A 64-year-old man was arrested Sunday on suspicion of murder after he allegedly killed his wife "because she asked me to" at their home in Hachioji.
Police received a call just after 1 p.m. Sunday afternoon from a man saying that his wife had collapsed. Emergency officials arrived and attempted to perform resuscitation on Ayako Maeda, 61, who had been strangled. However, the woman died soon after.
Her husband was arrested and was quoted by police as saying that his wife was suffering from sciatica, a type of nervous system disease, and had taken a turn for the worse about a month before. "She asked me to kill her," he was quoted as saying.
© News reports
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They should arrest the doctor that treated his wife. Sciatica is a manageable illness under the proper care of a physician. Medication for paim management is virtually non-existent in Japan. She was probably given the usual quack treatments...
Thorny issue here... Of course he will pay for killing his wife, but this will probably not solve anything. I'd say that this kind of mercy killings are the signs of a failing society.
Such an obliging husband. I wonder if he did the same when she asked him to wash the dishes.
Disillusioned - she asked him to wash the dishes. For the rest of his life. And he just said "yes." I don't think that was an easy decision, and I do think he was considering all the implications - jail, solitary life, lack of partner. Yes, he was a very obliging husband. I don't want to judge him one way or another, but if what he's saying is true, I respect him for his guts and the willingness to take any punishment that may come.
Nothing new, when I was in okinawa I seen an old couple fighting. The old man was punching his wife in the head. I seen this while I was on a moving public bus. I didn't have time to reeact or stop the chaos. Domestic violence happens to the old too !!!
Man....I have Sciatica and sometimes my back just KILLS me. However, I don't ask anyone to kill me. Like a poster above notes, it is a very manageable illness. I just pop Advil (brought back from Canada of course.)
strangled???? is that the first thing that pops into your head when someone says kill me???? Maybe way off the mark here but i'll give my two bobs worth......she was complaining about her pain day and night and he got sick and tired of her complaining and put an end to it....but like i said probably way off the mark.
61 is too early to lose hope. He could just call the medics. Unbelievable stupidity....
64 is elderly?
Sure she did.
@Tatanka: you are 100% correct. Its still blows my mind how a few, albeit EXTREMELY important aspects of Japanese society are still in the dark ages. Child safety (ie: car seats, seat belts), excersise and nutrition awareness, and the most important is medicine. I sprained my ankle and was giving what was basically the same as a child's does of Tylenol. My friend got in a car wreck and wasn't wearing a seat beat. His head cracked the windshield. They gave him lots xrays (no MRI mind you) and no pain meds. He had to go back with a J-friend and explain to them he was in serious pain and he would not leave till they gave him REAL pain meds. The doctor had no idea what to give and had to ask his nurse to go get his "medicine" book to go look up a pain med to prescribe.
Could have at least had the sense to get a written statement of consent or something.
I don't think euthanasia carries quite the same stigma here as in traditionally Christian countries... but come on! I mean, if you're going to put someone out of their misery at least get them to sign something that will cover you after the deed is done.
folks one of the problems of better health care is many survive that in the past likely wud have passed away.
This is increasingly causing many if not not more problems than the medical care/treatments solve.
Increasingly we see many patients surviving in a state of living hell & some see the need to to end things, society is going to have to allow us more options on how we live or die the present is not a good state of affairs!
Well I think he loves his wife so much that he did grant her request to kill her and thinking that killing her will put her to rest. We might never know if this man will follow next to his wife.
Toughy.... and without knowing for sure what transpired it's hard to judge. If, however, all the man says is true then it's a sad story. As for 'written consent', it was probably an act of passion, not something thought out or greatly anticipated. If she collapsed in agony and just screamed for him to end it, I doubt either of them took the time to consider consent forms.
Anyway, as I said, we'll never really know.
Man, what kind of stupid doctors or hospitals do you guys go to? Everywhere I go they don't think twice before prescribing ロキソニン or ボルタレン. Those painkillers are usually good enough.
Both ロキソニン and ボルタレンare nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs used for short-term treatment of mild pain. For sciatica or a herniated disc these medications are wholly inadequate. In Japan, doctors can dispense Class 1 narcotics only for post-operative surgery or terminal cancer pain management...
goddog: Exactly, right? 64 is not elderly.
Given the method he (she?) chose and the fact that there was no mention of a consent note, it's a little hard to believe that this was a mercy killing. If they had made the decision in advance you would think they would have put something in writing and he would have killed her in her sleep or something. But a strangulation at 1 in the afternoon?
I'm a doctor and I've seen my fair share of patients with sciatica but I've never known anyone who'd want to commit suicide because of it.