Police in Osaka have arrested a 48-year-old cram school teacher on suspicion of violating the child prostitution and pornography law after he allegedly committed lewd acts with a female high school student.
According to police, Takahiro Watanabe met the girl on a social media site, Sankei Shimbun reported. The girl was not a student at the cram school where Watanabe is employed.
Police said the girl told them that when they arranged to meet on April 22, Watanabe asked her to bring her school uniform. She said he handed her cash in exchange for sex. Police said Watanabe has admitted to paying the girl 23,000 yen for sex despite knowing she was underage.
The incident came to light after the girl’s mother checked her daughter’s smartphone a few days later. Then she consulted with police.
Police said Watanabe has admitted to committing similar acts with other minors.
© Japan Today
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It is sad to read such horrid news, yet quite normal to hear such news coming out of Japan.
Jonathan Prin
So if the girl had hidden her age, nothing would have happened. LOL.
Did she give back the 23 000 yen ?
During that time, rape is not yet taken seriously enough...
so how does this fit with the age of consent currently at 13 (as per the other item here this evening).... since the girl in this case seems to have entered into an agreement voluntarily, for money, though her age isn't stated of course, could be JHS I suppose. and before people jump down my throat, I'm simply asking a question, not passing judgement in any way shape or form....
Antony Cudworth
The default age of consent in Japan is 13. However many prefectures and localities such as Tokyo and Osaka have passed by-laws to raise the age to 18 in their jurisdiction.
I am sure the parents of the girls at his school are not left with any peace of mind by this.
""The incident came to light after the girl’s mother checked her daughter’s smartphone a few days later. Then she consulted with police.""
Very unusual, I am surprised that the mother was able to access her daughter phone since most kids almost never let it happen. Good for the mother she was able to uncover this CREEP.
And prefectural laws take precedence in cases like this!
I'll bet any money it wasnt the first time for her either and wont be surprised at all if other cases come out from this one female.
There is a HELL of a lot more to the story than this one case, as parents typically do not check their kids cell phones, unless there is a concern, and even then, they dont check.
Bet any money too that the daughter wasn't too happy about her mom checking.
Wake up Zizi, same stuff happens in the west on a much larger scale and it is so common it doesn’t even make national news. I guarantee you, percentage wise, there are more pedophiles and predators in the US than Japan hands down.
I see. Now I know.
So she fleeced an older guy in order to buy a new LV handbag but forgot to delete the messages so her mum found her.
They sell school uniforms in don quixote, it's normal. The issue is the guy didn't check her iD or believed her lies when she said she was not underage.
I hope so, this kind of predatory behavior by attractive young women on lonely older guys should be stopped.
Quote: " I guarantee you, percentage wise, there are more pedophiles and predators in the US than Japan hands down." Where does the writer get his or her information? Has this been the work of serious study or is it just the writer's feelings?
@TokyoJoe, what lies did she tell. It clearly says in the story that he knew she was underage.
King Of Pringles
Vile and disgusting yes, but did ya know that the legal age of consent in Japan is 13??!!
And yes its punishable if the other is over 5 years older but they really need to consider
revising the laws concerning consent & sexual abuse
Disgusting. A pathetic loser taking advantage of a young girl. Hurry up and get a sex offenders register together so we know where these freaks live and we can keep our children safe.
Girls soliciting on SNS platforms really need to stop feeding these pedos and giving them what they want. We need you know who to go undercover and catch these guys "Take a seat, right over there".
@Gaijinjland I TOTALLY disagree yes there's peds in the US but I can guarantee you this unlike Japan if they get arrested for ANY KIND of CHILD Porn they will never see the light of day in the general jail or prison population. Once they arrive and their crime will be known there is a tag on their head DOA!! That's guaranteed!! In other words yes the US have peds and they know they have to pay a price in Japan they continue to do the same thing over and over because they know they can get away with it on the street and nothing will happen in jail.
Wake up Zizi, same stuff happens in the west on a much larger scale and it is so common it doesn’t even make national news. I guarantee you, percentage wise, there are more pedophiles and predators in the US than Japan hands down.
Not in Osaka, and it's laws take precedence over the national law. So he is being charged there, as the legal age in Osaka is 18
So now what do you have to add? It's not 13 everywhere here.
I can never fathom why a chap of this age would wish to partake in sexual activity with someone who could be his granddaughter. Is this some twisted fetish or is he mental? I would assume that as he paid the girl he assumes that is a form of compensation, that sort of thing seems quite common in Japan, I find it very queer indeed.
I hope the girl isn’t badly traumatised by this or any other girls he has done this too.
He needs punishment and treatment for his ghastly and immoral acts.
She's a high-school student and her mom is still checking her phone? ALSO, the girl ACCEPTED the money from and already had sex with the teacher? There has to be more to this story.
Pervert criminal jerk.
Jonathan Prin
Pedophilia is used for individuals with a primary or exclusive sexual interest in prepubescent children aged 13 or younger
She knows what she was doing. No harm here. Just lack of education by parents.
13 was chosen as legal age because of sexual maturity.
I am not interested (wife is 6 years older lol, she could have gladly raped me when I was 13) but you will always have some guys interested by young girls. That is normal in human life for our reproduction activity still in many countries. Rape is the issue.
Or following in their footsteps. Once can not assume the parents were angels here either, and Mom having to check her daughters phone a couple of days after the fact, means to me, that there is a hell of a lot of distrust in this family. leastwise Mom and daughter.
Completely true, underage sexual fantasies happens everywhere..
TokyoJoeOct. 26 07:51 pm JST
Yeah!! I agree!! These vicious little girls, vixens every one, using their sexy prepubescent bodies to lure innocent men to do searches online to find them, and then trick them into giving them money for sex!
Yep, the fault 100% lies with the children, not the mature, adult grown men who could not possibly date women their own age, or even find adult sex workers.
Wonder was she arrested for prostitution!?!?
Probably not because the they didn’t have sex she gave him oral pleasure!. Oral sex for money in Japan is not illegal.
Jonathan PrinToday 05:07 am JSTt
That's right! High school kids all know exactly what they are doing, that's why they don't need adults around to look out for them - they are 100% capable of making all of their own decisions, and always think things through and have the maturity and knowledge of the wider world to guide their decisions, so they will always make the right ones.
Yes, it's perfectly normal for an older adult man to lust after little girls of 13 because their bodies have reached sexual maturity! Never mind about their mental and emotional maturity! It's okay for an adult man to see teenagers as potential sex partners and seek out sex with them - after all, men can't control their sex drives, that's just nature! We can't expect men to have the mental capacity to think twice about the consequences of sex with underage girls, or say no to girls who viciously seduce them, when "the urge" is so strong in men.
Michael Machida
Hey, this is Japan.
I'm not sure about that.
Just seems commonplace in Japan for perverts to flourish. It's horrible.
David Brent
One only needs to hang around Shibuya train station in the evening or glance at how thick and numerous the call girl magazines are in Japan to know there is a huge problem with schoolgirl prostitution here. Sadly, often the girls do it willingly to get some cold, hard cash.
Lots of men are not emotional mature,that why choose an immature child, because they lack the emotional maturity too be involved in a relationship with an adult woman, a culture that promote the exploitation of children in anime
Joe Blow
Why do so many high school girls sell themselves on social media in Japan anyway? I know, for designer bags, but...really?
David Brent
Work in a 7/11 or izakaya for 900 yen per hour, or earn 30,000 yen per day offering other adult services. It's a no-brainer for a certain segment of society.
You just have to shake your head in sad amazement that the age of consent in Japan is 13yrs old. And people wonder why pedophilia is not more aggressively looked down upon in Japan. This is the law in a supposed modern and socially aware country? It actually encourages creepy, old depraved men to have sex with minors.
David Brent
There is no prefecture in Japan where the age of consent is not 18.
Now this is, a Crime.
The JK Girls can get money from their "customers", and now after payment, go after then, and sue them ...
She should be held accountable too.
This is not exclusively a Japanese thing, happens the world over; the oldest profession.
Joe Blow
Yeah but so many doing it voluntarily as teens? That's definitely a J thing.
That's cheap
JTCOct. 28 09:36 am JST
Yes, she should definitely be held accountable for the fact that an adult man looked her up precisely so he could have sex with an underage girl, and she made him do that so that she could press charges and sue him.
Oh hold on ... her mom turned her in, and it says nothing about her suing him.
Huh. Well, she must be suing him because we need to find SOMETHING that makes her culpable, so we may as well imagine wild unlikely scenarios that help us find some way to blame her.
So Yeah! That's it! That's the ticket! She will SUE him! So she should be held responsible!
I do good logics. :)