Kanagawa prefectural police said Sunday they have arrested a police officer in Kawasaki over the theft of a woman's bicycle from her house.
The suspect was identified as Hiroshi Katayama, 34, of the police cybercrime bureau, Fuji TV reported. He is accused of stealing the bicycle from a parking area near the woman's house last September. Police said Katayama has denied the charge.
© Japan Today
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How do they know he stole it ?? I am guessing here that if it was the cybercrimes unit that arrested him he was caught on video or bragging online about it ??
This is totally devoid of context. How were these two people related, if at all? One thing for sure, though, is that accusations of anime, manga, and online obsession will be made to make the guy look like a creep.
Good thing he didn't steal a car.
Bartholomew Harte
At his age he should know better!-This makes News????
Mirai Hayashi
Where is the "I was drunk" excuse?
Alejandro Dela Cruz
Perhaps we civilians should be going around checking the registration numbers of the bicycles the cops are riding on!
"Wait! I didn't steal the bike! I was in pursuit of a fast suspect and I commandeered the bike to aid in my pursuit! HONEST!"
Its ridiculous, you can get arrested in Japan simply because someone claims theft! That would not happen in A Real Democracy!
This is Japan. Crazy cop story of the day.... what would we do without it.
I am really wondering about the recruitment policy of the national police force, but I don´t expect things to change.
Headline of the year for sure!
Jason Stiles
Never a dull moment with Japanese Police sigh
Kimokekahuna Hawaii
Are police trustworthy? Must be some backstory. What else did he steal. Amazing this is even a story.. they should give police cooler bikes and then they would not envy someone elses bike.. I had so many bikes stolen living in Tokyo.. bike is the best way to get around too.. Bikes need more style.. I want to make a Hawaiian cruiser... with a GPS inside it so it can not be stolen.. or you can call it on your cell phone and an alarm goes off.. or spikes do up in the seat.
An interesting story. i look forward to more facts. I am glad they caught him.
"Katayama had denied the charge"
Maybe he's innocent.
My guess he was pulled by beat satsu because riding a grl's bike and so looked suspicious. On checking to bike deets they found it was reported stolen.
10 Yen Man is in prison for a year. A bike is worth way more than 10Y -so I would say this Police person is looking at a life sentence over this theft if convicted.
Makes a change from an officer flashing or groping I suppose.
I would think they're not going to arrest one of their own without some pretty conclusive evidence... like the bike being at his home or him being caught on a security camera taking the bike from the parking area.