A policeman was arrested Monday afternoon in a Fukuoka book store after being caught in the act of filming up the skirt of a 27-year-old woman. According to investigators, Hirotaka Kuratani, 27, had concealed a video camera in a belt pack in which he had cut a 5-cm hole through which to film.
According to police, Kuratani transferred to the public safety division from Sawara Ward in March of this year. He took the day off on Monday and at around 2:45 p.m., aroused the suspicions of a 57-year-old store security guard. Kuratani was allegedly looking around restlessly and scanning the other customers.
Three security personnel approached Kuratani to make inquiries after they saw him position the belt pack under the woman's skirt. They detained and questioned Kuratani until police arrived to make an arrest. He later confessed to the charges.
Investigators said that footage of several other women was also found in Kuratani's camera. Kuratani is the fifth Fukuoka police officer to be arrested this year.
© Compiled from wire reports
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I really don't get the fascination. I mean, I like to see a nice looking woman in sexy underwear before getting down to action, but photos of probably normal, boring underwear and no atmosphere? Kinda weird. I guess these guys get off on the 'danger' aspect?
"Kuratani is the fifth Fukuoka police officer to be arrested this year."
All for filming up women's skirts?
For every one that gets caught, there's about ten times as many that don't.
Safety Japan.
I suppose there's quite a market, as many websites feature hidden pics and videos. Usually on those sites, uploaders of pics and vids get a cut of the advertising revenue. Not sure that was this guys motive or not. But yea, I've see plenty of girls in short skirts, and had certain urges, but never to take an effing picture.
Is there some kind of test where they decide "you're a pervert so you can be a policeman" " you're a liar so you can be a prosecutor" "you're a theif so you can be a politician" "you're a closet sociopath so you can be a teacher" Wow. Amazing. One word, well actually two. Psychological evaluation!!
Yep a lot of up-skirt shots but very few down-top shots in Japan (chuckles to self and goes to fridge for reward.)
How many cops get arrested for this every month?
I don't think there are as many tissue-paper-pad fetishists as knicker fetishists.
Hasn't he heard about wireless encrypted transmission? If you're going to do some pervvy stuff at least cross your t's and dot your iotas. But most of all, don't be a loser. I mean, really, shots of undies in bad light?
The "Upskirt Police" ?
THUS....I can't turn the da##ed shutter sound off on my iphone...grrr.
yeah... I mean is it really worth losing your job???
This sounds like a job for Mini-Skirt Police!!! lol
The "Upskirt Police" ?....ha ha.....upsey daisy...they like pictures so they can beat their stubs,,,,
"cop arrested"
This is not supposed to happen - cops should be smart enough not to get caught.
I really don't get this. I mean presumably they know what the risks are- losing their jobs, national humiliation- why can't they stop themselves from doing it? At no point does the little voice of common sense say to them "Hey, you know, this probably isn't worth it"? Just mind-boggling.
Guess he wasn`t quite the right choice.Will he retain his position? Nothing would surprise me. After all we have obviously bent politicians collecting their pay every week
Many more surely. Less than one in a thousand shoplifters are caught for example
Mini Skirt Police! All I can say is ..."KEYSTONES!"
One 500 yen coin is 2.5 cm across, so we are looking at a really big hole here. Didn't he ever hear of Akiba?
After reading this headline, can anyone say "deja vu?"
BPoint, yes you can turn it off on your iPhone. You trick the phone by plugging in ear phones.
@goddog Thanks for the tip lol. Seriously though these guys take a conscious risk when they do this. Thus they also consider the punishment. Surely a more inventive punishment would stop all this.Tie one of them up naked in front of the local train station and let folk throw rotten fruit at him for a weekend. That will do the trick
This happens so often in Japan that pretty soon they will need to issue an Equity Card every time they sell a pair of knickers.
I still insist there should be a 'cops/crime' section on JT.
Guess he missed the training on how to tail someone and not look so obvious. Or, knowing Japan and how inept the cops are, maybe he simply slept through that part. Figured he would not need it when sitting on his butt in a koban.
As Alan Partridge would say, "Another one of those same time tomorrow."
Another day, and another deviant man being arrested in Japan. Is it something in the water?
Seriously I think there's a bigger issue being missed here. What is driving these guys to do this? Is not possibly because young cops have to live in barracks for the first few years of their careers? I mean honestly one might expect priests to be celibate, but cops?
5 cops arrested damn something is going on down there.
JT always posts these because they are by now a JT institution.
This guy should have been more creative like the guy who was using fishing rods to steal pants from a balcony.
@smithinjapan like a teacherscrime section and gaijincrime section if they did that what would that leave for the regular crime section
I don't understand why people have such a difficult time comprehending this. Guys like women's bodies..a lot. If they don't get any action, they will do weird things, such as look at pictures of naked women on the internet or sneak a camera up a girl's skirt. Now, I know one is illegal and one is not, but both are mere substitutes for what they really want. I am not an upskirter and I am not advocating it, but consider this: do you like to see pictures of women's legs on the net or right there walking right in front of you? There is no replacing the grace of the real thing. You might even catch a whiff of perfume.
I think the guy just needs to get some action, although he could just be a fetishist. But if you suggest prostitution, well guess what? That is basically illegal too.
As for the lack of down-blousing, it seems to me that Japanese women view excessive cleavage as improper, or the style of a harlot. Not so with mini-skirts. Seems a little the opposite where I come from. Oh well. There is often no sense in culture. Its just a hodge-podge collection of stuff that stupid people thought up. Check your relativism at the door.
Elbuda Mexicano
No idea what is an equity card northlondon, but sounds good?? These idiot, fools in Fukuoka should be ashamed of themselves. This young dork should be fired from the police department and banned from all public service in Japan, this way make fools like this think twice before they try and pull off perverted acts of crime.
This is ridiculous...there some sort of mental virus spreading from cop to cop? Cause you'd think they'd figure it out by now..."Oh, four have been caught already...I'm sure I won't be..."
'Kuratani transferred to the public safety division'--Yeah, and he did a real good job!
'they saw him position the belt pack under the woman’s skirt.'--How exactly did he get a belt-pack under a woman's skirt without her immediately turning around to swat him?!
elbuda, it's a licence that actors in the UK and the US require before they can work. Japanese ladies underpants spend so much time on film, they'll need one soon.
As a woman I'd have to say its very wrong to do such horrible things, Im a mother soon to be, if I had a baby girl I'd have to flog a guy like that! In all reality though I can't say I don't blame the guy, physical needs must be met, it human nature, but such pantie purousing cannot be tolorated by a member of scosiaty that is supposts to uphold the law. I do think however this should not be such a largely stated public issue, I believe it teachs our children improper behavior, and kids learn so much from what they see on the news. They shouldn't use this mans name so carelessly eather, its inappropriate.
One thing I like about J-cops is they appear to have no problems arresting other J-cops.
That's all well and good, but this guy wasn't looking at the "real thing", he was just taking a picture that he would look at later. No different than looking at porn on the internet, except this act cost him his job.
If I were to guess, I would say he had the belt pack in his hand rather than around his waist and set it on the floor near the woman while he pretended to study some merchandise.
these are the people that are policing your neighborhood..
Ha! These guys need to do it better - like a ninja!
@talking2U Well reitten and very amusing comment. You have a great sense of humour. The internet keeps us off the streets I guess which is a good thing but what the cop has done is a blatant invasion of a womens privacy. Plenty of upskirt on the net by women that do it voluntarily for a fee. The cop should have gone home to his PC for the afternoon.
"5 cops arrested damn, something is going on down there." I agree!
I am sure that 10,000 others are arrested for the same crime for every 1 cop we read about. It's just that a cop being caught and arrested means interesting news/reading/gossip. Now that is a scary thought!
Has anyone thought of the fact that this cop might have been selling the photos/videos that he was taking? He could have a history of gambling and is in dept, but this guess still does not condone the fact that he is
a policeman WAS in a position of power held the public trust (cough, cough)xuanzhang
Upskirt is so 1980s