A 35-year old researcher at Kumamoto University has been identified as the body found in a roadside gutter in Kumamoto City on Monday morning.
Police said Wednesday the dead woman was Chisato Narahara, Fuji TV reported. Her body was discovered in the gutter in Chuo Ward. An autopsy revealed that the cause of death was asphyxiation by strangulation.
After the police released a composite sketch of the woman, Narahara’s mother contacted them and said the image resembled her daughter. Narahara was last seen at her workplace at 5 p.m. on September 6. Her whereabouts after that remain unknown.
According to police reports, Narahara was believed to be living alone at her apartment in Kumamoto City. The door to her residence was locked. There was no cell phone, wallet, or personal belongings or any means of ID on the body.
© Japan Today
Grim, this violence against women.
Downvotes aren't inspiring, either.
Rest in Peace.
Another woman in Japan murdered no doubt by a man to add to the shocking statistics. I just hope this evil scum is captured before he kills again, and executed.
It is extremely painful. She was a very humble and kind person. We studied for our PhD together at the same period, same place. I can only say may her soul RIP. She had a whole useful life ahead but some deranged person just nipped it when she was just starting to bud (starting her medical research career). Am so sorry for the parents for this terrible loss.
Would you have any idea what type of medical research she was doing and whether any foul play might be involved?
@Asiaman7: The lab: https://ikedat8.wixsite.com/website-1/members.
I would not think it has anything to do with research.
Sal Affist
Well, it was Chuo Ward, so there are a lot of security cameras there, and the death occurred between 5pm Sunday night and early Monday morning, so any evidence would be fresh (had the rains in Kumamoto stopped by then?) I can hope that between her electronic accounts and any recent memories by witnesses, the police will get some leads and find the villain.
Sven Asai
Similar cases worldwide... Are you sure, Asiaman7, that it really doesn’t have anything to do with current events and developments in virology , vaccine research, covid-diagnosis and so on? The probability that many young virologists with some possible findings die in numbers in many countries for no specific reason, that probability is not so significantly high, I would estimate...
Can we have some respect please?
Ken Wyatt
What kind of researcher?
Distant Fire
Where do you think we are? Her funeral? Give it a rest, and let people ask questions in regards to the victim's research. We're all armchair detectives here on the Intertubes.
AIDS virus research. Can´t see what that could have to do with the murder.
Keja provided a link above. I feel very sorry for this woman.
With all her belongings missing, there is a calculating killer out there who needs to be caught.
Sad, and disturbing regardless. weather or not it's work related she didn't deserve to die. I pray for her and the parents.
As usual, the kneejerk reaction is to take no responsibility at all for the criminal behaviour of men.
Men must stop raping and killing women. Control yourselves.
Stop raping and killing women. Stop justifying the behaviour of men who rape and kill women. Stop excusing the men who rape and kill women. Stop blaming the women who are raped and murdered by men on a daily basis all around the world.
Men must stop raping and killing women.
At least get the rate of assaults, physical, sexual, and mental abuse by men against women is even vaguely approximately to that by women against men.
This post will have the inevitable whataboutery: "But women attack men too..."
If you find it horrific that men experience domestic violence at the hands of women, then your outrage at the violence that women suffer at the hands of men must surely be skyhigh.
Men must stop raping and killing women.
Her backpack has been located nearby with her wallet and computer inside, but her cellphone is missing.
Reports are that a 67 yo ojiichan has been arrested and has admitted to the crime! What a waste!