Japan Today

Arrested uniform thief says he has sweat fetish


A 22-year-old man, who has been arrested for stealing money from a locker room of an American football club at a college in Osaka, has been also charged with stealing uniforms. Torao Fukuda, 22, was quoted by police as saying he is gay and likes male athletes' sports uniforms and underwear with the smell of sweat.

Fukuda has been charged with stealing uniforms at sports clubs at eight colleges in Osaka and Nara between January and April.

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Wonder if he's a Packers fan?

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Greenbay or Brownbay?

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Fantastic news for all of mankind!! He should be forced to pay back the money he stole with forgiveness added on. And he should be hired as the FEMALE locker room cleaner!! "Sorry Princess, but I'm gay" Hopefully this school will improve secrurity for the male athlets and undergo sensitivity training.

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Man, if he finds funky gym drawers attractive, I'm freaking Vanna White.

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things aren't going good for anyone named Fukuda lately

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Hey, at least he hasn't knifed anyone.

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Torao Fukuda

Tiger-man! Roooowwrrrr!

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These guys who claim a "fetish" as a mitigating factor in their crime are deluded. Fetishism is a mental condition, that can be cured with support of the community, church and thyerapy.

There is no excuse for a compulsion to steal clothing. Luckiliy this guy was caught before his obsession grew worse. He may have turned to physically harming folk, with such a deranged mind.

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Is it completely necessary to out this young man? For crying out loud, he's only 22, obviously coming to terms with his sexuality, then wham! His name is splashed across the tabloids. Fair go.

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Brrrr! This story makes my hair stand on end.

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I'm glad I already ate lunch. Yuck.

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Eeeeek! I just lost my appetite.

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Fetishism is not a sickness, it only becomes a sickeness when it rules your life. Colamerica is the church your fetisch?

Why does he not try to work at "cleaningu" shop lots of dirty sweaty clothes coming in every day.

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dennis0bauer- Sir, church is not my fetish, i do not commit lude criminal acts in the name of my beliefs.

This person has severe mental problems, and needs punishment and therapy to educate him into moral ways , and to stop his filthy illegal hobby.

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"Fetishism is a mental condition, that can be cured with support of the community, church and thyerapy."

mmm... no, it cannot. Sexual fetishism, not just fetishism by itself, is not considered a disorder unless it dramatically alters or affects one's life. Stealing used clothing is a crime itself and at the time of this episode, he probably didnt think much about used, dirty clothing. Church will not help. the community will not help (hey, i love dirty clothing! can you help me?). This is something that cannot be cured so easily and it is only him that can cure this even if he attends therapy.

Lets put it in another way. Not all of us target the same desired type of pornography.

people with this type of paraphilia usually do not harm people.

There is excuse for this type of action in which he took. sexual fetishisms go way back into childhood and stem off when such a desired item is not available. He could have felt comfortable and safe with a male figure in his life; possibly from an abused mother or female figure. once that object, in this case olfactory, becomes more desired, one experiences compulsiveness.

We are still animals. perhaps you love the smell of yakitori and you havent eaten meat (or food) for a long time. If someone posted a sign above the yakitori restaurant "warning, do not eat. you will go to jail", surely, you would try to steal some without anyone noticing.

Without even speaking to this man, there is no direct way to diagnose.

When people point fingers stating someone is "sick" or "a risk to society" based on something quite unique and different from the majority, it doesnt mean they have a disability. just a different taste....or smell...

BTW, every human has at least 2 sexual fetishes. if you deny this, i think you should seek help.

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yet another nutjob!

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This person has severe mental problems, and needs punishment and therapy to educate him into moral ways , and to stop his filthy illegal hobby.

Um, ColAmerica, the only thing illegal is he stole the items. As far as I am concerned he can smell, lick or do anything he wants. As long as he doesn't do this near me or my kids, who am I to stop it. I mean, I think it's pretty sick, but, um, who cares.

So the church will save him? Um, lets not start with religion helping anybody, OK? This guy is a bit off his rocker, but he didn't hurt anyone. He can have his fetish or fantasy, just don't do anything illegal to obtain it. Adding in religion just dumbs down the conversation.


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Folks, he is a thief who has harmed victims emotionally with his fiendish crimes.

Had traditional morals and values been part of this guys life, these crimes would not have been comitted.

Good conselling and educating him to behave decently will prevent his crimes from harming anyone again in the future.

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Sexual fetishism, not just fetishism by itself, is not considered a disorder unless it dramatically alters or affects one's life.

I would say getting arrested qualifies as affecting ones life.

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Every time I think I've heard it all, something like this pops up.

By the way, isn't he, in essence, raping those whose garments he stole? Or was it consensual?

As for the bibld healing deviants and perverts all I can think is, "Swaggart, heal theself".

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Yuk! Why not a sumo thong to really amplify the dizzying heights?

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Fetishism is a mental condition, that can be cured with support of the community, church and thyerapy.

no, church and community just bury it and it comes back again like a noxious weed. You are in denial.

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religion in the last cure for anything... countries go to war over that cure.

However, I have to say most religions do drastically alter or affect one's life as well as the people around them. It must be a fetish or a sport.

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ColAmerica said, "Had traditional morals and values been part of this guys life, these crimes would not have been comitted."

So a good Church upbringing would have prevented this "immoral" crime? Need I remind you of the countless victims of sexual abuse by members of the head-in-the-sand church? Get a grip.

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if i were caught stealing money, i would be say - i have money's smell fetish

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