Police in Ichikikushikino, Kagoshima Prefecture, said Tuesday they have arrested a 31-year-old woman on suspicion of abusing her 8-year-old daughter after she threw a TV remote control at her.
According to police, the incident occurred between 6 p.m. and 11 p.m. on Feb 5, Sankei Shimbun reported. Police said the woman, Saori Takano, who works at a restaurant, threw the TV remote control at her daughter, hitting her beneath the right eye.
The girl had a swollen right eye and bruise on her face for about a week after the incident. On Feb 7, her grandfather took her to a police station and said he was concerned that she was being abused. Police contacted child welfare authorities who took the girl into protective custody.
Police quoted Takano as saying she lost her temper and threw the remote control but didn’t mean for it to hit her daughter.
Takano lives alone with her daughter.
Police said that when the girl was in a nursery in another city in 2012, she had shown up with burn marks, indicating she may have been abused regularly. Police visited Takano who told them her daughter had burned herself with a hot iron. Takano and her daughter moved to Ichikikushikino in 2013. In March of 2016, when the child was in pre-school, staff noticed what appeared to be burn marks on the girl. Police again questioned Takano but did not think the situation warranted taking the child into protective custody.
© Japan Today
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Find this abuser a cold dark cell and find the poor child warm loving home
Sounds like Ojiichan needs to take on FT care of this little girl.
Yep, it sounds like an abuser to me!
Aly Rustom
burn marks on a preschooler and the cops don't think protective custody is needed??
There has been a child abuse report every day since that incident in Noda, Chiba. I'm not sure if JT is hunting these stories down, but prior to that event the reports of child abuse were only weekly or so on JT.
The child welfare authorities have a pretty tough call to decide whether the child should be removed from their parent/s. Of course the abuse is terrible, but the alternative can be just as emotionally distressing for a child. They need to set up more counselling and education services for parents. These parents do not have the emotional stability or education to know how to discipline kids without lashing out at them in callous ways. anybody that comes up their radar should be made to attend parenting classes and counselling for their emotional disorders. Under the current system, the kids are victims either way.
that person
Glad to see the new sharing system is working, although THIS:
Is a true demonstration of a job very poorly done! Shame!
Whenever I hear these stories of abusive parents but having caring grandparents, you would think that just letting the child stay with the grandparents would be the best bet. However, part of me thinks the reason these parents keep the children is to keep collecting the child subsidy that they can use on themselves.
Michael Craig
There's a special place in Hell for heartless, abusive parents like her!!
The problem is that abusers are mostly people who were abused themselves, and although the grandparents sometimes mellow with age, in many cases the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. A safe relative is better than institutional care, but the people who raised the abuser are not always safe.
That would mean she was about 2 at the time.
Why is a 2-year-old allowed to handle a hot iron, or even be near one?
And why did the police believe that nonsense?
Toasted Heretic
Why indeed? People believe what they want to believe. They will gladly condemn one set of abusers, whilst claiming that others need their heads examined if they think abuse took place. They see no contradictions or irony involved.
At the very least, the mother needs some kind of counselling for inflicting the trauma on her child. As usual, we don't know her circumstances and what may have drove her to hurt her daughter. Not that any factors can excuse what she did, obviously.
Actually I can understand why they didn't do anything at first ...
I burned myself a few times as well when I was a Kid and once did my dad by accident (had my hand near the ash tray and he was trying to turn off his cigaret withouth looking)
Some bruises are rather usual when you are a child
Uh... for those of you with troublesome Kids, you can perhaps understand how the situation could have arisen. What I find troubling, is the lack of information - were the Grandparents being quick to report their Daughter for Child abuse for an ulterior motive, or was there a genuine history that gave rise to their concern and subsequent action. Where they also active participants in the daily situation back at the Kids Home, or simply responding to information being fed to them.
Take a look at the 10 year old James Bulger Killer.... in the UK. Does the 10 year old seem so innocent, does an 8 year old seem so innocent ? Look at the Brit yob family who visited NZ recently causing havoc.... and then, start asking yourself the question, can we consider ALL kids now-a-days to be peaceful, cherubs of past ?
The REAL superhero in this case!
The main reason some of these kids either end up dead or abused to the brink of death. If its a child abuse case, dig deep and drill the parents and question the kids separately because they might fear the parents.