The parents of slain Chiba University student Yukari Ogino, 21, delivered a letter courtesy of a relative to the Matsudo police station last Friday, which spoke of their suffering, it was learned Monday.
Ogino was found naked inside her apartment last month, with several stab wounds to her chest and cuts to her neck, after friends went to check on her and noticed smoke coming from inside. The assailant remains at large, despite police making public an image of a man who was recorded using Ogino’s bank card to withdraw cash.
A relative dropped into the police station last Friday after leaving flowers in front of the apartment, and gave an officer an envelope addressed to those heading the investigation. The letter signed by Ogino’s parents asked why their daughter had to die, and said that time had stopped since the day she died. They also wrote that they kept asking themselves what they could do, other than wait for the assailant to be caught.
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Hope they catch the animal soon.
Yukari Ogino studied the very same course (horticulture) at the very same university (Chiba university faculty of horticulture) as Ichihashi, although at a different year. Japan Today seem to want to hide this fact.
Moderator: You have been cautioned before about your obsession with Ichihashi. Please do not bring it up on this or any other unrelated thread again.
Ouch, this fills my heart with sorrow. So quickly such news gets covered over by succeeding stories. Hope the police keep on this case with a vengeance.
" It is of no relevance as far as I am concerned. Why do you think it should be?
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It does sound like just a coincidence to me....
This is heartbreaking and the pain that this family feels is unimagineable. I suppose they felt they had to do something...but if I remember correctly the photo that the police released to the press was not clear at all so I truly hope they are looking for other leads.
Violence against weaker members of society really pxsses me off at the best of times. While saying this, however, this case and the one of the student down in Shimane really upset me.
What a complete and utter waste of life. These kids (both girls) had their future in front of them, with friends to make, sites to see, and experiences to be had. Now there is nothing. What a complete and utter waste.
Although I often malign the local police (of whom my brother in law is one), I seriously hope that the police get a result in both cases. Only by doing so will the parents of these children gain some form of closer. And only by doing so will other parents of children feel a little bit safer.
Smoke? Was she cooking or making tea when the murderer killed her?
I'm not sure when in October this happened exactly, and I can't remember the image precisely because of all the other murders and murderers being caught, but I hope he gets caught too. And strung up hopefully. There's too much tragedy in this world even without the nut-jobs going around torturing and murdering people.
I feel for the parents, but they need to learn how to better direct their emotions. Writing a sad letter to the police? That'll get results.
If they blamed the police and accused them of negligence, that's one thing. But they're just whining about losing their daughter, which isn't anything the police could have normally stopped anyways. It doesn't sound like there's any call to action and the whole letter is just their inner contemplations on paper.
This whole case is just awful. And I feel terrible for the parents, though I wonder what this letter will do for them.
Valmain, I suspect this kind of letter is just the right tone to place maximum pressure on the police here. Nothing is said, but between the lines everything is spoken. Very Japanese...
Also, look at these words: They also wrote that they kept asking themselves what they could do, other than wait for the assailant to be caught
To me this suggests that they know that the police have a suspect in mind but lack of proof is holding the police back. The family are hinting that they know who this is too, and they are tempted to hire someone to go and rough this chap up a little unless the police pull their finger out very soon.
Right. Subtlety, Stakeouts, and Secrecy: the cornerstones of strength in the J-Force. I don't get any hints of that at all from that wording in the letter. I agree that it is very Japanese in that it's misguided emotional communication.
Not to sound harsh mom and dad, but isn't this the girl that worked as a hostess at a club whose website proclaimed she "like to be aggressively pursued?"
Well, to all the moms and dads out there whose daughters are still young and impressionable, try to dissuade them somehow from working in such joints. And allowing such things to be publicly said about them.
That being said, this was a horrible way to go, and I sincerely hope that she didn't suffer and is in a better place. And it goes without saying that I hope they catch the scum and hang his axx.
Why is it that murder of young women keeps getting done so often? Or isn't "often" when compared to other countries. It still makes one blood run cold to read about another precious life cut down in her prime, but an obvious loser, scum, what else can we say?
Maybe Hatoyama the former minister was right to enforce death penalty so strongly. Why do these people seem to get away so easily, and then brazenly withdraw money fron the victims account. And he's probably on a train that you and I are riding. But is this the way it is in every country. I think Japan has to become more strick with penalties on law, and somehow improve womens place in this society.
Very sorry about the typos above, I meant to type 1) or isn't it considered "often"... 2) It still makes one's blood 3) by an obvious loser...not but an obvious loser....
dammit, here is the photo you mention:
was it a sexual predator ?
I guess this is the fate for those who attempt to work in easy money. I feel sorry for them, because they really need money and didn't find other jobs. This also reminds me of the last incident in Akihabara maid cafe service.
Look at the photo closely. Is the suspect wearing a false nose and glasses?
I agree that this letter seems like an odd choice. I can't begin to feel their pain, and of course they are entitled to do whatever they deem necessary to seek resolution and closure in their daughter's murder. But instead of sending the letter to the police, why not send it directly to the media rather than expecting it to be passed along by the police? Instead of asking the police to do more, why not call on the local and national community to find the guy in the ATM picture and turn him in? I'll admit that I have trouble sometimes with the Japanese use of passive-aggressive coercion and indirect confrontation (that sounds like such an oxymoron), but in this case I'm doubly nonplussed. Going to the guys who are already working on the case and telling them to work harder... I don't think that's really going to do any good. You need to expand the investigation to include the aid of everyone from the combini cashier down the street to the salaryman who takes the train every morning to work.
nandakandamanda: I keep squinting at it, too, because I can't tell if that's the guy's real face or if he's wearing some kind of disguise. I don't know if that white blur across his face is glare off the camera lens or if he's got some kind of plastic... something on his head. I wish I could see it a little bigger.
Of course, we don't know this ATM guy is the one who killed the poor young woman. He might have simply ended up with her bank cards through other dubious means, like pickpocketing or trading for illegal goods and services. Either way, he needs to be found.