Chiba prefectural police said Saturday they have arrested an unemployed 64-year-old man on charges of planning to commit murder after he called the emergency number and stated, "I'm going to kill someone."
According to police, the suspect, identified as Taisei Nakao, has been charged with planning to murder a 43-year-old woman acquaintance in the service industry, TV Asahi reported.
According to reports, Nakao called the police from his house in Narita around 9:30 a.m. on Friday, and told them that he was going to kill someone. One hour later, he called the police once more from a public phone to say he wanted to turn himself in. Following his arrest, police found a knife with a 30-cm blade from his car.
Nakao was quoted by police as saying he had planned to go to the store where the woman worked, "but I didn't actually want to kill anyone, just threaten her. Then, I felt uneasy and decided against it."
© Japan Today
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Good man.
... someone who did the right thing by calling the police and he's arrested. Well done J-cops, now the next one knows not to call you.
Makes one wonder doesn't it ?
I hope this guy gets the help he seems to know he needs.
Wow how dumb can they get ?
A well meaning individual with homocidal intentions.
This could be his last hope to get into a shelter and get three meals. How are Japanese systms of helping jobless and/or homeless people? Or psychiatric care systems? Reading how Fukushima evacuees are treated, I'd bet Japan is cruel for people who need help.
James Dean Jnr.
I think you are onto something. The man is unemployed, probably not getting enough food, because he doesn't have money. Probably no friends. Prison would give him 3 healthy meals a day and 'interesting' people to talk to, maybe make some friends in the slammer.
Three hot's and a cot is much better than not being able to pay for it yourself.