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© 2014 AFP'Black widow' with seven dead partners arrested
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© 2014 AFP
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7? It took 7 before the police put the puzzle together? Now I kinow to keep mine to 6!
This story will now occupy the shallow media in Japan and divert attention from discussing the many critical issues facing the nation at a time when an election has just been called.
I wouldn't be surprised if she is guilty as hell.
I am dubious about these charges. The cancer death certainly can't be attributed to her. The motorcycle death.. well, a 70+ year-old on a motorcycle is just asking for trouble. And a stroke? It is possible to induce one using certain medications, but unless she had a background in medicine I don't see how she'd know how to do it.
And as for the traces of cyanide in the food... don't make me laugh. Apples contain "traces of cyanide", as do a dozen or more common foods most of us eat every week. Unless it was enough to kill that's not a case.
Perhaps she just dates old men with health problems and lets nature take its course?
What a b!tch. And what the hell does her excuse even mean? "If people suspect murder, I’d find it easier to bite my tongue off and die". Nice one, you old hag.
The Japanese for "bite my tongue off and die" (舌をかみ切って死ぬ) is apparently an idiomatic expression, even noted in my Japanese>English dictionary. First time I've heard that expression.
2012 husband died and traced cyanide in his body? and j-police didn't do anything... good work J-cops, waited for another human being to die before you took actions, only good at checking bicycles!
A black widow who mates and kills? I've seen Japanese TV dramas where a detective inserts a handkerchief in a suspect's mouth to prevent suicide (bite the tongue off).
James Messner
Do you think she would give me a chance. 73 and still going strong. Even Charles Manson was allowed to get married. ;-)
You can see the interview she gave to the media in March here, from 1:07: She apparently doesn't have eye problems but kept her eyes closed for the duration of his interview. A liar.
Kevin Lee Brooke
Hang 'em high.
Sicko who needs to be put down.
Read the next sentence where it says "Traces of cyanide were detected in his body".
Genius work by the cops so far.
Ya think?
Murder and celebrity scandals sell and TV stations are businesses. It is not just the way of Japan, it is the way of the World. Even CNN reports celebrity scandals ahead of elections and war.
But surely it could not be merely a coincidence that on the same day as "Black widow with seven dead partners arrested", we also have "7 children injured by dog in Oita" reported in the same edition of the Japan Times, could it?
Have you happened to have heard of something called the internet?
Bartholomew Harte
Not to worry - she'll claim insanity & throw herself on the mercy of the court as a widow!
Knox Harrington
How can it take the police 7 dead partners to take action and figure this stuff out? I know privacy is important and everybody are afraid of speaking up and all over here, but for dog's sake, couldn't you have started the engines at dead partner number 3 or 4?!
Jason Santana
Wow "as it emerged six former partners had already died" it seriously took that long to say they all died from being poisoned???
If i saw 6 other people get shot it's pretty safe to say the next person will be shot as well. I don't know maybe it's just me!
Maybe she was just drunk!
Even CNN? I agree with the point you're trying to make, but CNN is far from a good example.
The scary thing is that if she had stopped after hubby no. 6, she would have gotten away with it.
Blame the cops if you like, but how about the insurance agents who paid out time and again, and never put two and two together? Er, three and three together, that is.
She wasn't doomed by fate so much as she was allowed to go this far by fools. The J-police have proven so utterly incompetent in this case it's surprising even for them. The woman claims she didn't poison anyone or had no involvement, but that's utter BS -- and the cyanide proves it.
"We have to take into account their advanced age" is a BS cover for the fact that they have been negligent in their investigations.
Only in Japan. And will she get the death penalty? My guess is she'll barely see the inside of a jail cell as they won't be able to prove, since it's too late, the other cases were murder.
Stuart hayward
I don't see anything saying that the autopsy proved her latest husband died from cyanide, was this the case or not?
Stuart - that was the point I was trying to make. Traces of cyanide is not the same as enough cyanide to kill.
Eaten almonds today? Well done, your blood now contains measurable traces of cyanide. Does that make the combo I clerk who sold you the almonds a murderer? No, that would be nuts!!
And that's not even considering the possibility of contaminated food from China or somewhere.
In a civilized country the police would have to show that she had access to cyanide and that it was the cause of death. Traces of cyanide... If I ran blood samples from a hundred Jt readers I'm sure I'd find traces of cyanide in 99 of you and 100 if I used specialized equipment like a mass spectrometer.
Well, you must admit, the dice are rolling if you shack up with this lady. Blimey.
The police have discovered that she registered with a dating agency before her latest husband's death, stating her serious desire to get married, and looking for men with a yearly salary of more than 10 million JPY . She had prospective marriage Mi-ai parties with two of them, while she was still married.
Stuart, the JT article above says: "Husband number four Isao Kakehi fell sick suddenly at home and was confirmed dead at a hospital in December last year, less than two months after the couple married. An autopsy found highly toxic cyanide compounds in his blood."
Why would the hospital perform an autopsy?
Sorry, but after losing 2 spouses in a row, most intelligent detectives start paying attention to a person like that. 3 would have really had them hunting them down and arresting them. Coincidences aren't this coincidental. Some very suspicious activity has to be causing so many deaths around one person.
An autopsy would reveal if the victim had eaten almonds that day as it take some time for them to be digested.
Stuart hayward
Nandakandamanda: Yes I read that but since they did perform an autopsy on at least one of her last late husbands, what was the cause of death? The autopsy didn't conclude he died from cyanide, just that they found it in his system. SlumDog: The autopsy didn't say if he had eaten almonds or not eaten almonds. If they died from cyanide, then an autopsy would clearly confirm this as fact. I'm not defending her, she may be guilty or not, I just don't understand the way these results have been worded.
Just looking at the article, I can't for the life of me see any clear autopsy result.
Actually, neither am I. I don't actually see any clear results in this article. Either this particular article is incomplete, or the results are inconclusive, or both.
I was merely suggesting to another poster that if the cyanide traces were from almonds eaten that day that the almonds would still not have been digested, cyanide would have ruled out as the cause of death and one would think it would not have been reported to the media.
One of the posters is suggesting that almonds take days to digest. Clearly that poster is to be ignored as they know nothing about digestion. Almonds digest in about 3 hours (depending on stomach acid concentration, how well they're chewed, etc, therefore "about").
Anyone suggesting that almonds are impervious to stomach acid clearly is just trolling and needs to be ignored.
No one is suggesting any such thing.
According to the Mayo Clinic, the average rate of digestion for almonds is approximately 53 hours. Personal experience seems to bear this out.
I am merely suggesting that not all the facts are in on this story and jumping to snap judgement prematurely is ill-advised.
No, we suspect she did it for fun.
The "title" sounds like "she and seven dead partners were all arrested together..."
Did she really think she could just continue this course of action forever??? Toxicology report never rung a bell with her??
The article implies that she killed all 7, but unless she found a 100% surefire way to induce a stroke in someone else, I know she had nothing to do with at least ONE of the deaths. There wouldn't really be a motive for killing the fiance unless she had managed to get him to take out an insurance policy in her name. That normally doesn't happen (the insurance policy) until AFTER you get married.
The basic problem here is a lack of information. Did her last partner died with 0.001% of 1 gram of cyanide in him, or more like half a kilo? Until that information is released, then not much point in arguing.
It's possible Chisako Kakehi is innocent. It's also possible I will be stuck by lightning 3 times tonite.
Marco LaGrot
She loved every man to death,800 million yen and she couldn't stay warm Rather than knit woolen slippers she prefered cooking with her favorite cynaid spice.Should you be interested in being husband number 8 please forward your address to:Yono Mogohom,1 Morgue Foyo,Japan !!