Japan Today

AKB fan threatens sarin gas attack over commercial

By Jessica Ocheltree

Major correspondence education company U-can has confirmed it received a threat over Twitter indicating a possible sarin gas attack. Recently, the company has used the idol group AKB48 in its commercials and promotional materials- something that the person who wrote the threat apparently did not approve of.

Twitter user @onz9 wrote: “Saying AKB needs to take these kind of courses is calling them stupid. Well, that’s stupid! On behalf of the AKB fans, I hereby swear to wrap the head office of U-can with sarin gas.”

The writer’s choice of the word 巻く (maku, meaning ”wrap”) is a bit odd, but perhaps this is simply a play on words since it sounds exactly the same as the word for “spray”, which uses a different kanji character, and this is a subtle attempt to avoid getting into trouble? Preceded by the formal statement “I hereby swear”, however, the tweet certainly sounds like a genuine intention to actually carry out this criminal act.

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I doubt the tweeter in question has the brains to indulge in word play--more likely the use of 巻く ('wrap') was an error and he simply doesn't know the difference...

15 ( +17 / -2 )

This is news? People make outrageous claims for many things on the internet all the time, All you have just accomplished is what the author was after, attention. Leave this stuff off the news.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

Tells a lot about the mentality of some these fans. IMHO, I really do thing Japan needs to tame down the marketing of these girls. Some (a lot of ) people obviously can't handle it.

10 ( +17 / -7 )

Another of Japan's most eligible bachelors puts his foot forward!

10 ( +11 / -1 )

The writer's choice of the word 巻く ("maku", meaning wrap) is a bit odd, but perhaps this is simply a play on words since it sounds exactly the same as the word for "spray", which uses a different kanji character, and this is a subtle attempt to avoid getting into trouble?

Maybe the deliberate spelling mistake is in the word "sarin"; perhaps they meant "saran", as in "Saran Wrap" the plastic wrap for keeping food fresh.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

I rest my case..... AKB48 fans, teenage girls excepted, are far too obsessive over this band. The fact that many are adult men continues to be profoundly creepy, and not it appears that my worries that some of them are nuts has been proven. If the obsessive guys on TV with rooms full of AKB photos didn't already suggest a tinge of insanity for some.

I propose that in the interest of public safety, prevention of kawaii overdose risk, suppression of obsessive middle-aged semi-kiddie porn, the sanity of anyone with ears capable of being heaving AKB music and the greater welfare of humanity... that we immediate disband AKB38. And all of the knock off groups. And find some artists who have talents beyond being young and cute to admire.

If only!

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Yeah Mirai and sillygirl, this loon is just a typical example of an AKB48 fan. Sure. Surprised you did not imply that he was also a typical Japanese male!

Um, anyway, I am so scared right now, because I know he can just mix up a batch of sarin in his backyard with some agricultural chemicals and paint cans...not!

4 ( +8 / -4 )

100% certain it was sent by a jobless middle aged otaku still living at his parents place. So the chance of him getting hold of sarin gas are zero.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Just the fact that the "author" of this threat is an AKB48 fan says everything...

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Stupid. Absolutely stupid. This guy has some hide to bring this up...

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Actually, I take that back, the original translation of this says

I hereby swear to wrap the head office of U-can with sarin gas

But the Japanese doesn't mention gas - I think he really means to wrap it in Sarin wrap, the plastic film. Now that would be interesting.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Yeah Mirai and sillygirl, this loon is just a typical example of an AKB48 fan. Sure.

Look...when you have middle aged men spending thousands of dollars just for the right to be able vote for their favorite AKB girl in these stupid elections, you've got to assume that these people are socially maladjusted. Yes, perhaps this guy is on the extreme side, but how many of these guys are out there. How many of them are building up anger and outrage over how the media treats their favorite AKB girl. How many are snap and act out on their outrage?

Media needs to be socially responsible and stop playing with the minds of these mentally "touched" people. Some of these people really do "think" that they have an ongoing relationship with these girls which is really scary and sick. As I mentioned earlier, the j-media really needs to change they way they market "talent" to these people. Implying that these girls are virgins and saving themselves for "you", is just unhealthy for society and for these girls. But, nothing is going to be done until someone does finally snap, and people get hurt which is really sad.

2 ( +4 / -2 )


The device you sent the threat from included its MAC address to every packet sent out.

Wrong again Bob! MAC address info does not get routed over the internet. MAC addresses only get used by the switch but does not get routed over routers.... His IP address can be traced though..

@Steve Christian

If you want exact numbers, I can't really tell ya, but from what I can see there have been MANY AKB fanatic-related crimes, threats, and issues. If you are aching for the numbers, I suppose you can count for yourself (see link below) but I doubt that this site lists all of them.


My point is that I know that not every single AKB fan is a deranged lunatic, but the hard core ones who spend a majority of their time and money on AKB48 goods and what nots, really should seek help. And as I mentioned several times now, it doesn't help when the AKB48 marketers specifically target the socially awkward and maladjusted. Just the name itself "AKB" suggest that these girl groups are targeting the Akihabara geeks, which I think is wrong.

Many of these boys and men have a very difficult time interacting socially with women and to pick and play with their minds and emotions by implying that they've got a shot at these VERY young (sometimes under-aged) girls is socially irresponsible. Likewise with the girls in these groups. To forbid them from having any sort of relationship with the opposite sex when many of them are at the prime of their lives is utterly wrong. It reminds of the days of offering a virgin to the gods.

I just think that AKB marketers need to be more careful and socially responsible by not implying to these highly impressionable and naive men that they even have a slight of meeting these girls, let alone starting a relationship with one.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

This article makes one wonder how law-binding the words written on blogs or twitter etc are. In this case I can see how it is a threat but instead had he written he would f the brains out of an akb member to prove they do have one, would he be considered a possible rapist?

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Maybe he is nuts or was drunk. We don't need this kind of thing taken any further by the law like we see in other countries. This sort of thing should not make the news either, it is typical of the fear mongering crap that makes many feel in fear a lot of the time. The fan should be ignored.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

The writer’s choice of the word 巻く (maku, meaning ”wrap”) is a bit odd, but perhaps this is simply a play on words since it sounds exactly the same as the word for “spray”, which uses a different kanji character, and this is a subtle attempt to avoid getting into trouble?

So where's he going to make or buy sarin? Not really a credible threat.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Well, maybe this dork could not make or buy sarin, but about 20 years back, if it were an AUM SHINRIKYO CULT MEMBER?? We would not be laughing now, would we??

1 ( +2 / -1 )

By the sounds of this AKB fan, and it just goes to show how nuts some are, it was less 'wordplay' than it was probably a simple mistake or auto-correct when changing from Hiragana to Kanji. He doesn't deserve that much credit.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

They don't have to make threats to be "otaku" - that's a "threat" in itself...

How so? Having an interest in something is now considered a threat? The world certainly has changed, hasn't it?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

but pass the info to the authorities and let them handle it there is no reason to spread his message a fear to the public which empowers him.

JT, nor the other media outlets that reporting this are "spreading fear tot h public". The "crazy" already did a pretty good of that by posting it to Twitter and the other online social media sites he might have posted to. The media is just making people aware of what this guy did, and what actions the authorities have taken which is their job. I also see it as a good way to call out the talent agency that sponsors AKB of their questionable marketing tactics to socially maladjusted people.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I'd say that depends on WHAT one is interested in... Remember the little kid in Kobe who was "interested" in killing birds, then cats then...

That is a whole different kettle of fish than being a fan of AKB48 or anime, wouldn't you say?

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Being an 'otaku' and being a stalker are not the same thing. Better not to confuse the issue so.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

But the Japanese doesn't mention gas

Once the liquids are mixed, it becomes a gas. AUM mixed it by poking bags of liquid wrapped in newspaper with umbrellas...

1 ( +1 / -0 )

This young (or ol) man is irritated that the company implies that AKB needs the course. I am irritated that the company implies that they can read, write, or speak the Japanese language at a level that would enable them to absorb the material.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

And this is the kind of fan that the AKB management caters to. So glad whatshername shaved her head for people like this.

0 ( +9 / -9 )

Hmmmm. Even fabulous talents like the AKB girls can always do with a little more knowledge. i don't support this guy's approach.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Just the fact that the "author" of this threat is an AKB48 fan says everything...

I don't think it isays anything. None of the AKB48 fans I know has authored a threat about anything, ever.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I don't think it isays anything. None of the AKB48 fans I know has authored a threat about anything, ever.

Actually, Yama-chan, that dorky guy that officiates the AKB janken events has had his life threatened several times already by crazy fans who don't want him too close to the girls. So there are AKB fans you don't know of that are nutso.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Sounds like an entirely reasonable response to me.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

On Twitter.... Excuse me while I laugh! When do people lean that you have to take everything that is posted on Twitter with a grain of salt?! How can the media even take this serious!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Pop music...... the ultimate weapon of psychological warfare.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

@CGB Spender

Excuse me while I laugh! When do people lean that you have to take everything that is posted on Twitter with a grain of salt?

@Matthew Simon

This is news? People make outrageous claims for many things on the internet all the time

Just like we took the comments posted by the guy who killed all those people in Akihabara "with a grain of salt"? If this was a sane world, perhaps. But with growing insanity in a society such as this, I think we should take any and all death threats made online very seriously. Can you imagine the backlash the police would get if this guy actually carried out his threat after posting what he posted...In this case, the authorities did the right thing...he needed to dragged in for questioning at the very least.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

@ Mirai, Terrorism thrives on the attention the media gives to their cause. This crazy is the same story. I am not saying ignore him, but pass the info to the authorities and let them handle it there is no reason to spread his message a fear to the public which empowers him.

0 ( +1 / -1 )


Having an interest in something is now considered a threat?

I'd say that depends on WHAT one is interested in... Remember the little kid in Kobe who was "interested" in killing birds, then cats then...

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Preceded by the formal statement “I hereby swear”, however, the tweet certainly sounds like a genuine intention to actually carry out this criminal act.

Actually, he doesn't say "I hereby swear", just "I, as representative of AKB otaku's......."

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I can tell they dont like facebook.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The writer’s choice of the word 巻く (maku, meaning ”wrap”) is a bit odd, but perhaps this is simply a play on words since it sounds exactly the same as the word for “spray”, which uses a different kanji character, and this is a subtle attempt to avoid getting into trouble?

or perhaps he's just a numnut who got the kanji wrong...JT - reading way too much into the way these sickos think

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Look...when you have middle aged men spending thousands of dollars just for the right to be able vote for their favorite AKB girl in these stupid elections

How many are we talking about exactly? How long has AKB been a phenomenon and how many attack threats have been made in that time? Numbers please, because I have had about enough of these ravings about exaggerated dangers based on a dislike of some people's interests and hobbies.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I'd be embarrassed if all my country had to offer the world was AKB. A bunch of non-talents, designed to snatch money from desperate, lonely, socially-inept grown men.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Catch that idiot and put in the jail.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


For information, maybe you should study the following link :


they are not only obsessed with animé...

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Twitter a threat to someone, and you've just placed your thumbprint on the threat - even if you use someone else's Twitter account. The device you sent the threat from included its MAC address to every packet sent out.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Himajin FEB. 25, 2013 - 06:58PM JST

But the Japanese doesn't mention gas

Once the liquids are mixed, it becomes a gas. AUM mixed it by poking bags of liquid wrapped in newspaper with umbrellas...

It doesn't mention liquids either, hence the comment

0 ( +0 / -0 )

AKB fan threatens sarin gas attack over commercial


AKBfan: Hmmmm. Even fabulous talents like the AKB girls can always do with a little more knowledge. i don't support this guy's approach.

OMG! He's here!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

@Mirai according to your logic the authorities have to scrutinize every Tweet and any other bit of information posted in any other public forum. Yet 99.99% of all Tweets posted are worthless, unimportant blather. Most psychos who want to do harm don't announce this on a public forum on the Internet where their I.P. can be backtraced. Of course social media like Twitter is the current big hype in the media, even if realistically it's a laughable service, the media must make a big story of it. Posting something on Twitter amount to the same value to writing something on a toilet wall, so next time somebody writes something treating on a toilet wall, better have your police inspection ready!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

seems like that idiot needs about 24 months to cool off in the slammer.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

@Mirai according to your logic the authorities have to scrutinize every Tweet and any other bit of information posted in any other public forum

That's not what I said. Of course every single thread within Twitter cannot be scrutinized, but this one was a VERY specific threat. It mentions sarin gas, gives company names,gives a motive, and has AKB, a name of a girl group in it with a vast following of socially awkward fans. I am sure that most of these social media sites have filters that scrub for offensive or threatening words or phrases, hence people get pulled aside or tossed for making online threats. I am pretty sure just posting the word "sarin" alone raised alerts among the twitter admins, or even the defense department.

As much as you'd like to believe that online media is as anonymous as writing on a bathroom wall, it really isn't. All activity that you do on the internet can ultimately be traced back to you, even if you're in an internet cafe. Have you noticed lately that most if not all internet cafes require membership or at the very least, your personal details and ID before using their services. It's precisely for this reason. Anonymity is not tolerated these days because its a guise to commit crimes under the radar.

So to rebut your comment, every threatening comment on social media SHOULD be investigated especially when it is as specific as this one, because you have NO idea what's going through the minds of these jokers and it would be VERY irresponsible if the authorities considered these comments as just bored internet trolls. Perhaps they are, sometimes they are not, and there have been enough crimes IMO, committed by these fanatics to put them under radar for any threats or plans of illegal activities they make.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

It doesn't mention liquids either, hence the comment

Liquids are transported and then mixed. The deployment method is a given, it doesn't need to be detailed in the article.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Since there was the sarin gas attack in Tokyo , people are sensitive to this kind of threat and they should be. A cult did it, who's to say this person absolutely can't do it?

If an American posted that they were going to fly a jetliner into a building, you bet your butt it would be investigated. Americans and Japanese have been sensitized to different types of threat.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


0 ( +0 / -0 )

Sounds more like an.... attention grab. Now AKB is back in the news...

0 ( +0 / -0 )


0 ( +0 / -0 )

What a moron. I wonder if the cops have sat him down for a little chat?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

i heard this news is in "heavy rotation".

-1 ( +1 / -2 )


None of the AKB48 fans I know has authored a threat about anything, ever.

They don't have to make threats to be "otaku" - that's a "threat" in itself...

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Lol. That has to be the funniest title of an article I have read in ages.................hahahahaha

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

It's nothing that deliberate.

The poster simply mistook the kanji 巻く ma(ku) wrap for 撒く ma(ku) spread, which shows they aren't thinking at all.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

I think he wrote "巻く", instead of "撒く", intentionally, so that he thought he could avoid the police investigation. He was trying to be funny, but it did backfire.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

I thought the threat would be 'an AK47' spray of bullets. What nerds!

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

That is a whole different kettle of fish than being a fan of AKB48 or anime, wouldn't you say?

That would depend on what kind of "fan-tasy" one has... Imagining having an "affair" with one of them ? Managing to stalk one of them ? (And the police don't always take "stalking reports" seriously...) Anyone who is so hung up on young girls in skimpy clothes as to become infatuated, is to be considered "weird" - if nothing else...

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Potential terrorist threat. Hope they catch him/her soon. It's highly unlikely this idiot has sarin but could easily make some other type of deadly gas if they work in a commercial kitchen. Slightly scary this one.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Twitter user @onz9 wrote: “Saying AKB needs to take these kind of courses is calling them stupid.

If the shoe fits? Heck they did join the group

This dude however is an idiot and stupid too, maybe he needs a few U-can courses, but wait they dont have one for getting a life do they?

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

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