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© KYODOFukuoka police tackle shortage of female recruits via fashion show
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And why couldn't they get a female cop for the second on the right? Right, they ran out!
Oh and if they think that "fashion" is going to get them more women to sign up to be a cop, I really fear for the safety of the people of Fukuoka!
New Cop: "OOhhh these uniforms are SOOO cute!"
Senpai: "Get your butt in gear, that guy is running away"
New Cop: "But, but....tears starting to form, I might get my pretty uniform dirty!!"
This is pure BS! If the NPA can summon 20,000 cops to search for a petty criminal who escaped from prison I am quite sure they can find the folks to work on recruitment somewhere!
This is so cringeworthy. It says far more about the people who decided on this campaign than the people they are targeting.
Cracking translating there Kyodo - this is just how 16 year old girls talk :).
Mizu no Oto
If that is what draws you in, maybe you can make some tea for us too?
Mizu no Oto
Don't expect to be taken seriously.
All my dreams are coming true...
OK, it's silly, but if they called it a "school visit" instead of a "fashion show", it wouldn't seem so demeaning...
Super face palm...…… 1/2 step forward, 4 steps back...……..sheesh!
Recruiting female police officers through a fashion show?
Ridiculous, how about highlighting the positives of a career in law enforcement, the benefits, the social connection with civilians, etc.
You have to remember that many people here join the cops, become teachers, or work at a municipal office, for one reason alone. They are "koumuin" and unless they screw up big time, are set for life, with decent pay, lots of off time, and good standing in the community!
Actually, the Japanese doesn't say "fashion show", but "recruiting guidance for women"...
Aly Rustom
Agree with all the above. Got a kick out of some of the comments as well- brilliant guys!
Mate, what do you expect from a country that has a TV show called Miniskirt Police??
Daryl Solis
Female officers are cute here, they can arrest me if they want ;)
Maybe there is another reason why women are not interested in the police force in Fukuoka? Like.... oh, I don’t know.... violent yakuza crime, perhaps? Or the buff ‘n tough copper culture required to handle such violence? Nah, couldn’t be.
These people are out of touch with reality.
I dont even know what to say anymore.... this is wrong on so many levels....
Bugle Boy of Company B
Now THERE’S a costume I can get behind! (and support)
With the greatest respect, that's not a fashion show is it? It is a far more mundane presentation.
On the general topic, more female cops might do something about all the groping and the terrible way the Japanese police handle sexual assault, forcing victims to do re-enactments etc.
Whatever the reason if they can put on the uniform and do a good job they deserve some respect. I agree that having more women as cops would be a breakthrough in terms of treatment of sexual assault victims too.
Vince Black
Deciding on a life devoted to protecting others based on the uniform? Japan is really losing the plot
It must be difficult chasing a bad guy while wearing stiletto heels
Ohhhh.... I so want to become a Police Officer now that their uniforms are so cute!!!
OMG!; Look at the cutie smiley face female police officer on the banner! ~
How can you NOT want to run in and sign up ?!
YubaruToday 06:38 am JST
And why couldn't they get a female cop for the second on the right? Right, they ran out!
That IS, didn't you READ ? They changed the recruitment policy.
I swear the jokes write themselves. The 3 auxiliary headlines to the right on this article are the following:
Brazilian man dies after being arrested for attacking police officer in koban
Sexual harassment toward job-hunting students by alumni widespread
Tochigi police officer arrested on suspicion of DUI and failure to report traffic accident
Explains itself really
I don't think so. We know from numerous psychological studies that women, on average, prefer careers which emphasise human interaction and personal relationships. The way we dress and present ourselves is a key component of social interaction. With that in mind, it makes perfect sense that many women would be particularly interested in professions which make use of uniforms.
Of if they are really lucky and qualify, they can wear the costume of Fukkeikun, the Fukuoka Police mascot . . . . .
I hope these kids read the fine print before they decide to become Japanese cops. They have to live in a koban four or five days a week, they’ll have no family life and they have to put up with the constant bullying and intimidation of the senior police. It’s far from what you’d call a dream job. Using fashion as a ploy to attract teenagers is a cunning false reality.
Jonathan Prin
Shortage of recruits everywhere in Japan.
When you know how numbers work, you are enlightened.
This phenomenon is not going to be counteracted before the next 40 or 50 years.
Fashion is not going to help, except if miniskirts are used for its real intent.
I doubt female cops get pregnant often above that.
Joe Blow
I'm sure it's dangerous for female officers too with so many high-test men around.
Hmm...sarcasm is not understood by this one!
That's true, but then the text below reads "a workplace where you can utilize your appeal/charm (魅力)" rather than something like "ability" (能力). Unless I'm missing a nuance, it kind of suggests where the focus lies...
Brian Wheway
The whole article is so cringe worthy its unreal, its based on cuteness or fashion rather than talent, getting criminals behind bars, making a difference in your community, helping people, having a probing and inquisitive mind to solve complex crimes.
Patricia Yarrow
There are no fashion shows for recruiting men, I take it...or "recruiting guidance for men?".
Judo or kendo dojo would actually be more constructive
Are Japanese female cops allowed to carry a gun yet?
So you're saying the appeal of females to want to join the police force is the fashionable uniforms? Perhaps Fukuoka Police should consider switching to the Halloween version of sexy Police uniform then, as it's very popular amongst Japanese women.
If Japanese male cop cannot tackle, how can female? They all roll over the hill at same time.
(Btw, Miniskirt Police show is inspired by HKs' Inspector Wear Skirts movies)