A 25-year-old former television comedian has been arrested for uploading child pornography to a peer-to-peer file-sharing network, police said Friday.
The man, who was known by his stage name Zosan, has been named as Seiryu Iwao from Edogawa Ward, Tokyo, Fuji TV reported. Iwao is accused of using eMule to share obscene videos featuring a naked girl who is believed to be under 10 years of age, police said.
© Japan Today
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Franchesca Miyara Yang
No surprise here, since current laws are so weak and pathetic it actually encourages this type of abomination to take place..Good Ol' Japan and its Pedophile Paradise. tsk tsk. But then again children don't have rights nor real protection, do they?
That said, the only surprise here is to read the real name of this scumbag...guess he wasn't hooked up well enough to have his name/identity "hidden for a while".
From prior posts, I am still not clear who is considered a child in this country. I'm a bit understanding of the arguement in the US of 17 or 18, who can tell, but under 10? Really? Hope the guy gets time. If he doesn't, it's another black eye for Japan. In the US, I think 20 to life would be reasonable for this crime. Death if it was my daughter (and I had access).
Hope this guy gets locked up for a very very very long time. Pedophiles should do the same time as rapists and murderers. They all irreversibly ruin lives and should be eliminated from society.
Pedophiles make me sick. Feel sorry for the cops who had to watch it.
I don't completely agree. If this guy downloaded the images, then re-posted them, he had nothing to do with the actual abuse of the child. If he was the photographer... well then I agree they should serve the same time as rapists. Murderers? No. A life wasn't ended.
"eMule" that just sounds like a site that the police should be watching 24/7
Frank Vaughn
Have to disagree. He is part of the market that supports the photographer which encourages continued abuse.
Jonathan Prin
Totally agree with Fadamor. In fact, no one can prove for good anyway he was the person in front of computer who did that. Imagine a pirate does manipulate your pc... Beware not to put in same basket a virtual world (digital) and the real.Saying is not doing. Focus on the doers !!! That is what breaks my heart. We see a lot of people with blood in hands who don't get even in prison or more. Do you think just getting a file and sending on internet, which takes30s or less and does not mean you viewed it, is that harmful? Catch the real guys! !! You catch drug smugglers because you are too weak to catch the drug makers... We are all at stake so easily, sorry to say.
Jonathan Prin
Of course, if guy part of an official sick guy network, punishment is his due reward.
Yes, exactly. Child pornography is only produced in Japan. Those who maintain that most child pornography originates from Eastern Europe, Russia and the U.S. don`t know what they are talking about, do they?
Obviously they are. I don`t think the cops checked his computer on just a whim.
Franchesca Miyara Yang
Don't change my words. I never said Japan is the ONLY producer of Child porn in the world. It is Child Porn Paradise due to its very lenient and almost shameful laws regarding Child pornography. I live in Japan, obviously this website is about Japan, NOT the U.S., England or Iceland for that matter.
"Death if it was (sic) my daughter."
Oh, please... spare us the macho posturing.
It is illegal to make it. It is illegal to sell it. It is illegal to distribute it. This is lenience?
You did not said "pedophile paradise "not "Child Porn Paradise". Its not only others twisting your words.
I actually did a search for the exact phrase "pedophile paradise". Japan did not come up on the first page. Nor the second. Nor the third.
Nudist websites did come up though. The article gives us no details, so we are free to think it might have just been a video from one of them, a nude girl walking on the beach. Should I rage now?
Nick Pomata
Francesca is Right
its the paradise! here with all this "soft porn" i found everywhere in conbinis,librarys etc this manga,magazines etc with this 12-13 year old girls on the top
guys that sick!!!!
Franchesca Miyara Yang
Classic. I think you forgot to mention that it is LEGAL to possess it. It is Pedophile Paradise indeed when you are able to download and keep Child Pornography LEGALLY. And as far as I know, only Pedophiles do such abomination. Pedophiles aren't human. They are dangerous mentally sick animals that should be locked up permanently.
Calling people "animals" does nothing to solve the problem. Paedophiles are as human as you or me. You might not like the fact, but that doesn't mean it's not true. These people need to be kept away from kids and helped to overcome their sickness.
Giving in to visceral, primitive hatred helps nobody.
Franchesca Miyara Yang
Yes, you are right. I think Pedophiles can rehabilitate and start a new life. If they succeed in doing so, there shouldn't be any problem for them to work, get married, have children and raise a family. Rapists and Pedophiles deserve second chances. We all should stop hatred and discrimination and welcome them back in our community after some rehabiliation of course. Thank you lucabrasi. You're the best~
Michael Craig
Isn't possession ILLEGAL in Kyoto?
He is only 25. Why do they call him a 'former' comedian? Not funny any more?
Or is this just the usual Japanese way of demoting someone in public following accusation for an alleged crime?
Elbuda Mexicano
This 25 year old fool will be laughing his stupid head off behind bars I hope!! For a long, long time!!
Funnily enough, I agree with every word of your post above.
Only I'm not being sarcastic.