A 64-year-old former junior high school principal has been arrested in Japan on charges of violating the child pornography law in the Philippines.
Police searched Yuhei Takajima's apartment and confiscated 150,000 photos involving 12,000 Filipino prostitutes, some of whom were under age, Sankei reported Thursday.
According to police, on New Year's Day 2014, Takajima filmed himself giving money to a young Filipino girl and then performing sexual acts with her in a hotel. During Takajima's 27 years as a teacher, he traveled to the Philippines 65 times and admitted to regularly paying prostitutes to engage in sexual acts with him, police said.
Police said Takajima had a collection of over 400 albums of photographs as well as video footage.
Although Takajima has already received approximately 30 million yen from his retirement package, the board of education has put a halt to any further payments and is moving forward with plans to force him to pay back all the money he has received so far.
© Japan Today
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I'm not defending what he has done but what does his pension have to do with this? We shouldn't live in a world where your former employer has the power to strip you of your livelihood even after you have provided a satisfactory service in accordance with your employment contract. I suspect what the board of education is trying to do isn't actually legal.
He got caught because he was arrested in Manilla after having sex with a 13 years old prostitute. And the japanese police can prosecute people for crimes commited abroad in some cases.
12,000 prostitutes? Is that right? Even if he was with three per day, that's still 4000 days - just shy of 11 years. And if he made 65 trips, that would be roughly 2 months per trip. Did he really get that much time off? And was he really shagging 3 prostitutes a day for 2 months?
I suppose it's not impossible. But it sounds like the numbers may be wrong.
He allegedly performed these deeds while employed as a public servant. So perhaps having massive amounts of pedo sex on a routine basis isn't considered "satisfactory" in terms of conduct ....for a junior high school teacher!
Maybe there's a conduct, morality or trust clause in his contract or in some pledge one makes in order to become qualified as a public school teacher.
30 million is pretty generous, I must say.
Here is the NHK report on this one (in Japanese); http://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20150408/k10010041901000.html
He was apparently posted by the education ministry to a school in Manila for Japanese students for three years beginning in 1988.
I find the numbers quite staggering. 12,000 girls and 150,000 photos? The principal has been busy indeed.
The TV news said it was the Philippine police that tipped off the Japanese police. The guy would get up to 10 prostitutes per day.
Not sure about the legality of the situation, but I think the board of education could reasonably claim that not having sex with children - any children - is part of his job as a teacher. Certainly they would have been entitled to fire him 27 years ago had he been convicted then. (That may also have been a contractual obligation) (that they are seeking to do so following his arrest, but before his conviction, is another issue)
I want know how Japanese police catch him for something he did in Philipines? Did he sell video or put on Internet in Japan?
"Police searched Yuhei Takajima’s apartment and confiscated 150,000 photos involving 12,000 Filipino prostitutes... Takajima had a collection of over 400 albums of photographs"
Good grief, what a nutcase...
This is an odd case. In other news sources it says the he was arrested for taking photos of sexual acts with a teenage girl in the Philippines, but he is being charged under the child-pornography laws of Japan. Here's why it's odd: 1) the age of the girl is not listed, save that she's a teenager, and so she may well be above the age of consent in the nation in question, as well as in Japan, despite Japanese law technically considering her still a child. 2) for the rest of the thousands of pictures it says the man had, they were all of "women" it was stated, meaning not girls and they therefore cannot be included in the charges. 3) I believe many on here and elsewhere have been calling for Japan to put an end to child-pornography, but the government has only so far done so in regards to people POSTING child pornography, while it is not technically illegal to merely possess it. If he was therefore not posting the pics or the videos, how is he violating the law? 4) He has done this, as stated, in another nation who's laws may differ, and all after retired, so I don't see what his pension has to do with any of it.
Now, the guy sounds to me like a total perv., and is obviously part of the sex-tourist scourge that leads to unwilling prostitution of minors in particular, and encourages prostitution in general besides, but aside from being morally bankrupt if he is not doing anything illegal (especially over there) I don't see how they can charge him for anything. If he were still working, I could see them wanting to dismiss him on moral grounds, if that were legally possible, for sure.
Wow. Then I guess that number is correct! Insanity.
Since this guy was a Principle of a school and he had alot of young girls at the school I would check his past students to see if he had any connection to them!
Aaron Lloyd Brummett
All he has accomplished it bringing shame to Japan.
I just wonder what he spent alone in air fare. He sure was busy!!
The article only mentions that he was a junior high teacher, so why does the headline call him a "ex-school principal"?
That would be because the argument is that manga does not involve actual people engaging in the acts. The definition of "pornography" continues to be a personal one rather than one that can be adequately codified into law.
Youngest were age 13, it was reported elsewhere. That's not legal in either country.
It is quite obvious that the junior high school teacher has a pre-existing sexual addiction/condition that he was unable to control. Irregardless of the legal or social ramifications, this teacher was unable to refrain and literally became a slave to his own lust. In truth, no woman or child is entirely safe around a pornoholic. He will suffer and have to deal with feelings of guilt, shame and regret. He should have taken care of this dangerous situation earlier in his life. A healthier option for him or anyone that participates in deviant sexual behavior with children or younger adults may be to seek professional help.
Again, I'm not trying to defend this guy but I suppose the key question is how restrictive can the terms of an employment contract be? If he had committed a different but equally serious crime not involving children, would that be OK? I agree that the school would have been entitled to fire him 27 years ago. Probably not for breaching his contract (I doubt there is a morality clause) but simply for the safety of the children. The issue here is that they never found out. I admit its a really difficult moral question.
To use a much less serious analogy, can a driving school strip a driving instructor of their pension if they hid all the speeding tickets that they had accumulated over the years? Would the court find an employment contract like this enforceable if the prohibition has no bearing on the quality of the lessons but simply causes embarrassment to the school?
Also, even though this man is a public servant, what if private companies also start stripping criminal employees of pensions? The pension funds will pocket the money and the taxpayers will end up picking up the tab for welfare and housing etc.
I guess they want him to pay back his pension because
a) he committed multiple crimes over a 27-year period or more and
b) he won't be needing money in prison.
FrancescoB - He confessed that 10% were under age so tell us that 1,200 girls out of 12,000 is a small number. Your line about '...the overwhelming majority were of age...' is ill-considered when you consider the scale of his crimes and the damage he has done to kids.
Paul Laimal-Convoy
Actually, it is illegal to possess child porn in Japan (now) :
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/japan/10908178/Japan-finally-bans-child-pornography.html"Possession of child pornography made illegal in Japan but paedophilic images in manga comic books remain legal"
So the plot thickens & another hentai oyaji gets busted. The shame his family must bear, remarkable-
The shame was already here! He's just another one that got busted for it!
I don't believe the numbers. But this just goes to show that all you have to do is say "underage" and suddenly some people will believe anything, anything at all. Perhaps he was possessed by Satan to be able to perform so much? Cause I am sure that much viagra would have killed him!
Now, if they caught him with an under-age prostitute, that is one thing. But of 12,000 females dating back from God only knows when, they know that some of them were underage? What? They got a registry? Come on people. Wake up. This is hocus pokus.
And some of you are throwing around the word "pedophile" now. 12, 000 females and it seems the overwhelming majority were of age? That's not pedophilia. In fact, its not even prosecutable in sane countries if there is reason to believe he did not know her age. Come on. This is baloney.
I am seriously doubt that he or anyone kept a statistic about this, and over decades too. Something is strange about the numbers, and about this "confession".
Wow! That sounds like the voice of experience!
Tristan E. Kenelm
I don't think that this man's former employers should be able to take his pension away from him.
In spite of this current predicament that he has placed himself in, he did finish his long teaching service in good standing.
Shinjuku No Yaju
It's weird to be that so many are defending this perverts pension. It's about setting a precedent for current employees. "Even if you don't get caught today, or tomorrow...you WILL get caught and WILL suffer losses for defiant acts". I doesn't seem like too hard a thing to understand. I would like to believe that if some pedophile came to Japan to have sex with minors, his employers would punish at least as harshly.
Shinjuku No Yaju
"According to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and prefectural police, Takashima held a teaching position at a Japanese school in the Philippines for a three-year period that started in 1998. After that, he traveled to the country approximately three times per year for a total of 65 visits."
Yeah, so this guy did some of these crimes WHILE being an educator in the Philippines. Like an English teacher coming to Japan to work at an international school...and pedo'ing locals like a dog in heat the whole time while here. He deserves zero sympathy.
It seems his pension was the bigger provoking here not his perverting things?
And why did it take so long to nail this perv? Cops watching the films too?
Yeah, stopping his pension seems quite unrelated, unless some of the images or videos he possesses involve some of his students.
I'd imagine the students and the parents of those who attended his schools over the past 27 years have a very creepy feeling right now.
Vernie Jefferies
Where does the money go after his pension gets revoked?
Nice pension there!
@M3, morality and ethics shape laws, here's a new one forming. May he get every yen taken off him and said yen used for investment in young people in... the Philippines.
What a sick SOB! My guess & its only a guess but I bet he has done things in Japan as well, guy needs locked up & PRONTO, makes me feel like vomiting reading about these sick SOBs!
A bit of due process & then lock them up permanently! There are lots more here in Japan & sadly elsewhere, sick sick sick!
Retired at 60.
Age 64 now.
30 million in compensation so far for 4 years.
7 Million a year in pension? Sounds fishy.
Many people get a lump sum on retirement, big enough to pay off the remaining mortgage, have a once-in-a-lifetime holiday and even help the kids get a solid foothold on the housing ladder.
Pervert in his 60s or whatever... Frankly thats not the most shocking thing here for me. Its just so sad that there are teenage prostitutes. I'd be choking if I were saying this.....
Sparky Santos
The word is serial hebephile not pedophile, best example of which is Ted Nugent.
The trophy keeping highlights his mental illness. Clearly his pension should benefit victims.
Alistair Carnell
Probably made a bundle, selling vids to the yak.
@UK9393. Excellent point. This guy prob had his suitcase, digital camera & next pensioned direct deposit lined up for Phnom Phen. Where in all likelihood, he could stretch the yen to double or triple his pedophile exploits.
Mario Reyes
Horrible! This man should be punished asap.
Where does it say "pension."? He's 64 and not even eligible for a pension yet. The money in question is a retirement/severance lump sum payment, a perk of the job.
I suppose the thinking is that a public servant who committed these acts throughout his career has broken the trust with the public he is supposed to serve, and thus doesn't deserve to be paid benefits, especially as it comes from public coffers.
I think he should have ALL of his work benefits and pension revoked. Peados are scum and should be treated as such.
Bartholomew Harte
Sounds to me like this guy is the "Bernie Madoff" of the perv trade!
Why do these pedophiliacs keep photographic records if they don't want to get caught?
I know the desire of wanting to go down memory lane or to make money off the pictures is strong.
But the chances of getting caught increase so much more and the penalties are so severe.
Makes me wonder if he patronized "soaplands" when flights were unavailable to Manila. Makes me wana puke-
Guy Jincarde
How can this be allowed to happen? He is fully entitled to his pension. This is a shocking way to treat a pensioner.
There are many pediphiles. I wonder why he didnt have all that encrypted.