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China detains Japanese man in Shanghai; details unclear


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China wants to blackmail Japan about some economic issue. Could it be Kirin selling its portion of a joint venture with Chinese company? Could it be a media ploy to justify more security measures in Shanghai and Hong Kong?

They may be trying to incite some nationalism because they support Russia and the idea of reclaiming its former territories through military invasion (ie. Ukraine).

They need some imagined threat from Japan......

2 ( +12 / -10 )

I think Japan should reconsider it's soft strategies on China. Time to be strong. Even in worst case it's gonna affect Chinese economy so a little painful decisions can be considered.

Check few countries how they fighting against china in a strategic way.

Slap on the wrist and see how China keep wasting it's energy in blackmailing and power show which is nonsense but could be a diplomatic win for Japan.

1 ( +8 / -7 )

Maybe the Japanese gentleman did something illegal? While it's a widely realized notion that Japanese Nationals are special, they do on occasion do bad things. Perhaps?

5 ( +16 / -11 )


Maybe the Japanese gentleman did something illegal? While it's a widely realized notion that Japanese Nationals are special, they do on occasion do bad things. Perhaps?

That could be true, but China also arrested and threaten to execute some a Canadian or two because the daughter of a Chinese telecom company was arrested in Canada.

So, I am more likely to go with my first hunch on this one.

16 ( +23 / -7 )


-3 ( +4 / -7 )

No further details given about the reason for his detainment. IF it was for a “Crime”, surely he’ll be provide access and consultation with an attorney in prompt fashion? If it’s over a political matter, surely he be given opportunity to contact and consult with his embassy? Developed countries usually provide these basic human rights, don’t they?

8 ( +11 / -3 )

Why would anyone go to The PRC? Foreign passports are not respected and offer no protection. Dual citizenship is not respected. Lockdowns can occur by government edicts without warning. Access to an embassy is not guaranteed. People 'disappear' regularly.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

Why would anyone go to The PRC? Foreign passports are not respected and offer no protection. Dual citizenship is not respected. Lockdowns can occur by government edicts without warning. Access to an embassy is not guaranteed. People 'disappear' regularly.

They used to do it for the $$$ but since 2016, going to the PRC as a foreigner has become dangerous. There's no reason to go there or invest big money into the PRC anymore.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Why would anyone go to The PRC?

so you have never been there? I guess some people just are comfortable with hot dogs, couch and CNN.

(worlds number one economy, 5G, belt and road reaching 60% of world’s economy, hypersonic weapons, delicious food, building schools, hospitals, roads all around third world countries with their money, the new space station, best research, friendly people, I could go on and on. I’m not Chinese BTW.)

if you are a spy, you know the risks.

-9 ( +3 / -12 )

I used to love going to China. The culture is really interesting, the country is so varied, and I love Chinese food. But we dropped all our business connections there between 2017 and 2019, and personally I wouldn't risk going there again after how they arrested innocent Canadians in retaliation for Meng, especially after the fact that I have criticized the dictatorship of the CCP and supported the free and independent nation of Taiwan.

0 ( +12 / -12 )

Similar procedures to Japan.

"According to Criminal Procedure Law, you can not be accompanied by lawyer when police officer is interrogating you. This is a big difference from USA's procedure. If you are compulsory summoned, the duration shall not be over 24 hours, which means police can not summon you more than one natural day and night. "


How is that similar to Japan? Under Japanese law there is no need to follow a request if summoned by police.

If you are summoned by a court it is called 出頭命令, where as if summoned by police it is called 出頭要請。The latter can be ignored without any consequences.

You can read into 刑事訴訟法68条 and 刑事訴訟法198条 and 223条 for the details.

I doubt that will be the case in China.

And while you are free to ask a lawyer to accompany you while being interrogated, that does not make much sense since you are not even required to make a statement in front of police and you can just remain silent. Consulting with a lawyer before the trial would be recommended though.

Again, that might not be possible in China.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

China is still better than Japan in the detentions.

In Japan police take hostages up to 3 days, and then they might call a lawyer. After that expect endless detention time and interrogations without lawyer present.

That guy is lucky to be in China.

-10 ( +6 / -16 )

China is still better than Japan in the detentions.

In Japan police take hostages up to 3 days, and then they might call a lawyer. After that expect endless detention time and interrogations without lawyer present.

I have been trying to debunk that myth in the comment section of another article.


(Or just click on my name and read the comment there)

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

China detains foreign citizens and publicly make examples of them by handing out hard prison time. The CIA on the other hand just make people disappear without a trace! Which is the bigger of the two evil is anyones guess!

6 ( +12 / -6 )

Why do they travel to such regimes? There’s always a significant chance for being arrested, regardless of a reason or not, being a spy or not. Just avoid those challenges or attempts of doing business etc, as you just can’t finally win so much but lose everything, from money and freedom up to even life.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Stay out of China - full-stop.

Stay out of Russia - full-stop.

These are uncivilised countries lead by two Presidents who are murderers and terrorists.

Only when change comes will it be safe to travel in these countries, the repression can be lifted, and normal life can resume for all their citizens, and their human-rights respected.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

A sincere “Thanks” to those today that made relevant comparisons & clarifications between the central topic’s location, China, and where most of us currently reside, Japan. - Would love to revisit Taiwan, Hong Kong & Macau again at the earliest opportunity yet, significant changes in the last 3 years are quite worrisome.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

These are uncivilised countries lead by two Presidents who are murderers and terrorists.

you should be worried about being sued for deformation of character.

enjoy your life in Syria, Iraq or Libya.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )


"You should be worried about being sued for deformation of character"

It's called freedom of speech, thoughts and expression - a total privilege for those of us lucky enough to live in free democratic countries..... we should use this to improve, change and enhance the possibility of extending such basic rights to those who are unfortunately denied these.

If you make even the briefest internet-search, you will learn of the huge numbers of people who have become disappeared, murdered, and tortured by these 2 disgusting tyrants - this is 2022, the world should be demanding their replacement, in order to improve the miserable daily-lives of approx. 1.566 billion people.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

It is always assumed that foreign people arrested in China are not spies. Like this Japanese guy or the two Canadian Michaels.

Does anyone seriously believe that no foreign countries have spies in China? What is the purpose of spy agencies if they don't spy on the enemy?

And does anyone seriously believe with all the surveillance apparatus in China they are not able to locate any of these spies? Obviously they can and do. Same as everyone else.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )


If you make even the briefest internet-search, you will learn of the huge numbers of people who have become disappeared, murdered, and tortured 

Think you must be talking about the CIA, Guantanamo bay and so on here. This is what my internet search came up with :

Extraordinary rendition is state-sponsored "forcible abduction in another jurisdiction and transfer to a third state". The phrase usually refers to the United States-led program of extraordinary rendition during the War on Terror,[1] which had the purpose of circumventing the source country's laws on interrogation, detention, extradition and/or torture.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

IF China thinks everyone is a spy then the world over should detain Chinese citizens because we know they are not only spies but thieves!

2 ( +3 / -1 )

I can see someone's going to come on soon announcing what a sweet, charming, erudite pair of gentlemen these 2 are, Putin and Xi, absolutely harmless, when in actual fact (if you really study hard) you'll realise that they are nothing more than fascist thugs with so much blood on their hands following decades of vicious treatments dished out by them and their acolytes. The shame is that they are also the leaders of 2 of the largest countries on this planet - weird really, and unbelievably bad for their subjects, most of whom are treated like peasant-status.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

China is still better than Japan in the detentions.

These guys would disagree: https://globalnews.ca/news/8224094/canada-china-two-michaels-tension-detention/

China arrested them and held them as political hostages against the Canadian government in an act of fascist Chinese terrorism.

China is the enemy. They are the single biggest threat this planet faces. The people of the free and independent nations of Taiwan and Hong Kong would agree.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Why would anyone go to The PRC? 

if you don't go there, how are you going to spy?

1 ( +1 / -0 )


China is the enemy. They are the single biggest threat this planet faces. The people of the free and independent nations of Taiwan and Hong Kong would agree.

Well I don't and would prefer to let the people living in Taiwan and Hong Kong speak for themselves.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

kaimycahl:IF China thinks everyone is a spy then the world over should detain Chinese citizens because we know they are not only spies but thieves!

Moderator : this and other similar posts are clearly hate speech.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Could be a classic case of “ill doers are ill deemers”. Although dwarfed by spying and theft committed remotely by hacking, many Chinese of all walks of life, (perhaps posing as) students, tourists, business people have been caught spying and trying to leave the US, Europe, Japan for China carrying stolen intellectual property, so maybe the Chinese think that everybody coming to China does so with the same purpose in mind. If the Chinese, and Russian as well, authorities don’t like your face or have an axe to grind with your government, they can arrest you on trumped up charges and you become a helpless pawn.

2 ( +2 / -0 )


I don't often agree with you on this forum but your words were spot on regarding China.

'China is the enemy. They are the single biggest threat this planet faces. The people of the free and independent nations of Taiwan and Hong Kong would agree.'

0 ( +1 / -1 )

bokudaFeb. 18  12:09 pm JST

China is still better than Japan in the detentions.

In Japan police take hostages up to 3 days, and then they might call a lawyer. After that expect endless detention time and interrogations without lawyer present.

That guy is lucky to be in China.

What do you mean by lawyer in China?

1 ( +1 / -0 )


China detains foreign citizens and publicly make examples of them by handing out hard prison time. The CIA on the other hand just make people disappear without a trace! Which is the bigger of the two evil is anyones guess!

Let's see. Shall I ask Julian Assange?


China is the enemy.

From the west's point of view, you're right. And what has China done to become the enemy? It bettered itself by becoming a wealthier nation and a threat to USA's hegemony in the world. Now we can't have a non-white country do that, can we? China is too large to subjugate, unlike Japan and UK, and the other minions.

I know, let's do what everybody did to China in the early 20th century - carve it up and make them the coolies in their own country.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

When you travel to China, double and triple check with your luggage deposit and luggage claim as someone could easily sneak unknown stuffs into it

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Why would anyone go to The PRC?

Why? Coz they want to follow the steps of Uncle Sam who made billions in the PRC after Washingjing dumped 'ally' and 'like- minded ' democratic Taiwan to exclusively have special diplomatic ties with Beijington.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Why would anyone go to The PRC?


Coz they want to follow the steps of Uncle Sam who made billions in the PRC after Washingjing dumped 'ally' and 'like- minded ' democratic Taiwan to exclusively have special diplomatic ties with Beijington.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

How would ‘they’ even know @Strangerland 11:23am, ‘who’ you are from your ‘anonymous’ postings here

- “I used to love going to China. The culture is really interesting, the country is so varied, and I love Chinese food. But we dropped all our business connections there between 2017 and 2019, and personally I wouldn't risk going there again after how they arrested innocent Canadians in retaliation for Meng, especially after the fact that I have criticized the dictatorship of the CCP and supported the free and independent nation of Taiwan.” -

‘They’ can’t possibly be interested in the observations & commentary of some random persons in another country ?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Information and Control are used with financial matters of U.S. Government organization and employees, however in general the global Legal Entity Identifier is used with interbank transfer. Insurance of the workplace environment when global banking regulations involve human resource management and fiduciary trust with money contracts under foreign monetary policy that board of directors and corporate governance have exposure limits in the producer price index for supply chain is of concern with the rule of law and contract law as separate insurance issues. See more of my work involve the Basic Law and citizenship legal rights when politics and justice have the public interest of the Peoples Republic of China. @ SCMP. Patriots Driving Seat Upholding Basic Law Hong Kong Pointing Right. Comment number 3166516. Social Media, South China Morning Post. Internet, https://www.scmp.com/comment/opinion/article/3166516/patriots-driving-seat-upholding-basic-law-hong-kong-pointing-right?commentID=4a00b117-5530-4e8d-9a58-992e371a3567&module=c3po&pgtype=article&d=3536f66b-50aa-47cc-bb8c-414e8e4e7daf#comments

0 ( +0 / -0 )

In China, the "details" are always unclear.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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