A former member of the Aichi prefectural riot police division is being investigated after it was learned he had sent letters from a purported stalker to a woman and then offered to protect her as a ruse to date her.
Police said the officer, who is in his 20s, resigned on Friday after being reprimanded, NTV reported Saturday.
According to officials, the ex-officer met the woman in her 20s at a party. Police said the officer began sending the woman numerous letters pretending to be someone else, writing, "I know where you live," and "I'm watching you."
Shortly after the woman consulted police, the officer contacted the woman and told her, "I caught the man sending you those letters. We discovered that somehow he found out your name. As an officer of the law, I promise I will protect you," all the while seeking to become more friendly with the woman, NTV reported.
However, the woman contacted police to find out more about the mystery stalker. Police told her there had been no suspect detained or even identified. Officials said they questioned the officer who admitted to faking the whole incident so that he could see the woman.
Police said they are considering bringing stalking charges against the former officer.
© Japan Today
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I somehow pity the guy a little, he payed for his cowardice tho.
A.N. Other
He suspected that the woman might have been interested in dealing with swollen goods.
They could surely go after him for interfering in a police investigation, the one he initiated.
Aichi riot police division.........A busy job no doubt!!! The devil finds work for idle hands!
Yeah, maybe he's a sad guy, but he used fear to get a woman closer to him and totally manipulated her, not to mention his police dept and position. Throw the book at him. No pity.
If only he had not said a suspect had been apprehended. He went from evil genius to complete fool in one stroke.
It was a good angle, but you know, we men have made this world too safe. One of the biggest draws we had to pull women in was protection, but we ruined that and now they don't really need us much.
Police said the officer, who is in his 20s, resigned on Friday after being reprimanded, NTV reported Saturday.
Why wasn't he fired?? Some cops in this country never fail to shock me.
What is to 'consider' exactly. This fits the bill of stalking completely.
Exaclty. A person entrusted with the public safety that cannot even act in a lawful manner should not be allowed to continue to be a police officer.
It's rather interesting that there are so many vague laws that the police can use to arrest the average joe for just sneezing incorrectly but if you happen to commit a crime in your capacity as a judge, prosecutor or policeman in Japan there aren't the necessary laws to arrest on and the individual just reigns and walks away scot-free. Just can't imagine why there is this double standard, just can't put my finger on it!
Pathetic loser.
Ah, I was beginning to wonder where the latest "corrupt public servant of the week" story had gone to. If it's not a cop, it's public school teacher. I don't really like reading these stories, but I do like to keep tabs on how my taxes are being spent.
Sadly, this 'act' does not surprise me which says a lot about the 'weirdos' that seem to live amongst and 'playing' cops in Japan.
Brilliant guy! Obviously watches a lot of those well-written Tuesday Night Mysteries.
I find that extremely worrying... When I was a little girl I was told to always TRUST a cop... but over here it seems there are quite a few "corrupt" ones... It makes one wonder WHO to trust !
Bigger fish to fry. Plus, can no one ever have a second chance, a chance to learn a lesson? It sure would not be the first time a person made a stupid choice for infatuation. Do you not know that love and infatuations are prime reasons for living? At least he did not do it for money or blood lust.
What a con artist ****
It would be a smooth move if it was anybody but a cop.
Frederick Leach
what an ass
Yeah its creepy but... I wonder, if this was the plot in a movie with a handsome leading man playing the cop, how many woman in Japan would say 'oh how romantic!'
J-cops again.
"Police said they are considering bringing stalking charges against the former officer."
Why only considering it? Given his former job, he should already be in prison for abusing the powers he had. Good on the woman for digging a little deeper.
Not the brightest light in the chandelier... if he had not claimed that the "caught the guy", he might even have been successful with his little dating plan.
I'd say he basically was fired Japanese-style i.e. strongly encouraged to resign.
Someone's been lonely, clearly.
Pity for him that with charges possibly around the corner, he could be lonely for much longer now. Even if not, all this publicity will make him more "popular" with the ladies now. (in that they run for the hills)
Seriously creepy stuff. My condolences to the poor woman that had to deal with this.
Plus, can no one ever have a second chance, a chance to learn a lesson?
There are some things you shouldn't get second chances for - stalking and trying to be the "hero", rape, murder... YOu actually think this guy deserves a second chance when he knowingly scared a young woman, so much so that she actually went to the police, and was a cop??
Police officer using his ...... Never mind. He is sick!!!!
This shows his enthusiasm and industriousness! lol
Aaron Loki Brummett
Why does he feel he needs to do this in the first place? He has a job... a good job with a uniform and makes a decent living. Then again, Elvis used to use this tactic. He would set up fake fights and he would always win. This was all done to impress a new girl.
Throw stones at me for saying this if you must, but I think the cop deserves a promotion! All guys are stalkers... some are just more sloppy. He can improve his methods.
Like slumdog said, there is nothing to consider here. Charge him already.
It's going to be really hard for this guy to find another living wage job. Is my tax money going to have to support him?
Jack Stern
Japanese TV should take some of these news reports and turn them into scrips for crime programs.
He should be punished severely but that the case shouldn't be used for some sneaky purposes
I have a sneaking admiration for this chap... Sure, what he did was wrong, but it was done out of genuine love.... How many of us would be willing to sacrifice so much for such a little potential return?
Elizabeth Heath
'Considering charges'? What's to consider - charge him now.
anyone want to bet they don't charge him? government takes care of its own...
Another typical J-cop loser stoty. Though cops all over the world get up to some weird stuff.
James Dean Jnr.
Ha! What a riot!
Classic...It would be hilarious if there weren't a million other idiots like him running around with the legal authority to make people's lives very bad.... The Police exam obviously doesnt include sections on general intelligence or problem solving. Apart from the moral implications, how could he not know that no suspect in custody would mean big trouble? I guess he thought his uniform was a gaurantee that she'd take his word for it....
The nature of this website means that you will only read about the cops who do something wrong. You will never read about the many more who are, indeed, trustworthy. "One bad apple..." and such.
There are many evil forces at work in this world, but believe there is enough good to counteract this. Japan is not the only place this kind of thing happens.