Police in Kochi City, Kochi Prefecture, have arrested a 24-year-old elementary school teacher on suspicion of indecent assault after he allegedly groped a woman several times.
According to police, the incident occurred at around 2:10 a.m. Sunday in Susaki, Kochi Prefecture, local media reported. Hayato Morisaki is accused of sexually assaulting the woman in her 20s, whom he didn’t know.
The woman told police that as she was walking home, Morisaki drove up beside her and persistently cat-called her from his vehicle. He then forced her into his car and took her to a parking lot where he groped her several times inside the vehicle.
After he let the woman out, she noted his car’s license plate number and called police.
Police said Morisaki has admitted to the charge.
© Japan Today
How did he 'force' her into his car? She didn't fight back? This story is too bare of facts.
Don't drive around forcing girls into cars and groping them.
And the victim-blamers are out and about, I see, as they always are on articles like this one. Glad the woman was able to get away and the criminal apprehended. My biggest concern is why so many of these sexual assaulters seem to be drawn to careers in education for younger children...?
They not only arrested him but also took away his teaching license right? Right? Because he's currently an elementary school teacher and a sex offender has no business being around little ones let alone teaching them.
Never ever work with children again.
The headline is somewhat misleading. I was expecting he sexually assaulted a student. Not that it makes his crime any less damning.
Police in Kochi City, Kochi Prefecture, have arrested a 24-year-old elementary school teacher on suspicion of indecent assault after he allegedly groped a woman several times.
Not enough information.
Maybe he did illegally grope her.
Maybe she got in the car willingly.
Might work, but what would the Catholic church do without any priests? What would the US do without any congressmen or Senators?
Nuno Teixeira da Cunha
Why doesn't he goes to a karaoke bar and get a professional faking she us interested in him at his cost of a week of work? Maybe he is not fit to be a teacher, let him try to be a taxi driver so he can fantasize about strangers in his car.
@TrevorPeace It's sad but most Japanese whether they are men or women mostly women find it very hard to say NO to men, its just the culture!!
How did he 'force' her into his car? She didn't fight back? This story is too bare of facts
To become a teacher is a long hard process. Why would someone throw it all away so easily with this disgusting act?
Red storm: “Police said Morisaki has admitted to the charge.” Yes, we saw that as it was in the article.
Don't let yourself get forced into a car
Nothing good happens after 2am, right
An easy solution: how about the the firing squad for men who commit these acts. The Universe would be less polluted without toxic material.
Why arrest him? Just cut him. He won't do it again.