Japan Today

Filipino woman to be charged for allowing 3-year-old daughter to starve to death


A Filipino woman in Oizumi, Gunma Prefecture, has been sent to prosecutors for allowing her 3-year-old daughter to starve to death.

According to police, the 37-year-old woman -- a single mother -- left Japan and returned to the Philippines in February, leaving her two daughters, aged 3 and 14 years of age, just 10,000 yen and a little food. The 3-year-old girl died in her absence.

Although the three lived together, witnesses claim the woman regularly abandoned her parental duties and left her toddler in the care of her teenage daughter.

According to police, the children were left alone by their mother, while she went home for a visit to the Philippines on Feb 9. TBS reported that police received an emergency call from the woman's 14-year-old daughter at about 7 p.m. on Feb 18, saying that her younger sister had collapsed. Emergency workers rushed to the scene where the child was confirmed dead.

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In time she will learn that the loss of the child she seemed to neglect, was the greatest punishment she could ever get!!!

You are a better person than I am that's for sure. I compliment you on your optimism about this woman.

Sorry but I don't believe for a moment that this woman cares one bit about her children. The only thing she'll feel bad about is her loss of freedom.


She was desperate and had no money.

Bull! A thousand times BULL! Plane tickets don't grow on trees! If she had the money to go home, she had the money to take care of her kids, no questions asked!

I have missed funerals of loved one's because I didnt have the cash to take care of my family here and go home. Her priorities are wacked, and she is one self-centered , you know what!

There are a number of things she could have done with social services here as well if she really had to go.

16 ( +18 / -2 )

So how about punishment in kind?

11 ( +12 / -1 )

Do you know that for certain? Do you know if she was suffering from mental illness or depression?

What that plane tickets don't grow on trees? Yes I know that for certain.

Oh and I would suggest that ANY mother or father for that matter that leaves a three year old child in the care of a 14 year old and LEAVES the country is certifiably mentally ill and should lose custody of the surviving child post haste!

And if this is the same woman that was on one of the TV "wide-shows" late last week then hell yes I would say that she looked fine! Nice try btw on trying to find an excuse for the inexcusable.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

Yubuaru, You don't know what happened. I would wait for full police investigation report. People with mental depressioin uses poor judgment and sometimes reckless behavior.

You are assuming she was mentally ill, and btw you will never, ever, get the "full" police investigation report unless you are working for the Gunma police department and investigating this case. So which is it? Are you a Gunma cop or are you just looking for an excuse to apologize for this woman's criminal negligence?

Yeah I do know something, she abandoned her children. There is no way around that.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

She was "desperate and had no money to feed her kids", yet could afford expensive flights home. Disgusting and selfish woman. This was not a once-off lapse of judgement - she regularly abandoned the children. This poor, innocent little girl died a horrible death. Rest in Peace.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

I also feel bad for the 14 year old, lost of a sibling and a mother. She would probably feel guilt for the rest of her life. but this women just leaving her kids by themselves without any adult supervison? yeah Really bad on her part.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

@SFJP330 you are going to be waiting forever for that to happen. this women without a doubt was not mentally ill, she was just being selfish. Poor judgment because she probably thought she could leave her 3 year old in care with the 14 year old since. as stated in the article "Although the three lived together, witnesses claim the woman regularly abandoned her parental duties and left her toddler in the care of her teenage daughter"

notice "regularly abandoned" meaning this isnt the first time she has done this. She is fully aware of what she was doing. Just the outcome this time wasnt so pleasent. No "full" police report needed here

8 ( +8 / -0 )

@sfjp330 Why are you flogging your argument to death?The mother in question didn't just pop to the local supermarket. She left the country, leaving a toddler in the care of a minor. Yubaru is spot on.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

This is such a sad story! Hopefully all the details will emerge and she will be properly punished. In time she will learn that the loss of the child she seemed to neglect, was the greatest punishment she could ever get!!!

6 ( +6 / -0 )

I hope its a murder charge among other things.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

poor 14 year old... what a heavy weight to rest on her shoulders. It sounds like the "mother" (IF we can call her that) was using her as a slave...

Glad to hear this woman will be punished.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Elder sister has a duty of care to her younger sister. If she does not know her duties as carer, she has been raised without the proper discipline.

Um...no...Not in this culture at least. An older sibling does not have the obligation of mothering a younger sibling so that the mother can leave the country for a long period of time. Parenting a 3 year old can be extremely difficult ESPECIALLY if he/she is ill. The older daughter is going to unneededly have to deal with this this guilt for the rest of her life, all because the mother acted foolishly and selfishly.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Okay what the hell does the Edo era or African society have to do with today and here?

The responsibility was the mother's and she was too selfish to really give a heck for her two daughters and now one is dead and the other will be alone.

Comeon responsibility is the parents and not the other way around.

This so-called mother/parent needs to do hard time for her selfishness or maybe hang.

What ifs and what weres mean nothing, the baby girl of the family is still dead because of the mother's selfishness.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

re 14 yr olds. Yeah, some 14 yr olds can look after siblings better than 30 yr old adults. My older sister could have. But, my parents would have never left the country and told her to take care of the others.

But obviously it would be ridiculous to blame the 14 yr old in this case.

"Yubuaru, You don't know what happened. I would wait for full police investigation report. People with mental depressioin uses poor judgment and sometimes reckless behavior."

I get tired of this line. She may have had mental problems but she was in charge of her faculties enough to buy a ticket, and get herself to Narita and board a plane. If she can do that, she can probably buy groceries and ask someone for help.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

sfjp, Not when in Japan the Mother is almost always awarded sole custody of the children. The guy probably had no idea she was even gone. Not enough info to make that leap though.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

I can not believe that any thinking and reasoning adult would be using the edo era or Africa to discuss responsibility of a 14 year old child HERE in Japan. It's ludicrous to make the comparisons.

Oh yeah life expectancy back then was around 50 years old too!


Yeah and back in that period 14 year girls were getting married and having children, with the average life expectancy around 50 years old as well. Come one, what thinking adult would even venture to make this a comparison for today! Let's not even get into a discussion about girls from Africa. It's ludicrous for anyone to even attempt to make a comparison. They are endless and all useless as well.

Ok a 14 year old, raised in Japan. Think about that a moment, what 14 year old here, NOW, a Junior High School girl, getting ready for her high school entrance exams this year, at the time JHS 2nd yr no less, is going to be mature enough to take care of a 3 year old, let alone herself?

Yeah, yeah, I KNOW the argument is going to be, "I know this girl...or I know that girl..." There are always exceptions to the rule BUT, typically speaking what did this girl do during the daytime to watch her little sister while she went to school? If she didnt go to school then what did the school do about finding out why she was absent.

Make it easier here for you, she may be 14 years old physically, but if she is anything like a typical 14 year old girl here in Japan her mental age is more online with a 12 year old in my experience. They dont mature at the same rate and for here it's fine, it's just the way things are. Some never mature, but that's another story.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Terrible stuff, and the woman deserves to be punished, for sure. At the same time I'm a little surprised that a 14-year old couldn't have done more before the death of her sibling. It's not like they were infants.

As for this: "Although the three lived together, witnesses claim the woman regularly abandoned her parental duties and left her toddler in the care of her teenage daughter."

I am sick and tired of hearing about neighbours coming out when the press arrives to voice their concern AFTER the fact, when they could have easily done something to help. Shame on them as well.

4 ( +6 / -2 )


You're making way too many assumptions. We have no idea how she met her husband, or what the circumstances of her marriage was. It could be that the father died.

Secondly, we don't know if she overstayed or not. She could be a permanent resident which is pretty easily to establish if you've lived here long enough and are or previously married to a Japanese. Also , she has two kids (well one now) and I can only assume that the kid has citizenship from the father, so the mother can easily get special stay privileges. I think we can assume that she's lived here and has established some type of legal residential status, so this "no where to go" excuse doesn't fly.


I really don't know where you guys get this notion that an older sibling is responsible for PARENTING a younger sibling. And I do emphasize PARENTING, because cooking, feeding, bathing, caring for the child 24 hrs/ day for more than just a couple days is A LOT more than babysitting. Its just preposterous and nonsense thinking! She may have responsibilities for looking after, protecting, occasional babysitting the younger sibling, but definitely DEFINITELY NOT PARENTING. A 14 year is NOT an adult! She is a CHILD, and to force her to PARENT another child is IRRESPONSIBLE!!! A responsible parent would have asked a responsible ADULT (at least over the age of 20) to check in from time to time and make sure that the kids are eating, going to school, not getting sick, and keeping clean, AT THE VERY LEAST.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

@tmarie- Are we still on the topic of blaming the 14 year old? Pushing the blame on a minor just shows how ignorant and stupid one can get. she a "minor". Yeah, she might be of the age of knowing reasoning and able to take care of her younger sister but once again "she is a minor" Bring up other villages and what ever points has nothing to do with this case all Irrelivant . If this particular 14 year old wasnt raised in the proper manner you cant just blanket every 14 year old in the world or other parts of the world. Like I said "its Irrelavent". Steaming from this point you are saying that every mother who does soemthing to there kids and if they so happen to have a child of 14 year or older that they are held responsible to? cause thats what you are trying to say. re-reading what you wrote yes you compared yourself when you use Examples of "Laughable. I manage to feed myself and my husband for far less than that and we eat fresh foods, not crap. Crap is cheaper." This would be comparing yourself notice the "I" manage to feed myself part. If you are dumb enough to not know this you shouldnt be posting here. like you stated diffrent factors played into this but once again the "blame" falls on to the "adult" cause the "adult" is "responsible" for the well being of their children. Like i mentioned eariler everything you have pointed out is really irrelvent. Laws are laws for a reason.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

The woman will most likely be charged with violating Japanese Penal Code 218 ( Abandonment by a Person Responsible for Protection) and Penal Code 219 ( (Abandonment Causing Death or Injury).

3 ( +3 / -0 )

tmarieJun. 06, 2013 - 09:06AM JST Laughable. I manage to feed myself and my husband for far less than that and we eat fresh foods, not crap. Crap is cheaper.

So you are now claiming that a 14 year old can manage her money like you can. Do you understand what on average means?

So do you believe that the mother was justified with leaving 10,000 yen to feed her two daughters while she was on her vacation?

tmarieJun. 06, 2013 - 09:06AM JST Where the hell have I defended the mother?? Quote me please. ONE quote. Go on.

You might like to look up what "murderer" means. The mom didn't "murder" this child.

Minimizing what the Mother did is akin to defending her actions. She was totally responsible for what happened to that poor child and no one else.

While I don't "blame" the 14 year old, come on. What 14 year old doesn't feed a kid? More so when they have more than enough money to buy food??

You don't blame the 14 year old kid, but you still place blame on her shoulders? What the heck, you don't but you do???

Each and every time you try and place any and I do mean any blame for this tragic event on the child you are defending the the mother.

Also, this child wasn't left to "fend" for itself and 10,000 yen is more than enough to feed two for a few weeks

Then you and others claim that 10,000 yen is more than enough for 2 kids to survive on for more than 2 weeks. Yeah a child is responsible for feeding herself and sister while the mother is having fun.

Sick and sad.

And sorry, many African villages ARE better when it comes to kids, family, job security and happiness compared to Japan.

Then the funniest one of all you and your gang of defenders try and blame Japan for what happened.....

Come say it with me, "the full blame for what happened rests solely on the mother and no one else!".

BTW you do understand that things are a little different in African villages than in Japan, don't you?

3 ( +4 / -1 )


A minor is a minor and yet 18-19 year old "minors" manage to look after themselves while they go to university. Imagine that. Shopping, cooking, cleaning...

Wow...you're comparing a second year college student to a second year junior high school student. The is a universe of difference between those age groups. A 14 year old's brain isn't fully developed; an 18-19 year old is a young adult who's had a lot more education, a lot more life experience and ready to enter the work force. But I would also argue that there are PLENTY of 18-19 year olds who couldn't handle parenting a child either.

it isn't her "fault" but she's also responible for the outcome as well. Hence the comments.

Do you even realize that your comment is an oxymoron? You can't accept blame and not be responsible at the same time? So which is it? Is she or isn't she responsible for her sister's death? If you're saying she is, then you're also saying that it's her fault.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Indeed, she does.

So now you're saying that she is responsible for the death of her sister....your argument is leaking all over the place.

We're living in a country of JHS enjokosai.

And....how is this even relevant? Are you implying that she should have prostituted herself out so she could feed her sister? I don't see how this statement even fits in this discussion.

I highly doubt this kid went to a great school in a wonderful neighbourhood where mommies make bentos and braid their daughter's hair. Wake up folks. Yep, the 14 year old is a victim but she's also cause for suspicion.

And were does this way off base assumption come from? You have no clue what her school life is like, or what the other parents are like.

You don't find it odd that THIS time the child died even though mom had a history of leaving them alone and expecting the 14 year old take care of the kid.

No I don't, and I don't think anyone else does. If you read the original story, the article said that the three year fell sick. When some children get sick, they refuse to eat.


Your random cynical comments you make sound like you have a deep seeded issue against Japan and Japanese culture and you're using this opportunity to just rant and vent about it. Youve blamed the child, you blamed the neighbors, and you've blamed society, but you refuse to put the blame where it really should be placed...THE MOTHER. SHE is the problem. SHE is the cause of her daughter's death...no one else.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

"According to police, the 37-year-old woman—a single mother—left Japan and returned to the Philippines in February, leaving her two daughters, aged 3 and 14 years of age, just 10,000 yen and a little food. The 3-year-old girl died in her absence."

When this story broke many people here came to the mother's defense claiming that she had left money and shouldn't be prosecuted.

10,000 yen is nothing and leaving it in the hands of a 14 year old is worse than leaving nothing.

She deserves to go to prison for as long as the law will allow, hell I hope they put her to death for this!

2 ( +4 / -1 )

What will become of her daughter if she's in jail? Will she be deported back to the Philippines?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I'm the oldest of four, all within 5 years of my age. You could not have left a 9 year old with 14 year old me and expected me to know what to do. ¥10,000 is not a lot to live off for 2 weeks. A 14 year old who doesn't know how to shop smart and buys McDonalds and bentos everyday will blow through that quickly, and who was taking care of the 3 year old when she was in school? Toddlers eat all day, if no one was there to feed her I can't even imagine her suffering. You know what, this is just sad, only a sick, selfish idiot would leave their 3 year old with a teenager for that long. I don't care how old she is.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

I have followed this news when it broke out. I even asked my Japanese friends about the issue 'coz the English version is very incomplete regarding details. According to my friends months ago, in the TV news, the 3 year old child maybe or maybe not died in to her sister's care. The sister sought help to her uncle. Her uncle took care of her younger sister when she was out for a school activity. She found her sister in their apartment when she arrived home as if like was just sleeping so she didn't bother at all. The sad thing is the 3 year old child was not found sleeping in their room but between the bathroom and kitchen. So could be the uncle was also held responsible about it. I'm just sharing the Japanese version of this story.

2 ( +2 / -0 )


You're a voice of reason that has fallen on deaf ears.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Elder sister has a duty of care to her younger sister. If she does not know her duties as carer, she has been raised without the proper discipline

I think that we can assume that the whole 'raising' thing hasn't been great given that the mother left the country, leaving a minor in charge of a baby.

I've met young teenagers who vary from completely useless to seemingly very switched on for their age, but I wouldn't expect any of them to have to fend for themselves for days on end, and it's quite possible that the older daughter in this case didn't have the wherewithall to look after a 3 year old - or herself for that matter. Parenting can be hard enough for fully-grown adults. This terrible story boils down to a mother who shirked her responsibility and killed her own child through neglect.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

There is some details missing from this story because I remember when it happened back in February. I believed there was a teacher involved also. She knew that the 14 year old was taking care of the sister because she was still attending school at the time. And I think she even stopped by and check on the child before she got sick.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

...Sorry but 14 years old is old enough to baby sit. The mother may have been horrid but why on earth didn't the 14 year old try to get help if they were starving BEFORE the baby died. A 14 year old is beyond old enough to understand that no food= death!

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Overstaying a visa is a crime.

Stop making excuses for this woman. You just look silly.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

It's totally legal in Japan to quit parenting duty and never look back, and that's probably what the Japanese father of that 14 yr old did.

No no no no!!! Wrong again Bob! You obviously don't know what abandonment is. Yeah, I agree that it sucks that the father was not around to stop all of this, but this is NOT the legal definition of abandonment. Abandonment is intentionally leaving a minor child or children without sufficient means to live or survive on their own. The father left the children in the care of the of the mother. The mother left the children in the care of NO ONE!!! The father is a dead beat creep, but the mother is a self-centered monster and a murderer. I would have taken my chances with the father.

I agree. The level of Japan is under that of an African village and many people are aware of that and don't even try to have kids here.

TOTALLY beyond the point and NOT true. Less people are having kids because of the economy and because people are becoming more career orientated and having kids later in life NOT because of the culture.

The mother is to blame of course, but the nosy neighbors did nothing.

Reporting this to the authorities would have been the right thing to do, but certainly not their responsibility. Who knows...maybe they did report it and the authorities did nothing about it...

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Have you ever spent time with 14 year olds in Japan? Give them a little more credit, aye? They aren't idiots. Heck, most ele schools in this country have veggie patches and class pets. Guess what? They know you have to water/feed them.

Yes I have, and I know that they come in all shapes, sizes, intelligence, and maturity levels. And some are idiots, some are not. Some act like 30 year olds, some act like 6 year olds...you cannot generalize and assume that just because she was 14 that she was ready to be a parent. I've got news for you and it may come as quite a shock to you, but MOST younger teenagers are NOT ready to be PARENTS.

Lastly, if you really think caring for a three year old child is the same as growing a plant or keeping a pet, then I'm not sure you know what it means to be a parent.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Impressive, an extraordinary skill to be able to empirically compare kids(?), family (?), and happiness between two different countries.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Mirai Hayashi >Yes I have, and I know that they come in all shapes, sizes, intelligence, and maturity levels. And some are idiots, some are not. Some act like 30 year olds, some act like 6 year olds...you cannot generalize and assume that just because she was 14 that she was ready to be a parent

@Mirai:You nailed it!

there is no rule on how a 14 year old teen should act, these are all depends on the mental capacity of the kid or on how their parents are raising them.

@ cos : yes the neighbors know her, but how is the relationship? especially in this country where people think that asking somebody for help is a hassle or causing troubles. the 14 year old kid should undergo therapy or counseling, correct her and guide her instead of punishing her. too harsh . About the mother , well do whatever what is necessary to give her 2 children justice.

1 ( +2 / -1 )


Mirai, you might want to reread what the poster wrote, not what you wish they wrote. PLENTY of parents in this country walk out the door and never see their kids again

Again, a parent leaving a child to be cared for by another parent and never seeing them again (which sometimes happens after a divorce) is not the legal definition of abandonment. Its just being a bad dead beat parent, but kids rarely die from starvation from that. Completely abandoning a child and leaving them to fend for themselves with little or no funds is what we are talking about here, and THIS is illegal and cruel.

And sorry, many African villages ARE better when it comes to kids, family, job security and happiness compared to Japan

In Japan, there is no culture of community child care, although you may still see it some very small rural villages. Japan is a modern society where child care costs money; that's the way things work in this country and many other countries whether you choose to agree with it or not. If you don't care for it or agree with it, and rather have your neighbors and siblings raise your kids for you, then move to Africa.

You might like to look up what "murderer" means. The mom didn't "murder" this child.

I do know what murder means, and if I were a lawyer, I would argue that this woman was probably intelligent enough to realize that there is a chance that abandoning her kids could lead to one or more of them dying. Hence her actions were premeditated, and lead to death. Of course, legally its a stretch, but emotionally many may see this as murder.

And you would've taken your chances with the dad? You think Japan allows many children that option? Laughable.

The laws in Japan aren't completely dysfunctional. If the parent or the child can testify and prove that the parent is unfit, OF COURSE the other parent will be awarded custody. And if the neighbors even see that the mom is not around a lot, then it wouldn't be such a tough case to prove. And if my father wouldn't take me, I'd asked to be put in a home. At least I know I'd me fed and taken care of.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

tmarieJun. 05, 2013 - 07:09PM JST Also, this child wasn't left to "fend" for itself and 10,000 yen is more than enough to feed two for a few weeks.

2 kids 3 meals a day not counting snacks for 9 days comes out to 27 meals. On average meals cost around 700 yen for minor adults and around 350 yen for kids. Add it all up and you come up with 28,350 yen.

10,000 yen will not feed 2 kids for 9 days unless you feed them 100 yen cheap worthless PRC food.

So, why exactly do you keep defending this woman's actions?

tmarieJun. 05, 2013 - 07:09PM JST If you know what "murderer" means, why are using it incorrectly?

You asked for it and here it is

MURDERER: one who murders; especially : one who commits the crime of murder

The definition of murder (3) a killing that resulted from a depraved heart or extreme recklessness;

She is a murderer, but you keep trying to defend her?

Usually one defends someone they relate to.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I manage to feed myself and my husband for far less than that and we eat fresh foods, not crap. Crap is cheaper. *

tmarie - It's not a job of a 14 year old kid to budget food for her and her sister, that's why our society has a clear disctinction between minors and adults. Her job is to go to school and learn! Don't compare yourself to this 14 year old kid, obviously you're far too matured and clever than this kid. But a minor is a minor . I am not saying that what this girl did was right, but it's not her fault .

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Yes, I am SO suggesting this kid should've pimped herself out - note the sarcasm which clearly I have to explain to you.

Then what was the point of mentioning enjo kousai...it mentions no where that she was involved in this and yet you pull it out of thin air...

No you're right, a single foreign mother from a developing nation in Japan... Yes, because they are usually very well off and their kids go to expensive private schools where they receive amazing education and are surrounded by a loving and well educated community. Add in a mom that was known for leaving her kids... You think the chances of her living in a great neighbourhood are high? I have some magic cream that will make you look years younger to sell you

AND?  You still haven't explained how this is relevant to ANYTHING... So she is foreign...so she is single and a mother...you've assumed that she lives in a bad neighborhood based on no real facts (possibly your own personal experience maybe?)....but even so..SO WHAT? There are PLENTY of people like her in Japan...but they don't abandon or starve their kids...are you just trying to make up another excuse to defend her and put more blame on the daughter? I really don't get the basis of your argument or where you're coming from with this.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Some people have no business being parents.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Flyfalcon - As Cos, tmarie and Nathaw pointed out that 14 years old is matured enough for nutrition of her sister.

You and them are smart enough to think like this, but what we are pointing out is, this girl is 14 years old, she is a MINOR . Some 14 year olds are smart but some are stupid, so to rely 100% on a MINOR is silly. And she should not be responsible for the death of her sister, it's all her Mother's fault. 14 year olds are not entitled to feed or parent her/his sister , they are Minors. In other countries like UK if the babysitter is under 16, then the parent remains legally responsible for the child's safety.

1 ( +2 / -1 )


I am through with trying to reason with you. Either you have VERY short term memory and have completely forgotten what was written, or you're not reading or understanding what I, or anyone for that matter, has written. I feel like I am chasing my own tail, and will stop.

Many posters pointlessly debated 14 years old is not responsible for her sister death. In fact she may promise her mum for she is confident about taking care of sibling. She may urge her mum to getaway from them. There are always two sides of story.

It is hard to accept that she is so naive about buying food for her poor little sibling. As Cos, tmarie and Nathaw pointed out that 14 years old is matured enough for nutrition of her sister. It is reasonable and sensible that rice, milk and eggs may be already available inside the apartment. All she needs is some ready made food for 3 years old.

All of these statements are not reasonable assumptions. We know nothing about the relationship between the teenager and her mother or whether or not she accepted the responsibility of caring for her sister. We do know that the mother had a habit of just running off for days at at a time, so you could also assume that the teenager was sick and tired of the mother's lack of care and responsibility, and dumping everything onto her while the mother ran off on her jollies.

We also don't know what was left in the house. It could have been fully stocked with food or it could have been totally empty. I do know that some kids eat A LOT. I have a five year old daughter who could go through a carton of milk a day if we didn't regulate her. Two growing kids could easily go through 10,000 yen in less than a week if they don't know how to ration it out.

As for budgeting. Ha! An average 14 year year knowing how to budget money is speculative, unless they are very experienced with doing it. I know I had a hard time budgeting my money until I was at least 23 years old, so we can't just assume that this teenaged girl is old enough to do all of this. As a matter of fact I would be more inclined to think and believe that most 14 year olds (unless they have an exceptional ability of living alone with very little cash) CAN'T do this.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Yeah, yeah, I KNOW the argument is going to be, "I know this girl...or I know that girl..." There are always exceptions to the rule

Not exceptions, any 7 year-old I come across at the park could take better care of my 3 year-old daughter. She must be mentally ill, which makes the mother even more responsible for leaving her in charge.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Very disgusting woman, its a evil doing for the kids

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Not exceptions, any 7 year-old I come across at the park could take better care of my 3 year-old daughter. She must be mentally ill, which makes the mother even more responsible for leaving her in charge.

What park is that? And you gotta be mentally ill to even suggest that a 7 year old could properly take care of your 3 year old daughter. Maybe you should lose your child for even suggesting it? Not too mentally stable!

0 ( +0 / -0 )


0 ( +0 / -0 )

This is trivial, but I don't like the headline using "allowing". It's like the child wanted to starve to death. I would prefer something like "causing".

0 ( +1 / -1 )

She has to be punished for her negligence , but I hope she gets less than the Saitama yanki couple of the year that kill their babies by dropping them on the floor when they cry and don't feed them because they just forgot. Those usually get away with a light suspended sentence. Then the 14 yr old should be judged too and seen by psychiatrists. She is a minor, but was involved.

¥10,000 is not a lot to live off for 2 weeks.

It's not a lot, but it's the average. She just had to buy groceries, not to pay the rent and utilities. And then, her teacher had asked her if she was OK, so if she had run out of money, she could have said it then. Or borrowed from classmates or neighbors.

A 14 year old who doesn't know how to shop smart

Some 14 yr olds are maybe like that. But this teen was taking care of her sister regularly.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I would venture to guess that a 14 year old with a negligent mother during the emotional vulnerable time of junior high school would not have the courage or self-esteem to ask for help in this situation. Taking care of a baby doesn't automatically mean you know how to run a household, it might be safe to say her mother wasn't a proper teacher and she would not know how to use ¥10,000 to its fullest potential. They may not know their own nutritional needs, much less a toddlers, hence why something like this can happen if an adult doesn't intervene.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

According to a bunch of articles I read tonight, the mother had a history of neglecting the younger child, according to one source she 'stopped taking any responsibility for feeding her from the previous November'. The 3 year old was probably already underweight when the mother took off for the Philippines.

The father is from India but does not live in Japan, and the little girl had no nationality. Was the older sister afraid of that being discovered?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

"Although the three lived together, witnesses claim the woman regularly abandoned her parental duties and left her toddler in the care of her teenage daughter." Why didn't these "witnesses" do anything? Another "in group" / "out of group" break down. The mother is to blame of course, but the nosy neighbors did nothing.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

What was so important in the philippines ? I guess she didn't like the kids.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Mother has a duty of care to her daughter. Elder sister has a duty of care to her younger sister. If she does not know her duties as carer, she has been raised without the proper discipline.

No it is not the duty of the elder sister to care for the younger sister, the duty is from the mother... There are many that blame the 14 yr-old for neglect too, but have you considered that since the mother used to leave often and not care properly for the baby was an example for the 14 yr-old? the apple doesn't fall off the tree because the teen would think it was "natural" that if the baby didn't want to eat she wouldn't push the food. And the baby would starve anyway, the teen didn't even have the sense to get help or maybe she was ashamed or afraid (her mother could have told her that if tell anyone she would be adopted away). the responsibility is not with the 14 yr-old, is purely and solely with the mother, she neglected not only the baby but also her teenage daughter

0 ( +1 / -1 )

If I remember correctly, when this was first reported several months back, the 14 year old was just recently returned to her mothers custody. The fear of being removed again would be enough for a young girl of 14 to hesitate in asking for help. With the limited reporting in this case I won't place blame on the elder child. It's the mother who is at fault, she left her children and left the country. No excuse.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Don't mean to stereotype, but the mother bering from the P.I., you would think she know would better than to let her children starve to death. This story just rips my heart to pieces.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


Well, then that's a concern that she thinks that way and she didn't find her mother attitude was wrong. We don't know what she thought but that led to the drama. You want her to keep on with this mentality ? I don't want her sent to gallows, I just wish she talks to justice and that judges make sure she understands that the sister's death was not "natural" , that the bad treatment is criminal and she'd go to jail if that happened again.

I do not want her to keep on that mentality, what I'm saying is that the child (the 14-yr old) might not know that she was neglectful, but at the same time it is not her obligation to (as other poster said) Parent her little sister, her responsibility comes up to only babysit, which is not the same as parenting. I do wish for her to understand that the behavior of his mother was wrongful, that it was not natural and to learn what is the minimum to be a parent.

In my country, there are a lot of teen pregnancies, it is declining slowly, but still the efforts come to teach these teen moms, the minimum stuff to care for a child, they have to take them for vaccines, feed them, changing diapers, clothing them, take the baby to monthly controls and things like that. This teen in particular did not have any teaching, and the mother did not put an example of parenting..., i'm not saying that the girls was an idiot, but when you have limited knowledge of BEING a parent, how can you ask for punishment that sounds too hard? sounds like you are blaming this child for the death of her sister entirely (I said "sounds like")

Off Topic: Let me ask you a question... if you are a 16-yr old and one of your older relatives is depressed and you know that, and then that relative commits suicide.. It is your fault that the relative died because you didn't say anything? Is it common sense for every 15-16yr-old to say something?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

tmarie- yup you didn't say it literally , but you are suggesting that the 14 year old girl should've budget the 10,000 yen in 2 weeks and you always use your experiences and what you do to support your arguments, so I think you do compare yourself to her. Yes 18-19 old is enough , in fact where i came from 18 years old is the start of adulthood . But she is 14! You want the girl to be charged like her mom and that is what I disagree about. It's too harsh of you to blame the poor kid who is also a victim .

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Readers, please stay on topic.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

tmarie Sorry but that 14 year old also needs to take some responsibilty for the death of the child

nuff said

0 ( +1 / -1 )

tmarie **And as I pointed out, in this country 18 and 19 year olds are also minors so perhaps you could come up with a better explaination?

As mentioned by Mirai before you can't compare a 14 year old to 18 Year olds, obviously 18 year olds have enough experience and education , these age they are probably in college already. Plus why would you use Enjo Kosai as the basis for innocence ? again you are generalizing all 14 year olds, yes some teens do enjo kosai but are you sure that they are all 14? not even half of the teens in Japan do enjo kosai, as we keep on mentioning over and over again , not all 14s are the same, some understands Enjo kosai and some are clever and some are stupid. But 14 is still young , where i came from many teens and kids are involved in prostitution and it's illegal becuase they are condsidered minors. So you think these teens are matured because they are in prostitution business? come on!

0 ( +3 / -3 )

And as I pointed out, in this country 18 and 19 year olds are also minors so perhaps you could come up with a better explaination?

I have already explained to you...please reread my comments on how there is a UNIVERSE of difference in maturity levels in these age groups.

Mirai, are you really unable to make a connection with all the crowing about how innocent 14 year olds are and enjokosai? Many to most 14 year olds are NOT innocent little girls. Was it that difficult?

Apparently so, because this statement is IRRELEVANT!!!!! Enjou Kousai has nothing to do with maturity or a person's ability to parent children, nor does it have anything to do this this article, so I don't know why you're stuck on this topic.

And? And perhaps you should open your eyes to have singles mothers in Japan, more so when that single mother is a foreigner from a developing nation. Your naivity is cute.

Again, Completely and utterly IRRELEVANT to the contents of this article. The woman could have been completely Japanese and married..it doesn't make her any more innocent nor does it make the crime any more forgiving. Her race, socioeconomic status, nationality...ALL IRRELEVANT, and does not shift the blame in either direction.

there are enough problems in such communities

another example of blaming the community

You just wanting to blame the mom and thinking it is a one off problem speaks volumes as to why such things happen here.

YES..Because there is no one else to blame...duh!

And again, please post where I have defended this women. Until you can do so, please stop suggesting I am defending her. It is the last thing I am doing.

Wrong again Bob..its all you've been doing and you did it again by saying:

You just wanting to blame the mom...


While not all mothers starve their kids, there are enough problems in such communities that they clearly need help and support.

0 ( +2 / -2 )


so you saying that

Maturity isn't the same as innocent

and innocent defines as Innocent - Not guilty of a specific crime or offense; legally blameless: however you think this 14 year old kid is not innocent ? BUT you said...

I have not "blamed" this kid at all*

and later on ?

Sorry but that 14 year old also needs to take some responsibilty for the death of the child

I mean what what is your stand? do you blame the 14 your old kid? or not? you will convince us hardly that the 14 year old is not INNOCENT anymore therefore she should take responsibility on the death of her sister? and then claim that you don't BLAME her??? your argument is kind of out of sync.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

People just can't get it through their heads that the mother was, is and will always be at fault for what happened to her youngest child.

She deserves to be tossed into a deep dark hole never to see the light of day again.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Yeah, 14 years old is old enough to be a babysitter or possibly even for one or two nights, but the child died nine days after the mother left. 14 years old is not old enough to properly care for a child over extended periods if time regardless of experience and maturity. Now, this 14y/o has to live with the death of her sister while in her care for the rest of her life. I agree the mother should be punished, but separating her from her other daughter will only effect her daughter.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

tmarie & Atlhetes : 14 is still a minor , just common sense guys. it's easy to judge from your point of views but try to think deeper. Obviuosly the 14 year old kid was not raised properly and there is a big possibility that living with her terrible mom made her thinking not normal too. Her situation is different from Yours , she is also a victim here and probably gone too much trauma . However why don't we scold the NEIGHBORS for not checking each other!? Each person has a responsibility to know what's going on around his/her neighbourhood, Some places in Japan at least need to come up with some idea on how to check their neighbours, since these negligence resulting to death situations didn't happen once, almost every month we have these kinds of news. Because most of the time neighbors here don't care about each other. There should be at least a home owners' association group in each Mansion or Danchi here .

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

This is another shocking story about humans and what they do to other humans. You would think this mother could of made arrangements to let the 3 year old be adopted, as well as many other actions the mother could of taken. It is very painful to starve and more painful to die from starvation.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )


you are completely missing it. There is a VAST difference between look after a child for a few hours or a few days, and there is vast difference between looking after a health child and a sick child.

Secondly, we are not living in the 1930s or 40s, when teenage girls rarely went to school and became mothers at an early age. We are living in 2013 where 14 year old girls go to school full time and possibly have extra curricular or club activities that they participate in at school. AND this isn't China or the Philippines; this is Japan. There are laws here that prohibit parents from abandoning their kids, and this mother KNOWINGLY broke them.

First world countries don't function like little African villages. . They should not be parenting, they should be kids. You cannot put the blame on the 14 year old or the neighbors, or other relatives...its is 10000% the mother's fault...she was selfish, self entitled, and cruel...and I hope she gets put away for a long LONG time. The 14 year old should get new parents who will care for her, get her proper counseling, allow her to be a teenager, and give her the opportunity to get an education with. out having to worry about being a backup for her cruel and evil mother.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

@tmarie - Mirai Hiyashi got it right,It's 105% only the mom's fault and a 14 year old is still a kid. Probably you were matured already when you were 14 since your parents guided you well, but obviously this girl was neglected . I am not blaming the Neighbors, but they should be at least lectured even the kid's teachers ( if she goes to school proeprly ) , yes it's not the neighbors' fault, but these things can be avoided if they care about each other. It's more of a moral responsibility . If we can comply with the weekly garbage policies why can't we check our neighbors even for just once a month? Is that Hard to do? It's just my own suggestion . And there is a strong possibility that this 14 year old kid doesn't know her neighbors, especially in this modern culture of Japan where everybody is not open with each other. That's why the relationships within neighors here should be improved. She probably doesnt know anybody at all! The 14 year old kid needs to undergo counselling and be corrected, Charging her is too harsh.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

dead kid, guilt ridden sister, and a crazy mother...sounds like a movie plot

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Very well said Cos!

According human nature, people wanted to protect the pamper the minor such as 14 years old girl. In the real life, minors also committed unspeakable crimes. 14 years old knows how to buy the ready made food. She does not need to learn in school for how to buy the fast food from take away shop.

If that girl is so naive and has some form of mental illness, it is excusable for her negligence. However the weakness of law allow that many crimes committed by minors and disabled. According Cos post, she will be adult within a few years. If she will get her own child, she will be 100 % responsible for her own child well being. . Athletes and tmarie are correct to point out that she is partly responsible for her sister death too.

Many posters are just guessing she is totally innocent. Who know she may be partly responsible for that tragedy? Mum is definitely guilty and being prosecuted. However is that girl really innocent? She is the one has to answer that question.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Although the three lived together, witnesses claim the woman regularly abandoned her parental duties and left her toddler in the care of her teenage daughter.

And those witnesses did what, exactly, to help remedy the situation?

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

I hope its a murder charge among other things.

Unless she had a motive and it was premeditated, I doubt she'll get a murder wrap. More like man slaughter or maybe even involuntary man slaughter, and child abuse/neglect/abandonment. She was extremely stupid and cruel, but I doubt that she wanted her daughter to die...unlike the Japanese mother who locked her kids in her apartment to go off and have a jolly with her boyfriend

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Typo, i meant the "couple of the week" as we get them that often in the news, so that's a daily fact in statistics.

this is Japan. There are laws that prohibit parents from abandoning their kids

No, but I'll stand corrected. It's totally legal in Japan to quit parenting duty and never look back, and that's probably what the Japanese father of that 14 yr old did.

First world countries don't function like little African villages.

I agree. The level of Japan is under that of an African village and many people are aware of that and don't even try to have kids here.

she would not know how to use ¥10,000 to its fullest potential.

There is world between providing the ideal nutrition plan and starving a child. The teen didn't have to cook, just buy and give some to the toddler twice a day.

their own nutritional needs,

Some adults too, but they know they need to eat. Even if she had bought only packs of "pocky" and pop drinks, the girl would not have starved.

run a household,

It's just about entering any kombini or supa, getting a pack of shokupan and one of milk, that gets you under 300 yen, and that can feed the 2 several days. Slightly complicated would be getting a bag of rice , and a pack of eggs. She probably had rice at home already.

The sister sought help to her uncle. Her uncle took care of her younger sister when she was out for a school activity.

Thanks for the complement. Himajin too. I was already convinced that was not a case of the girl not having the money to buy food.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

This stupid woman from the P.I. Is only the tip of a Japanese iceberg of stupid selfish mothers and fathers!! IMHO

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

the teen would think it was "natural" that if the baby didn't want to eat she wouldn't push the food.

Well, then that's a concern that she thinks that way and she didn't find her mother attitude was wrong. We don't know what she thought but that led to the drama. You want her to keep on with this mentality ? I don't want her sent to gallows, I just wish she talks to justice and that judges make sure she understands that the sister's death was not "natural" , that the bad treatment is criminal and she'd go to jail if that happened again. Because in 4 yrs, she is adult and she can be responsible for her own children.

It's the mother who is at fault,

She is, and she is prosecuted.

there is a strong possibility that this 14 year old kid doesn't know her neighbors

But they knew her enough to give interviews to media...

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Well said Cos!!

So neighbours are annoying when they are bothering folks - say about garbage and noise - but do nothing when it comes to this case, they're horrible? You guys can't have it both ways. Have any of you ever stopped to think that perhaps someone DID call the police but nothing was done? Let's face it, family support and help is laughable here. Even if they did call, what would have been done? Not much I fear.

And Mirai, I think YOU'RE missing is. Have you ever spent time with 14 year olds in Japan? Give them a little more credit, aye? They aren't idiots. Heck, most ele schools in this country have veggie patches and class pets. Guess what? They know you have to water/feed them. Pretty basic.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Mirai, you might want to reread what the poster wrote, not what you wish they wrote. PLENTY of parents in this country walk out the door and never see their kids again. You might want to read up on divorced parents and custody. Happens all the damn time here.

And sorry, many African villages ARE better when it comes to kids, family, job security and happiness compared to Japan. The reason it stays that way is because folks like yourself refuse to look at the facts and refuse to change.

You might like to look up what "murderer" means. The mom didn't "murder" this child.

And you would've taken your chances with the dad? You think Japan allows many children that option? Laughable.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

I don't think I ever said it was a job for a 14 year old. I also don't think I have compared myself. A minor is a minor and yet 18-19 year old "minors" manage to look after themselves while they go to university. Imagine that. Shopping, cooking, cleaning...

And that's my point. What this girl did isn't right and yes, it isn't her "fault" but she's also responible for the outcome as well. Hence the comments.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Many posters pointlessly debated 14 years old is not responsible for her sister death. In fact she may promise her mum for she is confident about taking care of sibling. She may urge her mum to getaway from them. There are always two sides of story.

It is hard to accept that she is so naive about buying food for her poor little sibling. As Cos, tmarie and Nathaw pointed out that 14 years old is matured enough for nutrition of her sister. It is reasonable and sensible that rice, milk and eggs may be already available inside the apartment. All she needs is some ready made food for 3 years old.

Nothing will bring back poor little 3 years old back. RIP. Africa Villages may be poor and backward unlike Japan. However letting family member to starve to death is very rare and remote. Again tmarie is correct to say that Japan lacks the humanity, morality and civic duty of Africa villages. For example, the father of those kids walked away from his parental duties. Whether other posters like it or not, 14 yrs old will become responsible adult soon. She has to be grown up, responsible and more matured. She should be remorseful althogh it was not entirely her fault.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

There has been an increase in marriages or relationship between Filipino women and Japanese men. Some of these Filipino woman met their Japanese husband/boyfriend in a snack bar and she was battered a lot. When she went to the police, rather than protecting her, they took her to a detention centre for overstaying her visa. Is it possible that she had nowhere to go there, no way to support herself and the two children. In Japan society, there’s a lack of support for bicultural children, even by law enforcement.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

On average meals cost around 700 yen for minor adults and around 350 yen for kids. Add it all up and you come up with 28,350 yen.

Laughable. I manage to feed myself and my husband for far less than that and we eat fresh foods, not crap. Crap is cheaper.

Where the hell have I defended the mother?? Quote me please. ONE quote. Go on.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

tmarie- yup you didn't say it literally , but you are suggesting that the 14 year old girl should've budget the 10,000 yen in 2 weeks and you always use your experiences and what you do to support your arguments, so I think you do compare yourself to her. Yes 18-19 old is enough , in fact where i came from 18 years old is the start of adulthood . But she is 14! You want the girl to be charged like her mom and that is what I disagree about. It's too harsh of you to blame the poor kid who is also a victim .

Okay so you a) admit I didn't blame the kid b) are assuming I am comparing my life with hers and c) steer away from the comments that those are 20 are minorities in this country by then go on and make comparisons to your country... Hmmm... So YOU can make comparisons and I can't? So YOU can turn around and state that 18 and 19 year old minorities can look after themselves after stating that minors are minors?

I have not "blamed" this kid at all. However, I find it rather suspicious that this poor kid died and the 14 year old only called the cops AFTER she died. The mother is certainly to blame here but I can't help but wonder if the 14 year old was ticked off at having to look after this kid and therefore didn't do the job she knew she had to do.

There is a difference between fault and responsibility. Do I really need to explain that to an adult?

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Mirai, for the love of God, read what is written. Yes, I am SO suggesting this kid should've pimped herself out - note the sarcasm which clearly I have to explain to you.

No you're right, a single foreign mother from a developing nation in Japan... Yes, because they are usually very well off and their kids go to expensive private schools where they receive amazing education and are surrounded by a loving and well educated community. Add in a mom that was known for leaving her kids... You think the chances of her living in a great neighbourhood are high? I have some magic cream that will make you look years younger to sell you.

I have a deep seeded issue against Japan and Japanese culture when the woman and children in questions are.... not Japanese? Oh lord.

Um, care to point out where I "blamed" the child, the neighbours... Society? Indeed. This type of thing happens too often here. And yes, the mother IS indeed to blame. Have never suggested she's not to blame. No one else? Really? You think this woman turned out this way all on her own? You're so hell bent on blaming just the mom you are failing to look at the other factors that have come into play here. This isn't a black and white issue. There are many, many factors here and you're refusing to acknowledge them. Why is beyond me.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

While I think its very irresponsible to leave 2 kids to fend for themselves with very little funds we do not know enough to suggest she be hanged. As some people above said, she might be suffering from a mental breakdown or have very sick parents that she cares for back home and thus be torn between providing for her children and her parents. Also the article says she often left her kids alone but does not mention what she does in that time. For all we know she works 2 jobs to make ends meet.

Its obvious she needs help and the first step would be to remove the 14 year old and place it in care so this does not happen again.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

.you cannot generalize and assume

Funny, you're doing exactly that with your comments and posts.

And again, you should read what was written, not what you want to be written.

Also, this child wasn't left to "fend" for itself and 10,000 yen is more than enough to feed two for a few weeks. If you know what "murderer" means, why are using it incorrectly?

No one has said the laws in Japan are "completely dysfunctional". Again, read what is written.

And if my father wouldn't take me, I'd asked to be put in a home. At least I know I'd me fed and taken care of.

You clearly don't get what homes are like here or how the system works.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

I remember when this first happened. Sorry but that 14 year old also needs to take some responsibilty for the death of the child. Mom first, teenager second. I certainly don't agree with leaving a three year old in the care of a 14 year old for days at a time but the 14 year old shouldn've known she had to feed the poor child. And if she was smart enough to call the police when the child died, why did she not call before?? At the end of the day, it IS mom's fault but sorry, 14 is old enough to knwo you have to feed a kid.

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

I agree with tmarie for charging 14 years old too. During the Edo era, 14 years old have to run the household duties. In Africa, many 11 years old are struggling to support their siblings with manual labour works. In fact 14 years old is matured enough for seeking help from neighbours and police.

Mother has a duty of care to her daughter. Elder sister has a duty of care to her younger sister. If she does not know her duties as carer, she has been raised without the proper discipline.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

For someone stopping, you sure wrote a lot...

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

So some of you want to blame the neighbours rather than the 14 year old? Unreal. Sorry but have any of you ever spent time around many 14 year olds? They know better. You're belittling all Japanese 14 year old if you think they don't know better. They do.

I also don't think any is "blaming" the 14 year old. Clearly the mother is to blame here. however, it is shocking that a 14 year old didn't have the sense to call the cops BEFORE the child died.

And many are blaming Japan, um, this mom wasn't Japanese. I'm all for discussing Japan's weak points but you have to be nuts to think it is the neigbbour's job to ensure these kids are safe.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

Indeed, she does. I do not think this 14 year old is an innocent as some of you would like to believe. Many 14 year olds are not and do a wonderful job at pulling the wool over the eyes of adults who don't/haven't spent a great deal of time with people this age. You don't find it odd that this girl called the cops AFTER the child died? You don't find it odd that she was able to look after herself? You don't find it odd that THIS time the child died even though mom had a history of leaving them alone and expecting the 14 year old take care of the kid. We're living in a country of JHS enjokosai. I highly doubt this kid went to a great school in a wonderful neighbourhood where mommies make bentos and braid their daughter's hair. Wake up folks. Yep, the 14 year old is a victim but she's also cause for suspicion.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

And as I pointed out, in this country 18 and 19 year olds are also minors so perhaps you could come up with a better explaination?

Mirai, are you really unable to make a connection with all the crowing about how innocent 14 year olds are and enjokosai? Many to most 14 year olds are NOT innocent little girls. Was it that difficult?

And? And perhaps you should open your eyes to have singles mothers in Japan, more so when that single mother is a foreigner from a developing nation. Your naivity is cute. Wake up. While not all mothers starve their kids, there are enough problems in such communities that they clearly need help and support. You just wanting to blame the mom and thinking it is a one off problem speaks volumes as to why such things happen here.

And again, please post where I have defended this women. Until you can do so, please stop suggesting I am defending her. It is the last thing I am doing.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

Plus why would you use Enjo Kosai as the basis for innocence ? It's a well known problem here and shows that 14 years are little more mature than many of you are giving them credit for. You're now fixating on it because you think this will help you somehow? I used it as an example and now you want to discuss who partakes? Rather silly. Mature? I don't think your average 25 year old J female is mature. Maturity isn't the same as innocent. Mirai, I would suggest it is you that is "stuck on the topic" of enjokosai. I've mentioned it once. You can't say the same thing. Would you rather I discuss teenage sex as a sign of how many 14 year old are not innocent? Underage drinking perhaps? You don't seem to know a lot of 14 year olds.

it doesn't make her any more innocent nor does it make the crime any more forgiving. Her race, socioeconomic status, nationality...ALL IRRELEVANT, and does not shift the blame in either direction. Um, you seem to be forgetting that YOU brought up the topic and suggested that I disliked Japan and Japanese folks HENCE when bringing up the point that this women is not Japanese. Good grief, know your battles, eh? Perhaps you'd like me to comment on that state of most single mothers in this country and the kind of lifestyle many have? Oh, but then I would be bashing Japan and we couldn't have that, could we?

Wrong again Bob..its all you've been doing and you did it again by saying: Nothing you've copied has me stating that the mom is innocent. Nothing you're written has me defending the mom. Blame can be shared by many. Shame you can't even admit I'm not defending the mom like another poster. There is zero reason to defend the mom. I've stated this already. Again, read what is written. You can think this is a one off but it isn't. How many children have to starve before you and others wake up and realise that this is a social issue and that Japan needs to take a long hard look at itself. Kids being left to starve isn't a matter of ONE person being wrong, it is an issue of lack of support. Mom and kid dead last week from starving, a couple charged with starving their baby - who actually ate its diaper - many more cases. Open your eyes

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

Ah Mirai, you might want to read up on Japanese history if you think Japan didn't have a culture where 14 year olds were looking after kids. Many were married and having kids at 14, like most other societies. While we've moved away from that (while some would suggest teen pregnancy rates are moving back) at 14 a child SHOULD be responsible enough to know they need to a feed a child. Mom failed on two accounts here - raising the 14 year old to have some brains AND leaving her three year old for days under the care of a minor who clearly wasn't mature enough to call the police after mom bailed. While I don't "blame" the 14 year old, come on. What 14 year old doesn't feed a kid? More so when they have more than enough money to buy food??

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

Where was her ex-husband or ex-boyfriend that made these kids? No child support? She was desperate and had no money. Don't ex's have just as much parential responsibilities as her? Typical of lack of enforcement in child support laws in Japan that resulted in bad ending.

-13 ( +1 / -14 )

Yubuaru, You don't know what happened. I would wait for full police investigation report. People with mental depressioin uses poor judgment and sometimes reckless behavior.

-16 ( +1 / -15 )

Yubaru Jun. 04, 2013 - 07:59AM JST Bull! A thousand times BULL! Plane tickets don't grow on trees! If she had the money to go home, she had the money to take care of her kids, no questions asked!

Do you know that for certain? Do you know if she was suffering from mental illness or depression?

-17 ( +0 / -17 )

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