. This is not a gene thing. Its a mind thing.

Especially when they are deadbeats like this one.

There is no clear evidence he was a deadbeat. There are clues, but you assume too fast.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

I haven't seen this on TV but my wife watched an interview from reports of the boy's grandfather. I am not sure if he is the stepfather's father or mother's father. Anyways he had a really nonchalant attitude about the boy being found dead so she felt a little suspicious by him as well. Anyone see the interview?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Weak, worthless garbage individuals who would take out their shortcomings on children.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

"People here told me not to jump to conclusions here when I said it was the father. However, I was right."

That doesn’t change the fact that you were jumping to conclusions. At the time there was no proof he had done it. It’s not like you’re some special detective, you just got lucky. People claim it was the family in every murder story on this site. Sometimes they’re right. It’s going to happen when you play the odds.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

“Worthless cockroach. People like him are why I fully support Japan having the death penalty”

You’re not allowed to say that. People against capital punishment refuse to make any exceptions. The death penalty is state sanctioned murder, something we should never condone lest one innocent person be executed.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

That is almost nonsense. Plenty of fathers who did not meet their children until the children were older failed to bond. And plenty of men who were led to believe they were the fathers bonded very strongly.

Again, you are taking the gene part too literally. Sometimes context is important when reading.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

That doesn’t change the fact that you were jumping to conclusions. At the time there was no proof he had done it. It’s not like you’re some special detective, you just got lucky. People claim it was the family in every murder story on this site. Sometimes they’re right. It’s going to happen when you play the odds.

When I saw the news on Japanese TV I immediately suspected the father, because I'm pretty sure they said the meter box was right near his apartment, as this article does now. However, the original article on JT said "in a storage space for meter boxes near stairs at the multi-housing complex", making it seem like any passerby could have killed him and stored him there.

Either way, I don't see anything wrong with jumping to conclusions in a comment section on JT. Comments would be too boring otherwise.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Tragic. I feel for the mother 

Although I too feel bad for her, ultimately the mother is responsible. She allowed this lowlife scum into her kid's life, and now look what happened. I can't imagine the horror felt by whoever discovered this angel's body.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Either way, I don't see anything wrong with jumping to conclusions in a comment section on JT.

It's irresponsible. Innocent people get proclaimed guilty, with no recourse, due to such irresponsibility. Imagine being a parent whose child was murdered, and while dealing with their death, you are also dealing with people on the internet claiming you were the one who did it.

Jumping to conclusions in these situations is pathetic, and the sign of a petty individual.

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

Butcher, he needs to go away for a long time!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Jeez... The mother's only child too I assume.  9 years she gave birth to and raised the child, and her beau murders them.   This is what it's like to have a part of you're life taken away from you that you've invested expecting long term success.... and some sorry excuse of a human being (supposedly your closest companion) destroys it in a moment.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Comments would be too boring otherwise.

I cannot tell you how very unpersuasive your desire for excitement in news comments is to me. In fact, its sickening. We are talking about actual people's real lives here. These are not characters in a movie conjured up for your entertainment. So try and be responsible.

That said, I think the accusations of blaming the father are over-blown. In the first report I saw people pointing to signs the father may have done it, but very few outright saying it was definitely the father. Sadly when people making such a fine distinction are falsely accused of blaming outright, they often get fooled and accept the charge, because fine points are easily lost when someone makes an emotional accusation against you.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )


I must say I get no satisfaction from this outcome, but when I first read the story, about a ten year unemployed step-father in the home, my first reaction was that he was the culprit, as did a lot of other posters. 

Ok genius, you reached that conclusion based on the fact the guy was unemployed, then all unemployed step fathers should be locked up to prevent sad and heartless crimes like this from happening.

The step father was just a man that had not grown up because no matter what a child says as an adult you show maturity as an adult and can't even exchange words with a child out of anger let alone strangle the child.

6 ( +6 / -0 )


Although I too feel bad for her, ultimately the mother is responsible. She allowed this lowlife scum into her kid's life

That is grossly irresponsible statement to make. I hope you are not expecting the mother to have special powers to know before hand that the guy she choose to marry can kill when angry.

Maybe you think you have such special powers, sorry you don't and nobody does.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Jeez... The mother's only child too I assume. 9 years she gave birth to and raised the child, and her beau murders them

Wrong, not her only child, her first son ( if I am not mistaken ) is with her former husband.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

StrangerlandToday  11:45 am JST

Either way, I don't see anything wrong with jumping to conclusions in a comment section on JT.

It's irresponsible. Innocent people get proclaimed guilty, with no recourse, due to such irresponsibility. Imagine being a parent whose child was murdered, and while dealing with their death, you are also dealing with people on the internet claiming you were the one who did it.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Saitama?, AGAIN?!

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Saitama?, AGAIN?!

What your point?

That Saitama has the highest crime rate or murder rate in Jaoan?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The kid's was correct that "Yusuke Shindo we're not real father."

Yusuke Shindo should face the death penalty!

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

I agreed with vanityofvanities,

Yes this is as a result they do not have other family members or joint family to stop it.

When any family live with other family members or joint family, where they has grand parents, brothers and sisters living together, such crimes did not happen.

This kind of abnormal actions were watched and stopped by other family members.


1 ( +1 / -0 )

It is simply a fact that a step-father is less likely to bond than a genetic father

No, it isn't.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Evolutionary Psychologists have known for a few hundred years that stepparents don't have as much vested interest in seeing the child of another man or woman succeed versus primary progeny. Research has been done on it. Satoshi Kanazawa put an article out about it in 2011.

This is called the 'Cinderella Effect'.

'Stepchildren, those who live with a stepparent (usually, a stepfather), are anywhere from 40 to 100 times as likely to be murdered or maimed as those who live with two biological parents in the household.'

'Parental love for children is evolutionarily conditional on the children’s ability to increase the parents’ reproductive success. Stepchildren do not carry any of the genes of the stepparents, so there is absolutely no evolutionary reason for stepparents to love, care for and invest in their stepchildren. Worse yet, any resources invested in stepchildren take away from investment that the stepparents could make in their own genetic children. So, in the cold, heartless calculus of evolutionary logic, it makes perfect sense for the stepfather to kill his stepchildren, so that his mate (the mother of the stepchildren) will only invest in their joint children, children whom the stepfather has had with the mother and who carry his genes. Only they can increase the stepfather’s reproductive success.

Daly and Wilson call this process “discriminative parental solicitude.” It’s just an academic way of saying that parents play favorites. Parental love for children is not unconditional, and is proportionate to the children’s expected reproductive success, which in turn increases the parents’ reproductive success. The higher the expected reproductive success of the children, the more the parents love them and invest in them. This is why parents always (but usually unknowingly) favor physically more attractive, healthier, and more intelligent children over physically less attractive, sicklier, and less intelligent children. And since stepchildren, no matter how attractive or intelligent, can never contribute to the reproductive success of the stepparents, there is absolutely no evolutionary reason for stepparents to love and care for them.'


If grandparents, sisters, brothers or cousins live in the same house it reduces the chance of the step-parents chance to do anything to the step-child only because there are more people around. But that's not saying much when it comes to people that are jealous or have mental health problems that aren't being addressed.

Someone said something like 'these are real people we are talking about and not some movie' and there are there are probably millions of examples of this issue that people don't talk about or never hear about. Reality is pretty shitty. There are lot that people tend to look away from when it comes to humanity and it's genetic tendencies. There are alot of people that deem themselves saints when really they are just as likely to commit atrocities under the right circumstances.

So if you happen to be a friend, neighbor, or relative. Keep tabs on these children. That is why we keep seeing kids being killed without anyone saying or doing anything to prevent it. Make it your business and don't ignore kids that need help.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

That is grossly irresponsible statement to make. I hope you are not expecting the mother to have special powers to know before hand that the guy she choose to marry can kill when angry.

Maybe you think you have such special powers, sorry you don't and nobody does.

That's a joke. Some women are good judges of character, and some aren't. This is a pretty well known fact.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

As suspected by most JT readers.

0 ( +1 / -1 )


Correlation is not causation; is what Nakazawa is saying in the article you linked. The Swedish study Nakazawa references does not question that stepchildren are more likely to be killed and maimed by their stepfathers. It simply posits that discriminative parental solicitude may not be the explanation for it. The study points out, and empirically demonstrates with a small Swedish sample, that men who become stepfathers, by marrying women who already have children from previous unions with other men, are more likely to be criminal and violent to begin with. Their greater tendency toward criminality and violence, not their genetic unrelatedness, is the reason they are more likely to kill and injure their stepchildren.

Nakazawa goes on to say that this makes perfect sense, that “divorced women with children are on average older, so they have lower mate value than younger women without children. Given choice, and all else equal, all men would prefer to marry younger women without children rather than older women with children with other men”. For Nakazawa, the logic of assortative mating is that women with lower mate value are more likely to mate with men with lower mate value. 

At the very least, Nakazawa argues, the Swedish study has begun to throw one of the foundational principles of evolutionary psychology into possible doubt. Finally, according to Nakazawa, if the Swedish findings are replicated, and if its explanation for the greater risk of homicide faced by stepchildren is true, then it will have secured a place in the Evolutionary Psychology Hall of Fame for successful academic regicide.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Horrible case. RIP to the poor kid.

No need to demonize the unemployed, though. Or support barbarism like the death penalty.

6 ( +6 / -0 )


What goes through the mind of a father that kills his own 9 year old son?

It wasn’t his son.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Imagine throwing your life away because your stepson lost a hat.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Imagine throwing your life away because your stepson lost a hat.

He had no life of any importance. The stepson had his whole life in front of him.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

It's irresponsible. Innocent people get proclaimed guilty, with no recourse, due to such irresponsibility. Imagine being a parent whose child was murdered, and while dealing with their death, you are also dealing with people on the internet claiming you were the one who did it.

I don't think anyone in their right mind would go looking for comments on the internet in such a situation. And they would be tied up with police interrogation, anyway. The police always suspect family first, so I don't see it as a big deal if commenters on JT do, too.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Assuming he gets a fair trial and his guilt is proven beyond doubt, then he should not be allowed to be a threat to the rest of Society.

For the Wife, the Mother of the Child and Natural Parent, my heart goes out for her.

Anger management appears to be a new problem in Japan - I wonder what's changed ? Something in the Water/Air/Food ?

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

I don't think anyone in their right mind would go looking for comments on the internet in such a situation.

Why would they be in their right minds in such a situation?

The fact is, people do look at comments at times like this. When people tell their stories of having been through these issues, reading people's comments and how hurtful they are is something that regularly comes up.

And they would be tied up with police interrogation, anyway.

What, do you think these comments self destruct after they are read? You realize that they stay there to be read later on, right?

-3 ( +1 / -4 )


It was not premeditated?

Says who? You? So you know that the stepdad had no ill intentions toward his step son and just flipped and strangled him one day?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Very dysfunctional behavior. So sorry for step children in Japan.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

For the Wife, the Mother of the Child and Natural Parent, my heart goes out for her.

How about the natural father and older brother, who the natural father had custody of. Oh wait, JT didn't mention that yet

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

@therougou - Nothing was stated towards the whereabouts/existence of the Childs real father - he may be dead. So my statement about feeling for the Mother stands. If the real Father is still alive, then yes, of course, he may be feeling "pain" too and it would go without saying that anyone with a heart would not feel for him too.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

If the man is proven guilty, then he needs to be removed from Society.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

There's a difference between your own son, and that of another. Kids can be very difficult, especially around the teenage years, never-the-less that does not warrant an excuse to kill them. Parenthood is difficult, being a substitute Parent maybe more so, though if a relationship does not work out because of the Kids - then either be prepared to walk away - as it wasn't meant to be, or seek help.... the question is... in Japan these days, where can you seek help ?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Chip StarSep. 20 07:15 am JST. There is a different mental attitude to someone of not your gene pool

This may be the situation in your case, but not everyone's.

There is a saying in the English language 'whipped like step-children' that is used for like say a football team loses big time.

Nonetheless, natural father or step-father this cruel barbaric act is inexcusable and it is murder.

mmwkdwToday 12:44 am JSTIf the man is proven guilty, then he needs to be removed from Society.

100 years of prison. And may the 9 year old boy RIP. His life never took off in the first place. Very sad.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )


There's a difference between your own son, and that of another.

That should be glaringly obvious, but as so often, current PC doctrine denies reality. That said, murder is of course murder, and there is no excuse here.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

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