Sometime after 11 p.m. on the night of July 29, a woman in her 30s was walking back to her home in the Bunka neighborhood of Tokyo’s Sumida Ward when a man on a bicycle rapidly approached her from behind. This is similar to the scenario in which a junior high school girl was groped by a manga author elsewhere in Tokyo in June, and sure enough, the Sumida cyclist was also up to no good.
Fortunately, the woman was not grabbed, struck, of otherwise directly touched by the man. However, as he rode past her, he whipped out a plastic bottle and splashed her on the left arm with some sort of yellow liquid whicn turned out to be urine.
The woman reported the incident to the police, and after examining street security camera footage investigators were able to identify the cyclist as Masakazu Tajima, a 23-year-old Sumida Ward resident.
When questioned about the incident, Tajima revealed that the urine was his, and that he’d collected it in the bottle specifically to use in the manner he did. “I splashed her with my urine,” he admitted, adding “Her surprised reaction was omoshirokatta,” using a Japanese word that can mean interesting, funny, or entertaining.
Regardless of which specific sensation Tajima was most motivated by, the police of course take issue with such behavior, so he’s been placed under arrest and is also now being investigated for his possible involvement in two other ride-by urine-splashing of women in the same part of Tokyo back in April.
Sources: Nitele News 24 via Livedoor News via Otakomu, Nanjo Yoshino 2018 concert tour, TBS News
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Mentally deranged and needs treatment...
Haaa Nemui
Disgusting, and a little terrifying, and I agree with above.
chalk one up for another weird fetish.
Neutering might solve the problem. Our tomcat did that around the house to mark his scent. He was taken to the vet and had his testicles removed. Poor guy. I actually was against it but was outvoted.
Men who hate women, and express that hatred through violent acts. Nothing new. At least the coppers caught him before he threw acid.
I wonder how much his fine will be.
finally rich
thank God there are cameras everywhere! Only people up to no good feel uncomfortable with the "big brother" watching over you
Aly Rustom
Nut job.
Perhaps classes in human interaction should be taught, like how to just say "hello" and smile(through a mask). Some men are so afraid to say a peep to a woman and get all warped and twisted inside. I really hate to comment on his looks, but I think a haircut could have served him well. He does look the loner look type and obviously acted like it. And I doubt serving time in prison is going to help the situation long term. He will come out exactly the same.
What is this, 'Listen With Mother?'
These weirdos on their bicycles and scooters are a special breed. They rely on their bikes to get up close and personal, do something awful most people would never do if on foot, escape speedily and, if they're not caught, enjoy a certain sense of anonymity.
I've heard a few stories from young women who told me how they'd been assaulted by these guys on bikes in Japan. One story involved a young woman being pushed down the side of a steep river embankment by a guy on a scooter who pulled up beside her and just shoved her over the edge. She took a long tumble of several meters. When she looked up she saw the guy who did it with his helmet on staring down at her. Another girl told me about how a guy on a scooter pulled up to her and grabbed her breast really hard and twisted it. She told me the pain was unbelievable. The guy sped off into the night. There must be numerous assaults like these happening to women across the country.
Do the hustle
I’m glad it was funny for him. Hopefully he’ll get a couple of years in the pen for assault to take the smile off his face.
There's an entire porn genre on this (and same with grabbing and groping). I wouldn't be surprised he had complices and they were filming the entire thing. Such videos can bring them a lot of money.
I'm sure everyone has a story or two about near hit and runs here..
Not too far off from where this took place, I was on my way to where my parent's Airbnb was at (old place with an archaic bath water heating system, and the occasional slug..thanks Airbnb). This was out in Hikifune.
I'm walking out in my sundress and taking in the neighborhood when I spot a bicycle coming at me at moderate speed from down the empty sidewalk. Figure they're going to move eventually, so I hold my ground and keep walking because there's ample room for him to pass.
Guy in his late forties/fifties stares me down and and gets real close, within a meter before he decides to swerve past, all the while staring at me. Either he's blind or out looking for cheap thrills, who seriously knows.
Being 9 weeks pregnant at the time I naturally glared him down as best as I could while maintaining composure. Never like to let these guys think their scare tactics actually work.
That being said I wished there could've been a way to identify him..such as a bike license plate at the very least to promote basic accountability in cyclists.
All kinds of weird people in Tokyo. If indicted, he’ll probably get a suspended sentence and do it all over again.
Make him drink 3 liters of the victims urine and give him counseling.
This is a sexual fetish. Should be done for assault.
He might be into the first part.
Luddite got it right with assault.
A drive by Golden Shower ????
He should at least be charged with assault and made to pay for a new set of clothes.
No that would be a reward for these types.
Feral! Lock him up.
blue in green
Bailiff, whack his pee pee.
Aww please, he should pay for her clothing and time. Crime? Please he´s too immature to know better. 面白かったよ
Lost of horrible acid-throwing incidents around the world. None of them, to my knowledge, started with pee. Try him for the crime he committed, not for the most horrible crime you imagine he might commit someday.
Oh my goodness, urine trouble.
Commanteer ...
And no where does Maria state that ALL men should be locked up?
She's attempting a correlation with regards to a possible motive. She's free to ponder whatever direction it could head in, starting with the seemingly innocent enough act of throwing urine. It could escalate into other violent acts in the future.
Obviously acid flinging and throwing piss are going to be judged separately in reference to the severity of the crime.
"Lost of horrible acid-throwing incidents around the world. None of them, to my knowledge, started with pee."
....and many ended up with cracked skulls around the world.
Masakazu Tajima, at age 23, finds it entertaining to target random women and attack them by throwing his own urine at them. These are surely not the first and only times he has targeted women in some way, and unless monitored, treated, and stopped, will surely not be the only time he targets women in some way - and it *will escalate, because repeat offenders do.
What is the extent of your knowledge? Not too far from zero, and very far from correct.
*Many violent attacks start with something 'minor'. There are plenty of studies of domestic violence and serial killers to prove it.
@Maria It is well documented that sex offenders start with smaller incidents/crimes which then almost always escalate to more serious incidents. They need to de dealt with seriously from the start, people thinking flashers, gropers or underwear thieves are harmless weirdos are enabling offenders. Fines and slaps on the wrist by the authorities do little to encourage rehabilitation. There need to be programmes these offenders need to attend as part of, not instead of, punishment.
Not a sexual fetish. As his targets are humiliating girls or women, it is a deep psychological manifestation of something that seriously impacted him in his socialization process as a child or adolescence.
on the positive side he didn’t use acid etc. his victims will survive.
Do you have a hatred of men? Half of the world's human population.
@TokyoJoe: What on earth are you on about? None of that makes sense. Calm down, stop exaggerating, control the hysterics, and try again.
Tee hee. I can pour my pee pee in a petto bottle. Tee hee.
Yet still acting like a 13 year old with nothing else better to do.
Soooooo, those other Urine splashing cases are STILL unsolved, 4 months later? I think that might be the real crime here.
Do the police really take issue with such behavior?
What are the police in Japan good for again? Someone please remind me.
Haaa Nemui
How can Maria’s “men who hate women” comment be so easily misunderstood by so many here who are reading it as “all men”? That’s ridiculous. Some men have ginger hair, some men don’t like cats, some men have blue eyes. Maria’s comment ONLY focuses on men who hate women and act violently towards them. That’s all. “But not all men” type comments or any comment being disrespectful to her aren’t warranted.
"This is similar to the scenario in which a junior high school girl was groped by a manga author elsewhere in Tokyo in June"
Except it's not... not at all.
Let me guess - this creep isn't exactly popular with the ladies.
Saw a photo of him on 'Tokyo Reporter' he looked like a typical otaku who had the social skills of a fridge.
No it isn't. No more than marijuana smokers always escalating to heroin addiction. No more than a petty thief always escalating to major crime. The basic tenet of law is that you charge a person for what he (or she) actually did, not what you think they may do someday. Maria's comment that "*Many violent attacks start with something 'minor' " does not mean that something minor always (or even often) will become a violent attack. I understand a creepy sexual fetish repulses people, but the perp is as entitled to justice as any other criminal.
Don't this people got anything better to do or think of?? It amazes me how totally retarded the 20's generation is!! Just yesterday on the news a young man a in his 20's wearing a pink backpack threw a bin through a glass door for no reason. He was caught on a security camera, and the owner said that he has never seen him before.
Agree, today's 20's generation appears to be severely lacking. Just look at the 20's mobs in America where tens of thousands of them have thrown bins through shop windows and then looted them in the name of restitution and justice. If America still had a spine this garbage would have been sorted hours after it began months ago. Unfortunately as we saw in Chicago last week, that spine no longer exists and the looting continues to this day..
That's hilarious! You actually give tuppence about this plus/minus voting system?
Don't be ridiculous. I don't need validation. When I see sexism, hatred, bigotry, racism, homophobia, and deliberate ignorance, I will comment. I know I'm right to do so, and I don't need some wet-behind-the-ears ignoramuses to give me points to know I am right.
Try again , please, to explain your previous post. It made no sense. It'd help if you learned how to separate a quoted comment, and your own words. You need to unclick the speech marks.
There are frequent similar reports of men throwing or smearing various body fluids at women. Fetish or not, this behaviour a) is usually repeated; b) shows a disdain for women - the targets are random, not known; and c) often escalates. The escalation might range from frequency of attack, to substance used, to a need for physical contact with the victim.
By the way, JT readers: you're not all wet-behind-the-ears ignoramuses. The ones who aren't, I'm looking at you. You know who you are.
Readers, that's enough bickering.
He can enjoy a golden shower in the slammer if that's his thing.
About 15 years ago in Tohoku, I was seeing a girl who had a stalker, the parent of one of my students, as it were. Several times he (I assume) left a PET bottle with urine in it open and leaning against the front door to my apartment, so that when I opened it, it would tip over and spilling my genkan when I opened the door.
Ken Wyatt
Pity they can't give him a taste of his own medicine...
William Bjornson
He, sadly, is one of us, showing the full versatility of Human behavior in our current version of Human Reality. If his behavior was 'unimaginable', then perhaps we could claim it was 'strange', but such behaviors of this ilk among us are TOO imaginable because we see them constantly among ALL Humans everywhere. The only 'odd' part about this story is that he was caught which is way rarer (here 1 chance in 4?) than not getting caught when Humans abuse other Humans. In terms of ubiquity, it could be described as Humans' most popular 'sport', watching other Humans suffer, plus the 'thrill' of 'danger' for these unleashed, pathological cowards who act out on their adopted fantasies fueled by our universal social pathologies. Adjusting one's perceptions to what we see of our collective selves rather than what we want to believe of our collective selves makes this kind of behavior seem completely unsurprising and almost 'normal'. Ya FEEL me...? And, somehow, I still want to believe there is hope for us...or perhaps just my longing for seeing us as I did before I grew up and got to know Humanity better...
Porno or not, this is juvenile to the max. Does he think he's being cute by this nonsense? Did this jerk even mature in his life at all? By the time we progressed beyond elementary school (5th grade, age 11) us boys had quit doing stupid little stunts like this - for one thing, we had started developing and were starting to 'like' girls.
Poor judgement on the kids part. He probably thought he would get away with it as well. I feel sorry for the girl as that is humiliating. Pay for new clothes and do some community service.
Splash him back with his urine and see how he reacts.!!??