Police in Shingu, Wakayama Prefecture, have arrested a 46-year-old unemployed man on suspicion of killing his parents at their home in Yokosuka, Kanagawa Prefecture, last month.
According to police, the suspect, Koji Onoboshi, turned himself in at a police station on Sunday and said that he had killed his father, Mitsuo Onoboshi, 75, and his mother, Yasuko, 72, in late March, Kyodo New reported. The suspect is the eldest son of the slain couple with whom he lived.
Police received a call on the night of April 6 from a relative of the Onoboshis saying that they could not be contacted. Officers visited the residence the next morning and found both bodies covered with a futon on the first floor. Police said both victims had been stabbed to death. Moreover, the whereabouts of the suspect was unknown.
Police said Onoboshi was transferred from Wakayama Prefecture to Kanagawa on Monday and he will be formally charged with killings parents. Police said he has so far given no motive.
© Japan Today
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I can give a huge one, a self-entitled, over indulged and lazy individual who sponged off his parents until they had no more to give and or decided to cut him off and clearly too late. There are so many like this guy and they come in the female version, too, and unfortunately, I believe these cases are just going to increase.
Spot on.
The parents “raised” him to be this way. Being the eldest son, they probably pampered and babied him well into his 40’s. This seems to be the trend in Japan.
It is plausible he was unemployed because he was caring for his parents and had enough of looking after them. It wouldn’t be the first time a child became a full time carer of their ailing parents and killed them.
Whatever the particular circumstances of this case, an unemployed man in Japan's workaholic culture can often become a desperate ronin without a cause and sometimes turn feral. "Unemployed" is a "red flag" and a stigma for a man in this traditional conformist society so when the pressure reaches a tipping point it can flip a switch.
Concerned Citizen
David Brent
Japanese police have the easiest job in the world.
@Lindsay I agree we can all thank him for doing such a great job taking care of his elderly parents, everyone here can post and write what they want to write but THEY HAVE PROBABLY NEVER walked in that mans shoes or don't have an idea of how tiring it is to care for an elderly parent not one but two. I wonder if they ever thought about the word "UNEMPLOYED" the word in Japan is a negative connotation for someone who doesn't have a job. I wonder if people realize taking care of his parents was his job. Lets look at it the other way. How many times have we read about a family member leaving home for years then calls to contact their parents only to realize they had dies alone? Most people here think illogically they place blame without giving thought as to WHY the event happened, they only assume and go with little information their thought processes can give them. With that said, yes he killed his parents but WOW he must have been at his worst if not he could have easily done that at an onset. Again you have a "UNEMPLOYED" man who cannot PERHAPS live his own life out to the fullest because of his responsibilities of being the OLDEST son to care for the parents. I would think that is a cultural thing. Again I am not saying killing them is, but he was perhaps unemployed because that is what he was brought up to think. One posters said he was pampered and babied well into his 40's. That is the most stupidest post any average thinking person could post. Personally I would think the man loved his parents he cared for his parents that was his job and that is perhaps why he was UNEMPLOYED. Think about it, if he was lazy he wouldn't have cared for his parents. Elderly care is not an easy job. I think he got overwhelmed and snapped and with perhaps little or no services to help him he did the unthinkable and unforgivable. Now that he is "TRULY" unemployed with perhaps no skills and in his 40's he can get shelter in a prison cell where he will get daily meals and think about what really brought him to that point. Eventually he will get out and start his life over in some shape or form.
It is plausible he was unemployed because he was caring for his parents and had enough of looking after them. It wouldn’t be the first time a child became a full time carer of their ailing parents and killed them.
Without more facts becoming apparent then everything is just pure speculation.
One thing that I do know though is that killing ones parents is very a very abnormal action
This is my 3rd time commenting on a story like this. Japan needs old folks homes.
Half of you get it... He was likely unemployed because he needed to take care of his parents. Imagine needing to change your parents diapers, spoon feed them, wheelchair them to the hospital several times a week, etc. without pay. It's expected that the oldest child takes care of their parents, in return for raising them.
Another tradition that should die alongside the Japanese toilets. Anyone is at a much higher risk of going insane in these positions.
Yes it whats known as the 80/50 problem....google it.........Japan Today did an article on it in Nov 2018