Japan Today

Father arrested for fatally stabbing 12-year-old son in Nagoya


Police in Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture, have arrested a 48-year-old man on suspicion of killing his 12-year-old son.

According to police, the incident occurred on Sunday morning at around 10 a.m. Kengo Satake, a company employee from Nagoya, is accused of stabbing his 12-year-old son Ryota in the chest while the two were apparently having a verbal dispute, Fuji TV reported.

Satake took his son to the hospital immediately after the incident, but Ryota died soon after arrival.

The boy’s mother was away from home at the time, police said.

Satake was quoted by police as saying that he stabbed Ryota “accidentally.”

Meanwhile, neighbors told police that they used to occasionally see Ryota being locked out on the balcony as punishment for misbehaving, Fuji TV reported.

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Not less than 25 minutes ago I posted and agreed with Disillusioned that

However, if you are a woman or a child there is no shortage of creeps ready to attack you.

and then this story. WTF is wrong with some of the men in this country?

3 ( +8 / -5 )

FizzBit: "WTF is wrong with some of the men in this country?"

Seriously? This is nothing at all like or relevant to a random attack on the street or some guy groping a woman on the subway. It IS, however, relatable to the many, MANY incidents we read about here where family members kill each other, and parents abuse children. I think one big difference here is that the usual crowd who jumps on in defence of the woman when it's a mother who stabs her kids or whatever, you're just going to see outright condemnation. I'm not disagreeing with that condemnation, either, just pointing out that you won't see any of the usual sympathy crowd because it is a man, and also, to repeat, simply because it's a man has nothing to do with the average creep you talk about. What is it with families here, would be a more apt question.

-2 ( +8 / -10 )


This is nothing at all like or relevant to a random attack on the street or some guy groping a woman on the subway.

Do you mind explaining why this comment is relevant to mine?

Anyway, I wrote the above comment out of frustration after reading about the pool attack story (a time period of less than 25 minutes) and ALL the other stories we read about men "cutting a girls hair on a train" or "throwing urine on a girl" type stories, that's all. I guess I could have more.......

when it's a mother who stabs her kids or whatever

I'm not a woman so I almost always shy away from those comments since I have no idea what could be going on in a womans brain.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Readers, please keep the discussion focused on the story.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Satake was quoted by police as saying that he stabbed Ryota “accidentally.”

Liar doesn't even have the cajones to admit what he did. Put him away with pictures of his son plastered all over his cell.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

WTF is wrong with some of the men in this country?

I think the better question is what is wrong with some of the men in this world? After all, this isn't even remotely an exclusively Japanese thing. It happens in every country in the world.

Anyways, what a horrible story. RIP to the kid. And I feel for the mom, what a thing to happen when she is away from the home.

I think one big difference here is that the usual crowd who jumps on in defence of the woman when it's a mother who stabs her kids or whatever, you're just going to see outright condemnation.

Not from me - we don't know the details. It may have been that the boy pulled a knife on the dad, and in the ensuing struggle, ended up stabbed and killed himself. Or any of an infinite number of other possibilities.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Strangerland: "Not from me - we don't know the details."

Sadly, you've a chance to prove it on the story of the woman killing her four children.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

"accidentally", come on, that is a new low in J-excuses.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Liar doesn't even have the cajones to admit what he did.

Or maybe he's telling the truth.

"accidentally", come on, that is a new low in J-excuses.

Or maybe, he's telling the truth.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Or maybe, he's telling the truth.

Seriously??? How can you stab someone in the chest accidentally?

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Seriously??? How can you stab someone in the chest accidentally?

Fighting over a knife while rolling around on the ground.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

that they used to occasionally see Ryota being locked out on the balcony as punishment for misbehaving

Please excuse me if this has been answered but are there any type of child welfare agencies in Japan? I wouldn't call locking an elementary child out of the house as normal behavior.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Emotional 12 year olds are everywhere.male or female.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

DaDude: "Please excuse me if this has been answered but are there any type of child welfare agencies in Japan? I wouldn't call locking an elementary child out of the house as normal behaviour."

There are, and while they claim to be overworked and under budgeted and unable to address such issues, all you ever hear about is them screwing up, denying constant calls about abuse when there's a murder that could have been prevented, and then they admit the calls, etc. They may well be overworked, but they seem to like doing as little work as possible, and taking as little responsibility as well. You always hear about them sending kids home to parents who then kill them after saying things seemed fine, or that they never bothered to visit despite being demanded to by courts, etc.

Locking a kid out on the balcony is very much "normal" compared to some of the crap you read about, like parents stuffing kids in kitchen containers, or chaining them to trees, starving them, demanding they get out of the car in bear country and driving off, etc. I'm willing to bet the majority of Japanese don't find this kind of behaviour (locking a kid out on the balcony or driving off on them) all that serious at all, except in retrospect in cases like this.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Witnesses had seen the kid locked on the balcony for discipline. Gawd only knows what other kinds of abuse this poor kid had been subjected to and now, he's dead. There really needs to be something done about teaching these so-called 'parents' (AKA: malicious bullies) the difference between discipline and abuse. They are not one in the same although, it seems that many Japanese families have difficulties understanding the difference. Poor kid!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The line between discipline and abuse differs not only between cultures but generations. I was not abused but some of the methods my parents used, common when I was growing up in the US are considered abuse today.

Locking kids out of the house is not an unusual form of discipline in Japan. My mother in law did it to all her children. And that family is one of best examples of a family I have ever known in any of the countries I have visited.

A neighbor used to roughly man handle one of his daughters out to the balcony and lock her out of the apartment where she would screem and pound on the door for very long periods of time. My spouse said it was usual, that they were that child many years ago and I can see for myself the good quality relationships that exist between all members of the family.

I stuns me how quickly people express disbelief of the fathers excuse. It is not so rare we read of teens and preteens attacking their parents with a knife, often fatally. We do not know, but the father did rush his son to the hospital. It could have been a case where his son attacked him and the resulted in the father accidentally stabbing his son in the chest.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

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