Hyogo Prefectural Police have arrested a 61-year-old doctor for a third time on Wednesday on suspicion of sexually assaulting a female patient and taking voyeuristic photos of her.
According to police, Mitsukazu Yamane, who operates his own clinic in Kobe City’s Chuo Ward, rolled up the 56-year-old woman’s clothes and touched her breasts, claiming it was part of a medical examination from 10:30 a.m. to 10:40 a.m on August 1, Kyodo News reported. Yamane also filmed what he was doing for about 10 minutes.
Police said Yamane, who is already in custody for two prior alleged assaults, has denied the allegation and quoted him as saying, “It was part of a routine medical examination and no obscene act was committed.”
Police said the doctor was first arrested on August 10 for allegedly attempting to sexually assault a 29-year-old female patient who later filed a complaint. After reviewing the contents of his confiscated smartphone, police discovered videos of obscene acts involving a 55-year-old patient and served a second arrest warrant against him.
© Japan Today
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Disgraceful conduct from a person in a position of trust.
Japanese porn industry fantasy comes to reality with this doctor. Guess who are the influencers the JAV buisness
Patients really need to be aware that the minimum standard of care for sensitive physical examinations includes a chaperone, any doctor that do this kind of examinations without this measure is already in the wrong, filming the procedure without informed consent just makes it obvious he is acting in bad faith.
It wasn’t his first assault either,right?
He filled the assault on his phone?
That’s not very professional
I wonder if the doctor has had some mental trauma in the past?
Why would you trust a doctor?
Harold Shipman was a local GP in the UK for decades.
He also turned out to be one of the most prolific serial killers in history.
Your job doesn’t define your moral compass
Sex offenders register pls
What a creepy crime. If I were a doctor I would never touch my patients.
Already in custody? So, how does he manage to assault a new patient?
And, for that matter, who the heck would still go to this doctor's clinic?
Cards fan
Because he committed another crime between this one and when he was arrested.
Arrested for sexual assault on August 10th. Later charged with the August 1st sexual assault. It's in the article.
Stewart Gale
Do you think his having had some kind of mental trauma would make his actions excusable?
Simply the doctor had watched too many JAV and decided he could fantasize it out with his perverted clinic
Unless he had it written on his wall how would anyone know. Thats why Japan needs a sex offenders register, and needs to bad sex offenders from certain professions.
I hope he gets destroyed in court, but I won't be surprised when all he gets is a slap on the wrist with a suspended sentence.
The article is wrong! He was not "in custody". It's a blatant error.
The law should be amended to provide harsher penalties for someone who molests someone they're professionally responsible for, such as doctors, teachers, and pre-school caregivers.
The law should also be amended to provide lighter sentences for an abused child's father when he shows up at the molester's house and beats him into a coma.
I will reserve judgment. Many times I go to the doctor for a physical and my nuts are groped by a doctor and I am sure it is within their scope of examination. He easily could have been checking for breast cancer, or noted some physical anomaly for filming. If he did not ask for consent to film then that would be invasion of privacy as opposed to sexual assault. AND she was 56 years old, hardly in anyone's range of sexual interest.
Guilty!! First the doctor had a female patient in a room without a nurse or other female to witness the checkup, therefore he set himself up for failure. Two recording the molestation with his cellphone without the patients consent. Third had been arrested before for similar acts using the excuse “It was part of a routine medical examination and no obscene act was committed.” Doctor Perv needs to have his license taken away and jailed, I am sure there are probably many more women whom he did such things with but just didn't come forward. GO TO JAIL!!! FREAK!!
He’s a lunatic and a prime candidate for pervert of the year. Castrate all these type and put them on a sex offender list so we know where the fiends are after they’ve done their bird.
Why would any doctor record private medical procedures on his personal smart phone? There is only one answer, isn't there? This creep should be stopped practicing and struck off.
Because it would make no sense to visit one without that trust, that works with everything else as well, what is not justified is to trust above what is considered appropriate, which in this case is the sensitive examination being done without a chaperone.
In the Japanese system people can be arrested again even while still under custody for a previous crime.
Sexual attacks by health professionals have happened long before any JAV was available, people don't really need to get ideas from others to behave this badly.
From what source do you bring this? the article makes it very clear the new arrest come after evidence of the crime became available after he was in custody.
Doing a sensitive examination without a chaperon already means he is at least unprofessional and should be made responsible, filming without an explicit informed consent is beyond credible incompetence.
It could be to share the examination professionally, document something for further analysis, educate students, etc. But that can only be done AFTER informed consent is obtained from the patient, that is the part where the filming is wrong.
Dr. Perv