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© 2013 AFPCoast guard arrests Chinese boat captain over illegal fishing
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© 2013 AFP
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extra income, collect and release them.
and japans fishing fleet has never fished illegally???
All this Japan-China crap is getting stupid now. Children, please grow up.
I hope Greenpeace does not have that power, else we're doomed.
House Atreides
The South Koreans have recently begun to take steps to stop illegal fishing by the Chinese. Evidently, it's an even bigger problem for South Korea than it is for Japan. Anyway, it's very likely that South Korea's tougher stance has sent some boats that would normally be fishing off the coast of South Korea into Okinawan waters.
There we go again! Seems like these stories pop up every other week!
And if it has, go ahead and arrest the offenders! If not, why stir the pot?
So this was well away from Senkaku, so China can't sprout their "routine patrol" BS...?
Same place where that Chinese coral fisherman was detained a few weeks ago right? No regard for what the Jp authorities think, if there's money to be made, who cares right?
good luck collecting a cent
Richard bHard
This is very regrettable !
So, Japan enforces its EEC, but they ignore Australia's when they hunt whales? Seems a bit of a double standard to me.
There were never in Australia's EEZ when hunting for whales.
The Japanese are all over the World depleting tuna stocks and now they bark when somebdoy infringes on their economic zones. Before the double crossing days in the 1800s, Japan had agreed for China to take posession of Miyako and Yaeyama islands.
Ron Barnes
How this for a Headline. Whales blow illegal fishing fleet out of Australian Anartic economic Zone well seemed good at the time . Spout above Whales Blow pipe..
Not at all. The Chinese vessel was taking coral, prohibited by Japan (and the rest of the world BTW), inside Japan's EEZ. In contrast, the Japanese research whaling fleet DOES NOT TAKE whales or anything within Australia's EEZ. They merely pass through it, a commonly accepted international practice. If Japanese or any other foreign ships were taking any resources within Australia's EEZ they would be stopped as well. And what exactly is the EEC?
Nice try but tuna stocks are targeted by many countries that in turn sell to Japan. The shortage of tuna in Japan has been exacerbated by Chinese demand as well. Japan already has implemented take limits.
And Hawaii, Guan and San Diego too I suppose.
I think it's a pretty stupid headline if for no other reason than the fact that while Australia has an Exclusive Economic Zone, and there is indeed an Antarctic Territory to which Australia has laid claim, I don't think an Australian Antarctic Economic Zone exists.
this noise is getting old...
Are the World's Ocean's, now not big enough? and yes this is getting old.
Kimokekahuna Hawaii
How are pirates and scavengers going to pay a fine.. other than doing what they do to make up the loss .. raping of the seas is a business. These are people who would eat your dog and your cat and sell their own mothers if they could make money. Always has been and always will be. Maybe sinking the boat would send a message.
Mohamed Al Hashimi
What do Japanese government want from Chinese government in the dispute water? Japanese can get new huge partner in Asia such as China which could reach Japanese to the full independence so they produce aircrafts, submarines and missiles. Asia Union isn't like any Union (AU)
A Realist
"nostromoMar. 05, 2013 - 03:17PM JST
and japans fishing fleet has never fished illegally???"
What are you trying to say? Fishermen from every country are occasionally caught fishing in the territorial waters of other countries; if they are, they are arrested and punished according to laws of the affected country. Usually the punishment is a fine, forfeit of their catch, and possible seizure of their boat. Most often the boat is impounded and released after the fine is paid. At this time it seems that most often it is Chinese vessels that are illegally fishing in Japanese or Korean waters, possibly because they have overfished in Chinese waters. This boat was not fishing in any "disputed waters" contrary to the misleading inference in the headline, it was fishing in Japanese territorial waters.
Kuya 808
I've been told that the Chinese will eat just about anything. But Coral?
Japan could deep six the vessel and stop this in it's track's, pony up with the go nad's Japan. Release the tiger!!! and the Dragon!!!!
" No more mister nice Nippon!!!
Bill Hickey
WOW the Japanese Coast Guard is way more scary than the Navy!
Bill Hickey
Was it really a fishing boat?
Bill Hickey
No disrespect to Nippon KaiGun.! Miiitary is all respect!
There is no Nippon Kaigun. There is only a Kaijou Jieitai.