Japan Today

Cop arrested for stealing girl's underwear during investigation


A 26-year-old local police officer was arrested for theft and illegal trespassing early Tuesday after he allegedly stole 25 pieces of underwear from a 14-year-old girl who lived at an apartment he was visiting as part of an investigation. Officer Yuki Miyamoto is suspected of sneaking into the girl's room and stealing underwear from her dresser after visiting the apartment on Saturday.

The girl had phoned police after being flashed by a strange man on the same day, and Miyamoto had taken the call. He visited the girl's apartment on Saturday afternoon. Only the girl and her younger sister, 13, were home at the time. Later that night, the girl was about to get into the bath when she noticed that all her panties were gone. Her mother called the police.

According to police, after speaking with the girl at the entrance to the apartment, Miyamoto said that he would like to check her bedroom. The girl quoted him as saying that he had to call headquarters in private. She said he took his bag and went into her room to make a call.

Miyamoto first denied the charges, but changed his statement and admitted to stealing the girl's panties. He said he threw them away after realizing he would be caught.

© Wire reports

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Excellent story. A 14 year old's panties- more than any Japanese can resist! Dear oh dear!

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Wow nice one. But seriously 25 pairs of panties? Who really owns that much underwear. I only own about 3.5 pairs of undies personally.

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Wow!! 14 year old girl panties. Japanese man's kryptonite.

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sinharvest: 3 a day plus a day in reserve.

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Cop: "What's that? You were flashed? Hang on, I need to check your bedroom."

Girl: "Um, Ok."

W T F?

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the girl was about to get into the bath when she noticed that all her panties were gone. Her mother called the police.

He took all of them?? Wow

How can she make sure that another police will not do the same thing when she call for 2nd time?

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If that's what police officers get up to no wonder other Japanese men are at it.

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WTF is wrong these people!!! Every time I go into a convenience store and see all freaks ogling the hentai manga I am even more disgusted with the culture of this country.

Japan is like the little girl with a curl in the middle of her forehead. What is good is very good, but what is bad is horrid!
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Apart from the fact that I can't understand the fascination with young girls panties, the guy must be a complete moron to steal them all. Why didn't he just steal one? Anyway I have no sympathy for this complete pervert using his authority in this way.

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Is there any profession in Japan that has a higher proportion of deviants than police?

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Yes! We got our daily dose of titillation. We can relax now.

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Cop: "What's that? You were flashed? Hang on, I need to check your bedroom." Girl: "Um, Ok." W T F?

My initial thoughts, too. However, at 14, if a supposed figure in authority tells you something, you're inclined to believe it. Maybe she thought he was looking for any potential breaking and entering possibilties from suspected flasher. WHo knows what she was thinking. ANd would a 14 y/o Japanese girl really tell a 'police officer' to GTFO?

And to think that there was only a 13 and 14 y/o there at the time, too...

Urgh. Throw the book at this disgusting perv, twice.

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I can see it now, the J-cops flags will consist of her underwear and saluting it will be mandatory.

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If found true after the investigation, this police officer needs to be fired. The police needs to set up a strict example and the public needs their trust. What a sick guy who calls himself a police officer.

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Why am i not surprised one little bit?????

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"Japanese Cop arrested for stealing Japanese girl's underwear during investigation"

How can you trust J-cops when they pull shyt like this?

I think this is the third incident this year with J-cops arested for stealing panties, they must be some seriously sex crazed idiots! with law enforcement jobs!

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hahahahahahaha... this article is awesome. LMAO. he should have just blamed it on the flasher.

soo... pics of the girl??

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Ha ha ha ho ho ho hee hee hee! You can't make this stuff up!

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@Disillusioned: there's no difference between a man's fascination with sex in the US or Japan. The only difference is that in the US it is kept hidden, whereas in Japan there isn't any shame surrounding it. Trust me, everywhere else men ogle porn in convenience stores, they are just better at hiding it from you. I don't know what this has to do with stealing panties though. Not everyone who likes sex steals panties.

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I'm waiting to read a story about a 14-year old girl who breaks into a police dormitory and makes off with a hoard of jockey shorts.

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may be he had a lot of stress? o_O

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This is real face of Japanese police,there may be more police like this type insde.

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Poor kid. what chance does she have? some jerk flashes her and she calls the cops only for a bigger pedophile with a gun to turn up?

I am figuring she must be HOT but come on....these people have no self control. They must obey every whim.

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I hope they detain him for 20 days, dont let him see his family, ask him 100 times the same questions and force him to sign a confession. If that is what they do with normal people for petty crimes, it should also be the behavior for a police officer.

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how pathetic... imagine how many more are like him in the force.

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"soo... pics of the girl??"

Societymike, you must be new here. Pics of the girl will be featured tomorrow, when a different police officer will try to take pictures up her skirt. And the day after that, she will be groped on a train by a policeman specially hired to prevent groping. Then she will be busted by a different policeman with her 50 year old bureaucrat boyfriend. I think it is all the same girl. Something Jungian is going on here.

I feel sorry for this 14 year old girl, getting this much attention from flashers and pervs and their ilk.

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"there's no difference between a man's fascination with sex in the US or Japan. The only difference is that in the US it is kept hidden, whereas in Japan there isn't any shame surrounding it. "

Oh yeah? Have a look at the comments on the model contest picture JT put up yesterday and then feel free to edit your claim. US men do not hide it well. I think you are mistaking feeling something and acting on it. Um. Call it restraint.

Moderator: Stay on topic please.

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1 pair of panties I can understand, but 25???

I wonder if he planned on selling them...

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Keystone cops at it again. He didnt even have the sense to get the USED panties - we all know they have a higher street value..... right?

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Another young Japanese lass who's going to grow up with a complex.

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So can we trust the police? It seems there are many pervert policemen, many pervert security agents, they are disgusting, taking inappropriate videos, stealing underwear, abusing the victims etc. It so sad and tragic, breaks my heart. I feel sick reading such news and also knowing there are evil mean people who abuse their power.

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One pair was for him and the rest for his buddies down at the station.

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This cop steals 14yo's undies, another cop get his handcuffs ripped off while "investigating" and adult entertainment business. Holy crap!

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stories like this ruin my day :( so sad is also the fact that people find this funny

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What kind of person joins the police here ? Are they all social misfits,is that a requirement ? Most of them can't even seem to talk proprerly...

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The same kind of person who joins police forces everywhere. Some join b/c they want to do good and others join strictly for the power. Do you seriously think the police are better in whatever country you come from? The percentage of police officers who abuse their power is fairly high in every country, but hopefully, the percentage that do the best job they can is higher.

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Another one of the "only in Japan" cop stories...

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[Is there any profession in Japan that has a higher proportion of deviants than police?]

I was told teachers, dentists and cops were the weirdos in Japan. And that was a Japanese person that told me that.

And they wonder why Japanese Police have such a reputation.

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I agree with whatsgoinon. There are great police officers in every country, but there are also plenty of people like this guy that like to abuse their power. It may not manifest itself in stealing a 14 year old's underwear in other countries, but it happens all the time.

Moderator: References to police in other countries are not relevant to this discussion.

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My daughters underwear got stolen once at a hot spring. She was 5 at the time. Weird people out there.

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Seriously, does it have anything to do with the diet? Are they given a particular kind of food when they are being trained to become cops? Why are so many cops involved in sex crimes? In other countries is it the same?

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Lots of issues here. Firstly, the officer should not have sought entry to the residence if only the kids were home. Not quite sure of the law in question, but it is illegal to ask children about criminal matters without the presence of a parent/guardian/legal representation.

Secondly, this cop should be sacked. Moreover, the family of the girl (twice a victim) should file a suit against the Hyogo Prefectural Police for anything and everything (mental distress, etc). They should also concentrate on the fact that this lowlife carried out these acts while on duty.

Thirdly, the soon to be ex-cop should be charged and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. His actions also probably warrant registration as a sex offender. Indeed, this record should be made to follow him around like a bad smell for the rest of his life.

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@timoborder. That would be nice wouldnt it? wont happen though.

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I can only imagine that he would later wear these on his head whilst making natto with himself..

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You can't trust cops.

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Remember these cops carry a gun, a pair of cuffs and a rope. They are Armed and sadistic perverts.

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"He said he threw them away after realizing he would be caught."

And we know he is telling the truth because a) they searched his locker and apartment, b) they gave him a polygraph test, c) he is a police officer.

If you don't know the answer, always pick c.

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LoveUSA, some people use humor as a defense mechanism... it makes things seem less crappy if you can find a way to laugh about it. It's like how my abnormal psych prof would always tell us hilarious stories about his patients that were sad but at the same time hilariously entertaining.


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14yo gets flashed by a pervert and calls the police. Police pervert steals all her undies so parents call the police. Quick, have the 13yo check her undie drawer!!

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WOmanforwomen. You raise an interesting point. Why did he do it? If he did it because he was overpowered by how awesome this girl is, he has one kind of problem. If he is overwhelmed by all young girls, that is another problem. However, if he did it because he is a police officer and just sought to abuse his authority, then maybe we should all be afraid.

All are criminal and none should be police officers, but the last type will look for any kind of weak individual to abuse, and police meet a lot of those every day.

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Lately, I have been trying not to judge people for their actions, but, this is not right what-so-ever. The little girl called the police to report being "flashed" by one perverted person just to have another perverted person come to her rescue. She might have issues with men when she get older. They should post the nasty police man's picture next to this article.

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Wow! Wasn't there another incident of this in JT?


Right. Officer quit so prosecuters decided not to press charges. Let's see how prosecuters handle this case.

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AGAIN?!? Where are all the people on here who say if you don't like the cops doing this kind of thing you should "leave" Japan? I haven't seen them much on JT recently, and understandably so.

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Some people are just disappointed they aren't so desirable, hah.

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1 pair of panties I can understand, but 25???

I wonder if he planned on selling them...

Add an "m" to one of those words and you're probably closer to the mark.

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He probably planned on wearing them, but then thought twice about it, as he might spook other officers at the gym.

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This genius took ALL of her undies, not just one pair from the bottom of the pile, which may not hae been noticed for a while, but ALL of them, virtually assuring that it would be discovered within hours. IDIOT.

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Just as every cop is a criminal, and all the sinners saints

-Mick Jagger

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Techall, you offer some useful pointers. It makes me wonder a little if there is a book about this.

I bet there is.

If there isn't, I would bet someone is writing it.

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I gotta say this is wrong no matter what.

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25 pairs of panties ??? !!!

OK, I could see maybe one or two ... to satisfy his relatively harmless little fetish or, perhaps as Klein2 said, to satisfy a humourously kinky old 'tradition' ... but 25 pairs ???

Don't fire him ! Let him come to work and mysteriously find a pair of dirty size extra-extra-large panties in his police locker every day for the next several years instead. ;-)

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Come on give the poor officer a break. He was just borrowing the underwear so he can sew them together for his ghost costume for Halloween. I'm sure he intended to return them all, until he panicked and disposed of them for fear of being caught.

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Another fantastic J-cop story! i am having trouble deciding which one the best is.

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This is just strange and the guy should be run off the force forever. Don't they do any psych testing of cops applicants? You have to wonder what this guy was thinking. Sure wasn't with his brain.

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He wanted to get to the bottom of things.

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Nessie - Good one.

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Timor has become JT's voice of reason. (Damning with faint praise, I know, but...)

(from the article) illegal trespassing

Is there legal trespassing?

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He wanted to get to the bottom of things.

So who cracked the case then?

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Hope this perverted-powertripping-police-pr**k is punished as any other person would be.

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Is there legal trespassing?

Nessie - Me the voice of reason? You surely jest.

Anyway, what worried me about this case is that policeman entered the premises despite realizing the young girl was at home with her younger sibling. Now as I pointed out, the policeman should have gone away as soon as he realized that there was no adult in the house (same idea of having policewomen present when women are being interviewed).

Because he did not remove himself from the premises in such circumstances but rather entered them with the net result that he committed a crime, I think it is reasonable to assume that a prosecutor would also try and make a trespass charge stick.

Being realistic, however, this is Japan. As such, I would expect this guy to resign from the police and for no further action to be taken (what a disgrace). Moreover, any case against this weirdo will be buried before it sees the light of day.

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Supervisor: "why did you steal that girl's panties?" Cop: "It was evidence sir" Supervisor: "evidence in a flashing case?" Cop: "er, ah," and thinking.... "I hope they don't strip search me, I'm wearing a pair right now"

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That is just SICK. (SHUDDER) The poor girl! First she gets flashed by some pervert, then the law enforcement officer who's supposed to protect her from that kind of depravity goes and STEALS HER UNDERWEAR. Are you kidding me? Stone him in the streets, the sick b@stard. Like Timorborder said, this guy should NEVER have stayed around to question the girls when he discovered that there were no adults present. He certainly shouldn't have asked to search her BEDROOM. What would you need to do that for? You wouldn't! She's not a suspect in anything! No, the cop saw his chance for a sick thrill and took it. Thank God he didn't do worse.


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I can't believe he took them all.

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The police officer was right -no one should own 25 panties. Obviously the panty police has not been doing its' job and this young lady was hoarding panties.

I would expect more confiscation soon and the party police at you door since hoarding of panties seems to be an issue.

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Yeah, this is pretty messed up for the girl. First getting flashed, then getting 25 panties stolen by the officer she called. Now she can't trust anyone.

BTW read the article, it says his excuse for going to the bedroom was to make a private call to headquarters. If he had just taken 1 or 2, this would never have happened. Heck, he could have worn them the whole time and nobody would think of searching him out of sheer embarrassment.

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First of all-- this guy is a pervert. Second, he's respulsive for taking advantage of a young girl. As someone in a position of authority, he could have told that girl anything and she would have had to believe him. Abusing his power and responsibility. Third, he's an idiot. Why would you steal ALL of her underwear? Obviously taking any of them is WRONG but how stupid do you have to be to steal them all and not expect to get caught!

That poor girl will probably never trust a cop ever again.

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Whoa, we are getting off track here. Take the panties off your heads and see the big picture. Yes, this police officer chose to steal something rather naughty, but forget that for a moment. He broke the law 4 times if you read the article correctly. 1) stole private property 2) lied to an officer (denied the theft) 3) destroyed evidence (disposed of the stolen goods) 4) impeded an investigation

This police officer should be fired and jailed.

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eigonosensei-- No one is denying all that. The guy is still a sleaze.

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Stupid. He should have said he was intending to give them back. Just borrowed them for a joyride.

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Sounds like Japan has perverts everywhere !

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SHOCKING! During an investigation!?!?! All police officers know that they should only steal panties on their own time.

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Actually, that's only 3 crimes. Simply denying your guilt to an officer is not a crime. Neither is simply lying to an officer excepting specific situations where required.

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porn story.

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Wish he did not throw them away. Could have made picture of the day.

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With him wearing them to show his collection of panties.

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What a sick pervert, was he fired?

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Not only did he steal panties but he sounds also like a pedofile.

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