Police in Chuo City, Yamanashi Prefecture, have arrested a 31-year-old former male nurse on suspicion of secretly filming a female patient while she was undergoing surgery.
According to police, Kosuke Tanabe is accused of filming the woman, who is in her 30s, during the operation at Yamanashi University Hospital on Sept 6 last year, Kyodo News reported.
Police said the incident came to light after they examined a smartphone seized from Tanabe in connection with a separate incident of suspected voyeurism. Tanabe worked at the hospital until January.
In a joint statement, the university's president, Kazuhiko Nakamura, and the hospital's director, Hiroyuki Kiuchi, said, “This behavior was unbecoming of a hospital employee and a member of the medical profession. We sincerely apologize.’'
© Japan Today
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Stewart Gale
Is this some new type of perversion?
that's a new level of sickness.
one step below necrophilia.
I hope he presumed there was the possibility of some malpractice, rather than due to perversion.
Creepy af.