Japan Today

Firefighter arrested for filming up high school girl's skirt in Ibaraki


A 23-year-old firefighter was arrested on Tuesday for filming up a 16-year-old high school girl's skirt with his mobile phone camera at a convenience store in Hitachi City, Ibaraki Prefecture, on Feb 13.

Shinya Komuro was arrested for allegedly filming up the girl's skirt at the store from behind her around noon. Security cameras captured Komuro at the time of his act. He was off duty, police said.

A store employee called police after he spotted Komuro.

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maybe he saw a ladder on her stockings.

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Or maybe he thought she was on fire

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hahaha. Either way he was focused on his hose.

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He saw something hot and had his hose ready to douse her if necessary.

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Talk about a cheap thrill with an expensive consequence.

Good luck with your life buddy.


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He should find those on the net. There are a lot of aspiring film artists out there that do not get caught or pay some one to let them film.

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Bloody paedophile, inside with hard labour for 3-5 years.

Seems like the blokes are a right bunch of perverts who are getting even more perverted year on year.

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Just because you get excited by looking at a high school girl in an extremely short mini skirt does not make anybody a PAEDOPHILE, it is very natural to get turned on by a bit of panty action, if you do think you are a peadophile I guess you can thank your good old Catholic school upbirnging and I feel very sorry for this poor idiot fireman. He should just go to kabukicho and pay someone to dress up in his favorite cosplay right?

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Of course he's a paedo prevert. Anyone who excuses thsi kind of behaviour should be ashamed of themselves.

He needs to serve time and dwell on what he has done, the dirty sod.

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He could have done worse like stab the girl. Hope he got his cheap thrill and gets a slap on the wrist. I'd rather the cops spend their time catching murderers.

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Dedicated Firefighter who can handle any kind of fire !

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It aint his fault, these girls wear their skirts to be seen but when somebody like this fire fighter wants to take a doggy bag home the girl flips... Japanese high school girls need to be more responsible in how they dress and carry themselves, (its frikin winter and i can see your thies) a real man has to look but some men get carried away. Yes it is wrong what he did, but its wrong for young girls to look like porno stars.

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I don't know what is worse...the firefighting perv criminal or the idiot posters who blame the girl/defend the guy.

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No need to take photos, but there no blame involved - it's called hormones. And if you don't feel any stirring when you see these girls, you ain't normal. They dress to be sexy, and if you don't react, they didn't do a good job. But, please don't take photos - you can see it all on the web anytime. Silly to be so stupid.

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he was fighting the raging fire in his loins.

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I don't believe all you people are sticking up for this guy! Okay, if she flashes you an inadvertent peek......not your fault and you get a freebie, but taking pictures is voyerism. Doing it in a convenie, where you know there are secutiry cameras, is stupid.

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He is not a Pedophile if the girl is 16 unless you are in a part of Japan where the law is 18. It differs in each place. in my country its 16. anyway there far to much porn out the depicting school girls. It should be outlawed and its the likely cause.

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Thenewfront- You're right, he's definitely a sicko perv. But he appears to be a hebophile or ephebophile, meaning he is attracted to post-pubescent adolescents. Technically a pedophile/paedophile is attracted to those who haven't reached puberty. And just b/c many 16yo girls in Japan look like they haven't reached puberty yet....

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Unless the skirt was too her knees, the girl bears some blame here. If I walked around town begging people to punch me, then got the people who took me up on the offer arrested, I think few people would stick up for me here. What is the difference? It is a well known fact that men like to gaze at female nether regions, so if a girl does not want men looking or possibly filming, she should not dress that way.

I think fighting such entrapment is a WHOLE lot more important than defending teen fashion choices. Its quite likely we have TWO guilty people here.

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You're right, he's definitely a sicko perv.

He is a run-of-the-mill perv at best. What he did was wrong, but not anything most normal guys would not like to do and would if it was acceptable. Which is why I feel it important not to tempt men this way.

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if she flashes you an inadvertent peek

The correct thing to do is to look away. Unless of course you are in a relationship already or have other reasons to believe that you are entering into one. But a careless slipup does NOT give permission for voyeurism.

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@TJrandom: I agree, you should look away but once you've been flashed, you've been flashed. Now for all these weirdo's who thnik the girl bears some responsibility, you have a bright future as a moslim fundamentalist. If you saw a girl on the beach in a thong, does it give you the right to stick a camera between her legs and start snapping shots? Of course not. Unless you've been in hibernation in Japan for the last 15 or 20 years, you know that micro short skirts have been the fashion for HS girls for some time, GET USED TO IT. This guy is a FIREMAN, if he can't control himself any more than that how would you like him giving mouth to mouth or CPR to your wife or daughter?

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"""""He was off duty, police said""""" Really... I thought he was in there fighting a fire.....

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While I think the behavior ascribed here to be grossly inappropriate, pervvy, and something perhaps for other adolescents to do, he'd hardly be a paedo --at least not with the what's evidenced in this article. Technically, he could be an ephebophile. Anyhow, admittedly, Japan has a different view on sexuality --but that's changing and are adopting more Western views on what's proper and improper between adults and non-adults --I think the majority of people applaud this; some would rather Japan remain the way it has been. It'll take time, but there are signs Japan is taking a more Western view on what is abuse and thus unacceptable (groping, pay-per-dates, etc.)

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just another sexually perverted member of society getting his kicks. And, the perves will tell you it is harmless fun. I hope he gets his kicks right wear he deserves them!

And, yes! High school girls should be more aware of their tushy's power for attracting freaks. But, it is hardly surprising many men are fantasizing about young school girls. Even the kids programs in the mornings have women dressed in high school uniform type clothing with their asses hanging out. Unfortunately, for some men it's like putting a donut in front of Homer Simpson and telling him not to eat it.
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They should change the type of japanese girls' uniforms in high schools and adopt it in new laws...maybe those skirt-pants that completely obstruct the view even if they spread their legs sitting on the bench...Problem fixed for good. p.s. the main problem is that perverted fat chairs on highest positions don't even wanna consider imposing such laws and thus removing the "fun" element from the society.

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@Eizenhauer: They have dress code regulations in all schools, but the girls either ingore them or alter their uniforms when off the school grounds but pulling them up or rolling them at the waist. How bout mandating wearing of the Burka.

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Riiiiiiiiiiiight, it's the girls fault.

Meanwhile, back on my planet we'd just call the guy a perv and move on.

Moving on!

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Firefighters are trained to put out fires. So what did he do wrong, if he was checking up if there was a fire? Usually 16-years-old girls start to get on fire and this firefighter just want to prevent to any possible fire if there was any smoke around her skirt. 'DO YOU UNDERTSAND ME?' HE DIDN'T FILM ANY OF HER PRIVATE PARTS BUT JUST HER SKIRT. I would like to hear his version of the story. What could he have reason could he have to do that.

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He is allegedly "filming up the girl’s skirt"....okay what is the proper name of the crime that this firefighter committed ? I don't think Japan has a law called "girl's skirt filming ordinance"....

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I'm a man, I'm a definite perv (as MOST men are) and my girlfriend really knows it and does things for me because of it (and enjoys it too). ANYWAY, the point is being able to keep control of yourself - that's all there is to it. There's a time and a place for it, simple as that. I'm very happy with girls dressing sexy if they want and I sure won't harass them because in my view, it's a privilege to be able to see them like that out in public. - Thank you sexy girls! ^^

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I'm a man, I'm a definite perv (as MOST men are)

Most women are too, just in different ways. For example, getting a thrill out of getting men in trouble after successfully tempting them with their short shirts. It isn't just a fashion statement. Sometimes, that is just a cover excuse, on par with "I did it to relieve stress". What I mean by that is, BOTH excuses are true, but there is just more to it and they are not saying.

Of course some women are truly prudish and absolutely HATE it when their short skirts attract attention, especially from the "wrong" guys. Those women should dress differently.

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Riiiiiiiiiiiight, it's the girls fault.

It might be the girl's fault, TOO. Depends on the length of her skirt, etc.

While I certainly understand and approve of the quick reaction to defend women, it has to be tempered with some understanding and sympathy for men. You cannot expect every single one of them to keep themselves under absolute control at all times while what they want most is being waved in front of their faces. Some are going to snap. I give him some credit for snapping in such a harmless fashion. All he did was film. Its wrong, but geesh, its not the end of the world.

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Maybe he needed time out to live out a fetish...

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Pathetic and immature. Really. It has been said before,I will say it again. Pervert.

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What is with firement in this country? Seems they are disproportionately involved in pervy stuff (knicker thieves, sexual assault, picture taking etc).

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Strewth, this is nuts. I used to work as a conductor on the buses in the 60's, at the time mini skirts was all the rage. We were told if we peeked at women going up stairs we would get the sack, and that was the sixties!!

Blimey, this bloke could be a danger, i mean who wants to take pictures up skirts of little kids, there is no excuse really. The bloke should be locked up as a deterrent to others.

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School uniforms in Japan need to be changed. What the hell is the World coming to when you can't even trust a firefighter.

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BBLeo at 06:33 PM JST - 25th February

So what did he do wrong, if he was checking up if there was a fire? Usually 16-years-old girls start to get on fire and this firefighter just want to prevent to any possible fire


johnnyboy73 at 11:11 AM JST - 27th February

What the hell is the World coming to when you can't even trust a firefighter.

I don't think this means we can't trust him to put out fires. I think he was doing a thorough job as BBLeo has pointed out. And he was off duty. 10/10 for effort. lol

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At least he didn't try to put his hose up her skirt.

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