The headless body of a woman was discovered Monday inside a suitcase in the mountains of Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture, police said.
The suitcase was discovered by a construction worker who saw it lying on a steep hill over the side of a road. Police retrieved the item and found inside it the headless, naked body of what they believe to be an adult woman. The body was severely decomposed, and police believe several weeks have passed since the death of the victim.
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I wonder if this could be the work of the same person who killed that Shimane student last October.
as I keep saying.... I am quite sure Japan has a serial killer.
Certainly starting to sound like a serial killer. But my guess it is a bunch of nut jobs networking online to mimick each other's crimes.
as I keep saying.... I am quite sure Japan has a serial killer.
Not just one!
A baby girl born into this world to meet this sad end. Let this killer be found, and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Let me guess... the local police invest "suspect foul play", right?
Why was the guy looking over a steep hill? Checking to see if th ebag he through over a few weeks back was still there? Then felt guilty and called the police. He will confess soon. Keep your heads up folks.
is it me or do a lot of murderers dismember the victims' bodies in japan? you always hear of a head or torso or limbs being found in japan. does any other country do this to such an extent?
Moderator: Readers, references to crimes in other countries are not relevant to this discussion.
Not again please....I'm sick with reading these terrible news.
Poor woman. Rip.
Why would someone call the police over a suitcase tossed over the side of a hill? I can understand hiking down to retrieve the suitcase but not calling the cops. Until after I opened it, of course.
so if they catch the killer he should get about 10 years in prison right?
bentheredonthat at 09:32 AM JST - 30th March
is it me or do a lot of murderers dismember the victims' bodies in japan?
It all depends on the size of the suitcase...
The combination of grief and anger that I feel when I read this sort of news is overwhelming. I am afraid there is little I would not do to the cowardly scum sick people who commit crimes against people like this, against women especially.
This is so wrong and sick.
Police 'Body in the Suitcase' To Do list:
'1. Shake down local pimps.'
The one who did a thing like this kind of killing was surely being possessed by evil spirit. May his concience pushed him to surrender and accept his punishment.
Where's the head?
I think dismembered bodies pop up in all countries though, but there have certainly been a few here in the last few years. But most of the murdered bodies we read about on these hallowed pages weren't chopped up, JT would take great pleasure in telling us if they were because it would boost the number of comments exponentially.
Poor woman, whoever she was, however old, and however she actually met her end.
Dismembering a body is a way to prevent (or slow) the identification of the corpse. This is nothing unique to Japan.
There's nothing insane or uncommon about someone trying to cover up a murder they've committed or a death they're trying to conceal for other reasons.
SiouxChef is right. Most commentators don't think before they write. Of course, no one could imagine mutilating much less killing someone. But, if it's in your capacity, might as well try to deter detection and get rid of any and all evidence.
Good news! If the killer doesn't hang than Japan's justice need to write new law books! It does make you ill when you read such stories and Japan is full of them every day!
borscht: yeah. I thought the same.
Maybe the guy did try to retrieve it but when he realized it was so heavy and there was a funky smell coming out of it, decided he would rather call the cops than take a peek himself. At least that is what I would do with a heavy, abandoned, foul-smelling suitcase were I ever to find one...
Gruesome. There have been a few similar sounding stories quite recently in the news. I wonder if there is any connection. I hope they can at least identify this woman soon so the family can be notified...The horribly sad loss of a daughter, a friend, a sister, possibly a wife and mother.
I am just happy that some of you lot are not police, normally the same people that would condemn the Jpolice for being inept. It is quite possible that this man saw the case and reported it because unlike some he is genuinely honest. That may seem a little difficult for those whose honesty is a little flexible to understand but truthfully there really are such people in the world. No, I wouldn’t go so far as to say I am one but I have met some.
I feel sorry for the lady in the case but might we all wait until it is proved to be a murder before we start damning the “killer”. Chances are it is a murder given the head was cut off but as yet we simply do not know. Try this for an innocent caught up in something he wants not to be caught up in. Man with prostitute, prostitute dies of drug over dose. How does he stop his life from going down the tubes because of one stupid accident? It’s as possible as anything else at this point in time.
mayhem at 01:41 PM JST - 30th March
“Where's the head?”
Do you really think the answer to that was accidentally left out of the story? I am sure if JT knew they would have told you, this is not a who done site though it might at times seem that way.
a headless woman the killer shouldn't get away with this. they should fine the killer to let her rest in peace.a sweet revenge
It's not the fact that it's a girl that shocks me. Not even the fact that the victim was beheaded shocks me; it is that it is 2010, we are massively technologically advanced yet we still kill each other.
Can we fix what we humans are?
nobody thinks of the yakuza at all when stuff like this happen not at all (sarcasim)
Humans will always be humans.
Seems like it was more of a signal to someone that someone trying to deter identification. Why put the suitcase (and how big is this suitcase, btw?) in plain view, why not bury it 30 ft below ground if they didn't want it discovered?