Japan Today

Actor Yuta Takahata arrested on rape charge


Actor Yuta Takahata, 22, also famous for being the son of popular actress Atsuko Takahata, has been arrested for allegedly raping and assaulting a woman in her 40s in Maebashi, Gunma Prefecture.

According to police, the incident occurred at around 2 a.m. on Tuesday at a business hotel, where Takahata was staying for the filming of his latest movie “Ao no Kaeri michi.”

Police said Takahata assaulted the victim, an employee at the hotel, after returning from a night out drinking with colleagues. He allegedly asked the woman to bring him a toothbrush and then pulled her inside his room. He then tied her arms and legs and raped her, police allege. The victim also suffered minor injuries to her hands and body during the assault, police reported.

At around 3:30 a.m., police received a phone call from an acquaintance of the victim, which stated that “a friend was assaulted in a hotel room. The criminal is Yuta Takahata.”

When police arrived at the hotel they found Takahata relatively sober. He was taken in for questioning and formally charged at around 1:30 p.m.

Takahata was quoted by police as admitting to the assault and saying that he “could not control his desire” after seeing the woman at the hotel. He has, however, insisted that he did not plan the assault in advance.

The actor had been staying at the hotel since Sunday, Fuji TV reported.

Meanwhile, Takahata's mother Atsuko, 61, appeared before the media in front of Maebashi Police Station on Thursday for the first time after her son’s arrest. The almost entirely black-clad actress apologized to the reporters and bowed deeply. She is expected to hold an official press conference on Friday, after meeting with her son.

Yuta Takahata made his official debut last year and has since successfully appeared in various TV dramas and movies.

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At least he didn't give the "I was drunk and don't remember a thing" stupid excuse, and actually admitted to it.

Takahata’s mother Atsuko, 61, appeared before the media in front of Maebashi Police Station on Thursday for the first time after her son’s arrest. The almost entirely black-clad actress apologized to the reporters and bowed deeply.

Which will most likely get him exonerated of all charges and he will return to acting as if nothing ever happened

-2 ( +11 / -13 )

This mommy's boy scum better get jail time for this and not the "I'm a talento therefore suspended sentence" crap usually handed down.

14 ( +20 / -6 )

Throw him in the slammer for 20 years ... but ... hey ... they can't do that. His mother is a famous movie star and he's also a movie star. Instead of imprisoning him, just give him a high-profile advertisement/TV commercial and a starring role in a movie ... preferably about rapes, where he would feel right at home ...

1 ( +9 / -8 )

That sounds terrifying. Lock him up for a good while and don't let him back on television.

17 ( +19 / -2 )

What a nut, tying her up as well.. Poor mum..

6 ( +8 / -2 )

This news puzzled me. He had the money, fame, everything, he could get anyone. Why ruin that? He didn't seem like a bad guy at all on TV, then again that was in front of the camera.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

"This news puzzled me. He had the money, fame, everything, he could get anyone"

There were other people involved in carrying the woman into the room and tying her up. The whole thing was planned and filmed. This is what the Japanese call a porn industry.

Well done to the woman for reporting it!!

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

what a news ! hopefully he was not filming something else . I believe he was drugged .

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

“Ao no here comes the end of your life"

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Classic "mother complex" situation - his Mum had him in his 40s, worked a lot, and hes probably irrationally attracted to older women as a result. I feel for the poor woman who worked in the hotel. I hope this apology from mummy and a lot of money doesn't get him off scot free, but let's face it, it probably will.

-6 ( +6 / -12 )

I hope this apology from mummy and a lot of money doesn't get him off scot free, but let's face it, it probably will.

This is Japan, that's a given,

-4 ( +8 / -12 )

So, he bound and confined the women. That's kidnapping! He then raped her. I know this loser would be looking at 15-20 years in jail where I come from. Sadly, he's looking at 3-5 in Japan and, because he is famous he will more than likely get a suspended sentence.

1 ( +8 / -7 )

I hope this rapist burns in hell

0 ( +3 / -3 )

So, he bound and confined the women. That's kidnapping! He then raped her. I know this loser would be looking at 15-20 years in jail where I come from. Sadly, he's looking at 3-5 in Japan and, because he is famous he will more than likely get a suspended sentence.

Sad but true. Kidnapping, rape (how many counts we don't know), and unlawful imprisonment would get you a very long prison term...unless you are a celebrity

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Good, I hope he doesn't get away with it

1 ( +3 / -2 )

She is expected to hold an official press conference on Friday, after meeting with her son.

How the hell is she getting access to her son, he is arrested is he not......hell lawyers cant get access to people arrested in this country when they are first scooped up!!!

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Claimed he did not plan it in advance.... Though he confessed that He allegedly asked the woman to bring him a toothbrush and then pulled her inside his room. It's not like it was a spur of the moment impulsive act... A bit of a plan to ask her to bring a toothbrush to his room....

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Too much drama movie i would guess :/

0 ( +1 / -1 )

According to my wife a Japanese lawyer on TV said he can't buy his way out of this. The smallest sentence is eight years. Unless he can live off his mothers income when he gets out hel'll be lucky to find a job at Yoshinoya washing dishes.it baffles me why people screw up their lives like this.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

it baffles me why people screw up their lives like this.

Just plain stupid, that's all.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I disagree that he did this because he is stupid, he did this because he is one of those that has had a sheltered life and one in which he gets whateever he wants whenever he wants it so he thought he would get away with this without any consequences, I hope he is wrong and that he gets his sooner than later.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Now either the press was out to get this kid or he's a weirdo, every video I saw of him just looked off kilter.... sorry... but he looked like he was hiding something every time I saw him on camera.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

he thought he would get away with this without any consequences

I bet the idea of consequences never even crossed his mind, until he was arrested

0 ( +1 / -1 )

@Dana. I can only assume you haven't lived in Japan very long.

When someone is arrested and assumed guilty the TV shows usually have "guilty" music and keep showing the most unflattering images they can find - over and over again.

Like how if police raid a company they show dozens or hundreds of police carrying out boxes of documents.

Arrests are almost as big here as press conferences where people cry in front of thousands of camera flashes.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

I bet the idea of consequences never even crossed his mind, until he was arrested

I agree.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

I felt relief at seeing he admitted it--for the victim's sake--but what's with this "I could not control myself." It's like some trite manga dialogue. Total bull. What a pathetic self-justification. I hope every dime he owns goes to the victim and he goes to prison.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

"It's like some trite manga dialogue. Total bull. What a pathetic self-justification"

The Japanese news reported days before this report belatedly appeared on JT that Takahata had accomplices (including hotel staff) and the whole thing was filmed.

Back in the day the victim would have stayed silent out of shame and the perp would be able to be controlled / blackmailed by threats to leak the footage of his crime. Luckily Japan is trying to get with the 21st century and the woman was able to report it...

@Moderators - If you can't handle the truth please stick to your RocketNews ret@rded nonsense!!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

@ RecklessAug. 25, 2016 - 05:05PM JST

speechless,,, had everything in the world going for him: fame, good looks, money, etc.

sometimes i think people are driven to self destruction in defiance of expectations,,,

I agree with you 100% but in Japan self gratification is a priority, regardless or anything else. mull it over folks.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Atsuko Takahata be like, "What son? I don't have a son"!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Yuta the rapist admitted to the crime, he also said it was not planned he cooperated with the police and his mother did not hesitate to go to the police station in black and bow deeply for the shame. Her name and fame along with his good luck and fame will get him a suspended sentence and cost him a lot of money for that romp. He could have easily went to a soap house and got wasted and laid and that could have saved him the money and embarassment!

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Why didn't she scream for help? The story sounds very one-sided even as I would throw the book at him.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

@talaraedokko Don't blame the victim especially in this case. Do you even know what rape is or what it's like to be raped? Many times the victims just can't shout during rape. Also you don't even know this situation whether the victim did shout out. Maybe she did yet no one came to her aid. The hotel might have been isolated or just people turned a blind eye ( or deaf ear in this case ) as they usually do in Tokyo ( not in Japan as a whole ) ... Even if you are a fan of him you don't have any right to question the integrity of the victim as your comment indicates. These types of scumbergs should be thrown in real prisons like the ones they have in Mexico or some parts of The US

0 ( +2 / -2 )

He purportedly had an addiction to sex and his room is filled with porn. Even on TV a younger talent berated him for his abnormal mentality. He needs expert consultation.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

@MikeH <<Even if you are a fan of him you don't have any right to question the integrity of the victim as your comment indicates. These types of scumbergs should be thrown in real prisons like the ones they have in Mexico or some parts of The US]< < Mike

Why can't we question the victims integrity? Victims do and can scream during rape, and where were the security cams. Every hotel in Japan has them.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

We should not forget that inside the Japanese culture rape is by distance not as bad as in the West, because in Japanese culture sex never have been related with a sin. For the same reason Japanese people are much more tolerant to infidelity or they simply have other concept of infidelity and for the same reason sex, love and reproduction are that separated in Japan and Japanese girls use to be that frivolous respect having sex.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

It's just a case of affluenza syndrome

0 ( +0 / -0 )

What was this guy thinking of?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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