Japan Today

Former child welfare facility worker arrested for molesting girl, posting video on SNS


Saitama prefectural police have arrested a 25-year-old unemployed man from Toyono, Osaka Prefecture, on suspicion of sexually molesting a young girl at the child welfare facility where he was formerly employed, and posting a video of the incident on a social networking site.

According to police, Ryo Fujihara used his smartphone to film himself allegedly molesting the girl at the facility in January, Kyodo News reported. He later posted the video of his act online.

Police said Fujihara has admitted to the allegation and quoted him as saying he liked young girls and filming himself touching their bodies satisfied his sexual urge.

Police said more than 10 similar videos of Fujihara molesting other children were found on his smartphone.

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Is anywhere safe for young girls?

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Sex offender registery NOW.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

Police said Fujihara has admitted to the allegation and quoted him as saying he liked young girls and filming himself touching their bodies satisfied his sexual urge.

It never ceases to amaze me how matter of factly they confess.

-6 ( +4 / -10 )

Japanese interrogation is not torture. It can be long and repetitive but they don't use anger and violence. It is long because they will ask you to tell them you're entire life story. This is used to build a good rapport with the inmate. There is a cell in the police station where the light stays on 24 hours with a camera on the ceiling. This is to observed the inmate to make sure they don't inflict harm on themselves.

-1 ( +8 / -9 )

I'm glad guys like this are also dumb enough to post their crimes online.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Police checks should also be mandatory for professionals working with children.

Always the same response...

Yes, people should be vetted to work with children but and this is a very big BUT... they can only uncover PREVIOUS incidents. If this guy had none he would have passed screening.

I would be interested to know why he was no longer employed... Was it a case of "inappropriate behavior" swept under the carpet... All too common in Japan.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

It never ceases to amaze me how matter of factly they confess.

Do a little research into Japanese criminal justice.

Confessions are relied upon and often forced through torture such as no contact with the outside, lights on 24 hours and long repetitive and angry interrogations. To avoid this torture many people will confess early on even if they are innocent.

I'm pretty sure I know as much about Japanese Justice as you do thanks very much.

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

For those decrying the Japanese police interrogation techniques here, did you miss the part where he posted a video of himself performing the act on SM?

It wasn't going to take much of an interrogation to get him to confess since the cops had a selfie video of him doing it. Not to mention the other 10 videos on his phone of similar deviant crimes perpetuated by this pervert.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

He must be put on a sexual predator list without delay.

How about he be arrested without delay?

Do a little research into Japanese criminal justice.

Try going through the system. Then you might know better to speak about it.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

There needs more to be done about closing these institutions by allowing more children to be adopted and or put into foster homes. I have met some of these people running these institutions and they are about themselves and treat the children in many cases not so kindly.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Apologies if I offended you.

Thank you Rupert. Apologies for snapping at you.

I was merely reacting to the impression that gave that you do not understand why quick confessions are so common in Japan ("It never ceases to amaze me how matter of factly they confess.") compared to other nations where suspects have the right to fairly defend themselves and prove their innocence until proven guilty in a court of law'.

Believe me, I'm one of the most vocal posters here on this subject. My comment was meant as sarcasm. Anyway, good to meet you.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

No way would I raise a daughter in Japan.

-9 ( +4 / -13 )

You are wrongly assuming I haven't.

@Rupirt, perhaps then the "system" is run differently in different areas. Or perhaps you were suspected of doing something a bit more serious. Who knows.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

So very few on here have a clue what a sex offender register is.

To go on it you need aconviction

2 ( +2 / -0 )

A sex offender registry isn't going to stop these crimes. It is only useful after getting caught. You have to get caught first. A harsher sentence would help. More importantly the Japanese culture at large should stop with the fascination with boy bands and girl bands.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

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