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© KYODOEx-baby sitter appeals 20-year prison term for sexually abusing 20 boys
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Anything less than life imprisonment, some facial branding so everyone clearly knows what this creature did and physical castration to be live streamed to deter others.
Aly Rustom
agree. That's only 1 year for every boy he abused. He should get life.
Welcome to Japan! The paedophilia capital of the world!
p.s. How the "defense" lawyer can sleep at night is beyond me.
I would appeal for a higher sentence. Too bad you can't send him to a US prison.
i think his “defense team” should also be locked up in the same cell with him for the 20 years.
You know, since he is a “low chance” offender.
get rid of all of them
Michael Machida
Why is this scum able to still talk?
A standard line here and used to justify keeping the status quo and continued non-reform of almost everything:
".....highlighting the difficulties of....."
In this case: ",..highlighting the difficulties of keeping pedophiles away from such services"
Ummmm...Compulsory background checks of all in the child care business? App or no app, shouldn't make a ×÷%=!! difference!
Ok, make it 30 years! Or, how about, never to be released? This worm does not deserve to see freedom ever again. He deserves to die in jail.
I would think that inside a prison would be safest place for this guy.
Soon, hopefully.
The hide of this animal who actually believes he should gave gotten less than 20 years. His argument that he "has a low chance of reoffending" is outrageous. Despicable and vile scum.
I vote for life.
Hopefully he gets a longer sentence or better still castrated!
Because it's his job, and capitalism doesn't know morality. It is beyond me how this is not common sense.
Why do you lump together innocent animals with him? This is animal hatred at its best.
So screwing up the life, likely for the duration of the life that's just getting started, warrants only 1 year in prison.
Yes, "this happens in the US, too", though with perhaps a longer sentence, but still much too short.
I can't understand why in Japan, the US, why anywhere- child molesters aren't locked up for decades for each child they harm. Shameful.
Let him Appeal, then give him 40 years
Joe Blow
He's right; he should get the death penalty instead.
Yes, let him appeal. And then, as another commenter said, double his sentence to 40 years instead of halving it. For having the audacity to appeal. It is quite clear he has zero empathy for the boys whose lives he stole. Zero. Agreed with the other commenters that he deserves life in prison. Any adult who fully chooses to sexually abuse children does.
Sad thing is in sexual abuse cases against kids in this dang country, the judges tend to side with the “remorseful “ offender instead of the victim. “The kid will grow up and get over it, the offender has to find a job later and making a big deal might hurt their chances” is the kind of BS they dole out here.
I was horrified to know teachers only get a year and a half suspension and transfer to a different board of education for sexual abuse against students. They can reapply for a teaching job 2 years after being convicted… WTF
toss this guy in the hole and throw away the hole as Amanda Waller said
El Rata
Let him appeal and change the ruling to the good ol' rope+trapdoor combo with a side of long drop.
Like HOW? That's a load of bullcrap and we all know it! The lamest defense (excuse) in the book.
Sex abuse always affects a child. It's even worse because the child isn't old enough (or yet developed) to comprehend or understand WTH is going on. The child can never 'get over it', it stays like a dormant landmine in the psych until one day it goes off. Then the victim (even as an adult) needs help and needs it NOW.
This piece of garbage should get his sentence doubled, with no parole whatsoever!
Japan Violet
But why hire a 31 year old male baby sitter? Yikes, that sounds creepy.
No paedophile will ever not re-offend. It's their nature. It's like saying youll decide not to be thirsty ever again.
Should have been life.