Police in Kazo, Saitama Prefecture, have arrested a 21-year-old part-timer worker at a bedroom furnishing maker's warehouse on suspicion of setting fire to the building.
Police said the suspect, Satoru Sunaga, has admitted to the charge and quoted him as saying he lit the fire to relieve his stress, Fuji TV reported Saturday.
The fire started at around 9 p.m. Thursday at the 20,000-square-meter warehouse of Nishikawa Sangyo, a maker of futons, bed sheets, linen and other bedroom furnishings. It took firefighters 31 hours before the blaze was extinguished at around 3:50 a.m. Saturday. No one was injured in the fire.
Sunaga, who was absent without leave on Thursday, told police he came to the warehouse that night and started the fire by lighting a cardboard box. However, he was seen by another employee and was taken in for questioning on Friday.
© Japan Today
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wtf . he better made to pay the loss with interest .
Michael Jackson
I did it to relieve my stress.
I just wanted to see what becoming an arsonist was like.
I lit the box, but had no intention of burning the building.
I wanted to start a fire, any warehouse would do.