Chiba Prefectural Police have arrested a 24-year-old man who works for the Fisheries Agency on suspicion of sexually molesting a 23-year-old woman as she walked home in Matsudo in April.
According to police, the incident occurred at around 12:35 a.m. on April 8 near JR Kita-Kogane Station, Kyodo News reported. Police said the suspect, Yuma Nakahira, has admitted to the allegation and quoted him as saying, “I was drunk and groped the woman’s buttocks.”
Police said street surveillance camera footage showed Nakahira following the woman after she exited the train station’s ticket gate.
© Japan Today
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He might mistakenly that girl with ticket gate, he might think that girl was ticket gate.
Usually they will say he didn't remember anything.
Drunkenness is no excuse for assault or any crime; he might only hope for a reduced penalty because he admitted his offence. Mainly, some sort of apology or sincere remorse would be of some small comfort to the victim. I can never understand these people who face the court and show no remorse at all.
Why not just head for the nearest red light district? (Nobody gets harmed and nobody gets in trouble.)
He just pinched her butt?
What a traditional Japanese male scumbag! I had hoped that the new generation would have moved on from this Crap but obviously after his comments not much has changed....
When a person drinks they take that responsibility knowing that there is a possibility of knowing they could possibly become drunk, with that understanding they should also know that any actions resulting from their drinking reactions they should also be responsible for. There should be NO EXCUSE for those actions! IF you can't do the time then don't commit the crime!
Well, he may get a reduced penalty for admitting his crime - Japanese law is particularly hard on those who don't confess. But, he won't get a reduced penalty for being drunk. Even though people here often complain that someone arrested is trying to be excused from their crimes for drinking, that isn't something that actually excuses someone from their crime by Japanese law. These people have made up a fake situation in their head, then they get angry at these people trying for trying to exploit this loophole that doesn't exist anywhere other than the angry poster's incorrect brain.