Japan Today

Body of baby found buried in baseball field; 17-year-old woman arrested


Police said Tuesday they have arrested a 17-year-old woman after the body of her newborn baby boy was found partially buried in a baseball field in Zama, Kanagawa Prefecture.

According to police, the body was discovered on Sunday morning. TV Asahi quoted police as saying that a group of junior high school students arriving for a game noticed the infant's leg sticking out of the soil.

Police said the child's body was in an advanced state of decay and that a rope was found wound around his neck. An umbilical cord was found nearby, prompting officers to conclude that the child was delivered moments before being murdered and buried at the scene.

The suspect, who cannot be named because she is a minor, has admitted that the infant was hers, police said. She was quoted as saying she gave birth in the bathroom of her home on the night of July 7 and then immediately decided to dispose of the corpse.

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Well at least the police were not inconvenienced with a baby in a baby hatch. (sarcasm)

-11 ( +1 / -12 )

OMG...this is absolutely horrifying. Whoever did this is a demon, and deserves the death penalty.

-3 ( +7 / -10 )

Just terrible. No pity when they catch the murderer.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

This is horrifying!!! An innocent baby killed is another sad day to humankind! RIP poor baby.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

According to this article, it would seem the 17 year old mother killed the baby herself ? Why are you all asking for the murderer to be found ? (Unless of course it turns out to be an "extracted under duress" confession ?)

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

The article has been updated.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

She was quoted as saying she gave birth in the bathroom of her home on the night of July 7 and then immediately decided to dispose of the corpse

So is she claiming that the baby was already dead? If so, why did she wrap a rope around the neck? If she killed the baby, she needs to do some serious time for it.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Its unfortunate that young girls in Japan think that this is the answer. In the U.S., there are many couples, particularly Japanese-Americans, that would love to adopt an unwanted Japanese baby. You have to blame Japanese parents and society as as whole for this problem. They don't provide a supports system at all for this type of situation. So now you have a dead baby and a young girl who will no doubt be incarcerated. The parent's fate will be much worse than had they simply helped the young girl deal with it. On top of that, they could have a grandchild that they could have called their own but being cared for by adoptive parents. My nephew is adopted from Japan and we love him as if he were our own flesh and blood.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Is 17 a woman now?

Unfortunately, the police don't seem to think so.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Choices! Abortion is an option in Japan. I wonder about the girl's parents. They must have been aware of her pregnancy. This kind of thing is just so cold I find it difficult to comprehend. It is a human baby! Not a damn hamster! FFS!!!!

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Who's fault is this? The governments! Why? This kind of thing seems to happen far too often. Educate teenagers at schools and universities that it is safe, confidential and most importantly, not shameful to have a child and want to give it up for adoption or find it a guardian or safe place to live. LIVE! Educate them! It is not that difficult! Take some freekin responsibility and educate them! Very sad for all parties. RIP to the baby, sympathy goes out to the mother and to the young lads who found the baby. It has surely changed their lives forever.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

So, between July 7 and 16 no one noticed that she wasn't pregnant anymore??

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Choices! Abortion is an option in Japan. I wonder about the girl's parents. They must have been aware of her pregnancy. This kind of thing is just so cold I find it difficult to comprehend. It is a human baby! Not a damn hamster! FFS!!!!

There is a condition in which some women show no outward signs of pregnancy. No morning sickness, menstruation still occurs, and not aware of movement in the womb. Not sure if this girl has this, but it does exist.

Addition to abortion, she also has the option of the baby hatch. Completely anonymous, and should could have gone on with her life after giving birth. Abandonment and killing NEVER should be an option. RIP little one

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

I feel sorry that this girl couldn't talk to her parents about it- as a parent, I can't imagine how her mother didn't even notice? If she noticed, I can't imagine how she just let this girl deliver a baby in the bathroom? I can understand that the girl was scared and didn't know what to do - 9 months passed so quickly - but wish her mother noticed and offered support.. this is way too sad.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

The Monster, who cannot be named because she is a minor should ask for some help, i don't understand why people in this country prefer to take away sometimes their own life instead of looking for some help.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Is 17 a considered a Woman in Japan? Curious.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Addition to abortion, she also has the option of the baby hatch.

Oh hell come on now, first off if she KNOWS about it how in the hell is she supposed to take herself down from Kanagawa to Kumamoto after giving birth to the baby and drop it in the hatch?

You make it sound like it's a viable option for young mothers like this, it's NOT. Are you going to pay for the expenses involved in giving birth and then travelling all the way to Kumamoto? You make it sound like it's right next door.

For those who may not know there is only ONE authorized baby hatch in Japan and it's in a hospital in Kumamoto, mother's who leave their babies there are not charged with abandonment because according to the prosecutors the baby is then under the protection of the hospital.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Well well, assuming she got pregnant when she was 16, so she is a kid herself, no control on mind or body! And ofcourse no guidance from parents too.....a little bit crazy family and too much ignorant to notice their 16 year old daughter is pregnant....RIP baby

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Horrible, but of all places, in a baseball field?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

a little bit crazy family

This is a very poor assumption to be making here. Just because a girl gets pregnant at that age does not automatically make her family "a little bit crazy" or any crazy at all for that matter.

There are plenty of girls that come from damn fine families that get pregnant at a young age. I am quite sure they would take offense at being referred to a crazy.

4 ( +5 / -1 )


This is a very poor assumption to be making here. Just because a girl gets pregnant at that age does not automatically make her family "a little bit crazy" or any crazy at all for that matter.

but to not notice their daughter was pregnant probably makes the family in the crazy category...

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

So very sad, especially since it's seems happen so frequently. More adequate, practical sexual education at a young age is very much needed, as well maybe access to contraception at lower cost for younger people. Then I wish for less stigma, less shaming in this society. Because I imagine these traumatized women/girls must be so desperate or mad with fear that they see no other solution than "hide" the "problem". I don't believe for a second that they are all evil monsters, though they sure chose a monstrous ending for their babies. I shudder to think how many undiscovered cases there are ...

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Is 17 a considered a Woman in Japan? Curious.

JT's moderators fail to accept the TRUTH that here on JT any female that is 17 years olf and commits a crime is called a woman. But the same 17 year year old if still in high school or is raped or molested at the same age is called a girl.

The same can be said for males too.

If you don't like the fact mod person. Change the article.

Moderator: You do not speak for the JT editorial department. Furthermore, the moderators' decisions are final on this site. Do not post this again.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

And nobody says a thing about the irresponsible, stupid male that impregnated her.

Isn't it nice that he can just wash his hands of the whole thing and any sort of responsibility?

And by no means am I suggesting anyone "keep it in their pants", but the ignorance among males you can discover even by just talking to them is crazy. I think a nice way to get them to educate themselves would be to make sure they are held accountable for pregnancies they themselves did not want or have an agreement about. Preventing pregnancy is a snap for any male with any sense or care, easier than for women. But the guy just begins the mess and walks away carefree? That should change.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

@ cl1400 - Who's fault is this?! It's hers. She had sex, she got pregnant, she gave birth, and she "disposed of the corpse" (charge will be updated after the autopsy). Don't blame the gov't. She did it.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

There is a condition in which some women show no outward signs of pregnancy. No morning sickness, menstruation still occurs, and not aware of movement in the womb. Not sure if this girl has this, but it does exist.

Wow. If that was the case, it could well have caused her to lose her grip on reality.

More likely knew it, and her parents too, but they as a family couldn't share any love, they could only impress upon her a sense of guilt and wrongdoing, over and over again, everyday. What if she never even had a conversation with anybody about how she was going to deal with the birth? Perhaps her peer group said only "taihen desu ne" and nothing further. It's not inconceivable that finally she felt it was her duty to society to get rid of the unwanted baby as effectively as possible.

I expect the father, who dumped her early on, was a rather popular baseball player in the school; hence the choice of burial ground.

Good luck on increasing the amount of love in the world by giving her the death penalty.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Is 17 a woman now?

Seems not since she's considered a minor.

**And nobody says a thing about the irresponsible, stupid male that impregnated her.

Isn't it nice that he can just wash his hands of the whole thing and any sort of responsibility?** Perhaps she didn't tell him? Doesn't seem she told anyone else.

Japan needs to start addressing sex ed, condoms, the pill and the like at schools because let's be honest, parents here aren't talking about it with their kids.

Poor kid, poor baby.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Tell him? See that's it right there in a nutshell. If you are a guy and you don't where your fluids went, then you are a clown as far as I am concerned. And while even escaped fluids is no guarantee of pregnancy, it should put you on alert.

More adequate, practical sexual education at a young age is very much needed,

Abe and his conservative buddies made sure that didn't happen when they got all upset about anatomically correct instruction dolls and other materials they deemed "unsuitable for the age of the children". Lord forbid anyone try to do anything about Japan's high abortion rate, this one being very very late term you could say. And Lord forbid anyone be educated before they become sexually active.

Thanks Abe. Great job man.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Perhaps she didn't tell him?

She raped him in his sleep ?

I expect the father, who dumped her early on, was a rather popular baseball player in the school;

Or a baseball coach... As usual, we don't know the circumstances, but that happens too often and that's neither because they don't know how babies are made and how to not make them, nor a lack of access to contraception and medical abortion. There is really something weird. And not only in Japan. In Europe, they deal with women that buried series of babies in their backyards.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Articles are basically summaries. We do not know the reasons behind actions until it comes from the horse's mouth.

In the meantime, here is what we should know-

Abortions cost money Having a baby in the hospital costs money

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Having a baby in the hospital costs money

If she were indigent or not under any insurance policy, no it wouldn't. Not to mention that the costs of child-birth here are reimbursed to the point that having the baby in a hospital would not be that "expensive".

Raising the child is another story, but there is help out there if she just would have asked, or if someone would have noticed and cared to assist.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

She raped him in his sleep ?

You do understand that every sexual enounter doesn't lead to a child, right??

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

I don't understand how someone can carry a baby for 9 months only to kill the poor thing (or disposing). As someone mentioned, abortion is an option here. I would think it's a better option to find money somehow to abort rather than to carry the baby full-term and then kill (or disposing) it. So, so sickening.

We don't know if she told the baby daddy or if she told her parents or anyone. We don't know either if the baby was alive or dead when born. But, whatever the reason, she is evil for having the idea to dispose the body and actually doing it.

Some posters mention the parents but just because a kid goes off-track doesn't mean it's the parents fault.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

I could write a lot but the most important thing is that parents, schools and doctors need to work together and educate ecpectly Japanese girls who to have save sex.

I am shocked every time I hear from my Japanese friends, both male and female, that they or there partner all ready had 2,3 or more abortions. And that prevention is up to the men.

Since I am regnant and spend a lot time at my women`s clinic I see all most every time I am there mothers with there young daughters looking ashamed down. I all ready saw some of them crying silently and I really wanna scream out in this moments. To the parents and education facilities to xxxx educate them and don@t act like ignoring is a birth control pill or abortion is normal!

First of all they shouldnt get prego in the first place.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Curious ... why is the suspect described as a "woman" when she's a minor?

Anyway, very sad all round. Poor baby, and poor young mother too.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Some posters mention the parents but just because a kid goes off-track doesn't mean it's the parents fault.

Whose fault is it then?

-2 ( +1 / -3 )


but to not notice their daughter was pregnant probably makes the family in the crazy category...

I now understand. You are the type of person that justifies anything to support your theories even when you are wrong. Gottchya!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

When the baby was born, infant's body is too small, naive and innocence. How adorable he was, too sad. I want her to regret deeply to kill her irreplaceable angel.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

tmarie - Not everyone was a perfect teenager or a perfect adult like you. And not everyone has perfect parents like you. You blame EVERYTHING on parents. So if this particular parents are at fault, maybe it's her parents' parents fault for not raising them well? Then it'll go back to Adam and Eve at this rate.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

I have never said I was perfect Ms. Once again instead of dealing with the question, you strike out and make a personal attack. I don't blame EVERYTHING on parents but when kids are minors, guess who is responsible for them? Their caregivers who are usually their... parents. And indeed, perhaps her grandparents were horrible parents. Have you never heard of cycles in families? However, in this day and age, there is no excuse for a teenager to feel that the only option she has is to either kill and dispose of or dispose of an unwanted baby. If you feel differently, we clearly have very different opinions on the matter.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Readers, please stop bickering. In fact, do not address one another unless you are willing to be civil.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The women must have worried and didnt know what to do so she did the first thing that came to mind. I mean think, a 17 year old mother, thats a lot of responsibility. That goes to show you to wait to have sex. poor, helpless baby.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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