Japan Today

Cambodian trainee to sue farm manager in Japan over repeated rapes


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If guilty. This guy needs pay up and years in prison.

Just sign the farm over as we say. Pay this poor woman looking for a better life! Pay!

Breach of trust way beyond!

Modern day slavery. Outlandish behavior.

Rapist! Crimnial! (if guilty)

31 ( +32 / -1 )

Japanese citizen and a foreigner

In the country of Japan,Guess who wins?

-9 ( +22 / -31 )

"The woman, burdened with debt from expenses incurred to enter Japan -- a common situation for technical interns -- said she felt unable to reject him, as he threatened to "send you back home.""

Japan's 'internship' program is spelled out plainly. It isn't any wonder Japan is known as one of the world's worst human labor traffickers. Sadly for this woman, there is no way she will win the case.

-12 ( +22 / -34 )

Why hasn't this low life been arrested?

30 ( +31 / -1 )

After discovering she was pregnant in January 2023, she was forced to undergo an abortion without being given a sufficient explanation in her mother tongue. The sexual abuse allegedly continued even after the abortion.

Not only that manager want her to fulfill his sexual pleasure, he also took her baby away. While at the same time she still need to work at strawberry plantation.

When that manager bored with her, he would play with other Cambodian worker.

Two other Cambodian women who were working at the same strawberry farm during the same period as her also plan to sue the manager in the Tokyo court, claiming they were fondled on their breasts and buttocks.

-11 ( +7 / -18 )

"tens of millions of Yen" isn't enough.

The J-govt needs to step in and ensure that the Gifu Pref Police push an investigation and bring this perpetrator to justice. Failure to do so will impact the number of foregn workers willing to come to Japan.

21 ( +23 / -2 )

This guy needs to be done and dusted.

19 ( +20 / -1 )

Seriously guys is anyone surprised??? Sexual exploitation and then telling the person I shall have you thrown out of the country if your report the case to the authorities. That is typical Japan for you over the decades if not centuries.

-8 ( +12 / -20 )

Put the animal in a prison cell if not in a zoo because he does not belong to the human species

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Ghoulish behavior from a firm that should never had had access to these eager young imports trying to better their lives for themselves and their extended family. Another systemic failure to do the proper checks and balances. I hope the bureaucracy in charge feels the pain inflicted on this poor girl. Disgraceful .

14 ( +14 / -0 )

OssanAmericaToday  07:29 pm JST

"tens of millions of Yen" isn't enough.

*The J-govt needs to step in and ensure that the Gifu Pref Police push an investigation and bring this perpetrator to justice.* Failure to do so will impact the number of foregn workers willing to come to Japan.

You seriously only see a benefit for Japan that can be jeopardized and the compensation amount?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

This is SO DISGUSTING I couldn't even finish the article and just jumped to write this comment.

I am almost certain that this is Happening to several so called Technical Trainees as we read this article but their cries for help can't be heard.

Shut this shameful program down Japan, it really stinks

2 ( +8 / -6 )

If this lady was a Japanese woman, at the end of her shift she will just make it to the nearest Police station and file a report or her family will, but this poor lady does NOT have that privilege, she probably does not even have a phone or away to make it to a police station. Basically she is a Slave, and her predator knows it.

-1 ( +8 / -9 )

""However, the police included an opinion recommending against indictment, citing insufficient evidence.""

How Sad.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

I hope this woman gets some real justice and this guy has to pay up then gets locked up. In Japan, I doubt it will happen. Let's hope I'm proven wrong.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

Police were assisting the rapist. Who to believe a trainee or an old Japanese man. Interesting. As we know how officials in Japanese government treat foreigners and sexual assault.

-4 ( +7 / -11 )

Why don’t Japanese media cover this story?

5 ( +7 / -2 )

However, the police included an opinion recommending against indictment, citing insufficient evidence.

That's the corrupt, incompetent and especially biased against foreigners Japanese police for you.

There was no evidence, except she had an abortion because of the predator, or modern slave master.

The Internship program is just a synonym or another name for modern day slavery and exploitation of poor South-East Asian individuals. The fact that for so many years is still quietly accepted with the blessing of the politicians, including abuses such as this, is another proof that the WW2 mentality of the Imperial Army is alive and kicking. The Japanophiles and Weeaboos will just call it part of Japanese Culture, and will always have the justifications such as " As in Japan, do as Japanese do " ...

No further comments for this extremely sad situation.

-5 ( +6 / -11 )

However, the police included an opinion recommending against indictment, citing insufficient evidence.

As expected of Japanese police.

-3 ( +6 / -9 )

However, the police included an opinion recommending against indictment, citing insufficient evidence.

Ooooh Japan, come on here. Time to investigate police in this case me thinks, after you ignore their recommendation and jail this rapist for as long as you can, whilst ensuring his net wealth is transferred from him to her for the crimes he committed.

We regularly read about how heinous foreigner crime is, yet check this doozy out! This is a wartime level atrocity, ticked away in ol' Gifu prefecture in 2024.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Tip of the iceberg this makes me sick he should be in jail already…if it were a foreigner accused of the same crime they would be arrested straight away..

3 ( +5 / -2 )

@Nobu - Why don’t Japanese media cover this story?

I see multiple reports in regional online sites, for example:

https://www.sanin-chuo.co.jp/articles/-/693982 実習生、性暴力で提訴へ 「断れば帰国」脅され 栃木の農園

https://www.gifu-np.co.jp/articles/-/477330 実習生性被害で提訴へ 経営者から「断れば帰国と脅し」 栃木の農園、妊娠し中絶

but nothing in Kyodo's japanese newsite. Perhaps they received a legal take down request?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

The woman, burdened with debt from expenses incurred to enter Japan -- a common situation for technical interns -- said she felt unable to reject him, as he threatened to "send you back home."

The debt trap... not a new phenomenon. Lots of women from Ukraine, Russia, Moldova etc. are working in the EU and the Middle East thanks to the same method used by their local mafias.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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