Japan Today

Buddhist monk arrested for filming up girl's skirt on escalator


Police have arrested a 41-year-old Buddhist monk for using his smartphone to film up the skirt of a 16-year-old girl as she was on an escalator at JR Odawara Station in Kanagawa Prefecture.

According to police, the incident occurred at around 9:30 p.m. Saturday. The monk was identified as Masuhiro Masuda from a temple in Hadano, TBS reported.

The girl was on a long escalator with her father when she suspected that Masuda, who was behind her, was using his smartphone to film up her skirt. Her father grabbed Masuda at the top of the escalator.

Masuda was quoted by police as saying he had filmed up young girls' skirts many times before because it made him feel horny.

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Bless his heart! I will pray that he gets his head clear.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

Not hard to guess what he probably thinks about during morning meditation.

14 ( +14 / -0 )

The broad demographic of Japanese men committing this indecent act makes makes one wonder just how common it really is. I've caught four guys in the last three years filming up skirts on train station escalators.

7 ( +12 / -5 )

The broad demographic of Japanese men committing this indecent act makes makes one wonder just how common it really is. I've caught four guys in the last three years filming up skirts on train station escalators.

Yes, it really is common and I've also witnessed the same thing a few times (most recently in a department store, and not even on the escalators). You mention the broad demograpic but every single male I've seen doing it has been a perfectly normal-looking salaryman in his thirties (suit, tie, spectacles, briefcase, the works). What is wrong with these people?

5 ( +7 / -2 )

At least he didn't say he was drunk!

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Yes, it really is common and I've also witnessed the same thing a few times (most recently in a department store, and not even on the escalators). You mention the broad demograpic but every single male I've seen doing it has been a perfectly normal-looking salaryman in his thirties (suit, tie, spectacles, briefcase, the works). What is wrong with these people?

I saw one guy hanging around the steps near the food court in MinatoMirai a couple of weeks back and was about to shoo him away when he ran up the stairs. There seems to be a good amount running around. Never acquired the needed social skills to actualy talk to women and go on dates or something.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Do not kid yourselves. These days there are many Buddhist monks who only practice the lifestyle, but are not really into it by heart. Many or almost all Japanese people are not religious, so these monks who practice the Buddhist religion are only doing it as a job and nothing more. When I lived in Shimane, I met a monk who was probably the dirtiest minded guy I ever met in Japan...and this is when he wasn't drunk. When he was drunk it was worst! Also he ate meat.

7 ( +11 / -4 )

Well J-cops and politicians do it so why can't a BUDDHIST monk?

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Am I the only poster on this site who has never caught anyone doing this?

When I lived in Shimane, I met a monk who was probably the dirtiest minded guy I ever met in Japan...and this is when he wasn't drunk. When he was drunk it was worst!

Both sex and alcohol are allowed for monks as far as I know.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Both sex and alcohol are allowed for monks as far as I know.

Yeah it's no surprise there are often soaplands near temples.

Out of curiosity what's "made him feel horny" in Japanese...?

4 ( +5 / -1 )

The expression used by the monk was ムラムラしてやってしまった

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Time to quit being a monk and go and himself a girlfriend

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Relax guys. He was probably meditating and on his path to enlightenment. ''Religious types'' have commited far worse crimes, eg. Aum, et al. Reminds me of a monk I once met in Cambodia. Despite all their talk of piety, this monk was one dirty pervert.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Okay yes this article stands out because the dude was a monk. But did anyone else not realize that the girl's father was there as well when he did it? Crazy.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Monk in name only? If he yearns for the flesh, why torture himself? Leave the monastery and go get a wife. When he looks at the pic and gets horny, I'm sure it's not done there.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

If he yearns for the flesh, why torture himself? Leave the monastery and go get a wife. When he looks at the pic and gets horny, I'm sure it's not done there.

He's a monk, not a priest.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Monks like Protestant priest are allowed to marry.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Seriously, does anyone know anything about Buddhism??? You cannot drink alcohol or have sex!!!! That's a basic precept of Buddhism!!!! Eating meat is not permitted for food prepared at the temple, but if given as an offering, then it is allowed. Sheesh guys, I expected more!!

-10 ( +3 / -13 )


Which form of Buddhism are you talking about Zen, Tibetan, Hinayana, Mahayana, Amidalism, Nichiren, etc?

Many forms allow meat, alcohol, etc consumption, marriage, etc. I am a Buddhist myself and still confused with all the groups and sects.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

There are so many comment writers when this kind of stories JT writes. Hardly in sports Boards,

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

+StrangerlandMar. 22, 2015 - 08:27PM JST

If he yearns for the flesh, why torture himself? Leave the monastery and go get a wife. When he looks at the pic and gets horny, I'm sure it's not done there.

I know that, but why that response?

A monk is a person who practices religious asceticism (describes a lifestyle characterized by abstinence from worldly pleasures), living either alone or with any number of other monks.

A monastery is the building or complex of buildings comprising the domestic quarters and workplace(s) of monastics, whether monks or nuns, and whether living in communities or alone (hermits).

With those definitions, I pray thee tell me whither I erred. You should have researched before responding.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

His just a human not a saint ... at lease he was honest .

7 ( +7 / -0 )

These guys who run the temples & shrines are often well known to be rather randy characters.

I remember the mrs & I went to one of the shrines/temples cant remember which likely shrine with all the big wooden phalluses etc & we got talking with one of these guys & he LITERALLY said he worships........how can I saw this, Japanese ladies ... nether regions..... the guy was gushing in his praise & was pretty embarrassing even though I couldn't understand all of what he said it was crazy LOL! my wife was pretty embarrassed BUT she was listening pretty intently, was quite an experience!

3 ( +5 / -2 )

I pray thee tell me whither I erred


If he yearns for the flesh, why torture himself? Leave the monastery and go get a wife.

Monks are allowed to be married here, and have no requirement of abstinence.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

I do not personally know any monks be it Buddhists, Catholics, whatever, but the following is what I always read about them.

"Buddhist monks do not marry, since there are no laws for or against marriage. The reason is obviously that to be of service to mankind, the monks have chosen a way of life which includes celibacy. Those who renounce the worldly life keep away from married life voluntarily to avoid various worldly commitments in order to maintain peace of mind and to dedicate their lives solely to serve others in the attainment of spiritual emancipation."

If they marry, I would expect it to be after leaving the monastery.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Depends on the group and sect and which vows they take.

Again we don't know what form of Buddhism he practices, not all monks live in monasteries either. Many run their own temples/shrines.

There are big splits & disputes among the groups/sects depending on the order of the sutras followed/used, interpretation, etc.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

the following is what I always read about them.

Essentially that's like trying to describe every type of Christianity in a single sentence. In doing so you're going to over-generalize and get it wrong.

As I said, monks are allowed to marry here, and neither sex nor marriage is disallowed. Maybe some monks here have taken vows prohibiting them from doing so, but they are not the standard.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Geez! I am a Buddhist too, funny here some folk they know more about BUDDHISM than we who actually have converted to Buddhism etc...but anyway, just because this idiot monk was taking cheap video shots of some girl on the escalator does not mean all monks are HENTAIS, kind of like saying,"Well I heard of a Catholic priest who loved molesting young boys so now I am sure all Catholic priests are sick, perverted pedophiles." Good on the father that had the COURAGE to stop this idiot fool CORRUPT Buddhist monk out in Odawara.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

There are many different sects of Buddism in Japan. Monks (Boizu) usually have no restrictions in marriage or sex activities. It is not kike Catholic.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

So, according to you it's possible for him to have a wife (if he doesn't already have one), but he chose to film up random women's skirt and get horny. Worse than I initially thought then.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

He is a human after all with all that comes with it good and bad.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

So, according to you it's possible for him to have a wife (if he doesn't already have one)

It's not according to me, it's the way things are. The owner of the temple across the road from my home is a monk and his wife. I used to know another monk who was a part-time programmer. Buddhism in Japan is not what many people envision it to be.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

There are many different sects of Buddism in Japan. Monks (Boizu) usually have no restrictions in marriage or sex activities. It is not like Catholic.

Temple heads are expected to marry and produce sons, because the post is hereditary (similar to kabuki actors). One of my former students married a Buddhist priest, and her first role was to provide the family with a son and heir. So far, she has produced three daughters in three years, and is currently expecting her fourth child. Her very kind husband has said that he will stop at five daughters, and will not pressure her any more. We are all praying it's a boy.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

The head of the local Zen Buddhist Shrine drives a Merc and wife a BMW most of those are loaded. Own extensive properties where they collect rent, etc

5 ( +6 / -1 )

@Shabuque: Not accoding to me. Noizues are one of best customers in sex business including sex toy stores. Moderator wrote his comment.. It consists of his two actions. First, how his feeling turned, Second has nothing to do with filming. His body action because of first feeling. Probably he made his comment wheb he had to change his pants in police station,

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

If he's having so many daughters, its his fault and it's just not meant to be (since the males genomes determine the child's sex).

As for this monk, all he needs is to get on his PC and surf the net for his jollies, get a girlfriend, or get married. The actions he's been doing like this lead up to more aggressive tendencies like sexual assault. Becoming a monk just for the free room and board pretty much makes any religious aspect of it pointless. Religion is supposed to be about spiritual growth and improvement of one's self into a better human being. If one can't abide by those standards, then they shouldn't be or put themselves in a position that requires an individual to at least have certain standards of an "upstanding" lifestyle.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

If one can't abide by those standards, then they shouldn't be or put themselves in a position that requires an individual to at least have certain standards of an "upstanding" lifestyle.

Oh, he had an "upstanding" lifestyle all right! That was the problem.

2 ( +3 / -1 )


I see you have a mind like mine... ; )

1 ( +2 / -1 )


Well, great minds and all that :-)

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Buddhist monks generally don't have to pay taxes in Japan and get paid a pretty penny to do all of these short ceremonies for people. After releasing him, punish him by forcing him to pay like the rest of us.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

@DeDude: Temples also rend their meeting halls to some groups that operate illegal gambling. Thus the comission from these gamgling rents are called TeraSen, If you want to participate such gamgling, you can indicate your intention by pointing your right index finger to your nose. They get very good tera-sen each evening. You will mingle with local wealthy people and also politicians there, Temple does not mean funeral business in Japan. Employee monks make sure their terasen shares are not cheated.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Guys, suggesting that a Monk who engages in sexual activity is akin to a Christian priest who has sworn celibacy is silly, firstly because not all branches of Christianity require celibacy, and in fact marriage is okay in many, and also because likewise many sects of Buddhism do not require celibacy. Buddhism does not prohibit monks from marrying at all. However, in many sects Buddhist monks are supposed to be celibate when they take their vows. I only really know one monk well in Japan, who has impeccable English, and he is a total perv. He's a funny guy and has told me countless stories, while he gets quite drunk I might add, of having women over to the temple or of visiting 'health spas'. None of it is against the vows or the law, he's explained. Clearly the guy filming or taking photos up skirt is breaking the law, of course, but that doesn't mean he is celibate -- just means he's a disgusting man who needs to be punished by law.

Unfortunately, I also know, from some stories of said friend, that monks get away with quite a bit that others might not, so likely this guy will pay some money and that'll be the end of it.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Maybe Japanese sects should require celibacy, then. I think that is far more important than avoiding meat or alcohol. The monastic life is supposed to be a refuge for those that have difficulty with the oversexed modern world.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

@scipa; The monastic life is supposed to be a refuge for those that have difficulty with the oversexed modern world.....

When It was like you claimed???

0 ( +2 / -2 )

For all of you who are shocked at the fact that a Buddhist monk, who is supposed to stick to monastic rules, is doing this:

The vast majority of Buddhist monks (or better: priests) in Japan inherit the job from their father. Most temples are essentially family businesses. The priests do have to undergo some training, but don't imagine long periods of meditation in caves and practicing martial arts under waterfalls. They do have to learn how to read sutras for funerals and so on. It can be pretty lucrative, because all Japanese families are registered with a particular temple, which means they will ask the funerals to be done at that temple.

And monastic rules have been thrown out since centuries by most Buddhist sects in Japan. Most Buddhist priests are thus pretty much salarymen in a family business.

None of the above explains why this monk should film up a girl's skirt of course.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Of all the countries in the world I could never possibly be a Buddhist Monk in, it's Japan.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

The basic rule for Monks that was made by Buddha when he's alive, 'The four parajikas (defeats) are rules entailing expulsion from the sangha for life. If a monk breaks any one of the rules he is automatically 'defeated' in the holy life and falls from monkhood immediately. He is not allowed to become a monk again in his lifetime. Intention is necessary in all these four cases to constitute an offence. The four parajikas for bhikkus are:

Sexual intercourse, that is, any voluntary sexual interaction between a bhikku and a living being, except for mouth-to-mouth intercourse which falls under the Sanghadisesa.'

So it's not about which tradition of Buddhism that allowed and not allowed to married. It's definitely not a Buddhism if Monk are allowed to married.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

@peace: It would be nice if you write the name of your Buddah and when and where yours exusted Akso how king.

1 ( +1 / -0 )


So you mean there are different Buddha that the japanese worship? Even so, I never recall to read any previous Buddhas before Buddha Gautama has let their students (as Monks) to have sex or have family.

The vinaya is very important to Buddhists -

"Whatever Dhamma and Vinaya I have pointed out and formulated for you, that will be your Teacher when I am gone." (Mahaaparinibbaana Sutta, [D.16]).

0 ( +0 / -0 )

This path to nirvana, i din't know, how will this reflect on his Karma? ;)

1 ( +1 / -0 )

We need more police officers patrolling the stations to deter this kind of behaviour....

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Japanese Buddhism has lost its way. A monk should refrain from any forms of grandeur, sexual contact, and live a life of humbleness to attain Nirvana. I am saddened to hear these things happening, and claiming to be Buddhists. Before you rant and rave to me, do your research.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Pretty sure this guy is from Nichiren Shoshu. They seem to have a perverted history all the way to that Nikken.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

It seems the ones we should be trusting are the ones we should be worried about.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

@wipeout... Are you justifying criminal activities, and/or activities that go against the basic precepts of a religion because they are humans? Giving them excuses? You would certainly make a good judge, as the weak sentencing seem to match your ideals of 'They're people, nothing more.' Same justification for catholic priests. Make people accountable, especially when they hold positions of reverence in society. I have done my research, but all I hear is people giving him justification for his actions, I. E he is only human. When people actually become victims of crime, the attitude totally changes. How would you feel if it was you, your boyfriend /girlfriend, sister, mother, aunty, even grandmother. I doubt there would be so much compassion towards this low life.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

He of all people should know that karma is a b...

2 ( +2 / -0 )

@peace: ShinShu and ShingonShu have Amida; They pray NamMaida. I don't know other sects but each sect has different Buddah. @Educator60: If you are in Tokyo, visit large temples near Honbu (Head office) of SumiyoshiKai, InagawaGumi or AnegasakiIkka. There are many smaller temples for less ranked people. Japan is so crowded that what you see is not all Japan. Out of Tokyo, too

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Humens never seem to learn that the attraction to the opposite gender or other half is deep rooted into the humans body chemistry.

First we have the chast Christian priest, they've all but failed to keep to themselves, we've all heared the indecency exposed. Now we get the Buddhist monk, the fact is keeping to ones self, keeping holy, chastity or otherwise is impossible, (there are a few genuine cases) majority of the cases have hidden secrets. Simply google "Monks peper" seems like this was but one monk that run out of it.

Man is but perverted, Japan is no excuse, "Tomonobu Itagaki" prime example, the boom of hentai comics, the many untold assaults on female colleagues in Japan and around the world. Whan one has a full load, sex is the only thing that comes to mind, it is but a flaw in the creation, an set of measures to keep the race from extinction if you will.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I would think a longer skirt would thwart most of these guys. A knee-length skirt is going to be harder to secretly "up-skirt" than a thigh-length skirt without being obvious about it - even on an escalator. It that a realistic assumption or am I missing something?

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Beer drinkin' Lexus drivin' Up-skirt photo takin' Monks!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

@Fadamor: Recommend some other girls' attires than a skirt. Pervert can place cameras under long skirt than short skirt on escalators. Summer coming now. Why do you still recommend skirt?

-3 ( +0 / -3 )


Please read my comment more carefully. I didn't say that monks can't have sex or drink alcohol. I was commenting on his dirty minded attitude. If you heard the things that monk said you'd call him a pervert. I was also explaining that he has no excuse for being that way because he is not drunk and when he is, he is worse. I also said that many of the "monks" practice Buddhism as a job and NOT as a religion. BTW he is also married, but talks dirty about other women. I'm not sure what the restrictions for all Buddhists are, but I do know he isn't suppose to eat meat, onions, chives and garlic because he told me. The bottom line is, practicing a religion seriously or as a job does not mean you are some kind of angel. And it doesn't matter if you are in a religion or not, taking pictures of girl's/women's underwear is sick.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

@ William Heath, respects on your comments.

@ Fedmore, "longer Skirts" would not solve the problem.

To even suggest the girls at fault is preposterous, many schools in Japan have such uniforms as standard. Yes the girl could have put on tights underneath but that's beyond the point, the next thing you would probably suggest is that all schoolgirl and such should carry a gun. Simply preposterous. Japan is a developed nation that has law and order put in place, this is not some jungle in the middle of Africa.

Ever heard of the terminology; Voyeurism or rather, voyeur as its better known as?

Its big business in Japan, (Japan was the only nation to make headlines a few years back when the law was passed that legally all cameras sold in Japan, must have the shutter sound permanently enabled. (you can't disable it without a modified firmware). I remember reading an article about a guy upskirt filming a real schoolgirl sitting at an bench of some sort, park bench, bus stop across the road or otherwise.

Apparently when the girl noticed she had tried to move from the cameras (telebees) field of view. The guy who was filming blunted out words, Japanese words that the artical described sounded like an action seen from a samurai movie. Japanese people like to mind there own business and take no notice of such going ons. I on the other hand would have got the bloke in an headlock.

If ever in an situation where your thinking of upskirt filming. Stop and think for a minute, how would you feel if someone had done as such to your girlfriend, your wife, daughter or a family member? The gentleman that I am, simply would not allow me to do such an indecent act.

"Her father grabbed Masuda" To be frank or rather blunt, I would have Masuda or any guy who attempt such actions on anyone even remotely related to me. chew on their own balls.

In Japan, its a common practice to have spy-cams in girls toilets and such. Such practice is unheard of here in London.

He should have taken a extra dose of Monk's Pepper aka "Vitex agnus-castus". For those of you curious google "How to Lower Your Sex Drive Livestrong"

Thanks to TBS the Monk and the shrine he works at was named and shamed.


-1 ( +2 / -3 )

top tip ladies, girls IF you don't want any body filming your knickers ware longer skirts!!

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

@Brian WhewayMAR. 24, 2015 - 03:55AM JST top tip ladies, girls IF you don't want any body filming your knickers ware longer skirts!!

Have you ever heard pant suit or short pant? How about bikini in summer? Don't recommend clothes perverts can easily snap shots/

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

@ Brian Wheway, that tips useless in the lavatory/ restroom. (Toilets) longer skirts a problem in the summer months. Generally speaking, a females body temperature is higher than that of males. Facts

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Oh my Buddha!!!! It gets worse and worse!!!! People suggesting that women should wear a specific type of clothing, to deter men filming their underwear??!?!?!!?? HELLO, WAKE UP JAPAN!!!! Stop blaming the victims, you are no different now than the men of the middle east or India. (not all places in either side) Making women conform to a standard, because men can't control themselves? Ridiculous!!!! As I stated earlier, imagine if it was your wife or girlfriend? Violated in public by a perverted man, who holds a degree of reverence in society. Stop blaming the victims!!!! Stop justifying the actions of criminal because of 'human nature'. Stop being soft on this type of behaviour, because a man views a woman as a sexual object and it is in his human chemistry (complete rubbish, everyone has self control, or we would live in Sodom and Gomorrah). @ Strategist I am glad there is someone else with common sense in this world!!!! Respect brother!

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

The problem is not the skirt. The problem is the pervert.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Considering how many Christian clergy are in jail / court / under investigation at this very moment, don't think it's a good idea to point fingers.

My assumption is there's perverts in every faith, not to mention atheists. Some people are better at suppressing themselves in public. Think it's quite natural to perve, just don't be an idiot about it.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

There is a time to every purpose under heaven. A time to sow and a time to reap, a time to perve, a time to refrain from perving.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

@Fadamor: Recommend some other girls' attires than a skirt. Pervert can place cameras under long skirt than short skirt on escalators. Summer coming now. Why do you still recommend skirt?

...because that's the style of clothing she was wearing during the crime. Yes a determined pervert can still film up a longer skirt, but it's harder to do without being noticed. Add to that the reduced lighting of the "target area" that a longer skirt provides, and the "payoff" for the pervert is greatly reduced.


To even suggest the girls at fault is preposterous,

I agree regarding blaming the girl, but common sense precautions are NOT preposterous.

many schools in Japan have such uniforms as standard.

...which would be an excellent reason why you wouldn't necessarily blame the girl. However, the article does not mention if the girl was in a school uniform and I doubt she was, considering it was 9:30pm on a Saturday and she was with her father.

Yes the girl could have put on tights underneath but that's beyond the point

Why would that be beside the point? It's an effective way to avoid having your privacy violated without having to compromise on fashion.

the next thing you would probably suggest is that all schoolgirl and such should carry a gun. Simply preposterous.

Yes, that is simply preposterous, which is why I would never suggest such a thing. Please stop pretending you know me and what I would or wouldn't say.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Can anyone explain to me why people do this - monks or otherwise?

I don't think I'll ever tire of looking at naked women - but I've honestly never thought of taking photos on escalators.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Seems all's fair in love and war

0 ( +1 / -1 )

@ Faraday Why would that be beside the point? It's an effective way to avoid having your privacy violated without having to compromise on fashion. I agree regarding blaming the girl, but common sense precautions are NOT preposterous. So, mother unlike the way women in Pakistan and India, the onus is on the girl to have to attune their clothing to deter perks? Please, spare me the sympathy for the criminals. A woman should be able to wear whatever clothing she wants, without being subject to voyeurism. STOP BLAMiNG THE VICTIMS. It doesn't matter if she wears granny panties or a good string, no one has the right to violate a person in such a way. Stop giving the victim excuses, it is wrong legally and morally.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Ah, the victim blaming has begun. It was only a matter of time.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

The moderator kindly wrote what he said in hiragana. P;ease translate the expression in English and you will find it has nothing to do with skirt length. He was telling why the front of his pants were soked and wet when he was changing to a jail uniform.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

One last thing to mention.

People talk about monastic rules, why should they apply to people that don't live in a monastery may the monks, priests, nuns regardless of their creed.

Yeah, he is a creep and pervert not denying that.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

@ Faraday I've been rather busy of late however, it would appear the words have been taken right out of my mouth' as they say. Quotes "Willilam Heath" A woman should be able to wear whatever clothing she wants, without being subject to voyeurism. STOP BLAMiNG THE VICTIMS. End quotes. Need I continue?

Ask yourself. If a psychopath was on the loose, would you put your efforts in detaining the psychopath or would you inform the mass public to carry guns? I believe the former to be the sensible decision. Once more "Willilam Heath" if you will. "A woman should be able to wear whatever clothing she wants, without being subject to voyeurism. STOP BLAMiNG THE VICTIMS."

Quote from Faraday ...which would be an excellent reason why you wouldn't necessarily blame the girl. However, the article does not mention if the girl was in a school uniform and I doubt she was, considering it was 9:30pm on a Saturday and she was with her father.end quotes. You make it sound as though it is illegal in Japan for girls to be in school uniform out of school hours. Is it? I would hope not. I know for a fact hare in london its a common sight for students to attend extra classes on weekends and yes, normally dressed in uniform. Again you're missing the point, It doesn't matter if she wears granny panties, striped panties or a G String, no one has the right to violate a person in such a way. Stop giving the victim excuses, it is wrong legally and morally.

If the guy accidentally looked up whilst on the long escalator you wouldn't blame him unless he was perverting purposely. In this case he was filming it on his smartphone! It is not the first time either. His action makes me sick.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Strategist, thank you for the info, your quite right, may be I also should have added just because she has a short skirt, this does not give him any right to film her what so ever.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Hilarious, anyway I think its not sensible give it much importance. Its only a mischief of a man that surely have a unsatisfied sexual life.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

@arcieres. It's not mischief, he's a serial sex offender. In most countries he would be put on the sex offenders register for this. It isn't trivial, it isn't a joke.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

yet again I say when is Japan going to start some sort of sex offenders register ?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

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