Police in Izumisano, Osaka Prefecture, have arrested a 52-year-old man on suspicion of dangerous driving resulting in death after he hit and killed a 47-year-old woman with his forklift.
According to police, the incident occurred at around 9:15 a.m. on Saturday, Sankei Shimbun reported. The victim, Rie Ito, was walking along a sidewalk when she was hit by the forklift driven by Kiyoaki Ikeguchi. Ito was taken to hospital where she died shortly after arrival.
Police said that at the time of the accident, Ikeguchi was transporting steel coils from his company’s storage yard to a plant across the street when he hit Ito who was on the sidewalk.
Police quoted Ikeguchi as saying he didn’t look to see if anyone was crossing in front of him.
© Japan Today
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japanese sidewalks, when existing, are a mess of cohabitation between pedestrians, bicycles and motorized vehicles like this.
How can a 47yr old not notice a forklift laden with steel coils in broad daylight?
Such a sad situation. I have great sympathy for drivers in cases like this. Everyone involved is a victim, including the driver. Many jump in to condemn the drivers to a long jail sentence, but really what good does it do anyone?
Until a moment of misjudgment or miss-concentration, drivers who cause accidents were upstanding, law-abiding, tax-paying mothers/fathers/sons/daughters etc. They never set out to cause harm to anyone and they'll be filled with regret and guilt their whole life.
Accidents happen. While of course the driver should have paid more attention, so too should pedestrians have their wits about them. Accidents happen and you should always be aware of your surroundings. Self-preservation is important. As this accident shows, you can't always rely on drivers to do the right thing.
If I'm ever killed in an accident by someone, I don't want the driver to be jailed. They can get on with their life. Keep raising their kids. Keep supporting their families. I'll still be dead if they're in jail, but that'll just punish their families too - nothing good comes of that.
She was on the sidewalk, where most of us have the reasonable expectation that we aren't going to be run over by a forklift, and thus aren't overly cautious about our surroundings.
Because his sight was blocked because of the load? I have driven forklifts and can completely understand that. Not an excuse, of course.
You win! You're the first person in this thread to blame the victim.
You have it backwards. Read the comment you quoted again.
Was the forklift registered for use on the road?
"Police quoted Ikeguchi as saying he didn’t look to see if anyone was crossing in front of him."
I know this is not at ALL the woman's fault, may she rest in peace, but I've learned here not to trust ANY drivers of any vehicle here, from cars to bikes, to large or small trucks, taxis, or anything else. They simply do not care, and are not careful in more cases than not. If you are a pedestrian or cyclist on the road, they will at BEST cut you off and flash a "sorry" wave pulling out of a parking lot. What this guy did is unbelievable, and yet, I'm not at all surprised he didn't check.
The clue is here:
The most likely scenario is the woman was walking along the sidewalk, and, as is usually happens, for a vehicle to leave a building or parking lot it must go over the sidewalk. So the woman was walking there and the driver was not careful enough to stop and look before going over the sidewalk. At my workplace drivers stop briefly and hit the horn to warn people who may be about to cross.
It seems that most comment are placed by people not knowing enough about Japan.
The article is not giving any information other than only an accident occurred.
Bob Fosse
You’ve mistaken the driver and the deceased.
I've lived in Japan for four years now. Almost daily I witness motor vehicles driving through red lights and across pedestrian crossings whilst the green Man is lit and pedestrians are on the crossing. Yet, I have never seen the police stop any of these dangerous drivers. It's sickening. No wonder so many pedestrians are wiped out in Japan.
If the forklift driver, Kiyoaki Ikeguchi, transporting steels coils through/on a public thoroughfare (pavement), at 09:15 am, should and must be accompanied by at least two forklift safety spotters with batons and flags.
Rie Ito tragic unnecessary death was totally avoidable.
If you have ever driven a forklift with a load, it is very hard to see over or around the load. There is more to this story perhaps he had a warning bell on the fork lift which in most cases alert people that they are moving, but lets say yes Rie Ito was on the sidewalk and in the right but perhaps she had headphones on listening to music and not paying attention. Either way its sad, the driver charged with murder for doing what he thought was his job. I would think the company would be sued and their Forklift driving program would be looked at IF THERE IS ONE which I doubt there is.